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Stereocomplexation of poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) with star shaped D-lactic acid (D-LA) oligomers with different architectures and end-groups clearly altered the degradation rate and affected the degradation product patterns. Altogether, nine materials were studied: standard PLLA and eight blends of PLLA with either 30 or 50 wt % of four different D-LA oligomers. The influence of several factors, including temperature, degradation time, and amount and type of D-LA oligomer, on the hydrolytic degradation process was investigated using a fractional factorial experimental design. Stereocomplexes containing star shaped D-LA oligomers with four alcoholic end-groups underwent a rather slow hydrolytic degradation with low release of degradation products. Materials with linear D-LA oligomers exhibited similar mass loss but released higher concentrations of shorter acidic degradation products. Increasing the fraction of D-LA oligomers with a linear structure or with four alcoholic end-groups resulted in slower mass loss due to higher degree of stereocomplexation. The opposite results were obtained after addition of D-LA oligomers with carboxylic chain-ends. These materials demonstrated lower degree of stereocomplexation and larger mass and molar mass loss, and also the release of degradation products increased. Increasing the number of alcoholic chain-ends from four to six decreased the degree of stereocomplexation, leading to faster mass loss. The degree of stereocomplexation and degradation rate were customized by changing the architecture and end-groups of the D-LA oligomers.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Antibodies towards placental-binding P. falciparum are thought to protect against pregnancy malaria; however, environmental factors may affect antibody development. Methods and Findings: Using plasma from pregnant Malawian women, we measured IgG against placental-binding P. falciparum parasites by flow cytometry, and related results to intermittent preventive treatment (IPTp) regime, and bed net use. Bed net use was associated with decreased antibody levels at mid-pregnancy but not at 1 month post partum (1 mpp). At 1 mpp a more intensive IPTp regime was associated with decreased antibody levels in primigravidae, but not multigravidae. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Results suggest bed nets and IPTp regime influence acquisition of pregnancy-specific P. falciparum immunity.  相似文献   
The amount of genetic differentiation at DNA microsatellite loci in European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) was assessed among ecotypes, populations and run-timing types. The magnitude of genetic changes potentially caused by hatchery broodstock rearing were also compared with those observed in corresponding natural populations. A total of 35 populations were studied, including 33 Coregonus lavaretus populations and two samples of Coregonus peled. Five of the six whitefish ecotypes in Finland were represented within C. lavaretus populations. Genetic diversity among C. lavaretus populations proved to be high compared to two C. peled populations. The genetic D(A) distance between these two species was as high as 0.86. The genetic differentiation among ecotypes was generally low and thus gives support for the hypothesis of one native European whitefish species in Scandinavia. Among the ecotypes the northern, large sparsely-rakered, bottom-dwelling whitefish was most unique. Thus, observed genetic differences in quantitative traits have either developed independently of phylogenetic lineages, or have mixed and later changed according to environments and selection pressures. Overall genetic distances between the anadromous whitefish populations along the Finnish coast, especially in the Bothnian Bay area, were small. Populations of this area have been heavily influenced by human activities, and they also have the highest probability of mixing by natural means. In two cases, the Rivers Iijoki and Tornionjoki, statistically significant genetic differences could be observed between summer- and autumn-run spawning-time types. Wild populations had slightly higher allelic diversity than hatchery-reared populations of corresponding rivers. Although some reduction in genetic diversity during hatchery rearing is possible, it is an important aid in maintaining endangered populations.  相似文献   
In contrast to the growth of fungi, the growth of mycobacteria in moisture-damaged building materials has rarely been studied. Environmental mycobacteria were isolated from 23% of samples of moisture-damaged materials (n = 88). The occurrence of mycobacteria increased with increasing concentrations of fungi. Mycobacteria may contribute to indoor exposure and associated adverse health effects.  相似文献   
Although a normal karyotype is generally a requirement for stem cell lines, new applications are likely to emerge for stem cells with defined chromosomal aneuploidies. We therefore investigated the use of embryos found to be aneuploid on biopsy followed by preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) with fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), and developmentally arrested embryos for stem cell derivation. Eleven stem cell lines were obtained from 41 embryos in 36 cultures, with higher success rate achieved from PGD-analyzed, developmentally advanced embryos (45%) than from clinically unsuitable non-PGD embryos (13%). The resulting stem cell lines were karyotyped, and surprisingly, six of the nine lines from aneuploid embryos as well as both lines from non-PGD embryos were karyotypically normal. Three lines from PGD embryos were aneuploid exhibiting trisomy 5, trisomy 16, and an isochromosome 13, respectively. None of the aneuploid lines presented the same anomally as the original PGD analysis. Our study has three important implications. First, we confirm the ability to produce stem cell lines from PGD-tested embryos as well as developmentally abnormal embryos, offering specialty stem cell lines for research into the clinically important aneuploidies. Second, we observe that stem cell derivation from apparently aneuploid embryos is often thwarted by underlying mosaicism and emerging dominance of the stem cell line by karyotypically normal cells. The corollary, however, is that regular production of normal stem cell lines from developmentally abnormal embryos ordinarity discarded opens a new source of embryos for stem cells, whether for research or for eventual therapeutic use within the donating families.  相似文献   
Ruuhola T  Yang S  Ossipov V  Haukioja E 《Oecologia》2008,154(4):725-730
