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Cancer cells in solid tumors are challenged by various microenvironmental stresses, including hypoxia, and cancer cells in hypoxic regions are resistant to current cancer therapies. To investigate the mechanism of resistance to hypoxia in cancer cells, we examined mouse Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) cells, which died due to necrosis at high density under hypoxic but not under normoxic conditions. Levels of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a central regulator of cellular energy, are reported to be suppressed in hypoxia. We found that phosphorylation of two molecules downstream to it, ribosomal p70 S6 kinase (S6K) and ribosomal protein S6, was markedly suppressed by hypoxia. Overexpression of the active form of S6K increased the sensitivity of LLC cells to hypoxia. On the other hand, inhibition of PI3K or mTOR dramatically reduced hypoxia-induced cell death under hypoxic conditions. Under hypoxic conditions, blockade of the PI3K or mTOR pathway increased levels of intracellular ATP and delayed decreases in pH and glucose level in culture medium, without affecting the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Patterning of the early neural tube is achieved in part by the inductive signals, which arise from neuroepithelial signaling centers. The zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI) is a neuroepithelial domain in the alar plate of the diencephalon which separates the prethalamus from the thalamus. The ZLI has recently been considered to be a possible secondary organizer, effecting its inductions via sonic hedgehog (Shh), a signaling molecule which drives morphogenetic information for the thalamus. Using experimental embryological techniques involving the generation of chimeric embryos, we show that the formation of the ZLI in the diencephalic alar plate is due to an interaction between the prechordal and epichordal plate neuroepithelia. We also provide evidence that Shh expression in the ZLI underlies the morphogenetic activity of this putative diencephalic organizer. Ectopic Shh led to the auto-induction of its own gene expression in host cells, as well as to the expression of other genes involved in diencephalic regionalization and histogenesis. Analysis of long-term surviving embryos after Shh ectopic expression demonstrated that Shh was able to induce thalamic structures and local overgrowth. Overall, these results indicate that Shh expressed in the ZLI plays an important role in diencephalic growth and in the development of the thalamus.  相似文献   
We have developed an oat cell-free apoptosis system to investigate the execution mechanisms of plant apoptosis. Cell extracts derived from oat tissues undergoing toxin (victorin)-induced apoptosis caused nuclear collapse and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in isolated nuclei. Pharmacological studies revealed that cysteine protease, which is E-64-sensitive but insensitive to caspase-specific inhibitors, is a crucial component in the morphological change of isolated nuclei, and that nuclease and the cysteine protease act cooperatively to induce the apoptotic DNA laddering. Interestingly, this finding is contrasted with those in well-studied animal cell-free systems in which an apoptotic endonuclease is solely responsible for the DNA fragmentation.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Aerenchyma provides a low-resistance O2 transport pathway that enhances plant survival during soil flooding. When in flooded soil, soybean produces aerenchyma and hypertrophic stem lenticels. The aims of this study were to investigate O2 dynamics in stem aerenchyma and evaluate O2 supply via stem lenticels to the roots of soybean during soil flooding.


Oxygen dynamics in aerenchymatous stems were investigated using Clark-type O2 microelectrodes, and O2 transport to roots was evaluated using stable-isotope 18O2 as a tracer, for plants with shoots in air and roots in flooded sand or soil. Short-term experiments also assessed venting of CO2 via the stem lenticels.

Key Results

The radial distribution of the O2 partial pressure (pO2) was stable at 17 kPa in the stem aerenchyma 15 mm below the water level, but rapidly declined to 8 kPa at 200–300 µm inside the stele. Complete submergence of the hypertrophic lenticels at the stem base, with the remainder of the shoot still in air, resulted in gradual declines in pO2 in stem aerenchyma from 17·5 to 7·6 kPa at 13 mm below the water level, and from 14·7 to 6·1 kPa at 51 mm below the water level. Subsequently, re-exposure of the lenticels to air caused pO2 to increase again to 14–17 kPa at both positions within 10 min. After introducing 18O2 gas via the stem lenticels, significant 18O2 enrichment in water extracted from roots after 3 h was confirmed, suggesting that transported O2 sustained root respiration. In contrast, slight 18O2 enrichment was detected 3 h after treatment of stems that lacked aerenchyma and lenticels. Moreover, aerenchyma accelerated venting of CO2 from submerged tissues to the atmosphere.


