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Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD and BMD) are caused, in the majority of cases, by deletions in the dystrophin gene (DMD). The disease is an X-linked neuromuscular diseases typically caused by disrupting (DMD) or non-disrupting (BMD) the reading frame in the dystrophin (DMD) gene. In the present study, amplifications of the genomic DNAs of unrelated 15 Saudi DMD males were carried out using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for nine-hotspot regions of exons 4, 8, 12, 17, 19, 44, 45, 48 and 51. We detected six Saudi patients having deletions in a frequency of 40%. The frequency of deletions in exon 51 (20%) was the most common deletion frequently associated with our Saudi sample males. Exons 19, 45, and 48 were present in a frequency of 6.7% each. All deletions were recognized as an individual exonic deletions, while no gross deletion where detected. Finally, the molecular deletions in the Saudi males was expected to be characterized by a moderate frequency among different populations due to the geographical KSA region, which it is in the crossroad of intense migrations and admixture of people coming from continental Asia, Africa, and even Europe. In conclusion, attempts to include an extra DNA samples might reflect a valid vision of the deletions within the high frequency deletion regions (HFDR’s) in the DMD gene mutations in KSA.  相似文献   
The global malaria situation, especially in Africa, and the problems frequently encountered in chemical control of vectors such as insecticide resistance, emphasize the urgency of research, development and implementation of new vector control technologies that are applicable at regional and local levels. The successful application of the sterile insect technique (SIT) for the control of the New World screwworm Cochliomyia hominivorax and several species of fruit flies has given impetus to the use of this method for suppression or elimination of malaria vectors in some areas of Africa including Northern State of Sudan. The research and development phase of the Northern State feasibility study has been started. Sudanese stakeholders are working side-by-side with the International Atomic Energy Agency in the activities of this important phase. Several ethical, legal and social issues associated with this approach arose during this phase of the project. They need to be seriously considered and handled with care. In this paper, these issues are described, and the current and proposed activities to overcome potential hurdles to ensure success of the project are listed.  相似文献   
Metabolic products of Aspergillus flavus Link had a toxigenic effect upon Sclerotium bataticola Maub., decreasing its radial expansion and dry weight and enhancing sclerotial production. Metabolites of S. bataticola significantly lowered conidial output, slightly decreased the mycelial harvest but did not influence the linear spread of A. flavus. A. flavus, elaborating aflatoxin Bl (Rf 0.56), showed fluorescent spots identical to the original but with lower Rf value of 0.25 upon treatment with metabolic products of S. bataticola which itself exhibited fluorescent spots.  相似文献   
The purpose of this work was to determine the conformation adopted in solution by adozelesin, carzelesin, and their derivatives obtained under basic or acidic conditions. Circular dichroism in the 270–330 nm wavelengths region was studied. In solution adozelesin can adopt two different conformations: a left-handed one which is thermodynamically favoured at low temperature and is mainly present at room temperature, and a right-handed one which is observed either at high temperature or at room temperature in the presence of DNA. This was ascertained by the presence of circular dichroism signals of the couplet type. The active form of carzelesin, i.e., U-76074, also exhibited a left-handed conformation in solution. Carzelesin and the derivatives obtained under acidic conditions that lack the cyclopropyl ring, and cyclopropylpyrroloindole, obtained under basic conditions, cannot adopt such a conformation. Chirality 8:585–589, 1996. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
One of the roadblocks to developing effective therapeutics for Huntington disease (HD) is the lack of animal models that develop progressive clinical traits comparable to those seen in patients. Here we report a longitudinal study that encompasses cognitive and motor assessment, and neuroimaging of a group of transgenic HD and control monkeys from infancy to adulthood. Along with progressive cognitive and motor impairment, neuroimaging revealed a progressive reduction in striatal volume. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 48 months of age revealed a decrease of N-acetylaspartate (NAA), further suggesting neuronal damage/loss in the striatum. Postmortem neuropathological analyses revealed significant neuronal loss in the striatum. Our results indicate that HD monkeys share similar disease patterns with HD patients, making them potentially suitable as a preclinical HD animal model.  相似文献   
