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本原直脉蝎蛉化石标本采自陕西铜种中三叠世铜川组下段上部(T21^2)灰绿色泥页岩,中描述2个新种,并附上产于世界各地的10个种主要特征的检索表,新种的模式标本保存在北京自然博物馆。  相似文献   
小头叶蝉属系统分类研究(同翅目:叶蝉科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述世界小头叶蝉属Placidus Distant昆虫9种,其中包括4个新种。条痕小头叶蝉Placidus striolatus,sp.nov. 乌樽小头叶蝉Placidus nigrocupuliferou,sp.nov.分布于云省,花顶小头叶蝉Placidus flosifronus,sp.nov.分布于湖南省,密齿小叶蝉Placidus dentatus,sp.nov。分布于四川省。中列出了所有9种小头叶蝉的名录并编制了分布检索表。新种模式标本分别保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆和中国科学院动物研究所(IZAS)。新种模式标本和示差鉴别特征如下:条痕小叶蝉Placidus striolatus,新种,正模:♂(IZAS),云南省,大围山,1350m,1956-V-22,邦浦洛夫采。该新种与P.hornei Distant相近,但其雄性生殖瓣侧面观近三角形,尾节侧瓣向后渐狭,阳茎端部近1/3处具数条长印痕,阳茎产端部腹缘锯齿状,可以与后相区别。花顶小头叶蝉Palcidus flosifrontus,新种(图3),正模♂,南非,郴州莽山,1985-Ⅶ-31,张雅林,柴勇辉采。该新种与P.hornei Distant相近,但其阳茎基部两侧所具有一对长的带状突不同于小头叶蝉属Placidus所有其他种类。密齿小头叶蝉Plasidus dentatus,新种(图4),模:♂(IZAS),四川省,马尔康,1961-Ⅵ,李贵富采。该新种与P.brunneus Kuoh相近,但其小盾片中域横刻痕不明显,连索“Y”型,阳茎端部部侧区密生小齿突,可与后明显相区分,乌樽小头叶蝉Placidus nigrocupuliferous,新种(图5),正模:♂,云南省,勐养,750m,1991-Ⅵ-9,王应伦,田润刚采。该新种与P.hornei Distant和P.bruneus Kuoh相近,但其阳基侧突呈“S”形且基部1/3膨大,阳茎侧面观呈“Y”形,腹面一支明显比背方一支狭,可与后两种明显区分。  相似文献   
为了解特定生态环境中晚稻稻种的非致病细菌多样性以更有效地治理水稻主要病害,于1996-2001年间对采自浙江平原、丘陵及山区的606份稻种样本进行了非致病细菌种类、频率及对水稻纹枯病和恶苗病的抑菌作用研究。从中分离出9605个菌株,经致病性测定、菌落形态及部分细菌学特征(革兰氏染色、KMB培养基上的荧光色素和扩散性非荧光色素、YDC培养基上黄色菌落的产生、好气性、鞭毛及芽孢的染色镜检等)测定后,选出代表菌株622个,连同80个对照菌株用Biolog及脂肪酸分析法(FAME)进行测试。鉴定出Pseudomonas属11个种或型及其他14属的23种非致病细菌,并发现Pseudomonas属中55%的种及其他属中49%的种存在对水稻纹枯病或恶苗病的拮抗菌株,但不同种间的抑菌率存在较大差异。3类稻区均以Bacillus spp.、Acinetobacter spp.和P.putida等3个种群为主导并同时存在许多其他相似种,其中7个常见种的分离频率在不同稻区有显著差异。  相似文献   
江苏盐城黑紫鸥(Larus saundersi)繁殖微生境的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1999~2001年春夏对江苏盐城国家级自然保护区黑嘴鸥的繁殖微生境进行了调查,黑嘴鸥的繁殖生境包括碱蓬群落(Suaeda glauca)、獐毛群落(Aeluropus littoralis)和大米草群落(Spartina anglica),通过生境可获得性与可利用性分析,得知黑嘴鸥营巢对碱蓬生境具有正选择性,对獐毛和大米草生境具有负选择性。对繁殖微生境选择研究的结果表明,黑嘴鸥繁殖微生境具有以下特征:植被高度5~25cm,植被盖度20%~60%,底栖生物量大于300g/m^2,距水源距离500~1000m,距人类活动干扰距离大于500m,滩涂开发和人为活动是影响盐城地区黑嘴鸥繁殖微生境选择的重要因素。本文对黑嘴鸥繁殖栖息地的保护和管理提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
N中国棱胸蚁属系统分类研究(膜翅目:蚁科)(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究中国棱胸蚁属PristomyrmexMayr蚂蚁 4种 :短刺棱胸蚁 ,P .brevispinosusEmery ,台湾棱胸蚁P .formosaeForel,双针棱胸蚁P .pungensMayr,弯钩棱胸蚁P .hamatussp .nov .。编制了工蚁分种检索表。描述了采于云南省南部勐腊热带雨林内一新种弯钩棱胸蚁P .hamatussp .nov .该新种与双针棱胸蚁P .pungensMayr接近 ,但上颚内缘具 1个明显的齿 ,背面观并胸腹节刺内弯呈钩状 ,侧面观胸部背面圆形隆起 ,腹柄结宽且背面较直。模式标本标本保存在西南林学院资源学院。  相似文献   
60例活动性肝硬变患者血清载脂蛋白AI与B的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为了探讨活动性肝硬变患者的血清载脂蛋白AI(APOAI)、载脂蛋白B(APOB)与肝细胞损害的严重程度及其预后的关系。方法:采和速度比浊法检测60例活动性肝硬变患者的血清APOAI、APOB水平,并与其他肝脏生化试验进行比较。结果:活动肝硬变代偿性与失代偿性两组APOAI,APOB均有着显著性差异(P<0.01,P<0.05)。活动性肝硬变患者的APOAI与总胆红素(TB)、凝血酶原时间(PT)呈负相关性(P<0.01,P<0.01,与白蛋白(ALB),胆碱酯酶(CHE)、纤维蛋白原(FIB)呈显著正相关性(P<0.01,P<0.01,P<0.05)。APOX仅与FIB呈显著相关性(P<0.05),好转组与死亡组两组APOAI有显著性差异(P<0.05),APOB无显著性差异,结论:检测活动性肝硬变患者血清APOAI,APOB水平有助于判断肝硬变的严重程度,且APOAI比APOB更敏感、可靠。  相似文献   
