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A congenital cataract present in guinea pigs provided a unique opportunity to study a hereditary lens diseases at the molecular level. ζ-crystallin, one of the most abundant guinea pig lens proteins, was found to be altered in the lens of cataractous animals. Several ζ-crystallin cDNA clones were isolated from a cataractous lens library and found to contain a 102-bp deletion towards the 3′ end of the coding region. The deletion does not interfere with the reading frame but results in a protein 34 amino acids shorter. Sequence analysis of a normal genomic ζ-crystallin clone revealed that the missing 102-bp fragment corresponds to an entire exon (exon 7). PCR analysis of the genomic DNA isolated from cataractous animals showed that exon 7, though missing from the mRNA, is intact in the cataractous genome. Further sequence analysis of the α-crystallin gene disclosed a dinucleotide delection of the universal AG at the acceptor splice-site of intron 6 of the mutant gene. The presence of this mutation results in the skipping of exon 7 during the mRNA processing which in turn results in the altered ζ-crystallin protein. This if the first time a genomic mutation in an enzyme/crytallin gene has been directly linked to a congenital cataract.  相似文献   
DNA metabarcoding is a promising method for describing communities and estimating biodiversity. This approach uses high‐throughput sequencing of targeted markers to identify species in a complex sample. By convention, sequences are clustered at a predefined sequence divergence threshold (often 3%) into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) that serve as a proxy for species. However, variable levels of interspecific marker variation across taxonomic groups make clustering sequences from a phylogenetically diverse dataset into OTUs at a uniform threshold problematic. In this study, we use mock zooplankton communities to evaluate the accuracy of species richness estimates when following conventional protocols to cluster hypervariable sequences of the V4 region of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (18S) into OTUs. By including individually tagged single specimens and “populations” of various species in our communities, we examine the impact of intra‐ and interspecific diversity on OTU clustering. Communities consisting of single individuals per species generated a correspondence of 59–84% between OTU number and species richness at a 3% divergence threshold. However, when multiple individuals per species were included, the correspondence between OTU number and species richness dropped to 31–63%. Our results suggest that intraspecific variation in this marker can often exceed 3%, such that a single species does not always correspond to one OTU. We advocate the need to apply group‐specific divergence thresholds when analyzing complex and taxonomically diverse communities, but also encourage the development of additional filtering steps that allow identification of artifactual rRNA gene sequences or pseudogenes that may generate spurious OTUs.  相似文献   
Roscovitine, a potent inhibitor of M-phase promoting factor kinase activity, was used to maintain calf oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage for a 24h culture period. Cumulus-oocyte complexes were first prematured for 24h in the presence of different levels of roscovitine (12.5, 25, 50 and 100 microM). Roscovitine was shown to block germinal vesicle breakdown in calf oocytes in a concentration dependent manner. Significantly greater inhibitory effect was observed at 50 and 100 microM with 64.6% and 63.2% oocytes being blocked in the germinal vesicle stage when compared to the control (0.0%) and the 12.5 microM (2.9%) and 25 microM (18.8%) groups. However, this inhibitory effect of roscovitine was fully reversible since a substantial number of the oocytes resumed meiosis and reached the metaphase II stage after a further 24h of culture in a permissive medium. Cleavage rates and blastocyst yields were not significantly different for oocytes cultured under 50 microM roscovitine inhibition compared to oocytes not subjected to prematuration culture (rates of 76.7% cleavage and 8.7% blastocysts for control oocytes compared to 69.8% and 6.3%, respectively, for oocytes pretreated with 50 microM roscovitine). The morphology of the meiotic spindle was typical of metaphase II in 75.8% and 82.1% of the oocytes reaching the metaphase II stage after pretreatment with 50 microM roscovitine compared to control, respectively. A normal distribution of actin filaments was observed in 97.0% and 98.2% of oocytes exposed to 50 microM roscovitine compared to control, respectively. These results demonstrate the feasibility of maintaining calf oocytes in artificial meiotic arrest without compromising their subsequent developmental competence.  相似文献   
