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The histological effect on and stress response of post juvenile Clarias gariepinus exposed to Qua Iboe crude oil and rig wash were investigated. Fish weighing 60–90 g and measuring 16–18 cm were exposed for 7–28 days to 8.00 ml?1 Qua Iboe crude oil and 0.0018 ml–1 rig wash, both being 0.1 of the 96 hr LC50. Blood samples of C. gariepinus were collected every seven days and evaluated for stress by measuring cortisol concentration. The gills and liver were studied and scored for Gill Alteration Index (GAI) and Hepatic Alteration Index (HAI), respectively. There was an increase in cortisol level up to the 7th and 14th day among the group exposed to Qua Iboe crude oil, with a decrease on the 21st and 28th day. The rig wash group increased in cortisol level up to the 7th day and decreased slightly on the 14th day, after which the trend became irregular. The toxic effects of the Qua Iboe crude oil and rig wash were time dependent, as shown by the histopathological alteration index (HAI) of gill and liver. After 28 days of exposure, the gills had irreparable damage due to high frequency of cellular necrosis and degeneration, whereas the liver had from moderate to severe damage due to the high frequency of cellular degeneration and inflammation. Qua Iboe crude oil and rig wash are both toxic to C. gariepinus, therefore their indiscriminate discharge to the environment must be discouraged.  相似文献   
Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) is a complex trait controlled by multiple genes with strong interaction between environment and genotype that makes it difficult to select breeding materials by phenotypic assessment. One of the most important genes for pre-harvest sprouting resistance is consistently identified on the long arm of chromosome 4A. The 4AL PHS tolerance gene has therefore been targeted by Australian white-grained wheat breeders. A new robust PCR marker for the PHS QTL on wheat chromosome 4AL based on candidate genes search was developed in this study. The new marker was mapped on 4AL deletion bin 13-0.59-0.66 using 4AL deletion lines derived from Chinese Spring. This marker is located on 4AL between molecular markers Xbarc170 and Xwg622 in the doubled-haploid wheat population Cranbrook × Halberd. It was mapped between molecular markers Xbarc170 and Xgwm269 that have been previously shown to be closely linked to grain dormancy in the doubled haploid wheat population SW95-50213 × Cunningham and was co-located with Xgwm269 in population Janz × AUS1408. This marker offers an additional efficient tool for marker-assisted selection of dormancy for white-grained wheat breeding. Comparative analysis indicated that the wheat chromosome 4AL QTL for seed dormancy and PHS resistance is homologous with the barley QTL on chromosome 5HL controlling seed dormancy and PHS resistance. This marker will facilitate identification of the gene associated with the 4A QTL that controls a major component of grain dormancy and PHS resistance.  相似文献   
In the golden egg bug, Phyllomorpha laciniata (Heteroptera,Coreidae), both males and females carry eggs on their back.Although females cannot carry their own eggs, males may carryeggs that they have fertilized. If males carry eggs they havefertilized, their behavior may be interpreted as paternal care.In this article, we provide genetic data for paternity assignmentof eggs carried by 40 males collected from the field. The malesand the eggs were typed by using four highly polymorphic microsatelliteDNA markers. Out of the 247 eggs typed, 87% were excluded fromthe father-offspring relationship based on single-locus (leastconservative exclusion) mismatches. Under the more conservative(exclusion by at least two single locus mismatches) method,78% of the eggs were nonpaternal. Relatedness estimates furthersupported our paternity analyses. The average relatedness ofthe eggs to the carrying males was low (bem = -0.052 ±0.024 SE). Within the population, males were unrelated to eachother (bmm = -0.004 ± 0.0002 SE), as were the eggs carriedby individual males (beggs = -0.004 ± 0.0001 SE). Thisfirst genetic study on the breeding system of the golden eggbugs did not find any support for the claim that egg carryingfunctioned as paternal care, nor did it support kin selectionas explanation for conspecific egg carrying.  相似文献   
目的探讨正常SD雌性大鼠性成熟前不同日龄段的脏器与促黄体生成素(LH)、促卵泡素(FSH)、雌二醇(E2)等性激素的变化及其关系。方法从生产群中取出60窝密度状态一致的SD大鼠,在不同日龄随机选取雌性大鼠,检测15、25、32、40日龄时大鼠体重、主要脏器指数,子宫、卵巢组织变化和15、25、32、40、60日龄大鼠血清LH、FSH、E2水平。结果记录了SD雌性大鼠性成熟前各脏器指数和卵巢、子宫组织变化,结果显示大鼠卵巢、子宫的增长速度大于体重的增长,而其他脏器增速大都小于体重的增长。本研究还记录了血清LH、FSH、E2水平在不同日龄段的变化规律,表明血清LH、E2浓度在32日龄时出现较为明显升高。结论不同日龄大鼠脏器指数的动态变化提示大鼠性器官在性发育早期得到机体的优先发育。血清LH、E2水平在32日龄时有了明显升高,提示性腺轴功能已经激活。60日龄大鼠血清性激素水平的波动类似于动情周期的规律性变化,推测大鼠在60日龄前即已进入性成熟,这些结果将为大鼠性发育的相关研究提供重要的参考数据。  相似文献   
Use of human laboratory analogues of smoking behavior can provide an efficient, cost-effective mechanistic evaluation of a medication signal on smoking behavior, with the result of facilitating translational work in medications development. Although a number of human laboratory models exist to investigate various aspects of smoking behavior and nicotine dependence phenomena, none have yet modeled smoking lapse behavior. The first instance of smoking during a quit attempt (i.e. smoking lapse) is highly predictive of relapse and represents an important target for medications development. Focusing on an abstinence outcome is critical for medication screening as the US Food and Drug Administration approval for cessation medications is contingent on demonstrating effects on smoking abstinence. This paper outlines a three-stage process for the development of a smoking lapse model for the purpose of medication screening. The smoking lapse paradigm models two critical features of lapse behavior: the ability to resist the first cigarette and subsequent ad libitum smoking. Within the context of the model, smokers are first exposed to known precipitants of smoking relapse (e.g. nicotine deprivation, alcohol, stress), and then presented their preferred brand of cigarettes. Their ability to resist smoking is then modeled and once smokers 'give in' and decide to smoke, they participate in a tobacco self-administration session. Ongoing and completed work developing and validating these models for the purpose of medication screening is discussed.  相似文献   
The physical structure and activity of aerobic granules, and the succession of bacterial community within aerobic granules under constant operational conditions and shock loading were investigated in one sequencing batch reactor over ten months. While the maturation phase of the granulation process began on day 30, the structure of microbial community changed markedly until after three months of reactor operation under constant conditions with a loading rate of 1.5 g phenol L−1 day−1. A shock loading of 6.0 g phenol L−1 day−1 from days 182–192 led to divergence of bacterial community, an inhibition of the biomass activity, and a decrease in phenol removal rate in the reactor. However, phenol was still completely removed under this disturbance. After the shock loading, the mean sizes of aerobic granules increased, and the activity of the microbial population within the granules decreased, although there appeared highly resilient for the dominant bacterial community of aerobic granules which mainly included β-Proteobacteria. Correlation analysis suggested that biomass concentration and biomass loading were significantly related to the community composition of aerobic granules during the whole operational period. The development of a relatively stable bacterial community in aerobic granules implied that those distinct dominant microbes in aerobic granules were favorably selected and proliferated under the operational conditions.  相似文献   