长春花激素完全适应型细胞的生长和阿玛碱合成特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从长春花激素依赖型细胞系(C20D)筛选出一种激素完全适应型的细胞系(C20hi),考察了两种细胞生长、阿玛碱合成和引吲哚生物碱生物合成相关的酶的活性,结果表明:在生长培养基上二生长无显差异,而C20hi细胞平均阿玛碱含量是C20D的31.9倍,在生产培养基上C20hi细胞生长较C20D快,C20hi平均阿玛碱含量是C20D的18.4倍。通过比较生产和生长培养基中C20hi细胞的色氨酸脱羧酶、异胡豆苷合酶和long牛儿醇-10-脱氢酶活性,发明,通过5年的继代培养,激素完全适应型细胞系C20hi的阿玛碱含量是比较稳定的。  相似文献   
为探讨植物对病原微生物的防御机制和激发子启动植物体内的信号转导应答过程 ,本文研究了Phytoph thorapalmi激发子palmin诱导其非寄主亲和性烟草的叶片和悬浮细胞系产生氧化猝发的分子机理。利用生化分析和激光共聚焦显微扫描技术动态观察palmin诱导烟草过敏反应中O·- 2 和H2 O2 的形成、胞间转移及引起细胞死亡的特性。结果表明 :palmin诱导激活了烟草细胞内NADPH氧化酶 ,产生大量的O·- 2 ;O·- 2 在SOD催化下迅速转变成H2 O2 ,并且H2 O2 在一定范围的细胞间转移和积累 ,最后诱发烟草细胞的过敏性坏死反应。palmin诱导氧化猝发过程还有Ca2 和蛋白激酶的参与。  相似文献   
通过转PSAG12—IPT基因培育延缓叶片衰老水稻   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用农杆菌介导的遗传转化方法将PSAG12 _IPT导入籼稻品种明恢 6 3。在获得的 6 1个独立的转基因植株中 ,有一些表现出叶片衰老显著延缓 ,对选择的两个纯合转基因株系的小区试验的结果显示 :(1)转基因植株倒三叶的持绿性极显著延长 ;(2 )两个纯合转基因株系比原品种的结实率极显著提高 ,株高极显著降低 ;(3)两个纯合转基因株系的有效穗数比原品种极显著或显著提高。  相似文献   
Since the recent growth of molecular and genetic methods, and their implementation into organismic biology, zoology has been slowly regaining the importance it enjoyed until the late 1970's. Biologists are becoming increasingly aware that dynamic processes between molecules and proteins, the products of expressed genes, are relevant in the context of the whole organism's physiological status and behaviour. This modernization of organismic biology, however, has also resulted in more differentiation and diversity of methods within the disciplines that apply to the animal sciences. This increasing diversity within zoological disciplines was highlighted in the series of lectures held at our annual meeting in Halle in 2002.The highlight of the Halle meeting was undoubtedly the awarding of the Karl von Frisch Prize to F. G. Barth from Vienna University. Since Karl von Frisch's work few have so successfully exemplified the wealth of knowledge and insights that may be gained by applying modern methods, and convergent approaches from different disciplines to one single species. Barth's work focused on the wandering spiders Cupiennius. His lecture, “spider senses – technical perfection and biology” demonstrated to us the scientific power of a holistic approach.In the context of the behavioural studies of our colleagues at Halle University, Charlotte Helfrich-Förster presented a survey of “The circadian system of Drosphila melanogaster and its light input pattern”. Behavioural research on rhythms has its roots in Germany and enjoys a long tradition in zoology. As in many other