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Metabolic flux profiling based on the analysis of distribution of stable isotope tracer in metabolites is an important method widely used in cancer research to understand the regulation of cell metabolism and elaborate new therapeutic strategies. Recently, we developed software Isodyn, which extends the methodology of kinetic modeling to the analysis of isotopic isomer distribution for the evaluation of cellular metabolic flux profile under relevant conditions. This tool can be applied to reveal the metabolic effect of proapoptotic drug edelfosine in leukemia Jurkat cell line, uncovering the mechanisms of induction of apoptosis in cancer cells.  相似文献   
Chronosequences are commonly used to assess soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration after land‐use change, but SOC dynamics predicted by this space‐for‐time substitution approach have rarely been validated by resampling. We conducted a combined chronosequence/resampling study in a former cropland area (Vestskoven) afforested with oak (Quercus robur) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) over the past 40 years. The aims of this study were (i) to compare present and previous chronosequence trends in forest floor and top mineral soil (0–25 cm) C stocks; (ii) to compare chronosequence estimates with current rates of C stock change based on resampling at the stand level; (iii) to estimate SOC changes in the subsoil (25–50 cm); and (iv) to assess the influence of two tree species on SOC dynamics. The two chronosequence trajectories for forest floor C stocks revealed consistently higher rates of C sequestration in spruce than oak. The chronosequence trajectory was validated by resampling and current rates of forest floor C sequestration decreased with stand age. Chronosequence trends in topsoil SOC in 2011 did not differ significantly from those reported in 1998, however, there was a shift from a negative rate (1998: ?0.3 Mg C ha?1 yr?1) to no change in 2011. In contrast SOC stocks in the subsoil increased with stand age, however, not significantly (P = 0.1), suggesting different C dynamics in and below the former plough layer. Current rates of C change estimated by repeated sampling decreased with stand age in forest floors but increased in the topsoil. The contrasting temporal change in forest floor and mineral soil C sequestration rates indicate a shift in C source‐sink strength after approximately 40 years. We conclude that afforestation of former cropland within the temperate region may induce soil C loss during the first decades followed by a recovery phase of yet unknown duration.  相似文献   
We examined the variability of macroinvertebrate assemblage structure, species identities, and functional feeding group composition in relation to stream size, tributary position, and in-stream factors in a boreal watershed in Finland. Our study included three riffle sites in each of three stream sections in each of three stream size classes. Multi-response permutation procedure, indicator value method, and canonical correspondence analysis revealed clear differences in assemblage structure among the stream size classes, with a gradual increase of species richness as the stream size increased. Significant differences in assemblage structure were also found among the tributary river systems. The functional feeding group composition broadly followed the river continuum concept, i.e., headwaters were dominated by shredders, gatherers, or filterers, whereas scrapers increased in relative abundance with stream size. There was, however, considerable variation in the functional feeding group composition both among and within the headwater stream sections. Our findings refer to a strong influence of stream size on macroinvertebrate assemblages, but also factors prevailing at the scale of individual riffles should be considered in biodiversity conservation of lotic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Two experiments were designed to assess the effectiveness of cryopreserving bovine MII oocytes using cryotops as the carrier system for vitrification. In the first experiment, we examined the developmental competence of oocytes after: (i) vitrification in open-pulled straws (OPS method); or (ii) vitrification in <0.1 μl medium droplet on the surface of a specially constructed fine polypropylene strip attached to a plastic handle (Cryotop method). In the second experiment, warmed oocytes that had been vitrified in OPS or cryotops were fixed to analyze spindle and chromosome configuration. In all experiments both cow and calf oocytes were used. Significantly different fertilization rates were observed between the vitrification groups: 31.5% and 20.2% for the cow and