Hypertrophic lenticels on the stem of soybean, just above the water surface, are entry points for O2, and these connect to aerenchyma and enable O2 transport into roots in flooded soil. Stems that develop aerenchyma thus serve as a ‘snorkel’ that enables O2 movement from air to the submerged roots.  相似文献   
Spatial and temporal ground-surface dynamics are major factors that affect regeneration and species coexistence in tropical peat swamp forests. We studied the seedling survivorship and morphological features of two tree species that play important roles in maintaining the ground-surface dynamics of a peat swamp forest in Sumatra. Large Swintonia glauca trees form mounds, whereas large Stemonurus scorpioides trees occupy non-mounds. We monitored the demography of naturally dispersed Swintonia and Stemonurus seedlings that germinated in 2000. Survivorship of Swintonia seedlings was high under conditions of late germination, high-light environment, and elevated ground surface, and was negatively affected by distance to the nearest conspecific adult. Survivorship of Stemonurus was high under conditions of early germination and high conspecific seedling density, and was also negatively affected by distance to the nearest conspecific adult. The allometric features of Stemonurus seedlings indicated characteristics of stress tolerance, that is, low growth rate and thick, porous roots. Stemonurus, which has large wingless seeds, regenerated in non-mounds around the parental trees, while winged Swintonia seeds dispersed farther from the parent and established in patchily distributed gaps and mounds. Thus, Swintonia seedlings can survive on non-mound sites within gaps and possibly create mounds, while Stemonurus seedlings tend to maintain non-mounds around the parental trees.  相似文献   
We surveyed the contamination of 315 Japanese- and western-style desserts and 247 human hands by Staphylococcus aureus and other staphylococcal bacteria. The most frequently isolated staphylococcal bacterium was S. warneri, followed by S. aureus. Only 1.9% of western-style desserts were contaminated by S. aureus strains, while 19.4% and 13.0% of Japanese-style desserts and human hands respectively were contaminated. Ninety-four isolates of S. aureus were characterized as to their biological properties and enterotoxigenicity. Although staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the cultured broth of all S. aureus isolates, the reversed passive latex agglutination method and the polymerase chain reaction showed only 39 (41.5%) and 40 (42.6%) samples respectively as SE-positive. The predominant type of SE was SEB (67.5%), and eight strains produced SEA. None of the S. aureus strains had penicillin-binding protein 2', showing that methicillin-resistant S. aureus was not present in the samples.  相似文献   
The membrane-bound protein EIICB(Glc) encoded by the ptsG gene is the major glucose transporter in Escherichia coli. This protein is part of the phosphoenolpyruvate:glucose-phosphotransferase system, a very important transport and signal transduction system in bacteria. The regulation of ptsG expression is very complex. Among others, two major regulators, the repressor Mlc and the cyclic AMP-cyclic AMP receptor protein activator complex, have been identified. Here we report identification of a novel protein, YeeI, that is involved in the regulation of ptsG by interacting with Mlc. Mutants with reduced activity of the glucose-phosphotransferase system were isolated by transposon mutagenesis. One class of mutations was located in the open reading frame yeeI at 44.1 min on the E. coli K-12 chromosome. The yeeI mutants exhibited increased generation times during growth on glucose, reduced transport of methyl-alpha-d-glucopyranoside, a substrate of EIICB(Glc), reduced induction of a ptsG-lacZ operon fusion, and reduced catabolite repression in lactose/glucose diauxic growth experiments. These observations were the result of decreased ptsG expression and a decrease in the amount of EIICB(Glc). In contrast, overexpression of yeeI resulted in higher expression of ptsG, of a ptsG-lacZ operon fusion, and of the autoregulated dgsA gene. The effect of a yeeI mutation could be suppressed by introducing a dgsA deletion, implying that the two proteins belong to the same signal transduction pathway and that Mlc is epistatic to YeeI. By measuring the surface plasmon resonance, we found that YeeI (proposed gene designation, mtfA) directly interacts with Mlc with high affinity.  相似文献   
