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Plagiogrammaceae, a poorly described family of diatoms, are common inhabitants of the shallow marine littoral zone, occurring either in the sediments or as epiphytes. Previous molecular phylogenies of the Plagiogrammaceae were inferred but included only up to six genera: Plagiogramma, Dimeregramma, Neofragilaria, Talaroneis, Psammogramma and Psammoneis. In this paper, we describe a new plagiogrammoid genus, Orizaformis, obtained from Bohai Sea (China) and present molecular phylogenies of the family based on three and four genes (nuclear-encoded large and small subunit ribosomal RNAs and chloroplast-encoded rbcL and psbC). Also included in the new phylogenies is Glyphodesmis. The phylogenies suggest that the Plagiogrammaceae is composed of two major clades: one consisting of Talaroneis, Orizaformis and Psammoneis, and the second of Glyphodesmis, Psammogramma, Neofragilaria, Dimeregramma and Plagiogramma. In addition, we describe three new species within established genera: Psammoneis obaidii, which was collected from the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia; and Neofragilaria stilus and Talaroneis biacutifrons from the Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean, and illustrate two new combination taxa: Neofragilaria anomala and Neofragilaria lineata. Our observations suggest that the biodiversity of the family is strongly needed to be researched, and the phylogenetic analyses provide a useful framework for future studies of Plagiogrammaceae.  相似文献   
While oxytocin is widely used in the treatment of dystocia in dogs, there is little information about its secretion before and during normal unassisted whelping. We therefore measured plasma oxytocin concentrations during late pregnancy and the expulsive stage of parturition. Blood samples were collected from eight dogs at 3-min intervals during a 42-min period between the 2nd and 14th day before whelping and during parturition after the birth of 1-3 pups. The litters consisted of 5-15 pups and the progression of the expulsive stage was linear and nearly parallel in the eight bitches. The overall mean (+/-S.D.) plasma oxytocin concentration during late pregnancy was 3.6+/-2.1pg/ml. Mean values in individual dogs ranged from 1.2 to 7.4 pg/ml, but the intra-animal variation was rather small. During the expulsive stage the overall mean (+/-S.D.) plasma oxytocin concentration was 12.9+/-13.9 pg/ml, with mean values in individual dogs ranging from 3.5 to 46 pg/ml. The mean area under the oxytocin curve for parturient dogs was significantly higher (P<0.05) than for pregnant dogs. During the expulsive stage, the peak plasma oxytocin level in individual dogs ranged between 10 and 117 pg/ml. In six of the eight dogs a pup was born during blood collection and in five of these animals the plasma oxytocin concentration increased temporarily during periods of abdominal straining and expulsion. However, straining efforts and expulsion were not consistently associated with a rise in the circulating oxytocin level. It is concluded that in the dog plasma oxytocin levels are higher and more variable during the expulsive stage of parturition than during late pregnancy. Interrelationships between the secretion pattern of oxytocin, the level of uterine contractility, and the progress of fetal expulsion in dogs need further exploration.  相似文献   
The possible contribution of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) to the development of obesity-associated insulin resistance in humans is still controversial. Our study investigated the effect of TNF-α neutralization on insulin resistance in healthy, obese and insulin resistant men. We performed a prospective, randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial in nine young, healthy obese male subjects with metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. Volunteers received three infusions (wks 0, 2 and 6) of infliximab or placebo. Insulin resistance was measured at baseline and after 70 d by homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) index as well as by minimal model analysis of an intravenous glucose tolerance test. Endothelial function was accessed before and after intervention by flow mediated dilation. Infliximab improved the inflammatory status as indicated by reduced high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) and fibrinogen levels (2.77 ± 0.6 to 1.8 ± 0.5 μg/L, and 3.42 ± 0.18 to 3.18 ± 0.28 g/L; (day 0 and day 70, P = 0.020 and 0.037 respectively), but did not improve insulin resistance (HOMA index and intravenous glucose-tolerance test [ivGGT]) or endothelial function. Despite improvements in inflammatory status, chronic TNF-α neutralization does not improve insulin resistance or endothelial function in seemingly healthy, but obese, insulin-resistant volunteers. This study severely questions the proposal that TNF-α is a causative link between adiposity and insulin resistance.  相似文献   