calf oocytes vitrified in OPS, respectively, versus 46.1% and 46.4% for the oocytes vitrified using cryotops. After in vitro fertilization, 3.8% of the calf oocytes and 5.3% of the cow oocytes developed to the blastocyst stage. All blastocysts from vitrified oocytes resulted from the Cryotop method. A significantly lower percentage of the OPS-vitrified calf oocytes showed a normal spindle configuration (37.8%) compared to control fresh oocytes (69.9%), while normal spindle and chromosome configurations were observed in a significantly higher proportion of the cryotop-vitrified calf oocytes (60.2%). For the cow oocytes, 60.6% in the OPS group and 60.3% in the Cryotop group exhibited a normal morphology after warming. These findings suggest the cryotop system is a more efficient carrier for vitrification than OPS for the cryopreservation of bovine oocytes.  相似文献   
Plasmodium falciparum proteins that efflux toxic metabolic products such as oxidised glutathione (GSSG) are possible targets for anti-malarial drug development. Proteins capable of transporting GSSG and glutathione conjugates include the multidrug resistance-associated transporters (MRPs). A gene, PFA0590w, encoding a MRP homologue, has been identified in P. falciparum. Here we show the presence of full-length mRNA (5.5 kb) of this PfMRP in trophozoites by RT-PCR and Northern blotting. A polyclonal anti-PfMRP antibody generated against two unique, hydrophilic peptides in the predicted sequence produced a strong immunoreactive protein band of 210-215 kDa on Western blots of schizonts of chloroquine-sensitive and chloroquine-resistant strains, confirming expression of PfMRP protein. Using confocal microscopy the protein was seen to be localised at the edge of the schizonts with no obvious staining of the food vacuole. We suggest that PfMRP may act as the GSSG transporter in the parasite plasma membrane.  相似文献   
Cytosine DNA methylation is a stable epigenetic mark for maintenance of gene silencing across cellular divisions, but it is a reversible modification. Genetic and biochemical studies have revealed that the Arabidopsis DNA glycosylase domain-containing proteins ROS1 (REPRESSOR OF SILENCING 1) and DME (DEMETER) initiate erasure of 5-methylcytosine through a base excision repair process. The Arabidopsis genome encodes two paralogs of ROS1 and DME, referred to as DEMETER-LIKE proteins DML2 and DML3. We have found that DML2 and DML3 are 5-methylcytosine DNA glycosylases that are expressed in a wide range of plant organs. We analyzed the distribution of methylation marks at two methylated loci in wild-type and dml mutant plants. Mutations in DML2 and/or DML3 lead to hypermethylation of cytosine residues that are unmethylated or weakly methylated in wild-type plants. In contrast, sites that are heavily methylated in wild-type plants are hypomethylated in mutants. These results suggest that DML2 and DML3 are required not only for removing DNA methylation marks from improperly-methylated cytosines, but also for maintenance of high methylation levels in properly targeted sites.  相似文献   
  • 1 There is growing appreciation of climatic effects on insect population dynamics at the margins of distribution limits. Climatic effects might be less important and/or involve different drivers and processes near the centre of distributions.
  • 2 We evaluated the effects of interannual variation in temperatures, radiation and precipitation on populations of pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa in Central–South Portugal, a low altitude area with a relatively mild Mediterranean climate near the centre of the north–south range of the species.
  • 3 We tested for effects of climate on mortality of young larvae, growth rates, final larval mass and fecundity.
  • 4 Results indicated high mortality of early instars associated with low minimum and maximum daily temperatures and low precipitation. Low minimum temperatures were further associated with high parasitism by the larval parasitoid Phryxe caudata (Rondani) (Diptera, Tachinidae). Furthermore, larval growth rates were higher with high solar radiation during December and January, which was itself negatively related to precipitation and air temperature. Slow larval growth rates led to lower final mass at pupation in the spring, and smaller egg masses and smaller initial colony sizes during the next autumn.
  • 5 Thus climatic factors, and temperature in particular, apparently contributed to population dynamics of T. pityocampa in the core of its distribution, as well as at its northern limits. The most specific climatic parameters of importance, however, and the connections between climate, physiology and insect demographics in the core area were clearly different from northern areas.