In early vertebrate development, embryonic tissues modulate cell adhesiveness and acto-myosin contractility to correctly orchestrate the complex processes of gastrulation. E-cadherin (E-cadh) is the earliest expressed cadherin and is needed in the mesendodermal progenitors for efficient migration [1], [2]. Regulatory mechanisms involving directed E-cadh trafficking have been invoked downstream of Wnt11/5 signaling [3]. This non-canonical Wnt pathway regulates RhoA-ROK/DAAM1 to control the acto-myosin network. However, in this context nothing is known of the intracellular signals that participate in the correct localization of E-cadh, other than a need for Rab5c signaling [3].

Methodology/Principal Findings

By studying loss of Chp induced by morpholino-oligonucleotide injection in zebrafish, we find that the vertebrate atypical Rho-GTPase Chp is essential for the proper disposition of cells in the early embryo. The underlying defect is not leading edge F-actin assembly (prominent in the cells of the envelope layer), but rather the failure to localize E-cadh and β-catenin at the adherens junctions. Loss of Chp results in delayed epiboly that can be rescued by mRNA co-injection, and phenocopies zebrafish E-cadh mutants [4], [5]. This new signaling pathway involves activation of an effector kinase PAK, and involvement of the adaptor PAK-interacting exchange factor PIX. Loss of signaling by any of the three components results in similar underlying defects, which is most prominent in the epithelial-like envelope layer.


Our current study uncovers a developmental pathway involving Chp/PAK/PIX signaling, which helps co-ordinate E-cadh disposition to promote proper cell adhesiveness, and coordinate movements of the three major cell layers in epiboly. Our data shows that without Chp signaling, E-cadh shifts to intracellular vesicles rather than the adhesive contacts needed for directed cell movement. These events may mirror the requirement for PAK2 signaling essential for the proper formation of the blood-brain barrier [6], [7].  相似文献   
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