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The concurrent exchange of SO2 and H2O vapor between the atmosphere and foliage of Geranium carolinianum was investigated using a whole-plant gas exchange chamber. Total leaf flux of SO2 was partitioned into leaf surface and internal fractions. The emission rate of SO2-induced H2S was measured to develop a net leaf budget for atmospherically derived sulfur. Stomatal resistance to SO2 flux was estimated by two techniques: (a) RsSO2 from SO2 data using analog modeling techniques and (b) RsSO2 from analogy to H2O (i.e. 1.89 RsH2o).  相似文献   
Interaction of mycoplasmas and phagocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aspects of the interaction of certain mycoplasmas with macrophages and neutrophils in vivo and in vitro have been studied using two systems, one involving M. pulmonis in mice and the other involving M. bovis with bovine leucocytes. Studies with M. pulmonis indicated that the disappearance of viable organisms from the peritoneal cavity was not enhanced in SPF mice in which a peritoneal exudate rich in neutrophils had been induced. However, viable M. pulmonis organisms disappeared more rapidly from the peritoneal cavities with exudates containing increased numbers of macrophages. Experiments in vitro studied the opsonic effect of bovine IgG isotypes for bovine neutrophils and alveolar macrophages. Both IgG1 and IgG2 promoted killing of M. bovis by alveolar macrophages but IgG2 was more effective than IgG1 at promoting mycoplasma killing by neutrophils. Further studies in vitro indicated that certain bovine mycoplasma could inhibit killing of Escherichia coli by bovine neutrophils.  相似文献   
We have measured changes of pH in a protein's microenvironment consequent on its binding to the cell surface and incorporation into pinosomes. Changes of pH were measured from single, living cells and selected regions of cells by the fluorescence ratio technique using a photon-counting microspectrofluorimeter. The chemotactic agent and pinocytosis inducer, ribonuclease, labeled with fluorescein (FTC- RNase), adsorbed to the surface of Amoeba proteus, and was pinocytosed by cells in culture media at pH 7.0. The FTC-RNase entered an apparently acidic microenvironment, pH approximately 6.1, upon binding to the surface of amoebae. Once enclosed within pinosomes, this protein's microenvironment became steadily more acidic, reaching a minimum of pH approximately 5.6 in less than 10 min. FTC-RNase pinocytosed by the giant amoeba, Chaos carolinensis, entered pinosomes whose pH was correlated with their cytoplasmic location during the initial 30-40 min after pinocytosis. The majority of pinosomes containing FTC-RNase clustered in the tail ectoplasm of C. carolinensis during this interval and had a pH of approximately 6.5; those released into endoplasm and carried into the tip of cells had a pH below 5.0. As pinosomes became distributed at random in C. carolinensis (1-2 h after initial pinocytosis), differences in pH between tip and tail pinosomes vanished. We have also measured the pH within single phagosomes of A. proteus. Phagosomal pH dropped steadily to approximately 5.4 within 5 min after particle ingestion in 70% of the cells measured, and reached this level of acidity within 10 min in 90% of the cells measured. By contrast, stain for the lysosomal enzyme, acid phosphatase, was evident within only 20% of 5-min-old phagosomes visualized by light microscopy, and within only 40% of 10-min-old phagosomes. A microfluorimetric assay was used to simultaneously record changes in pH, and the initial deposition of lysosomal esterases, within phagosomes of single, living Amoeba proteus. Near complete acidification of the phagosome was recorded from some cells before phagosomal fusion was evident by this microfluorimetric assay. From other cells, however, continued acidification of phagosomes was recorded after lysosomal fusion was initiated. We conclude that acidification of phagosomes by A. proteus is initiated but not necessarily completed prior to phagosome-lysosome formation, and that the two events are closely linked in time. Initial acidification of endosomes is a property intrinsic to the plasma membrane which envelops particles at the cell surface, rather than the result of lysosomal fusion with phagosomes.  相似文献   
The vitamin D-induced calcium-binding protein (CaBP) was localized in histological sections of chick duodenum using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical technique. The time-course of appearance of CaBP in rachitic chicks was investigated from 0 to 120 hr after stimulation by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3). CaBP was not routinely detected at 0 hr after 1,25(OH)2D3 administration. CaBP was first noted in some, but not all, of the samples taken 2 hr following 1,25(OH)2D3 and was detected in all 2 1/2 hr samples. The number of CaBP-containing absorptive cells and the apparent CaBP concentration both increased to a maximum at about 16-24 hr. At later times, as CaBP free cells migrated up the villi, the CaBP-containing cells decreased in number, but even at 120 hr post 1,25(OH)2D3 dose there were significant numbers of CaBP-containing cells present. The relationships between time-course of CaBP location on intestinal villi, enterocyte migration rates, and the time-course of 1,25(OH)2D3 stimulated intestinal calcium transport are discussed.  相似文献   