The thalidomide tragedy of the 1960s resulted in thousands of children being born with severe limb reduction defects (LRD), among other malformations. In Brazil, there are still babies born with thalidomide embryopathy (TE) because of leprosy prevalence, availability of thalidomide, and deficiencies in the control of drug dispensation. Our objective was to implement a system of proactive surveillance to identify birth defects compatible with TE. Along one year, newborns with LRD were assessed in the Brazilian hospitals participating in the Latin-American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC). A phenotype of LRD called thalidomide embryopathy phenotype (TEP) was established for surveillance. Children with TEP born between the years 2000-2008 were monitored, and during the 2007-2008 period we clinically investigated in greater detail all cases with TEP (proactive period). The period from 1982 to 1999 was defined as the baseline period for the cumulative sum statistics. The frequency of TEP during the surveillance period, at 3.10/10,000 births (CI 95%: 2.50-3.70), was significantly higher than that observed in the baseline period (1.92/10,000 births; CI 95%: 1.60-2.20), and not uniformly distributed across different Brazilian regions. During the proactive surveillance (2007-2008), two cases of suspected TE were identified, although the two mothers had denied the use of the drug during pregnancy. Our results suggest that TEP has probably increased in recent years, which coincides with the period of greater thalidomide availability. Our proactive surveillance identified two newborns with suspected TE, proving to be a sensitive tool to detect TE. The high frequency of leprosy and the large use of thalidomide reinforce the need for a continuous monitoring of TEP across Brazil.  相似文献   
FGF signaling is required during multiple stages of inner ear development in many different vertebrates, where it is involved in induction of the otic placode, in formation and morphogenesis of the otic vesicle as well as for cellular differentiation within the sensory epithelia. In this study we have looked to define the redundant and conserved roles of FGF3, FGF8 and FGF10 during the development of the murine and avian inner ear. In the mouse, hindbrain-derived FGF10 ectopically induces FGF8 and rescues otic vesicle formation in Fgf3 and Fgf10 homozygous double mutants. Conditional inactivation of Fgf8 after induction of the placode does not interfere with otic vesicle formation and morphogenesis but affects cellular differentiation in the inner ear. In contrast, inactivation of Fgf8 during induction of the placode in a homozygous Fgf3 null background leads to a reduced size otic vesicle or the complete absence of otic tissue. This latter phenotype is more severe than the one observed in mutants carrying null mutations for both Fgf3 and Fgf10 that develop microvesicles. However, FGF3 and FGF10 are redundantly required for morphogenesis of the otic vesicle and the formation of semicircular ducts. In the chicken embryo, misexpression of Fgf3 in the hindbrain induces ectopic otic vesicles in vivo. On the other hand, Fgf3 expression in the hindbrain or pharyngeal endoderm is required for formation of the otic vesicle from the otic placode. Together these results provide important insights into how the spatial and temporal expression of various FGFs controls different steps of inner ear formation during vertebrate development.  相似文献   
With the recent introduction of neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors into clinical practice for the treatment of influenza virus infections, considerable attention has been focused on the potential for resistance development and cross-resistance between different agents from this class. A-315675 is a novel influenza virus NA inhibitor that has potent enzyme activity and is highly active in cell culture against a variety of strains of influenza A and B viruses. To further assess the therapeutic potential of this compound, in vitro resistance studies have been conducted and a comparative assessment has been made relative to oseltamivir carboxylate. The development of viral resistance to A-315675 was studied by in vitro serial passage of influenza A/N9 virus strains grown in MDCK cells in the presence of increasing concentrations of A-315675. Parallel passaging experiments were conducted with oseltamivir carboxylate, the active form of a currently marketed oral agent for the treatment of influenza virus infections. Passage experiments with A-315675 identified a variant at passage 8 that was 60-fold less susceptible to the compound. Sequencing of the viral population identified an E119D mutation in the NA gene, but no mutations were observed in the hemagglutinin (HA) gene. However, by