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Human genomic DNAs for the eosinophil granule proteins, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), were isolated from genomic libraries. Alignment of EDN (RNS2) and ECP (RNS3) gene sequences demonstrated remarkable nucleotide similarities in noncoding sequences, introns, and flanking regions, as well as in the previously known coding regions. Detailed examination of the 5'-noncoding regions yielded putative TATA and CAAT boxes, as well as similarities to promoter motifs from unrelated genes. A single intron of 230 bases was found in the 5' untranslated region and we suggest that a single intron in this region and an intronless coding region are features common to many members of the RNase gene superfamily. The RNS2 and RNS3 genes were localized to the q24-q31 region of human chromosome 14. It is likely that these two genes arose as a consequence of a gene duplication event that took place approximately 25-40 million years ago and that a subset of anthropoid primates possess both of these genes or closely related genes.  相似文献   
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disease characterised by unexplained left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) (i.e. LVH in the absence of another cardiac or systemic disease that could produce a similar degree of hypertrophy), electrical instability and sudden death (SD). Germline mutations in genes encoding for sarcomere proteins are found in more than half of the cases of unexplained LVH. The autosomal dominant inherited forms of HCM are characterised by incomplete penetrance and variability in clinical and echocardiographic features, prognosis and therapeutic modalities. The identification of the genetic defect in one of the HCM genes allows accurate presymptomatic detection of mutation carriers in a family. Cardiac evaluation of at-risk relatives enables early diagnosis and identification of those patients at high risk for SD, which can be the first manifestation of the disease in asymptomatic persons. In this article we present our experience with genetic testing and cardiac screening in our HCM population and give an overview of the current literature available on this subject. (Neth Heart J 2007;15:184-9.)  相似文献   
Background. The decrease in coronary flow reserve (CFR) in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) predisposes to myocardial ischaemia, systolic dysfunction and cardiac death. In this study we investigate to which extent haemodynamic, echocardiographic, and histological parameters contribute to the reduction of CFR. Methods. In ten HCM patients (mean age 44±14 years) and eight heart transplant (HTX) patients (mean age 51±6 years) CFR was calculated in the left anterior descending coronary artery. In all subjects haemodynamic, echocardiographic and histological parameters were assessed. The relationship between these variables and CFR was determined using linear regression analysis. Results. CFR was reduced in HCM compared with HTX patients (1.6±0.7 vs. 2.7±0.8, p<0.01). An increase in septal thickness (p<0.005), indexed left ventricular (LV) mass (p<0.005), LV end-diastolic pressure (p<0.001), LV outflow tract gradient (p<0.05) and a decrease in arteriolar lumen size (p<0.05) were all related to a reduction in CFR. Conclusion: In HCM patients haemodynamic (LV end-diastolic pressure, LV outflow tract gradient), echocardiographic (indexed LV mass) and histological (% luminal area of the arterioles) changes are responsible for a decrease in CFR. (Neth Heart J 2007;15:209-15.)  相似文献   
We assessed patterns and energetic consequences of different overwintering strategies, torpor, and social thermoregulation in the striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) under natural ambient temperature and photoperiod. Striped skunks entered spontaneous daily torpor, with the lowest torpid body temperature (T(b)) reaching 26.0 degrees C, the lowest recorded T(b) for a carnivore. Patterns of daily torpor differed between solitary and grouped skunks: all solitary skunks regularly entered daily torpor, but only some individuals in communal dens employed torpor. When they did, it was shallow and infrequent. Solitary skunks entered torpor on average 50 times (in 120 d) compared with 6 times for grouped skunks. During torpor, solitary skunks had average minimum T(b) of 26.8 degrees C and bout duration of 7.8 h, whereas grouped skunks had average minimum T(b) of 30.9 degrees C and bout duration of 5.4 h. Torpor by solitary skunks occurred during their activity phase, but grouped skunks' shallow torpor bouts were restricted to their diurnal resting phase. On average, grouped skunks experienced lower percent daily fat loss, and they emerged in spring with higher percent body fat of 25.5%. In contrast, solitary skunks emerged in spring with only 9.3% body fat. In conclusion, the use of daily torpor and social thermoregulation in northern populations of striped skunks represent two strikingly different mechanisms to minimize energetic costs and increase individual fitness in response to unfavorable environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Glucans are