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The forests surrounding Bossou, Guinea, are home to a small, semi-isolated chimpanzee community studied for over three decades [1]. In 1992, Matsuzawa [2] reported the death of a 2.5-year-old chimpanzee (Jokro) at Bossou from a respiratory illness. The infant's mother (Jire) carried the corpse, mummified in the weeks following death, for at least 27 days. She exhibited extensive care of the body, grooming it regularly, sharing her day- and night-nests with it, and showing distress whenever they became separated. The carrying of infants' corpses has been reported from a number of primate species, both in captivity and the wild [3-7] - albeit usually lasting a few days only - suggesting a phylogenetic continuity for a behavior that is poignant testament to the close mother-infant bond which extends across different primate taxa. In this report we recount two further infant deaths at Bossou, observed over a decade after the original episode but with striking similarities.  相似文献   
Paramyxoviruses are known to replicate in the cytoplasm and bud from the plasma membrane. Matrix is the major structural protein in paramyxoviruses that mediates viral assembly and budding. Curiously, the matrix proteins of a few paramyxoviruses have been found in the nucleus, although the biological function associated with this nuclear localization remains obscure. We report here that the nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of the Nipah virus matrix (NiV-M) protein and associated post-translational modification play a critical role in matrix-mediated virus budding. Nipah virus (NiV) is a highly pathogenic emerging paramyxovirus that causes fatal encephalitis in humans, and is classified as a Biosafety Level 4 (BSL4) pathogen. During live NiV infection, NiV-M was first detected in the nucleus at early stages of infection before subsequent localization to the cytoplasm and the plasma membrane. Mutations in the putative bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) and the leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) found in NiV-M impaired its nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking and also abolished NiV-M budding. A highly conserved lysine residue in the NLS served dual functions: its positive charge was important for mediating nuclear import, and it was also a potential site for monoubiquitination which regulates nuclear export of the protein. Concordantly, overexpression of ubiquitin enhanced NiV-M budding whereas depletion of free ubiquitin in the cell (via proteasome inhibitors) resulted in nuclear retention of NiV-M and blocked viral budding. Live Nipah virus budding was exquisitely sensitive to proteasome inhibitors: bortezomib, an FDA-approved proteasome inhibitor for treating multiple myeloma, reduced viral titers with an IC(50) of 2.7 nM, which is 100-fold less than the peak plasma concentration that can be achieved in humans. This opens up the possibility of using an "off-the-shelf" therapeutic against acute NiV infection.  相似文献   
The chromatographic behaviour of α- and β- alkylnaphthyl ketones at different temperatures on the silver-loaded stationary phase is described based on the QSRR model. Complexation via an oxygen atom is favoured over the interaction through the aromatic fragment. The QSRR model and DFT/MP2 studies suggest that retention times of alkylnaphthyl ketones on silver-containing stationary phases are determined primarily by the dipole moment, length of the alkyl substituent and concentration of modifier in the mobile phase.  相似文献   
The components of biological membranes are present in a physical mixture. The nonrandom ways that the molecules of lipids and proteins mix together can strongly influence the association of proteins with each other, and the chemical reactions that occur in the membrane, or that are mediated by the membrane. A particular type of nonrandom mixing is the separation of compositionally distinct phases. Any such phase separation would result in preferential partition of some proteins and lipids between the coexisting phases, and thus would influence which proteins could be in contact, and whether a protein could find its target. Phase separation in a plasma membrane would also influence the binding of molecules from outside the cell to the membrane, including recognition proteins on viruses, bacteria, and other cells. The concept of these and other events associated with membrane phase separation are sometimes grouped together as the “raft model” of biological membranes. Several types of experiments are aimed at detecting and characterizing membrane phase separation. Visualizing phase separation has special value, both because the immiscibility is so decisively determined, and also because the type of phase can often be identified. The fluorescence microscope has proven uniquely useful for yielding images of separated phases, both in certain cell preparations, and especially in models of cell membranes. Here we discuss ways to prepare useful model membranes for image studies, and how to avoid some of the artifacts that can plague these studies.  相似文献   