passage 10 (2.56 microM A-315675), two mutations (R233K, S339P) in the HA gene appeared in addition to the E119D mutation in the NA gene, resulting in a 310-fold-lower susceptibility to A-315675. Further passaging at higher drug concentrations had no effect on the generation of further NA or HA mutations (20.5 microM A-315675). This P15 virus displayed 355-fold-lower susceptibility to A-315675 and >175-fold-lower susceptibility to zanamivir than did wild-type virus, but it retained a high degree of susceptibility to oseltamivir carboxylate. By comparison, virus variants recovered from passaging against oseltamivir carboxylate (passage 14) harbored an E119V mutation and displayed a 6,000-fold-lower susceptibility to oseltamivir carboxylate and a 175-fold-lower susceptibility to zanamivir than did wild-type virus. Interestingly, this mutant still retained susceptibility to A-315675 (42-fold loss). This suggests that cross-resistance between A-315675- and oseltamivir carboxylate-selected variants in vitro is minimal.  相似文献   
When the lysoglycerophospholipid (GPL) acyltransferase At1g78690 from Arabidopsis thaliana is over-expressed in Escherichiacoli a headgroup acylated GPL, acyl phosphatidylglycerol (PG), accumulates despite that in vitro this enzyme catalyzes the transfer of an acyl chain from acyl-CoA to the sn-2 position of 1-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) or 1-acyl PG to form the sn-1, sn-2, di acyl PE and PG respectively; it does not acylate PG to form acyl PG. To begin to understand why the overexpression of a lyso GPL acyltransferase leads to the accumulation of a headgroup acylated GPL in E. coli we investigated the headgroup specificity of At1g78690. Using membranes prepared from E. coli overexpressing At1g78690, we assessed the ability of At1g78690 to catalyze the transfer of acyl chains from acyl-coenzyme A to a variety of lyso GPL acyl acceptors including lyso-phosphatidic acid (PA), -phosphatidylcholine (PC), -phosphatidylserine (PC), -phosphatidylinositol (PI) and three stereoisoforms of bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate (BMP). The predicted products were formed when lyso PI and lyso PC were used as the acyl acceptor but not with lyso PC or lyso PA. In addition, At1g78690 robustly acylates two BMP isoforms with sn-2 and/or sn-2′ hydroxyls in the R-stereoconfiguration, but not the BMP isoform with the sn-2 and sn-2′ hydroxyls in the S-stereoconfiguration. This strongly suggests that At1g78690 is stereoselective for hydroxyls with R-stereochemistry. In addition, this robust acylation of BMPs by At1g78690, which yields acyl PG like molecules, may explain the mechanism by which At1g78690 so strikingly alters the lipid composition of E. coli.  相似文献   
APS (adaptor protein with PH and SH2 domains) is an adaptor protein phosphorylated by several tyrosine kinase receptors including the insulin receptor. To identify novel binding partners of APS, we performed yeast two-hybrid screening. We identified Enigma, a PDZ and LIM domain-containing protein that was previously shown to be associated with the actin cytoskeleton. In HEK 293 cells, Enigma interacted specifically with APS, but not with the APS-related protein SH2-B. This interaction required the NPTY motif of APS and the LIM domains of Enigma. In NIH-3T3 cells that express the insulin receptor, Enigma and APS were partially co-localised with F-actin in small ruffling structures. Insulin increased the complex formation between APS and Enigma and their co-localisation in large F-actin containing ruffles. While in NIH-3T3 and HeLa cells the co-expression of both Enigma and APS did not modify the actin cytoskeleton organisation, expression of Enigma alone led to the formation of F-actin clusters. Similar alteration in actin cytoskeleton organisation was observed in cells expressing both Enigma and APS with a mutation in the NPTY motif. These results identify Enigma as a novel APS-binding protein and suggest that the APS/Enigma complex plays a critical role in actin cytoskeleton organisation.  相似文献   
Nephropathy caused by poliomavirus (BKVAN) in transplant recipients is responsible for the loss of the transplanted organ. In this study we suggest a non-invasive diagnostic protocol for the early identification of BKVAN during follow-up treatments. In 117 kidney transplant recipients follow-up was performed every three months during a two year period after transplantation and a positive screening result was confirmed and assessed by quantitative assays (BKV DNA load in plasma and urine). The definitive diagnosis of BKV requires allograft biopsy. Of the 117 patients 4 had BKVAN (3.4%), and the consequential reduction of immunosuppression improved kidney function and plasma clearance of the virus was achieved.  相似文献   
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