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Synopsis Habitat use by four morphs of arctic charr,Salvelinus alpinus, was investigated in Thingvallavatn, Iceland, by sampling with pelagic and benthic gill nets. Sampling was done in May/June and August/September. Greatest abundance of fish was recorded in the littoral and epipelagic zone in early autumn. Catches were low in early summer. The four morphs are partly segregated in habitat. Small (SB-) and large benthivorous (LB-) charr have a more restricted spatial distribution than piscivorous (PI-), and especially planktivorous (PL-) charr. Both benthivorous morphs are mainly found in the littoral zone, and occur in largest numbers in stony shallows at depths between 0 and 10 m. PL-charr usually dominates in numbers in all habitats. PI-charr is most abundant in epibenthic habitats, although numbers are always low. All morphs are caught in higher numbers at night than during the day, but the diurnal activity difference is highest among SB-charr. The habitat use by different morphs is as may be expected from their morphology and diets. Within the population of PL-charr, young and small fish are more abundant on the bottom than in the pelagic zone, and there is a surplus of females in the pelagic zone. Along the benthic profile, young, small and immature PL-charr are more abundant in deep than in shallow waters. The results are discussed in relation to food supply, competition and predation. Possible reasons for the occurrence of four arctic charr morphs are also discussed.Contribution from the Thingvallavatn project.  相似文献   
Hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) is a process technology with potential for application in different areas including environmental, food processing, and biofuels production. Although HC is an undesirable phenomenon for hydraulic equipment, the net energy released during this process is enough to accelerate certain chemical reactions. The application of cavitation energy to enhance the efficiency of lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment is an interesting strategy proposed for integration in biorefineries for the production of bio-based products. Moreover, the use of an HC-assisted process was demonstrated as an attractive alternative when compared to other conventional pretreatment technologies. This is not only due to high pretreatment efficiency resulting in high enzymatic digestibility of carbohydrate fraction, but also, by its high energy efficiency, simple configuration, and construction of systems, besides the possibility of using on the large scale. This paper gives an overview regarding HC technology and its potential for application on the pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass. The parameters affecting this process and the perspectives for future developments in this area are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