In Europe alone, each year 5500 people require a life‐saving liver transplantation, but 18% die before receiving one due to the shortage of donor organs. Whole organ engineering, utilizing decellularized liver scaffolds repopulated with autologous cells, is an attractive alternative to increase the pool of available organs for transplantation. The development of this technology is hampered by a lack of a suitable large‐animal model representative of the human physiology and a reliable and continuous cell source. We have generated porcine intrahepatic cholangiocyte organoids from adult stem cells and demonstrate that these cultures remained stable over multiple passages whilst retaining the ability to differentiate into hepatocyte‐ and cholangiocyte‐like cells. Recellularization onto porcine scaffolds was efficient and the organoids homogeneously differentiated, even showing polarization. Our porcine intrahepatic cholangiocyte system, combined with porcine liver scaffold paves the way for developing whole liver engineering in a relevant large‐animal model.  相似文献   
Hypoluteoidism is characterized by insufficient secretion of progesterone by the corpora lutea during pregnancy. The resulting failure to maintain progesterone concentration above a critical level presumably could lead to fetal resorbtion as well as frank abortion. This report concerns a 2.5-year-old Bernese Mountain dog with a history of two previous pregnancies ending in abortion around Day 50 of pregnancy. The bitch was initially presented 2 days after mating. Physical and gynecological examination revealed no abnormalities. The infectious causes of abortion in the bitch, Brucella canis and herpesvirus, were excluded using serology. On Day 26 after mating, ultrasonography confirmed a pregnancy with at least four living fetuses. During the remaining part of the pregnancy repeated transabdominal ultrasonography and plasma progesterone measurements, using a RIA, were performed. On Day 42, ultrasonography revealed living fetuses but plasma progesterone concentration had decreased to 8.3 nmol/L, which is just above the threshold necessary to maintain a vital pregnancy. Oral treatment with 0.1mg medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) per kg body weight, once daily, was started and continued until Day 58 in order to prevent abortion due to progesterone deficiency. The endogenous plasma progesterone concentration decreased further, but pregnancy was maintained. On Day 59 a cesarean section was performed because of dystocia and four living and one dead pup were delivered. One puppy had severe facial malformations and was euthanised. The premature decrease in plasma progesterone concentration while ultrasonography demonstrated that the fetuses were still alive, and the maintenance of pregnancy during administration of MPA, strongly support the diagnosis of hypoluteoidism.  相似文献   
Acromegaly or hypersomatotropism in dogs is almost always due to progestin-induced hypersecretion of GH originating from the mammary gland. The aim of this study was to investigate whether aglépristone, a progesterone receptor antagonist, can be used to treat this form of canine acromegaly. In five Beagle bitches hypersomatotropism was induced by administration of MPA for over 1 year. Subsequently, aglépristone was administered. Blood samples were collected before MPA administration, immediately before, during, and 3.5 and 5.5 weeks after the last administration of aglépristone for determination of the plasma concentrations of GH and IGF-I. In addition, blood samples for the determination of the 6-h plasma profile of GH were collected before MPA administration, before aglépristone administration, and 1 week after the last aglépristone treatment. MPA administration resulted in a significant increase of the mean plasma IGF-I concentration, whereas analysis of the pulsatile plasma profile demonstrated a trend (P=0.06) for a higher mean basal plasma GH concentration and a higher mean AUC(0) for GH. Treatment with aglépristone resulted in a significant decrease of the mean plasma GH and IGF-I concentrations. Analysis of the pulsatile plasma profile showed a trend (P=0.06) for a lower mean basal plasma GH concentration and a lower mean AUC(0) for GH 1 week after the last aglépristone treatment compared with these values before aglépristone administration. Three and a half and 5.5 weeks after the last aglépristone administration the mean plasma IGF-I concentration increased again. In conclusion, aglépristone can be used successfully to treat dogs with progestin-induced hypersomatotropism.  相似文献   