polymers of d-glucose with differing linkages in linear or branched sequences. They are constituents of microbial and plant cell-walls and involved in important bio-recognition processes, including immunomodulation, anticancer activities, pathogen virulence, and plant cell-wall biodegradation. Translational possibilities for these activities in medicine and biotechnology are considerable. High-throughput micro-methods are needed to screen proteins for recognition of specific glucan sequences as a lead to structure–function studies and their exploitation. We describe construction of a “glucome” microarray, the first sequence-defined glycome-scale microarray, using a “designer” approach from targeted ligand-bearing glucans in conjunction with a novel high-sensitivity mass spectrometric sequencing method, as a screening tool to assign glucan recognition motifs. The glucome microarray comprises 153 oligosaccharide probes with high purity, representing major sequences in glucans. Negative-ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry with collision-induced dissociation was used for complete linkage analysis of gluco-oligosaccharides in linear “homo” and “hetero” and branched sequences. The system is validated using antibodies and carbohydrate-binding modules known to target α- or β-glucans in different biological contexts, extending knowledge on their specificities, and applied to reveal new information on glucan recognition by two signaling molecules of the immune system against pathogens: Dectin-1 and DC-SIGN. The sequencing of the glucan oligosaccharides by the MS method and their interrogation on the microarrays provides detailed information on linkage, sequence and chain length requirements of glucan-recognizing proteins, and are a sensitive means of revealing unsuspected sequences in the polysaccharides.Glucan polysaccharides are polymers of d-glucose with differing linkages in linear or branched sequences. They occur as storage materials in animals, secreted virulence factors of bacteria, and conserved structural components of cell walls of yeasts, fungi, some bacteria, and plants. Polysaccharides of this type are of considerable interest in biology, medicine, and biotechnology and are acknowledged for their immunostimulatory, anticancer, and health-promoting activities (1, 2); for their elicitor activities in defense responses and signaling in plants (3); and for acting as functional ingredients in human nutrition (4). Unraveling recognition systems that mediate these activities is highly desirable as a lead to effective translational applications.Recognition systems involving glucan polysaccharides include those in mammals, such as recognition of fungal β-glucans by Dectin-1, the major receptor of the innate immune system against fungal pathogens (5), and by natural or vaccine-induced protective antifungal antibodies (6, 7); also recognition of mycobacterial α-glucan by the innate immune receptor DC-SIGN (dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin) (8); those in insects, such as the Drosophila Gram-negative binding protein 3 (GNBP3) sensor protein, which binds β-glucans (9); and those in bacteria, such as Brucella abortus, where cyclic β-glucans can serve as virulence factors (10).Another important class of glucan-recognizing proteins comprises noncatalytic carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs)1 of bacterial glycoside hydrolases that mediate association with substrate and increase catalytic activity, likely through a targeting mechanism or by driving enzyme specificity (11, 12). Notable examples are CBMs of bacterial cellulolytic enzymes that promote enzymatic deconstruction of intact plant cell walls and that are of industrial significance in the biofuel and bioprocessing sectors (13, 14) and CBMs of rumen or commensal human microbiota with roles in animal and human health (14, 15). CBMs also have roles in other systems: for example, CBM-containing enzymes as virulence factors of bacterial pathogens (16) and CBM-containing human laforin that regulates glycogen metabolism and for which mutations can lead to neurodegenerative disease (17). The number of putative glucan-binding CBMs that have been identified and classified in the Carbohydrate-Active enZyme (CAZy) database (http://www.cazy.org) is expanding, but relatively few have been experimentally investigated for details of carbohydrate binding and fine specificity (11).Searching for and assigning the specificities of glucan-recognizing proteins has thus become increasingly important. It is desirable to have high-throughput and sensitive micro-methods to screen for and characterize ligands for structure–function studies toward effective exploitation in modern therapeutic, nutritional, agricultural, and biofuel-related technologies. Carbohydrate microarrays have served to advance knowledge on specificities of diverse carbohydrate-recognition systems (1822). Where the desired oligosaccharide probes are unavailable, microarrays need to be generated from ligand-bearing glycomes (23). Using a prototype of such designer microarrays of neoglycolipid (NGL)-probes (23) derived from oligosaccharide fragments of glucans