L-asparaginase is an important enzyme used in the pharmaceutical and food industry, which can be produced by different microorganisms using low cost feedstocks. In this work, sugarcane bagasse (SCB) was used as support for enzyme production in solid-state fermentation (SSF) by A. terreus. Initially, the influence of the variables carbon and nitrogen sources on the enzyme production was studied following an experimental design carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks. Statistical analysis indicated the use of 0.54% of starch, 0% of maltose, 0.44% of asparagine, and 1.14% of glutamine in the medium, resulting in enzyme activity per volume of produced extract of 120.723?U/L. Then, these conditions were applied in a horizontal column reactor filled with SCB, producing 105.3?U/L of enzyme activity. Therefore, the potential of extracellular L-asparaginase enzyme production in the column reactor using sugarcane bagasse as support was demonstrated and it represents a system that can favor large scale production.  相似文献   
Alterations in sperm chromatin have been related with subfertility in several mammals. In this study, chromatin alteration types (Base, Basal half, Central axis, Dispersed, and Whole) were assessed by toluidine blue (TB) staining, 6-diamidino-2-fenilindole (DAPI) and anti-protamine 1 antibody (anti-PR1) labeling in sperm samples of fertile and subfertile bulls. Semen samples were obtained from bulls kept in Artificial Insemination Center (fertile bulls) or from bulls subjected to scrotal insulation (subfertile bulls). The percentage of chromatin alterations identified by TB was similar (P?>?0.05) in semen samples of fertile and subfertile bulls. In contrast, a greater (P?<?0.01) chromatin decondensation and heterogeneity were recorded in semen samples of subfertile bulls. In DAPI and anti-PR1 methods, the subfertile bulls samples had a higher (P?<?0.05) percentage of alteration in the base as well as overall chromatin alterations (P?<?0.05). Moreover, the chromatin alterations recorded with TB, DAPI, and anti-PR1 were compared in semen samples of fertile and subfertile bulls. In fertile bulls, the overall chromatin alterations were similar (P?>?0.05) among the methods In contrast, semen samples of subfertile bulls had a higher (P?<?0.05) percentage of overall chromatin alterations when labeled with DAPI. In conclusion, our findings shown that all dye tested had specific sperm stainability and can be feasible to monitor subfertility condition in bulls. Also, different chromatin alteration types in sperm samples of fertile and suberftile bulls were recorded.  相似文献   
The present paper aims at clarifying to what extent seven food-associated compounds, shown before to be estrogenic in vitro, can induce estrogenic effects in male mice with an estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated luciferase (luc) reporter gene system. The luc induction was determined in different tissues 8h after dosing the ER-luc male mice intraperitoneally (IP) or 14h after oral dosing. Estradiol-propionate (EP) was used as a positive control at 0.3 and 1mg/kg bodyweight (bw), DMSO as solvent control. The food-associated estrogenic compounds tested at non-toxic doses were bisphenol A (BPA) and nonylphenol (NP) (both at 10 and 50mg/kgbw), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p'-DDE; at 5 and 25mg/kgbw), quercetin (at 1.66 and 16.6mg/kgbw), di-isoheptyl phthalate (DIHP), di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and di-(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) all at 30 and 100mg/kgbw. In general IP dosing resulted in higher luc inductions than oral dosing. EP induced luc activity in the liver in a statistically significant dose-related way with the highest induction of all compounds tested which was 20,000 times higher than the induction by the DMSO-control. NP, DDE, DEHA and DIHP did not induce luc activity in any of the tissues tested. BPA induced luc in the liver up to 420 times via both exposure routes. BPA, DEHP and quercetin induced luc activity in the liver after oral exposure. BPA (50mg/kgbw IP) also induced luc activity in the testis, kidneys and tibia. The current study reveals that biomarker-responses in ER-luc male mice occur after a single oral exposure to food-associated estrogenic model compounds at exposure levels 10 to 10(4) times higher than the established TDI's for some of these compounds. Given the facts that (i) the present study did not include chronic exposure and that (ii) simultaneous exposure to multiple estrogenic compounds may be a realistic exposure scenario, it remains to be seen whether this margin is sufficiently high.  相似文献   
Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are key substrates in the formation of fusel alcohols, important flavour components in fermented foods. The first step in the catabolic BCAA degradation is a transaminase step, catalyzed by a branched-chain amino acid transaminase (BCAAT). Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses a mitochondrial and a cytosolic BCAAT, Bat1p and Bat2p, respectively. In order to study the impact of the BCAATs on fusel alcohol production derived from the BCAA metabolism, S. cerevisiae BCAAT-deletion mutants were constructed. The BCAA l-leucine was exogenously supplied during cultivations with mutants of S. cerevisiae. BAT1 deletion is not essential for fusel alcohol production, neither under glucose nor under ethanol growth conditions. The 3-methyl-1-butanol production rate of bat1Delta-cells on ethanol was decreased in comparison with that of wild-type cells, but the cells were still able to produce 3-methyl-1-butanol. However, drastic effects in fusel alcohol production were obtained in cells lacking BAT2. Although the constructed bat2Delta-single deletion strain and the bat1Deltabat2Delta-double deletion strain were still able to produce 3-methyl-1-butanol when grown on glucose, they were incapable of producing any 3-methyl-1-butanol when ethanol was the sole carbon source available. In the circumstances used, gene expression analysis revealed a strong upregulation of BAT2 gene activity in the wild type, when cells grew on ethanol as carbon source. Apparently, the carbon metabolism is able to influence the expression of BCAATs and interferes with the nitrogen metabolism. Furthermore, analysis of gene expression profiles shows that the expression of genes coding for other transaminases present in S. cerevisiae was influenced by the deletion of one or both BCAATs. Several transaminases were upregulated when a BCAAT was deleted. Strikingly, none of the known transaminases was significantly upregulated when BAT2 was deleted. Therefore we conclude that the expression of BAT2 is essential for 3-methyl-1-butanol formation on the non-fermentable carbon source, ethanol.  相似文献   
The Rhizocephala are considered to be monophyletic due to several synapomorphies in the ontogeny of the cndoparasitic phase. The various types of metamorphosis described in the Rhizocephala are discussed and compared to metamorphosis in the Cirripedia Thoracica and Acrothoracica. In males and females of the suborder Kentrogonida. the cyprid settles and metamorphoses into a new instar, in males the trichogen and in females the infective kentrogon. The kentrogon goes through yet another. incomplete moult associated with the development of the stylet. Within the three kentrogonidan families. the Iernaeodiscid-peltogastrid type of kentrogon differs from the sacculinid type in the mode of attachment to the host. in the complexity of internal anatomy. in the position and penetration of the stylet, and in whether or not the cyprid carapace must be shed prior to penetration of the stylet. In the Akentrogonida metamorphosis never results in a new instar. Where observed (Clistosaccidae and Thompsoniidae). both male and female cyprids settle and penetrate into their substrate (female parasite or new host) with one of the antennules. Using the antennule as a syringe. male cyprids inject spermatogonia while female cyprids injects embryonic cells developing into an endoparasite. By comparison with metamorphosis in the Cirripedia Thoracica and Acrothoracica it is concluded that the presence of a metamorphic moult leading to a post-cyprid instar is plesiomorphic and that the trichogon and kentrogon are homologous with the first metamorphosed juvenile in these outgroups. The abbreviated ontogeny in the Akentrogonida without metamorphic moult and post-cyprid larval instars is considered apomorphic. This contradicts the long-held supposition that the Akentrogonida are the most‘primitive’Rhizocephala and dovetails with new information that this suborder contains many advanced traits. Within the Kentrogonida. the lernacodiseid-peltogastrid type of kentrogon is considered more plesiomorphic than the sacculinid type, which resembles the clistosaccidthompsoniid type in having the antennules involved in the penetration process. The homologization of the kentrogon with a juvenile barnacle indicates that presence of a kentrogon is plesiomorphic within the Rhizocephala and that the Kentrogonida is paraphyletic.  相似文献   