A decline in circulating progesterone concentration plays an important role in the ethiopathogenesis of pseudopregnancy in the bitch. Because growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) are essential for normal mammogenesis and the secretion of these hormones is influenced by changes in the circulating progesterone concentration, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of mid-luteal phase ovariectomy on the 6-h pulsatile plasma profiles of GH and PRL and the basal plasma concentrations of GH, PRL, and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in six beagle bitches. Ovariectomy was followed by only mild or covert signs of pseudopregnancy. The sharp decrease of the plasma progesterone concentration was accompanied by decreased basal plasma concentrations of GH and IGF-I and a rise in basal plasma PRL concentration. GH and PRL were secreted in a pulsatile fashion both prior to and after ovariectomy. The mean basal plasma GH concentration was significantly higher before ovariectomy than on days 1 and 7 after ovariectomy. The mean area under the curve above the zero level (AUC(0)) for GH was significantly higher before than at 7 days after ovariectomy. The mean area under the curve above basal level (AUC(b)) and the frequency of GH pulses at 7 days after ovariectomy were significantly higher than before and 1 day after ovariectomy. Both the mean basal plasma PRL concentration and the mean AUC(0) for PRL increased after ovariectomy. In conclusion, ovariectomy of bitches in the mid-luteal phase stops progesterone-induced GH release from the mammary gland, as evidenced by the lowering of basal plasma GH levels, the recurrence of GH pulsatility, and the lowering of circulating IGF-I levels. The sudden lowering of plasma progesterone concentration is probably a primary cause of a prolonged increase in PRL secretion. These observations underscore the importance of similar, albeit less abrupt, hormonal changes in the cyclical physiological alterations in the mammary gland and in the development of pseudopregnancy.  相似文献   
In the present study, the pulsatile serum profiles of prolactin, LH and testosterone were investigated in eight clinically healthy fertile male beagles of one to six years of age. Serum hormone concentrations were determined in blood samples collected at 15 min intervals over a period of 6 h before (control) and six days before the end of a four weeks treatment with the dopamine agonist cabergoline (5 microg kg(-1) bodyweight/day). In addition, the effect of cabergoline administration was investigated on thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)-induced changes in the serum concentrations of these hormones. In all eight dogs, the serum prolactin concentrations (mean 3.0 +/- 0.3 ng ml(-1)) were on a relatively constant level not showing any pulsatility, while the secretion patterns of LH and testosterone were characterised by several hormone pulses. Cabergoline administration caused a minor but significant reduction of the mean prolactin concentration (2.9 +/- 0.2 ng ml(-1), p < 0.05) and did not affect the secretion of LH (mean 4.6 +/- 1.3 ng ml(-1) versus 4.4 +/- 1.7 ng ml(-1)) or testosterone (2.5 +/- 0.9 ng ml(-1) versus 2.4 +/- 1.2 ng ml(-1)). Under control conditions, a significant prolactin release was induced by intravenous TRH administration (before TRH: 3.8 +/- 0.9 ng ml(-1), 20 min after TRH: 9.1 +/- 5.9 ng ml(-1)) demonstrating the role of TRH as potent prolactin releasing factor. This prolactin increase was almost completely suppressed under cabergoline medication (before TRH: 3.0 +/- 0.2 ng ml(-1), 20 min after TRH: 3.3 +/- 0.5 ng ml(-1)). The concentrations of LH and testosterone were not affected by TRH administration. The results of these studies suggest that dopamine agonists mainly affect suprabasal secretion of prolactin in the dog.  相似文献   
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