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Arterial stiffness is higher in strength-trained humans and lower in endurance-trained humans. However, the mechanisms underlying these different adaptations are unclear. Vascular endothelium-derived factors, such as endothelin-1 (ET-1) and nitric oxide (NO), play an important role in the regulation of vascular tonus. We hypothesized that endogenous ET-1 and NO participate in the adaptation of arterial stiffness in different types of exercise training. The purpose of this study was to investigate plasma ET-1 and NO concentrations and arterial stiffness in strength- and endurance-trained men. Young strength-trained athletes (SA; n = 11), endurance-trained athletes (EA; n = 12), and sedentary control men (C; n = 12) participated in this study. Maximal handgrip strength in SA and maximal oxygen uptake in EA were markedly greater than in C. Aortic pulse-wave velocity, which is an established index of arterial stiffness, was higher in SA and lower in EA than in C. Additionally, we measured systemic arterial compliance (SAC) using carotid artery applanation tonometry and Doppler echocardiography, because arterial stiffness is a primary determinant of the compliance. SAC was lower in SA and higher in EA compared with that in C. Plasma ET-1 concentrations were higher in SA compared with C and EA. We did not find significant differences in plasma NO concentrations (measured as the stable end product of NO, i.e., nitrite/nitrate). The relationships of plasma ET-1 concentrations to aortic pulse-wave velocity and SAC were linear. These results suggest that differences in endogenous ET-1 may partly participate in the mechanism underlying different adaptations of arterial stiffness in strength- and endurance-trained men.  相似文献   
Recently, numerous species of aquatic invertebrates inhabiting wetlands have been shown to possess endogenous cellulase, following the discovery that termites have cellulase genes encoded in their own genome rather than relying on symbiotic bacteria for decomposing cellulose. Wetlands have been empirically shown to play an important role in the decomposition of land‐originating hard‐to‐degrade polysaccharides such as cellulose. However, the mechanism that connects the cellulase producer and the wetlands remains unknown, which makes it very difficult to evaluate the ecological function of wetlands. Here we found that a macrobenthic bivalve, Corbicula japonica, secretes its cellulase to the wetland sediment. Secreted cellulases are immobilized in the components of the sediment. Moreover, adding cellulose or glucose to C. japonica could trigger its cellulase secretion level. These findings suggest a novel wetland cellulose decomposition mechanism. The decomposition ability of wetlands was previously ascribed only to microbes and/or invertebrates that contain cellulases. Our findings suggest that benthic animals supply wetlands with their enzymes as decomposition agents, while wetland sediments serve as immobilization scaffolds for the enzymes. This system, which was named by us an “environmental bioreactor system,” could provide a key function in wetlands.  相似文献   
Phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein (PICALM), also known as clathrin assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia protein (CALM), was originally isolated as part of the fusion gene CALM/AF10, which results from the chromosomal translocation t(10;11)(p13;q14). CALM is sufficient to drive clathrin assembly in vitro on lipid monolayers and regulates clathrin-coated budding and the size and shape of the vesicles at the plasma membrane. However, the physiological role of CALM has yet to be elucidated. Here, the role of CALM in vivo was investigated using CALM-deficient mice. CALM-deficient mice exhibited retarded growth in utero and were dwarfed throughout their shortened life-spans. Moreover, CALM-deficient mice suffered from severe anemia, and the maturation and iron content in erythroid precursors were severely impaired. CALM-deficient erythroid cells and embryonic fibroblasts exhibited impaired clathrin-mediated endocytosis of transferrin. These results indicate that CALM is required for erythroid maturation and transferrin internalization in mice.  相似文献   
A transposon-inserted mutant of Drosophila melanogaster was recently identified, and the larvae show no food preference (Ryuda and Hayakawa, 2005). To reveal the genetic mechanism underlying the preference change in this mutant, a large-scale oligo-DNA microarray screening was carried out to identify genes whose expression is different in control and mutant strains. We focused especially on hunger-driven changes in gene expression in the larval central nervous system (CNS) of both strains, because the state of food depletion should promote a feeding response due to changed expression of certain genes in the CNS. We identified 22 genes whose expression changed after starvation in either or both of the two strains. Quantitative RT-PCR analyses confirmed the expression changes in four genes, CG6271, CG6277, CG7953, and new glue 3 (ng3, encoding a putative structural molecule). CG6271 and CG6277 encode triacylglycerol lipase, and CG7953 produces a protein homologous to a juvenile hormone (JH) binding protein. The expression of these two groups of genes was enhanced in control strain larvae with a normal food preference but not in GS1189 strain larvae. Given that these genes contribute to mediating hunger-driven changes in food preference and intake in D. melanogaster larvae, the dysfunction of these key genes could cause the defect in food preference observed in GS1189-strain larvae.  相似文献   
κ-Opioid receptor agonists with high selectivity over the μ-opioid receptor are attractive targets in the development of drugs for pain and pruritus. We previously reported the synthesis of 10α-hydroxy TRK-820 (1). In this study, we elucidated the biological properties of 1 and optimized its 6-acyl unit by modifying our synthetic route. Among the 10α-hydroxy TRK-820 derivatives prepared, 26 showed the most potent κ-opioid agonist activity (EC50 = 0.00466 nM) and excellent selectivity and 22 was the most κ-selective agonist.  相似文献   
