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Skvorak et al. [1] demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy of HTx in a murine model of iMSUD, confirming significant metabolic improvement and survival. To determine the effect of HTx on extrahepatic organs, we examined the metabolic effects of HTx in brain from iMSUD animals. Amino acid analysis revealed that HTx corrected increased ornithine, partially corrected depleted glutamine, and revealed a trend toward alloisoleucine correction. For amino acid and monoamine neurotransmitters, decreased GABA was partially corrected with HTx, while the l-histidine dipeptide of GABA, homocarnosine, was decreased in iMSUD mice and hypercorrected following HTx. Elevated branched-chain amino acids (BCAA; leucine, isoleucine, and valine) in MSUD can deplete brain tyrosine and tryptophan (the precursors of monoamine neurotransmitters, dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT)) through competition via the large neutral amino acid transporter. HTx corrected decreased DA levels and the DA metabolite, 3-methoxytyramine, and partially corrected the DA intermediate 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate (DOPAC) and 5-HT levels, despite normal tyrosine and tryptophan levels in iMSUD mouse brain. We further observed enhanced intracellular turnover of both DA and 5-HT in iMSUD mouse brain, both of which partially corrected with HTx. Our results suggest new pathomechanisms of neurotransmitter metabolism in this disorder and support the therapeutic relevance of HTx in iMSUD mice, while providing proof-of-principle that HTx has corrective potential in extrahepatic organs.  相似文献   
Several recent studies have demonstrated that the expression of a cyanobacterial flavodoxin in plants can provide tolerance to a wide range of environmental stresses. Indeed, this strategy has been proposed as a potentially powerful biotechnological tool to generate multiple‐tolerant crops. To determine whether flavodoxin expression specifically increased tolerance to salt stress and whether it might also preserve legume nitrogen fixation under saline conditions, the flavodoxin gene was introduced into the model legume Medicago truncatula. Expression of flavodoxin did not confer saline tolerance to the whole plant, although the sensitive nitrogen‐fixing activity was maintained under salt stress in flavodoxin‐expressing plants. Our results indicate that flavodoxin induced small but significant changes in the enzymatic activities involved in the nodule redox balance that might be responsible for the positive effect on nitrogen fixation. Expression of flavodoxin can be regarded as a potential tool to improve legume symbiotic performance under salt stress, and possibly other environmental stresses.  相似文献   


Cells respond to endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER) stress by activating the unfolded protein response. To study the ER stress response in pancreatic β-cells we developed a model system that allows for pathophysiological ER stress based on the Akita mouse. This mouse strain expresses a mutant insulin 2 gene (C96Y), which prevents normal proinsulin folding causing ER stress and eventual β-cell apoptosis. A double-stable pancreatic β-cell line (pTet-ON INS-1) with inducible expression of insulin 2 (C96Y) fused to EGFP was generated to study the ER stress response.  相似文献   
Spontaneously growing plants are commonly considered competitors of cultivated plants. Owing to the lack of specificity of many arthropods, spontaneous plants may be attacked by the same arthropods that attack cultivated plants and they may also harbor natural enemies of organisms harmful to cultivated plants. Aceodromus convolvuli Muma (Blattisociidae) has been reported recently in relatively large numbers in Tocantins state, central Brazil, mostly on Helicteres guazumifolia Kunth (Malvaceae). Very little has been reported about the population dynamics of blattisociid mites under field conditions. The objective of this work was to study the population dynamics of A. convolvuli in Gurupi, Tocantins state, to evaluate its possible interaction with associated mites. Monthly samples were taken from leaves of the 11 most abundant and frequent spontaneous plants in a Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) plantation. About 96.5 % of the specimens of A. convolvuli were collected in the rainy season. The patterns of variation of the population of A. convolvuli and of predators belonging to the family Phytoseiidae were similar, but A. convolvuli was much more numerous than all phytoseiid specimens combined. Highly significant correlations were observed between A. convolvuli densities and relative humidity or diversity of spontaneous plants. When only mites on H. guazumifolia were considered, highly significant correlation was also observed between densities of A. convolvuli and of mites of the family Tetranychidae. The results suggested that A. convolvuli could be a predator of tenuipalpid and/or tetranychid mites. Studies about its biology are needed to determine its preferred food sources and potential as biological control agent.