In the crystal structure of the native GroEL.GroES.substrate protein complex from Thermus thermophilus, one GroEL subunit makes contact with two GroES subunits. One contact is through the H-I helices, and the other is through a novel GXXLE region. The side chain of Leu, in the GXXLE region, forms a hydrophobic cluster with residues of the H helix (Shimamura, T., Koike-Takeshita, A., Yokoyama, K., Masui, R., Murai, N., Yoshida, M., Taguchi, H., and Iwata, S. (2004) Structure (Camb.) 12, 1471-1480). Here, we investigated the functional role of Leu in the GXXLE region, using Escherichia coli GroEL. The results are as follows: (i) cross-linking between introduced cysteines confirmed that the GXXLE region in the E. coli GroEL.GroES complex is also in contact with GroES; (ii) when Leu was replaced by Lys (GroEL(L309K)) or other charged residues, chaperone activity was largely lost; (iii) the GroEL(L309K).substrate complex failed to bind GroES to produce a stable GroEL(L309K).GroES.substrate complex, whereas free GroEL(L309K) bound GroES normally; (iv) the GroEL(L309K).GroES.substrate complex was stabilized with BeF(x), but the substrate protein in the complex was readily digested by protease, indicating that it was not properly encapsulated into the internal cavity of the complex. Thus, conformational communication between the two GroES contact sites, the H helix and the GXXLE region (through Leu(309)), appears to play a critical role in encapsulation of the substrate.  相似文献   
We investigated the correlation between the SOD activity of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and gastroduodenal diseases and the characteristics of strains exposed to oxidative stress. Two sequenced strains, 26695 and J99, and clinical isolates from 156 Japanese patients with gastroduodenal diseases such as gastric cancer (n= 59) and non-cancer (n= 97) were used. SOD activities of all 158 isolates were measured and were divided into three groups: high-SOD activity (>0.22, n= 2), moderate-SOD activity (0.15≦≦0.22, n= 16) and low-SOD activity (<0.15, n= 140). Expressions of H. pylori Fe-SOD were examined by western blotting with anti-H. pylori Fe-SOD antibody prepared inhouse, and the profiles of Fe-SOD activity were investigated by zymogram with activity staining in native-PAGE. The characteristics of strains from high-SOD and low-SOD groups were examined under oxidative stress by paraquat. The average of H. pylori SOD activity was significantly higher in the cancer group than in the non-cancer group (P < 0.05). However, irrespective of SOD activity level, the amount of Fe-SOD expressed was variable among individual strains. Zymogram revealed a single band in moderate-SOD and low-SOD strains, but multiple bands in high-SOD strains were observed. These bands were confirmed as H. pylori Fe-SOD. Under oxidative stress with paraquat, low-SOD strains were drastically eliminated without inducible SOD activity; however, high-SOD strains were still viable with increased SOD activity. This study is the first to exhibit the characteristics of high-SOD activity strains representing multiple bands in zymograms and the correlation between H. pylori SOD activity and gastric cancer.  相似文献   
Premise of the study: Nuclear microsatellite primers were developed to analyze the clonal diversity and population genetic structure of the endemic polyploid herb Callianthemum miyabeanum. • Methods and Results: Using a protocol for constructing microsatellite-enriched libraries, 15 primer sets were developed for use in C. miyabeanum. The number of alleles found ranged from five to 22. The estimated range of expected heterozygosities was 0.574 to 0.907, and the Shannon–Weiner diversity index ranged from 1.061 to 2.733. Cross-amplification of all loci was also successful in the closely related endemic species C. kirigishiense and C. hondoense. • Conclusions: The development of these microsatellite loci will facilitate a deeper understanding of the genetic diversity, mode of reproduction, and population structure of not only C. miyabeanum, but also the other Callianthemum species endemic to Japan.  相似文献   
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