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The aim of our study was to assess the effects of aviation noise on reproduction and cub mortality in farmed blue foxes. Eighty artificially inseminated blue fox vixens (45 primiparous and 35 multiparous) were exposed to aviation noise on 5 days when they were pregnant or had cubs. The noise during the exposures varied from 85 to 121 dB (L(AFmax)). Vixens (45 primiparous and 34 multiparous) on a farm without flight action acted as controls. Cubs were counted 1, 3, 7, 14 and 49 days postpartum and at the beginning of July. Litter size (cubs per whelped vixen), reproductive performance (cubs per mated vixen) and cub losses (lost cubs per whelped vixen) were analyzed from both experimental farms (A and C). The flight action had no effect on reproductive success. Reproductive performance in primiparous vixens was 4.2+/-3.8 and 4.3+/-3.6 cubs (ns, Mann-Whitney U-test) in the control and aviation group, respectively, while in multiparous vixens the corresponding figures were 7.1+/-4.4 and 7.3+/-3.8 cubs (ns). In general, litter size declined from birth to weaning (in primiparous vixens from 8.1+/-3.8 to 5.4+/-3.2 cubs, and in multiparous from 9.7+/-3.8 to 7.2+/-3.8 cubs, P<0.001, GLM for repeated measures). The decline was greater in primiparous than in multiparous vixens (P<0.01). There were no differences in total cub losses between the experimental groups (ns). Accordingly, the present results show that exposure to severe and repeated aviation noise does not impair the reproductive success of farmed blue foxes.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus crispatus is a common member of the beneficial microbiota present in the vertebrate gastrointestinal and human genitourinary tracts. Here, we report the genome sequence of L. crispatus ST1, a chicken isolate displaying strong adherence to vaginal epithelial cells.Lactobacillus crispatus can persist in the vertebrate gastrointestinal tract and is among the most prevalent species of the Lactobacillus-dominated human vaginal microbiota (2, 9, 13, 14). It belongs to the so-called acidophilus group (3), which has attracted interest because some of its species are important factors in the production of fermented foods (12) and some can, at least transiently, colonize the human host (2, 9, 13, 14). Moreover, some specific strains, mainly L. acidophilus NCFM and L. johnsonii NCC 533, have received prominence as intestinal-health-promoting microbes (4). Although the genomes of seven members of the acidophilus complex have been sequenced to date (12), the genome sequences of L. crispatus and other predominant lactobacillar species in the urogenital flora have mostly remained obscure. Vaginal lactobacilli can have an important role in controlling the health of the host (2, 14). They can, for example, positively influence and stabilize the host''s vaginal microbiota via the production of compounds that are acidic or exert a direct inhibiting action toward pathogenic bacteria (2, 14). In addition to the antimicrobial compounds, the competitive exclusion of pathogens is another mechanism by which the host''s microbiota can be balanced (2). L. crispatus ST1 was originally isolated from the crop of a chicken, and PCR profiling of L. crispatus isolates has verified it to be an abundant colonizer of the chicken crop (6, 8). It also displays a strong protein-dependent adhesion to the epithelial cells of the human vagina and has been shown to inhibit the adhesion of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (6, 7).The genome was sequenced (18× coverage) using a 454 pyrosequencer with GS FLX chemistry (Roche). The contig order was confirmed and gaps were filled by sequencing PCR fragments from the genomic DNA template using ABI 3730 and Big Dye chemistry (Applied Biosystems). Genomic data were processed using the Staden Package (11) and gsAssembler (Roche). Coding sequences (CDSs) were predicted using Glimmer3 (5) followed by manual curation of the start sites. The remaining intergenic regions were reanalyzed for missed CDSs by using BlastX (1). Annotation transfer was performed based on a BlastP search, followed by Blannotator analysis using default settings (http://ekhidna.biocenter.helsinki.fi/poxo/blannotator) and manual verification. Orthologous groups between the different lactobacillar proteomes were identified using OrthoMCL (10).The genome of L. crispatus ST1 consists of a single circular chromosome 2.04 Mbp in size, with an overall G+C content of 37%, without any plasmids. There are 64 tRNA genes, 4 rRNA operons, and 2 CRISPR loci. Out of the 2,024 predicted CDSs, a putative function was assigned to 77%, whereas 10% of the CDSs were annotated as conserved and 13% as novel. Based on the orthologous grouping, 302 (15%) of the CDSs encoded by ST1 have no detectable homologs in any of the Lactobacillus proteomes published to date.  相似文献   
Cellulose is an attractive feedstock for biofuel production because of its abundance, but the cellulose polymer is extremely stable and its constituent sugars are difficult to access. In nature, extracellular multi-enzyme complexes known as cellulosomes are among the most effective ways to transform cellulose to useable sugars. Cellulosomes consist of a diversity of secreted cellulases and other plant cell-wall degrading enzymes bound to a protein scaffold. These scaffold proteins have cohesin modules that bind conserved dockerin modules on the enzymes. It is thought that the localization of these diverse enzymes on the scaffold allows them to function synergistically. In order to understand and harness this synergy smaller, simplified cellulosomes have been constructed, expressed, and reconstituted using truncated cohesin-containing scaffolds.Here we show that an 18-subunit protein complex called a rosettasome can be genetically engineered to bind dockerin-containing enzymes and function like a cellulosome. Rosettasomes are thermostable, group II chaperonins from the hyperthermo-acidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus shibatae, which in the presence of ATP/Mg2+ assemble into 18-subunit, double-ring structures. We fused a cohesin module from Clostridium thermocellum to a circular permutant of a rosettasome subunit, and we demonstrate that the cohesin–rosettasomes: (1) bind dockerin-containing endo- and exo-gluconases, (2) the bound enzymes have increased cellulose-degrading activity compared to their activity free in solution, and (3) this increased activity depends on the number and ratio of the bound glucanases. We call these engineered multi-enzyme structures rosettazymes.  相似文献   