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the probiotic properties (stability at different pH values and bile salt concentration, auto-aggregation and co-aggregation, survival in the presence of antibiotics and commercial drugs, study of β-galactosidase production, evaluation of the presence of genes encoding MapA and Mub adhesion proteins and EF-Tu elongation factor, and the presence of genes encoding virulence factor) of four LAB strains (Lactobacillus casei SJRP35, Leuconostoc citreum SJRP44, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus SJRP57 and Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides SJRP58) which produced antimicrobial substances (antimicrobial peptides). The strains survived the simulated GIT modeled in MRS broth, whole and skim milk. In addition, auto-aggregation and the cell surface hydrophobicity of all strains were high, and various degrees of co-aggregation were observed with indicator strains. All strains presented low resistance to several antibiotics and survived in the presence of commercial drugs. Only the strain SJRP44 did not produce the β-galactosidase enzyme. Moreover, the strain SJRP57 did not show the presence of any genes encoding virulence factors; however, the strain SJRP35 presented vancomycin resistance and adhesion of collagen genes, the strain SJRP44 harbored the ornithine decarboxylase gene and the strain SJRP58 generated positive results for aggregation substance and histidine decarboxylase genes. In conclusion, the strain SJRP57 was considered the best candidate as probiotic cultures for further in vivo studies and functional food products development.  相似文献   
The production of bacteriocins by Leuconostoc mesenteroides represents an important opportunity for exploration of their potential use for industrial purpose. The antimicrobial compounds produced by L. mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides SJRP55 strain were characterized and purified. Cell-free supernatant of Leuc. mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides SJRP55 produced antibacterial compounds against Listeria spp. strains and not inhibiting against Lactobacillus spp. The antimicrobial substances were stable at high temperatures (100 °C for 2 h and 121 °C for 20 min) and low pH (pH 2–4) values, but sensitive to proteolytic enzymes and resistant to α-amylase, lipase and catalase enzymes. The optimal temperature for active peptides production was 25 °C. The antimicrobial compounds were purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, affinity column and reverse-phase chromatography. Mass spectrometry and amino acids analyses showed that the bacteriocins were identical to mesentericin Y105 and B105. The producer strain’s DNA analysis revealed presence of open reading frames possibly coding for virulence factors, such as enterococcal surface protein (esp), collagen adhesion (ace) and intrinsic vancomycin resistance (vanA); however, biogenic amines encoding genes were not observed. Leuc. mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides SJRP55 is a promising biopreservative culture in fermented milk, and the purified bacteriocins can also be applied in food preservation.  相似文献   
The stomach contents of 516 Pomatomus saltatrix and 506 Cynoscion guatucupa from southern Brazil were examined. Both species preyed primarily upon teleosts and crustaceans and occasionally squid. Seasonal variation in the diet was related to prey availability in the area, confirming the opportunistic feeding behaviour of both species. During the summer, P. saltatrix preyed upon four prey species (Loligo sanpaulensis, Artemesia longinaris, Mullus argentinae and Paralonchurus brasiliensis), whereas in the autumn and winter Engraulis anchoita was the predominant prey. C. guatucupa similarly preyed upon A. longinaris and P. brasiliensis during the summer, with juvenile C. guatucupa and E. anchoita also consumed. The latter species was an important dietary constituent during other seasons, as were A. longinaris (autumn), Umbrina canosai (winter), Trachurus latami and euphausids (spring). Although P. saltatrix had a broader diet than C. guatucupa during the summer, the latter species had a broader diet overall. Diet breadths were lower from autumn to spring, due to the predominance of E. anchoita in the diet of both species. This restricted diet resulted in significant intra- and inter-specific diet overlap during the winter but, because of the seasonal abundance of E. anchoita, the high levels of diet overlap do not necessarily indicate competition.  相似文献   
Soil water saturation during prolonged periods of time generates a negative impact on nearly all terrestrial plants. In Mediterranean woodlands, precipitation can be very abundant during the wet season, inducing temporary soil waterlogging, coinciding with the seed dispersal and germination time of many species. We investigated the effects of waterlogging on seed germination and early root growth of three coexisting oak species (Quercus canariensis, Q. suber and Q. pyrenaica), by completely flooding of seeds for various periods of time. The three oak species showed a certain level of tolerance to waterlogging, only being affected those seeds subjected for long periods of submersion (over 30 days). Waterlogging during prolonged periods of time decreased the probability of seed germination in the three oak species, lengthened the time to germination, and hampered root development in two of the studied species. The main differences between oak species occurred in terms of root growth (Q. canariensis being the less affected, and Q. suber the most); these differential responses could be related to a species rank of waterlogging tolerance. Thus inter-specific differences in germination responses to waterlogging could contribute to explain, at least partially, species habitat and distribution patterns across landscapes. Seed mass also played an important role on different aspects of germination, though its relative importance varied as function of species and waterlogging treatment. The tolerance to stress induced by waterlogging increased with seed mass, but only in the case of Q. canariensis.  相似文献   
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