rich in β1,3- or β1,6-linked sequences, we showed that linear β1,3-linked glucose sequences with degree of polymerization (DP) 10 or longer are bound by Dectin-1 (24). Recognition of other types of glucan sequences by Dectin-1 and the applicability of microarrays of diverse gluco-oligosaccharide sequences to other glucan-recognizing proteins required investigation. Cummings, Smith, and colleagues have developed the shotgun strategy (20) to create glycome-scale “gangliome” and “human milk glycome” microarrays. In the shotgun microarrays, the printed probes may not be sequence-defined before array construction and require metadata-assisted glycan sequencing (MAGS), which combines MS analysis (25), binding data with glycan-binding proteins or antibodies, and exoglycosidase treatment after printing (26, 27).Mass spectrometry has become a primary technique in carbohydrate structural analysis (28), and electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) has been used to provide sequence and partial linkage information on various types of oligosaccharides (2933). For neutral oligosaccharides, we have found that tandem MS with collision-induced dissociation (CID-MS/MS) in the negative-ion mode is particularly useful and have successfully applied for oligosaccharide chain and blood-group typing (34, 35) and for branching pattern analysis (36).This is because that some important linkages at certain monosaccharide residues can be unambiguously determined with high sensitivity without the need for derivatization and anion complexation as previously recognized, e.g. in the area of gluco-oligosaccharides, Cl-anion adduction has been used to determine sequences of tetrasaccharides of dextran (37).Here, we describe a strategy using the designer approach combined with negative-ion ESI-CID-MS/MS for constructing a microarray of sequence-defined gluco-oligosaccharides representing major sequences in glucans (glucome microarray) as a tool for screening glucan-recognizing proteins and assigning their recognition motifs (Fig. 1). We selected a comprehensive panel of glucan polysaccharides isolated from plants, fungi, and bacteria with different sequences to represent the glucome. We used finely tuned chemical and enzymatic methods to partially depolymerize the polysaccharides and prepare gluco-oligosaccharide fragments with different chain lengths (up to DP-13 or DP-16). We developed a ESI-CID-MS/MS method that enables linkage and sequence determination of linear or branched gluco-oligosaccharides at high-sensitivity and applied this to the sequencing of oligosaccharide fragments prepared. These sequence-defined gluco-oligosaccharides were then converted into NGL probes and used for construction of the microarray. The oligosaccharides encompassed linear sequences with homo (single) linkages: 1,2-, 1,3-, 1,4-, or 1,6- with α or β configurations; and hetero (multiple) linkages: 1,3-, 1,4, or 1,6-; also branched oligosaccharide sequences with 1,3 and 1,6-linkages.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Neoglycolipid (NGL)-based designer glucome microarray with mass spectrometry as a tool to assign carbohydrate ligands in glucan recognition. Ligand-bearing glucan polysaccharides, described in supplemental Fig. S1 and Table S1, were selected as sources of gluco-oligosaccharides for construction of the microarray. A total of 121 gluco-oligosaccharide fractions were obtained with different DP after partial depolymerization of polysaccharides and fractionation. ESI-CID-MS/MS method was developed using gluco-oligosaccharides with known sequences and applied to determination of sequences of oligosaccharide fragments from polysaccharides. Gluco-oligosaccharides were converted to NGL probes for microarray construction and interrogation with the glucan-recognizing proteins described in supplemental Table S2.To our knowledge, this is the first sequence-defined glycome-scale microarray constructed. We used 12 selected proteins (antibodies and CBMs) known to target α- or β-glucans to validate the approach. We then applied the microarray analysis to Dectin-1 and DC-SIGN, which revealed new insights into the specificities of these signaling molecules of the innate immune system.  相似文献   
Mucin-type O-glycosylation represents a major form of post-translational modification that is conserved across most eukaryotic species. This type of glycosylation is initiated by a family of enzymes (GalNAc-Ts in mammals and PGANTs in Drosophila) whose members are expressed in distinct spatial and temporal patterns during development. Previous work from our group demonstrated that one member of this family is essential for viability and another member modulates extracellular matrix composition and integrin-mediated cell adhesion during development. To investigate whether other members of this family are essential, we employed RNA interference (RNAi) to each gene in vivo. Using this approach, we identified 4 additional pgant genes that are required for viability. Ubiquitous RNAi to pgant4, pgant5, pgant7, or the putative glycosyltransferase CG30463 resulted in lethality. Tissue-specific RNAi was also used to define the specific organ systems and tissues in which each essential family member is required. Interestingly, each essential pgant had a unique complement of tissues in which it was required. Additionally, certain tissues (mesoderm, digestive system, and tracheal system) required more than one pgant, suggesting unique functions for specific enzymes in these tissues. Expanding upon our RNAi results, we found that conventional mutations in pgant5 resulted in lethality and specific defects in specialized cells of the digestive tract, resulting in loss of proper digestive system acidification. In summary, our results highlight essential roles for O-glycosylation and specific members of the pgant family in many aspects of development and organogenesis.  相似文献   