Systemic amyloidosis of the amyloid A (AA) type, is occasionally associated with various neoplasms, but the cause is still unclear. We obtained interleukin 6 (IL-6)-producing cells designated YO from a primary culture of a malignant peritoneal mesothelioma of epithelial type obtained from a 62-year-old woman. Post mortem examination revealed that the patient had systemic amyloidosis of the AA type. The supernatant media of YO cells, as well as recombinant human IL-6, successfully induced nonneoplastic liver cells to produce serum AA (SAA). Our data suggest that IL-6 produced by the tumor cells may have played an important role in the paraneoplastic syndrome of AA amyloidosis in this patient.  相似文献   
Insoluble aggregates of polyglutamine-containing proteins are usually conjugated with ubiquitin in neurons of individuals with polyglutamine diseases. We now show that ataxin-3, in which the abnormal expansion of a polyglutamine tract is responsible for spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3), undergoes ubiquitylation and degradation by the proteasome. Mammalian E4B (UFD2a), a ubiquitin chain assembly factor (E4), copurified with the polyubiquitylation activity for ataxin-3. E4B interacted with, and thereby mediated polyubiquitylation of, ataxin-3. Expression of E4B promoted degradation of a pathological form of ataxin-3. In contrast, a dominant-negative mutant of E4B inhibited degradation of this form of ataxin-3, resulting in the formation of intracellular aggregates. In a Drosophila model of SCA3, expression of E4B suppressed the neurodegeneration induced by an ataxin-3 mutant. These observations suggest that E4 is a rate-limiting factor in the degradation of pathological forms of ataxin-3, and that targeted expression of E4B is a potential gene therapy for SCA3.  相似文献   
We isolated cDNAs encoding type 2 and type 3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)) receptors (IP(3)R2 and IP(3)R3, respectively) from mouse lung and found a novel alternative splicing segment, SI(m2), at 176-208 of IP(3)R2. The long form (IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(+)) was dominant, but the short form (IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(-)) was detected in all tissues examined. IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(-) has neither IP(3) binding activity nor Ca(2+) releasing activity. In addition to its reticular distribution, IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(+) is present in the form of clusters in the endoplasmic reticulum of resting COS-7 cells, and after ATP or Ca(2+) ionophore stimulation, most of the IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(+) is in clusters. IP(3)R3 is localized uniformly on the endoplasmic reticulum of resting cells and forms clusters after ATP or Ca(2+) ionophore stimulation. IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(-) does not form clusters in either resting or stimulated cells. IP(3) binding-deficient site-directed mutants of IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(+) and IP(3)R3 fail to form clusters, indicating that IP(3) binding is involved in the cluster formation by these isoforms. Coexpression of IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(-) prevents stimulus-induced IP(3)R clustering, suggesting that IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(-) functions as a negative coordinator of stimulus-induced IP(3)R clustering. Expression of IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(-) in CHO-K1 cells significantly reduced ATP-induced Ca(2+) entry, but not Ca(2+) release, suggesting that the novel splice variant of IP(3)R2 specifically influences the dynamics of the sustained phase of Ca(2+) signals.  相似文献   
The proline-rich Akt substrate of 40 kilodaltons (PRAS40) was identified as a raptor-binding protein that is phosphorylated directly by mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 (mTORC1) but not mTORC2 in vitro, predominantly at PRAS40 (Ser(183)). The binding of S6K1 and 4E-BP1 to raptor requires a TOR signaling (TOS) motif, which contains an essential Phe followed by four alternating acidic and small hydrophobic amino acids. PRAS40 binding to raptor was severely inhibited by mutation of PRAS40 (Phe(129) to Ala). Immediately carboxyl-terminal to Phe(129) are two small hydrophobic amino acid followed by two acidic residues. PRAS40 binding to raptor was also abolished by mutation of the major mTORC1 phosphorylation site, Ser(183), to Asp. PRAS40 (Ser(183)) was phosphorylated in intact cells; this phosphorylation was inhibited by rapamycin, by 2-deoxyglucose, and by overexpression of the tuberous sclerosis complex heterodimer. PRAS40 (Ser(183)) phosphorylation was also inhibited reversibly by withdrawal of all or of only the branched chain amino acids; this inhibition was reversed by overexpression of the Rheb GTPase. Overexpressed PRAS40 suppressed the phosphorylation of S6K1 and 4E-BP1 at their rapamycin-sensitive phosphorylation sites, and reciprocally, overexpression of S6K1 or 4E-BP1 suppressed phosphorylation of PRAS40 (Ser(183)) and its binding to raptor. RNA interference-induced depletion of PRAS40 enhanced the amino acid-stimulated phosphorylation of both S6K1 and 4E-BP1. These results establish PRAS40 as a physiological mTORC1 substrate that contains a variant TOS motif. Moreover, they indicate that the ability of raptor to bind endogenous substrates is limiting for the activity of mTORC1 in vivo and is therefore a potential locus of regulation.  相似文献   
Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) activates two distinct signaling pathways inducing production of proinflammatory cytokines or type I interferons (IFNs), respectively. MyD88 and TIRAP/Mal are essential adaptor molecules for the former but not for the latter pathway. In contrast, TRIF/TICAM-1 and TRAM/TICAM-2 are essential for both. TIRAP is a sorting adaptor molecule recruiting MyD88 to activated TLR4 in the plasma membrane. TRAM is thought to bridge between TLR4 and TRIF by physical association. Little is known, however, how TRAM interacts with TLR4 or with TRIF during LPS response. Here, we show that TRAM recruits TRIF to the plasma membrane. Moreover, LPS induces upregulation of TLR4-association with TRAM and their subsequent translocation into endosome/lysosome. The internalized signaling complex consisting of TLR4 and TRAM colocalizes with TRAF3, a signaling molecule downstream of TRIF, in endosome/lysosome. These results suggest that TLR4 activates TRIF-signaling in endosome/lysosome after relocation from the cell surface.  相似文献   
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