Increases in atmospheric temperature and nutrients from land are thought to be promoting the expansion of harmful cyanobacteria in lakes worldwide, yet to date there has been no quantitative synthesis of long‐term trends. To test whether cyanobacteria have increased in abundance over the past ~ 200 years and evaluate the relative influence of potential causal mechanisms, we synthesised 108 highly resolved sedimentary time series and 18 decadal‐scale monitoring records from north temperate‐subarctic lakes. We demonstrate that: (1) cyanobacteria have increased significantly since c. 1800 ce , (2) they have increased disproportionately relative to other phytoplankton, and (3) cyanobacteria increased more rapidly post c. 1945 ce . Variation among lakes in the rates of increase was explained best by nutrient concentration (phosphorus and nitrogen), and temperature was of secondary importance. Although cyanobacterial biomass has declined in some managed lakes with reduced nutrient influx, the larger spatio‐temporal scale of sedimentary records show continued increases in cyanobacteria throughout the north temperate‐subarctic regions.  相似文献   
Maize is one of the main crops worldwide and an increasing number of genetically modified (GM) maize varieties are cultivated and commercialized in many countries in parallel to conventional crops. Given the labeling rules established e.g. in the European Union and the necessary coexistence between GM and non-GM crops, it is important to determine the extent of pollen dissemination from transgenic maize to other cultivars under field conditions. The most widely used methods for quantitative detection of GMO are based on real-time PCR, which implies the results are expressed in genome percentages (in contrast to seed or grain percentages). Our objective was to assess the accuracy of real-time PCR based assays to accurately quantify the contents of transgenic grains in non-GM fields in comparison with the real cross-fertilization rate as determined by phenotypical analysis. We performed this study in a region where both GM and conventional maize are normally cultivated and used the predominant transgenic maize Mon810 in combination with a conventional maize variety which displays the characteristic of white grains (therefore allowing cross-pollination quantification as percentage of yellow grains). Our results indicated an excellent correlation between real-time PCR results and number of cross-fertilized grains at Mon810 levels of 0.1–10%. In contrast, Mon810 percentage estimated by weight of grains produced less accurate results. Finally, we present and discuss the pattern of pollen-mediated gene flow from GM to conventional maize in an example case under field conditions.  相似文献   
Adults and children differ in their susceptibility to the toxic effects of lead. Lead was therefore used as a case study to evaluate intraspecies differences by comparing the adult and child minimal Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL) or the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL), allowing an evaluation of the ten-fold intraspecies uncertainty factor (UF). The lead intakes (in µg/kg/d) necessary to achieve target blood lead (PbB) levels reflecting the minimal LOAEL or NOAEL were determined using biokinetic slope factors (BKSFs), which relate lead uptake to PbB levels. The analyses assumed chronic, low-level oral exposure to lead, and the response of a typical adult and child. Child analyses used a target geometric mean (GM) PbB of 4.6?µg/dL (95% of population <10?µg/dL), resulting in lead intakes of 1.9?µg/kg/day (assuming 100% soluble lead) and 4.9?µg/kg/day (assuming 25% soluble lead and 75 % soil lead). Adult analyses assumed intake of 100 % soluble lead, and used target GM PbB levels of 4.2?µg/dL (95% of population <11.1 µg/dL) and 11.4?µg/dL (95% of population <30?µg/dL), resulting in lead intakes of 1.9?µg/kg/day and 5.1?µg/kg/day, respectively. The results indicate that despite the greater vulnerability of young children to the effects of lead as compared to adults, the minimal LOAEL or NOAEL for lead is remarkably similar between children and adults. In this case, the application of a tenfold intraspecies uncertainty factor to adjust the adult minimal LOAEL or NOAEL for a child would be unnecessary, despite the well-established vulnerability of children to lead.  相似文献   
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