Dectin-1 is a C-type lectin-like receptor on leukocytes that mediates phagocytosis and inflammatory mediator production in innate immunity to fungal pathogens. Dectin-1 lacks residues involved in calcium ligation that mediates carbohydrate-binding by classical C-type lectins; nevertheless, it binds zymosan, a particulate beta-glucan-rich extract of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and binding is inhibited by polysaccharides rich in beta1,3- or both beta1,3- and beta1,6-linked glucose. The oligosaccharide ligands on glucans recognized by Dectin-1 have not yet been delineated precisely. It is also not known whether Dectin-1 can interact with other types of carbohydrates. We have investigated this, since Dectin-1 shows glucan-independent binding to a subset of T-lymphocytes and is involved in triggering their proliferation. Here we assign oligosaccharide ligands for Dectin-1 using the neoglycolipid-based oligosaccharide microarray technology, a unique approach for constructing microarrays of lipid-linked oligosaccharide probes from desired sources. We generate "designer" microarrays from three glucan polysaccharides, a neutral soluble glucan isolated from S. cerevisiae and two bacterial glucans, curdlan from Alcaligenes faecalis and pustulan from Umbilicaria papullosa, and use these in conjunction with 187 diverse, sequence-defined, predominantly mammalian-type, oligosaccharide probes. Among these, Dectin-1 binding is detected exclusively to 1,3-linked glucose oligomers, the minimum length required for detectable binding being a 10- or 11-mer. Thus, the ligands assigned so far are exogenous rather than endogenous. We further show that Dectin-1 ligands, 11-13 gluco-oligomers, in clustered form (displayed on liposomes), mimic the macromolecular beta-glucans and compete with zymosan binding and triggering of tumor necrosis factor-alpha secretion by a Dectin-1-expressing macrophage cell line.  相似文献   
Inamitsu M  Itoh S  Hellman U  Ten Dijke P  Kato M 《FEBS letters》2006,580(28-29):6603-6611
Signal transduction pathways utilize posttranslational modifications to regulate the activity of their components in a temporal-spatial and efficient fashion. Arginine methylation is one of the posttranslational modifications that can result in monomethylated-, asymmetric dimethylated- and/or symmetric dimethylated-arginine residues in proteins. Here we demonstrate that inhibitory-Smads (Smad6 and Smad7), but not receptor-regulated- (R-)Smads and the common-partner Smad4, can be methylated by protein arginine N-methyltransferase (PRMT)1. Using mass-spectrometric analysis, we found that PRMT1 dimethylates arginine(74) (Arg(74)) in mouse Smad6. PRMT1 interacts with the N-terminal domain of Smad6 in which Arg(74) residue is located. Assays examined so far have shown no significant differences between the functions of Smad6 and those of methylation-defective Smad6 (Smad6R74A). Both wild-type and Smad6R74A were equally efficient in blocking BMP-induced growth arrest upon their ectopic expression in HS-72 mouse B-cell hybridoma cells.  相似文献   
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) control cell fate by regulating gene expression, especially inhibitor of differentiation (Id) genes. This property has been exploited to create a highly sensitive assay for quantification of active BMP. Embryonic mouse cells (C3H10T1/2) were stably transfected with an expression construct (BRE-Luc) containing a BMP-responsive element fused to the firefly luciferase reporter gene. BRE results from a multimerization of distinct sequences elements from a mouse Id1 promoter [15]. The addition of BMP-2 (0.5-100ng/ml) to the transfectants resulted in a dose-dependent increase in luciferase activity in the cell lysates. This new assay was 100-fold more sensitive than the classical alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity assay (0.5-1 vs. 50-100ng/ml, respectively) as well as much more rapid (24h vs. 3-6 days, respectively, of BMP treatment). This new assay is specific to BMPs (BMP-2, BMP-4, and BMP7) as evidenced by its relative insensitivity to TGFbeta1, bFGF, and VEGF. Because of its BMP specificity, this rapid, sensitive, nonradioactive, and easily performed assay could be used in monitoring the biological activity of BMP and, eventually, as a cell-based screening assay to identify and evaluate molecules that modulate BMP signaling in cells.  相似文献   
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