Two high-resolution pollen and charcoal analyses were constructed from sediments obtained from a small bay in eastern Finland in order to gain information on human activity during the Neolithic Stone Age, 5200–1800 bc. We used measurements of loss on ignition (LOI), magnetic susceptibility and geochemical analyses to describe the sedimentological characteristics. Palaeomagnetic dating and measurements of 137Cs-activity were supported by 14C-datings. The analyses revealed human activity between 4400 and 3200 bc, which is synchronous with archaeological cultures defined through different stages of Comb Ware pottery types and Middle Neolithic pottery types with asbestos as a primary temper. Direct evidence of Hordeum cultivation was dated to 4040–3930 cal bc. According to the pollen data, more significant effort was put into the production of fibres from hemp and lime than the actual cultivation of food.  相似文献   
As wholesale biodiversity assessment is often impractical, the use of surrogates that reflect the assemblage structure and diversity of other taxa has attracted increased attention. We sampled 47 boreal streams for diatoms and macroalgae and examined their assemblage patterns along major environmental gradients. Our main intention was to examine whether diatoms might be useful surrogates for macroalgae in boreal streams. We also assessed whether taxon richness and community composition provided similar insights into the patterns of cross-taxon concordance. According to canonical correspondence analysis, diatom distribution was most strongly related to water pH, conductivity, latitude and longitude, and macroalgal distribution to water pH and iron content, latitude and bed instability. In Mantel’s test, diatoms and macroalgae showed significant cross-taxon concordance. However, there was no significant correlation between taxon richness of the two algal groups, likely reflecting their differing responses to environmental variables. We found evidence that although diatoms and macroalgae are partly controlled by different environmental factors, they are segregated rather similarly along latitude and a few environmental gradients such as water pH and iron content. We conclude that, at least at broad geographical extents and in small streams, diatoms reflect the structure of the macroalgal community and are therefore useful surrogates for cost-effective biomonitoring of algal communities in streams.  相似文献   
Alpha-methylated analogues of the endogenous cannabinoid, 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG), were synthesized aiming to the improved enzymatic stability of 2-AG. In addition, the CB1 activity properties of fluoro derivatives of 2-AG were studied. The CB1 receptor activity was determined by the [35S]GTPgammaS binding assay, and the enzymatic stability of alpha-methylated analogues was determined in rat cerebellar membranes. The results indicate that even if the alpha-methylated 2-AG derivatives are slightly weaker CB1 receptor agonists than 2-AG, they are clearly more stable than 2-AG. In addition, the results showed that the replacement of the hydroxyl group(s) of 2-AG by fluorine does not improve the CB1 activity of 2-AG.  相似文献   
Microsatellite diversity at 18 loci was analysed in 94 individual plants of 10 wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum (C. Koch) Thell., populations sampled from Israel across a southward transect of increasing aridity. Allelic distribution in populations was not distributed randomly. Estimates of mean gene diversity were highest in stressful arid-hot environments. Sixty-four per cent of the genetic variation was partitioned within populations and 36% between populations. Associations between ecogeographical variables and gene diversity, H(e), were established in nine microsatellite loci. By employing principle component analysis we reduced the number of ecogeographical variables to three principal components including water factors, temperature and geography. At three loci, stepwise multiple regression analysis explained significantly the gene diversity by a single principal component (water factors). Based on these observations it is suggested that simple sequence repeats are not necessarily biologically neutral.  相似文献   
Previous studies on the effects of the mobile phone electromagnetic field (EMF) on various event‐related potential (ERP) components have yielded inconsistent and even contradictory results, and often failed in replication. The mismatch negativity (MMN) is an auditory ERP component elicited by infrequent (deviant) stimuli differing in some physical features from the repetitive frequent (standard) stimuli in a sound sequence. The MMN provides a sensitive measure for cortical auditory stimulus feature discrimination, regardless of attention and other contaminating factors. In this study, MMN responses to duration, intensity, frequency, and gap changes were recorded in healthy young adults (n = 17), using a multifeature paradigm including several types of auditory change in the same stimulus sequence, while a GSM mobile phone was placed on either ear with the EMF (902 MHz pulsed at 217 Hz; SAR1g = 1.14 W/kg, SAR10g = 0.82 W/kg, peak value = 1.21 W/kg, measured with an SAM phantom) on or off. An MMN was elicited by all deviant types, while its amplitude and latency showed no significant differences due to EMF exposure for any deviant types. In the present study, we found no conclusive evidence that acute exposure to GSM mobile phone EMF affects cortical auditory change detection processing reflected by the MMN. Bioelectromagnetics 30:241–248, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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