Chagas disease is a serious public health problem in Latin America where about ten million individuals show Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Despite significant success in controlling domiciliated triatomines, sylvatic populations frequently infest houses after insecticide treatment which hampers long term control prospects in vast geographical areas where vectorial transmission is endemic. As a key issue, the spatio-temporal dynamics of sylvatic populations is likely influenced by landscape yet evidence showing this effect is rare. The aim of this work is to examine the role of land cover changes in sylvatic triatomine ecology, based on an exhaustive field survey of pathogens, vectors, hosts, and microhabitat characteristics'' dynamics.

Methodology and Principal Findings

The study was performed in agricultural landscapes of coastal Ecuador as a study model. Over one year, a spatially-randomized sampling design (490 collection points) allowed quantifying triatomine densities in natural, cultivated and domestic habitats. We also assessed infection of the bugs with trypanosomes, documented their microhabitats and potential hosts, and recorded changes in landscape characteristics. In total we collected 886 individuals, mainly represented by nymphal stages of one triatomine species Rhodnius ecuadoriensis. As main results, we found that 1) sylvatic triatomines had very high T. cruzi infection rates (71%) and 2) densities of T. cruzi-infected sylvatic triatomines varied predictably over time due to changes in land cover and occurrence of associated rodent hosts.


We propose a framework for identifying the factors affecting the yearly distribution of sylvatic T. cruzi vectors. Beyond providing key basic information for the control of human habitat colonization by sylvatic vector populations, our framework highlights the importance of both environmental and sociological factors in shaping the spatio-temporal population dynamics of triatomines. A better understanding of the dynamics of such socio-ecological systems is a crucial, yet poorly considered, issue for the long-term control of Chagas disease.  相似文献   

2′, 5′-phosphodiester bond-linked oligoadenylate trimers with 3′-fluoro-3′-deoxyadenosine residues incorporated at specific positions of the nucleotide sequence were synthesized by the solid phase phosphite triester (phosphoramidite) method. The syntheses were in the 2′ to 5′ direction and were performed manually using commercially available microcolumns. The oligonucleotides were 5′-end phosphorylated on the support before deprotection.  相似文献   
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