While many health services strive to be equitable, accessible and inclusive, peoples' right to health often goes unrealized, particularly among vulnerable groups. The extent to which health policies explicitly seek to achieve such goals sets the policy context in which services are delivered and evaluated. An analytical framework was developed--EquiFrame--to evaluate 1) the extent to which 21 Core Concepts of human rights were addressed in policy documents, and 2) coverage of 12 Vulnerable Groups who might benefit from such policies. Using this framework, analysis of 51 policies across Malawi, Namibia, South Africa and Sudan, confirmed the relevance of all Core Concepts and Vulnerable Groups. Further, our analysis highlighted some very strong policies, serious shortcomings in others as well as country-specific patterns. If social inclusion and human rights do not underpin policy formation, it is unlikely they will be inculcated in service delivery. EquiFrame facilitates policy analysis and benchmarking, and provides a means for evaluating policy revision and development.  相似文献   
The plains of Macta, where the Macta marshes are located, form a wetland with particular ecological characteristics in the Maghreb and are subject to distinct land use dynamics. The plant formations are exposed to multiple forms of degradation, primarily due to climate (period of dryness) and to increasing anthropogenic activities in the area. The new methods of breeding and cultivation contribute to ongoing degradation in this natural ecosystem, with a deterioration of the wetland's biological potentialities. With the aim of safeguarding Macta's marshes, a better knowledge of vegetation distribution patterns and dynamics, together with the interpretation of the remote sensing data and GIS, makes it possible to consider programmes of natural environment restoration and sustainable management. The results of land-use dynamics analysis show a decline in agricultural land use from 33,000 ha in 1958 to 21,000 ha in 2005. Halophytic vegetation currently occupies 47,000 ha, while in 1958 it occupied only 27,000 ha. Tamarix, Inula, Joncus and Scirpus species are experiencing a decrease in surface cover, while Salicornia, Suaeda, and Atriplex are extending their area. To cite this article:  相似文献   
Meloidoderita salina sp. n. is described and illustrated from the halophytic plant Atriplex portulacoides L. (sea purslane) growing in a micro-tidal salt marsh in the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay in France. This new species is the first member of Meloidoderita Poghossian, 1966 collected from a saline environment, and is characterized by the following features: sedentary mature females having a small swollen body with a clear posterior protuberance; slightly dorsally curved stylet, 19.9 µm long, with posteriorly sloping knobs; neck region irregular in shape and twisted; well developed secretory-excretory (S–E) pore, with markedly sclerotized S-E duct running posteriorly; prominent uterus bordered by a thick hyaline wall and filled with eggs. The adult female transforms into a cystoid. Eggs are deposited in both egg-mass and cystoid. Cystoids of Meloidoderita salina sp. n. display a unique sub-cuticular hexagonal beaded pattern. Male without stylet, pharyngeal region degenerated, S-E duct prominent, deirids small, developed testis 97.5 µm long, spicules 18.4 µm long, cloacal opening ventrally protruded, small phasmids posterior to cloaca opening and situated at 5.9 (3.2–7.7) µm from tail end, and conical tail ending in a rounded terminus marked with one (rarely two) ventrally positioned mucro. Additionally, some young malesof the new species were observed enveloped in the last J2 cuticle. Second-stage juvenile body 470 µm long, with a 16.4 µm long stylet, prominent rounded knobs set off from the shaft, hemizonid anterior and adjacent to S-E pore, small deirids located just above S-E pore level, genital primordium located at 68–77% of body length, phasmids small and located at about 19 µm from tail tip, and tail 38.7 µm long, tapering to finely pointed terminus with a finger-like projection. Phylogenetic analyses based on the nearly full length small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences of Meloidoderita salina sp. n. revealed a close relationship of the new species with Sphaeronema alni Turkina & Chizhov, 1986 and placed these two species sister to the rest of Criconematina.  相似文献   
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