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A thermostable beta-galactosidase (EC; beta-dgalactoside galactohydrolase) was found to be inducible in an extreme thermophile resembling Thermus aquaticus. Enzyme induction was achieved by the addition of lactose, galactose, or the alpha-galactoside, melibiose, to growing cultures. The addition of glucose to induced cultures had a repressive effect on further enzyme synthesis. The enzyme was purified 78-fold, and the optimum temperature and pH for activity were determined to be 80 C and pH 5.0, respectively. The enzyme was activated by both manganese and ferrous iron. Sulfhydryl activation and thermal stabilization indicate that the thermophilic beta-galactosidase is a sulfhydryl enzyme. Kinetic determinations at 80 C established a K(m) of 2.0 x 10(-3)m for the chromogenic substrate o-nitrophenyl beta-d-galactopyranoside (ONPG) and a K(1) of 7.5 x 10(-3)m for lactose. The Arrhenius energy of activation (for the hydrolysis of ONPG) was calculated to be 13.7 kcal/mole. A molecular weight of 5.7 x 10(5) daltons was estimated by elution of the enzyme from Sephadex 4B.  相似文献   
The giant sarcomeric protein obscurin (~720 kDa) is an essential contributor to myofibrillogenesis and acts as the only known tether between the contractile apparatus and the surrounding membrane structures in myofibrils. Genomic characterization of OBSCN suggests a modular architecture, consisting of dozens of individually-folded Ig-like and FnIII-like domains arranged in tandem. Here we describe the sequence-specific chemical shift assignments of the second putative obscurin Ig-like domain (Ig2). This domain specifically binds to MyBP-C slow variant-1 through an unknown mechanism. Ultimately, the assignments presented here will facilitate high-resolution structure determination of Ig2 and provide insight into the specificity of the obscurin-MyBP-C interaction.  相似文献   
Genes encoding seven enzymes of the monolignol pathway were independently downregulated in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) using antisense and/or RNA interference. In each case, total flux into lignin was reduced, with the largest effects arising from the downregulation of earlier enzymes in the pathway. The downregulation of l-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, 4-coumarate 3-hydroxylase, hydroxycinnamoyl CoA quinate/shikimate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase, ferulate 5-hydroxylase or caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase resulted in compositional changes in lignin and wall-bound hydroxycinnamic acids consistent with the current models of the monolignol pathway. However, downregulating caffeoyl CoA 3-O-methyltransferase neither reduced syringyl (S) lignin units nor wall-bound ferulate, inconsistent with a role for this enzyme in 3-O-methylation ofS monolignol precursors and hydroxycinnamic acids. Paradoxically, lignin composition differed in plants downregulated in either cinnamate 4-hydroxylase or phenylalanine ammonia-lyase. No changes in the levels of acylated flavonoids were observed in the various transgenic lines. The current model for monolignol and ferulate biosynthesis appears to be an over-simplification, at least in alfalfa, and additional enzymes may be needed for the 3-O-methylation reactions of S lignin and ferulate biosynthesis.  相似文献   
1. Benthic macroinvertebrates (MI) are commonly used to assess freshwater ecosystems with the reference condition approach. Such assessments necessitate control for natural community variation, either by categorical typologies or by predictive models that have been widely and successfully developed for running water biota but not previously for lake profundal invertebrates. 2. We evaluated four modelling techniques [multivariate regression tree (MRT), limiting environmental differences, nonparametric multiplicative regression (NPMR) and River Invertebrate Prediction And Classification System (RIVPACS) and the operative Finnish lake typology for assessing taxonomic completeness (observed‐to‐expected number of taxa, O/E) of profundal MI assemblages. We used data from 74 and 33 minimally disturbed reference lake basins for calibration and validation of the approaches, respectively, and 72 test basins subject to various anthropogenic pressures to evaluate sensitivity to detect impact. Either all predicted taxa (threshold probability of capture Pt = 0+) or only those predicted to be captured with ≥0.25 probability were used to calculate O/E. 3. With Pt = 0.25, all four modelling approaches were accurate (mean O/E = 0.966–1.053) but imprecise (SD of O/E = 0.279–0.304) in predicting the fauna actually observed in validation sites. All models were subtly more precise than a null model (mean 1.038, SD 0.343) or the typology (1.046, 0.327). The taxon‐specific NPMR model was slightly more precise than the other three models based on site groupings. 4. The O/E values correlated relatively weakly (r = 0.55–0.86) among the approaches, which thus produced contrasting lake‐specific assessments, despite their seemingly comparable performances. Indeed, typology, suggesting that MI assemblages were impaired in 56% of test sites, was more sensitive than the other approaches (26–46%) as an indicator of human‐induced deterioration. However, this greater ostensible sensitivity seemed to be biased, as lake morphometry, a main driver of natural community variation, remained uncontrolled by the typology. 5. Generally, our exercise illustrates the inconclusiveness of the common validation criteria for the assessment methods. The apparent poor predictability of the profundal fauna, irrespective of the method, may partly stem from large observation error, which could be alleviated by more intensive sampling. However, instead of an O/E‐taxa index, some other metric encompassing quantitative aspects might be preferable for assessing these species‐poor communities.  相似文献   
Deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance was used to monitor lipid acyl-chain orientational order in suspensions of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) containing Ca(2+) and the lung surfactant proteins SP-A and SP-B separately and together. To distinguish between protein-lipid interactions involving the PC and PG lipid headgroups and to examine whether such interactions might influence spatial distribution of lipids within the bilayer, acyl chains on either the DPPC or the DPPG component of the mixture were deuterated. The lipid components of the resulting mixtures were thus either DPPC-d(62)/DPPG (7:3) or DPPC/DPPG-d(62) (7:3), respectively. SP-A had little effect on DPPC-d(62) chain order but did narrow the temperature range over which DPPG-d(62) ordered at the liquid-crystal-to-gel transition. No segregation of lipid components was seen for temperatures above or below the transition. Near the transition, though, there was evidence that SP-A promoted preferential depletion of DPPG from liquid crystalline domains in the temperature range over which gel and liquid crystal domains coexist. SP-B lowered average chain order of both lipids both above and below the main transition. The perturbations of chain order by SP-A and SP-B together were smaller than by SP-B alone. This reduction in perturbation of the lipids by the additional presence of SP-A likely indicated a strong interaction between SP-A and SP-B. The competitive lipid-lipid, lipid-protein, and protein-protein interactions suggested by these observations presumably facilitate the reorganization of surfactant material inherent in the transformation from lamellar bodies to a functional surfactant layer.  相似文献   
Tropical peatlands play an important role in the global carbon cycling but little is known about factors regulating carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes from these ecosystems. Here, we test the hypotheses that (i) CO2 and CH4 are produced mainly from surface peat and (ii) that the contribution of subsurface peat to net C emissions is governed by substrate availability. To achieve this, in situ and ex situ CO2 and CH4 fluxes were determined throughout the peat profiles under three vegetation types along a nutrient gradient in a tropical ombrotrophic peatland in Panama. The peat was also characterized with respect to its organic composition using 13C solid state cross‐polarization magic‐angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Deep peat contributed substantially to CO2 effluxes both with respect to actual in situ and potential ex situ fluxes. CH4 was produced throughout the peat profile with distinct subsurface peaks, but net emission was limited by oxidation in the surface layers. CO2 and CH4 production were strongly substrate‐limited and a large proportion of the variance in their production (30% and 63%, respectively) was related to the quantity of carbohydrates in the peat. Furthermore, CO2 and CH4 production differed between vegetation types, suggesting that the quality of plant‐derived carbon inputs is an important driver of trace gas production throughout the peat profile. We conclude that the production of both CO2 and CH4 from subsurface peat is a substantial component of the net efflux of these gases, but that gas production through the peat profile is regulated in part by the degree of decomposition of the peat.  相似文献   


The origin and early evolution of the active site of the ribosome can be elucidated through an analysis of the ribosomal proteins' taxonomic block structures and their RNA interactions. Comparison between the two subunits, exploiting the detailed three-dimensional structures of the bacterial and archaeal ribosomes, is especially informative.  相似文献   
The evolution of the thrombospondin gene family   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Thrombospondin-1 is an adhesive glycoprotein that is involved in cellular attachment, spreading, migration, and proliferation. To date, four genes have been identified that encode for the members of the thrombospondin gene family. These four genes are homologous to each other in the EGF-like (type 2) repeats, the calcium-binding (type 3) motifs, and the COOH-terminal. The latter has been reported to be a cell-binding domain in thrombospondin-1. Phylogenetic trees have been constructed from the multisequence alignment of thrombospondin sequences from human, mouse, chicken, and frog. Two different algorithms generate comparable results in terms of the topology and the branch lengths. The analysis indicates that an early form of the thrombospondin gene duplicated about 925 million years ago. The gene duplication that produced the thrombospondin-1 and -2 branches of the family is predicted to have occurred 583 million years ago, whereas the gene duplication that produced the thrombospondin-3 and -4 branches of the family is predicted to have occurred 644 million years ago. These results indicate that the members of the thrombospondin gene family have existed throughout the evolution of the animal kingdom and thus probably participate in functions that are common to most of its members.  相似文献   
Colchicine and hormone secretion   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
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