Induced resistance of the mountain birch against its main defoliator Epirrita autumnata is a well-characterized phenomenon. The causal mechanism for this induced deterioration, however, has not been unequivocally explained, and no individual compound or group of traditional defensive compounds has been shown to explain the phenomenon. Phenolic compounds are the main secondary metabolites in mountain birch leaves, and the biological activity of phenolics usually depends on their oxidation. In this study, we found that the activity of polyphenoloxidases (PPOs), enzymes that oxidize o-diphenols to o-diquinones, was induced in trees with introduced larvae, and bioassays showed that both growth and consumption rates of larvae were reduced in damaged trees. PPO activity was negatively associated with both larval growth and consumption rates in trees with bagged larvae, but not in control trees. Our results suggest that the oxidation of phenolics by PPOs may be a causal explanation for the rapidly induced resistance of mountain birch against E. autumnata. This finding also helps to explain why correlations between insect performance and phenolics (without measuring indices explaining their oxidation) may not produce consistent results.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the actively wintering American mink Mustela vison is strictly dependent on continuous food availability or if it has evolved physiological adaptations to tolerate nutritional scarcity. Fifty farm-bred male minks were divided into a fed control group and four experimental groups fasted for 2, 3, 5 or 7 days. The rate of weight loss was several-fold higher (1.5-3.2% day(-1)) in the mink than recorded previously in larger carnivores utilizing passive wintering strategies. The minks remained normoglycaemic, although their liver glycogen stores and glucose-6-phosphatase activities decreased during fasting. Adipose tissue constituted approximately 36% of their body mass after 7 days of food deprivation. Intra-abdominal fat, especially retroperitoneal but also mesenteric adipose tissue, were the most important fat depots to be hydrolyzed, but the ability of the mink to utilize its body lipids during fasting may be limited. The increased liver size, hepatic triacylglycerol accumulation and increases in the activities of plasma aminotransferases indicated liver dysfunction. Food deprivation also affected the red blood cell indices, and the blood monocyte and lymphocyte counts decreased suggesting immunosuppression during fasting. The results of the present study suggest that the mink has not evolved sophisticated adaptations to wintertime fasting.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to examine differences in paternal and maternal care in a double-brooded, monogamous species, the Treecreeper Certhia familiaris, in relation to food availability. As a measure of parental care, we recorded the hourly feeding activity of parents when the nestlings from their first and second breeding attempts were 7 and 12 days old. Feeding frequency of the first brood increased with the age of the nestlings and also with the brood size when 12 days old. While the feeding activities of the females were similar with respect to the first and second broods, the males were less active and failed to provide any food to their nestlings in 15 cases out of 28 second broods. In spite of this, the fledglings from the second broods were heavier than those in the first. Such a pattern of male behaviour was possible without being a disadvantage to the chicks because the food supply increased during the breeding season and the female could provide food for the young alone. Thus paternal care was particularly important in times of poor food supply, i.e. during the first brood, where the extent of these males' activity in feeding the 7-day-old nestlings was positively correlated with the average mass of the nestlings. Our results support the idea that the male of monogamous, altricial bird species often makes important contributions to raising the young, especially during periods when it is difficult for the female to do so alone. Males show flexibility in their pattern of parental care, and male Treecreepers change their contribution to the first and second broods within the same season.  相似文献   
Unpredictability in the temporal availability of susceptible hosts is likely to act as a selection pressure affecting the life history strategies of parasites. In highly variable environments the future of the lineage can be secured by spreading the risk, for example, by producing descendants that differ in their timing of emergence. Counter to this, in predictable environments a single "best-adapted" phenotype is expected. We asked whether ectoparasitic Argulus coregoni egg hatching pattern can be explained as a genetically canalized individual trait; an instance of phenotypic plasticity or bet-hedging. We collected egg clutches laid by individual A. coregoni females in early and late reproductive period of the lice population and randomized the clutches within 3 treatments. Intra- and inter-clutch variability in the hatching dynamics of A. coregoni eggs was monitored and the reproductive potential assessed. On average A. coregoni females laid 317 (SD±176.6) eggs. We found that the plasticity in the hatching dynamics among A. coregoni eggs was remarkable. Noticeable peaks in hatching were followed each of the repeated artificial "winter treatments" in 1°C. Repeated 2 weeks cold treatments induced relatively bigger hatching peaks than 2 days cold treatments compared to controls at room temperature. However, in all treatments, egg clutches hatched through an extended period of 7 months on average and the total hatching percentages were similar. We found that intra-clutch variability in hatching among eggs laid by single A. coregoni females was greater than inter-clutch variability. Our data support the predictions of the adaptive bet-hedging strategy in relation to egg-hatching dynamics. Response to cooling and bet-hedging may be adaptive for such species like A. coregoni since by synchronizing the life-cycle with the seasonal environment will assist transmission and parasite fitness.  相似文献   
Adiponectin (Acrp30) and peptide YY (PYY) are weight-regulatory hormones participating in the control of energy homeostasis. This study investigated the effects of long-term wintertime fasting on plasma Acrp30 and PYY levels in the carnivorous blue fox, a farm-bred variant of the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus). Plasma Acrp30 and PYY concentrations were determined with radioimmunoassays during a 22-day period of fasting, which led to a 20.3% reduction in body mass of the animals (n=32). Sixteen fed blue foxes served as the control group. Acrp30 and PYY were present in blue fox plasma at similar or lower levels as reported previously for other mammals. Fasting had no acute effects on Acrp30 or PYY concentrations of the blue foxes. However, the Acrp30 levels of the fasted blue foxes were 24%-48% higher than in the fed animals between days 8-22 of fasting. Fasted blue foxes also had 6.2-fold higher plasma PYY concentrations after 15 days of fasting. Acrp30 and PYY seem to play roles in the body weight-regulation of the blue fox during long-term fasting, but their specific functions and physiological significance remain to be determined.  相似文献   
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