The complement-mediated binding of soluble antibody/3H-dsDNA immune complexes (prepared in vitro) to human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) has been investigated quantitatively. Studies with isolated complement components in conjunction with experiments on the binding of these complexes to human red blood cells suggest that the binding to both cell types is mediated predominantly by CR1 (C4b-C3b) receptors but that CR3 (iC3b or C3d-g) receptors may play a role in binding to PMN but probably not to RBC. Our results also indicate that under the standard conditions of these assays (37 degrees C, 20 to 40 min incubations) there is no significant internalization of the soluble antibody/dsDNA immune complexes after they are bound by the PMN.  相似文献   
Quantitative comparison of the amino acid compositions of the heavy and light chains of tetanus toxin by the method of Cornish-Bowden [(1983) Methods Enzymol. 91, 60-75)] suggests strongly that there is sequence homology between the two chains and that the heavy chain has two similar halves. Examination (by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate) of peptides produced from the chains by proteolytic cleavage supports this idea.  相似文献   
We recently developed a general method for determining tissue sites of degradation of plasma proteins in vivo that made use of covalently attached radioactive sucrose. On degradation of the protein, the sucrose remained trapped in the cells as a cumulative marker of protein degradation. The method described here depends on the same principles, but uses an adduct of cellobiose and tyramine that is radioiodinated to high specific radioactivity and then covalently attached to protein. Use of the radioiodinated ligand increases the sensitivity of the method at least 100-fold and allows simplified tissue analysis. Proteins derivatized with the radioiodinated ligand were recognized as underivatized proteins both in vitro and in vivo. On degradation of derivatized low-density lipoprotein, the rate of leakage from cultured fibroblasts was only 5% during 24 h. Similarly, on injection of labelled proteins into rats and rabbits, urinary excretion of the label was in all cases less than 10% of total labelled catabolic products recovered 24 h after injection. Examination of the tissue contents of label at two times after injection of labelled asialofetuin or apolipoprotein A1 in rats, and asialotransferrin in rabbits showed that the label did not detectably redistribute between tissues after initial uptake and catabolism; a significant leakage from liver was quantitatively accounted for by label appearing in gut contents and faeces. A simple double-label method was devised to provide a correction for intact protein in trapped plasma, the extravascular spaces, and within cells. By using this method it becomes unnecessary to fractionate tissue samples.  相似文献   
A two-step model to explain the high frequency of mutation at the diploid adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (aprt) locus in CHO cells has been proposed previously (Simon et al., Mol. Cell. Biol. 2:1126-1133, 1982). This model indicates that two distinct classes of aprt heterozygotes can be isolated. Class 1 heterozygotes, the most abundant class, were defined as those which arose spontaneously and were capable of undergoing mutation to the APRT- phenotype only at a low frequency (putative point mutation). Class 2 heterozygotes arose from a mutation and gave rise at a high frequency to APRT- cells. This high-frequency event has been identified as a deletion of the wild-type allele (A. E. Simon and M. W. Taylor, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80:810-814, 1983). In this paper we report further analysis of class 1 heterozygotes with respect to genetic structure, gene products, and karyotype. Our study indicated that class 1 heterozygotes contain two different types of mutants. About half have only one copy of the aprt gene and an unaltered karyotype, indicating that a deletion (similar to the high-frequency second-step event observed for class 2 heterozygotes) rather than a loss of the chromosome was responsible for the generation of the aprt+/- genotype. The remainder of the previously designated class 1 heterozygotes still contained two copies of the aprt gene (within the limits of the quantitation technique used) and arose presumably by a point mutation. One of this group, D423, was characterized with respect to aprt gene products and found to produce an electrophoretic variant in addition to the wild-type protein. APRT- mutants derived from D423 retained the same number of aprt gene copies as D423 and still synthesized a protein that comigrated with wild type, unlike APRT- mutants derived from class 2 heterozygotes. D423 and the other heterozygotes with two aprt genes therefore did not fit into either class 1 or 2 and are now designated class 3. The model we present suggests that only one of the two aprt alleles present in wild-type cells can undergo the deletion.  相似文献   
Stem diameter in relation to plant water status   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
An instrument containing a linear variable differential transformer was constructed to obtain continuous, nondestructive measurements of both short term changes in stem diameter and long term growth. In cotton plants, stem diameter, leaf water potential, and leaf relative water content are all closely related to net radiation at the top of the canopy. Leaves from the east and west sides of a plant show slight, but consistent differences in diurnal water potential patterns.  相似文献   
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