High negative electric potential inside mitochondria provides a driving force for mitochondria-targeted delivery of cargo molecules linked to hydrophobic penetrating cations. This principle is utilized in construction of mitochondria-targeted antioxidants (MTA) carrying quinone moieties which produce a number of health benefitting effects by protecting cells and organisms from oxidative stress. Here, a series of penetrating cations including MTA were shown to induce the release of the liposome-entrapped carboxyfluorescein anion (CF), but not of glucose or ATP. The ability to induce the leakage of CF from liposomes strongly depended on the number of carbon atoms in alkyl chain (n) of alkyltriphenylphosphonium and alkylrhodamine derivatives. In particular, the leakage of CF was maximal at n about 10-12 and substantially decreased at n = 16. Organic anions (palmitate, oleate, laurylsulfate) competed with CF for the penetrating cation-induced efflux. The reduced activity of alkylrhodamines with n = 16 or n = 18 as compared to that with n = 12 was ascribed to a lower rate of partitioning of the former into liposomal membranes, because electrical current relaxation studies on planar bilayer lipid membranes showed rather close translocation rate constants for alkylrhodamines with n = 18 and n = 12. Changes in the alkylrhodamine absorption spectra upon anion addition confirmed direct interaction between alkylrhodamines and the anion. Thus, mitochondria-targeted penetrating cations can serve as carriers of hydrophobic anions across bilayer lipid membranes.  相似文献   
Because Plasmodium falciparum replicates inside of a parasitophorous vacuole (PV) within a human erythrocyte, parasite egress requires the rupture of two limiting membranes. Parasite Ca2+, kinases, and proteases contribute to efficient egress; their coordination in space and time is not known. Here, the kinetics of parasite egress were linked to specific steps with specific compartment markers, using live‐cell microscopy of parasites expressing PV‐targeted fluorescent proteins, and specific egress inhibitors. Several minutes before egress, under control of parasite [Ca2+]i, the PV began rounding. Then after ~1.5 min, under control of PfPKG and SUB1, there was abrupt rupture of the PV membrane and release of vacuolar contents. Over the next ~6 min, there was progressive vacuolar membrane deterioration simultaneous with erythrocyte membrane distortion, lasting until the final minute of the egress programme when newly formed parasites mobilised and erythrocyte membranes permeabilised and then ruptured—a dramatic finale to the parasite cycle of replication.  相似文献   
Several neurotransmitters including serotonin and glutamate have been shown to be involved in many aspects of neural development, such as neurite outgrowth, regulation of neuronal morphology, growth cone motility and dendritic spine shape and density, in addition to their well-established role in neuronal communication. This review focuses on recent advances in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying neurotransmitter-induced changes in neuronal morphology. In the first part of the review, we introduce the roles of small GTPases of the Rho family in morphogenic signaling in neurons and discuss signaling pathways, which may link serotonin, operating as a soluble guidance factor, and the Rho GTPase machinery, controlling neuronal morphology and motility. In the second part of the review, we focus on glutamate-induced neuroplasticity and discuss the evidence on involvement of Rho and Ras GTPases in functional and structural synaptic plasticity triggered by the activation of glutamate receptors.  相似文献   
We studied genetic diversity in 54 populations of nine sexual and apomictic species of the genus Chondrilla (C. acantholepis, C. ambigua, C. brevirostris, C. canescens, C. graminea, C. juncea, C. laticoronata, C. latifolia and C. pauciflora) in SE European Russia and neighboring territories of NW Kazakhstan. We analysed the trnT–trnF region of plastid DNA and the internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA (ITS1–5.8S–ITS2) using statistical parsimony, maximum likelihood and neighbor net methods. Two major evolutionary lineages, roughly corresponding to the two subgenera traditionally recognized in the region, were revealed. Within the first evolutionary lineage (subgenus Brachyrhynchus), the sexual diploid C. ambigua and its putatively hybrid apomictic derivatives C. brevirostris, C. laticoronata and C. pauciflora could be recognized. Their identity was also confirmed by analyses of ISSR markers. The second evolutionary lineage (subgenus Chondrilla) comprises C. juncea, C. acantholepis, C. canescens, C. graminea and C. latifolia in European Russia, but analyses of morphological variability and the genealogy of plastid and nuclear markers favor their treatment as the single facultatively apomictic species C. juncea. The results demonstrate that an apomictic mode of reproduction does not necessarily result in the formation of genetically separated microspecies.  相似文献   
According to recent data, gramicidin A analogues having positively charged amino acid sequences at the C-termini exhibit two types of channel activity in lipid membranes: classical cation-selective channels and large unselective pores. The induction of unselective pores was shown here to strongly depend on the redox state of the membrane-bathing solution, if the gramicidin analogue contained a cysteine residue in the sequence GSGPKKKRKVC attached to the C-terminus. In particular, the addition of H2O2 led to an increase in the transmembrane current and the loss of cationic selectivity on planar bilayer lipid membranes and an increase in the carboxyfluorescein leakage of liposomes. The effect was observed at high concentration of the peptide while was absent at the single-channel level. It was concluded that oxidation led to possible formation of dimers of the peptide, which promoted the formation of large unselective pores.  相似文献   
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