disciplines, modern genetics opened up new and very fruitful insights into the subject.A greater understanding of the mechanisms of learning and memory is another field of research that has benefitted greatly from molecular biology. It has become a flourishing and expanding area of research, especially in invertebrate zoology. The current state of research, from a neurobiological and molecular point of view, was presented in three lectures, including one by Uli Müller, of the Berlin School. Cognition in audition, a still emerging field, was introduced to us in Bernhard Gaese's lecture on “Precognitive and cognitive elements in sound localization”. In the future, auditory cognition will surely become a Dorado for neurobiologists and acoustic psychologists. Susan D. Healy connected cognition with ecological constraints in her talk “Animal learning and memory: an integration of cognition and ecology”. She argued that cognitive performances can only be explained in the context of species-specific behaviours and ecology. “Cognitive ecology”, as it may be termed, is an emerging and genuinely zoological field of research that will have an important impact on our understanding of evolution. It's challenges will require highly motivated young zoologists.Research on species diversity takes a different approach to the subject of evolution and diversity, investigating the preconditions for speciation processes, and evolutionary trends and mechanisms. Unfortunately the fauna of soils is rarely considered, in spite of its great importance to ecological conditions. Richard Bagdett made up for this neglect in his lecture on the “Causes and consequences of biological diversity in soil”, and Bernhard Misof reported on speciation processes in Anisoptera.“Classical” physiology is still the backbone of organismic research. Modern versions of two very different topics were presented in Halle. Stephan Huber reported on the “Development of renal function”, and Fritz-Olaf Lehmann presented a new and convincing concept of aerodynamics and energetics in insect flight. His research continues the worthwhile tradition of flight analysis founded by Werner Nachtigall.The topics of our annual meeting in Halle could hardly have been more diverse. However, it is this the very diversity of modern and productive research field in zoology that characterizes a promising and fascinating future. In zoology, more than in any other biological discipline, exciting problems relevant to the understanding of evolution and its mechanisms are waiting to be solved by young scientists. Zoology has again become a start-up enterprise with promising rewards.  相似文献   
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