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When the Bacillus brevis secretory metalloprotease is expressed from the npr gene on a plasmid vector in the mesophile B. subtilis, grown at 37 degrees C, the enzyme was found to be properly processed, but secreted into the culture medium in a low-active conformation. Secreted metalloprotease can by heat-treatment (70 degrees C for 30 min) be converted into fully active enzyme.  相似文献   
Abstract The effects of cobalt ions on the activities of Rhodococcus rhodochrous M8 enzymes for nitrile utilization, nitrile hydratase and amidase, were investigated. In contrast to amidase, synthesis of nitrile hydratase and its activity required cobalt ions in the growth medium. Northern blot analysis showed that in the presence of cobalt ions, the level of mRNA for nitrile hydratase genes was several times higher than that under cobalt-limited conditions. It was assumed that the low nitrile hydratase activity in cells grown in the absence of cobalt ions is connected either with the weak expression of nitrile hydratase genes or with the rapid degradation of nitrile hydratase mRNA.  相似文献   
Human serum albumin is playing an increasing role as a drug carrier in clinical settings. Biotin molecules are often used as suitable tags in targeted anti-tumor drug delivery systems. We report on the synthesis and properties of a new multimodal theranostic conjugate based on an anti-cancer fluorinated nucleotide conjugated with a biotinylated dual-labeled albumin. Interestingly, in vitro and in vivo study revealed stronger anti-tumor activity of the non-tagged theranostic conjugate than that of the biotin-tagged conjugate, which can be explained by decreased binding of the biotin-tagged conjugate to cellular receptors. Our study sheds light on the importance of site-specific albumin modification for the design of albumin-based drugs with desirable pharmaceutical properties.  相似文献   
Protein kinase C (PKC) isoenzymes are multi-modular proteins activated at the membrane surface to regulate signal transduction processes. When activated by second messengers, PKC undergoes a drastic conformational and spatial transition from the inactive cytosolic state to the activated membrane-bound state. The complete structure of either state of PKC remains elusive. We demonstrate, using NMR spectroscopy, that the isolated Ca2+-sensing membrane-binding C2 domain of the conventional PKCα interacts with a conserved hydrophobic motif of the kinase C-terminal region, and we report a structural model of the complex. Our data suggest that the C-terminal region plays a dual role in regulating the PKC activity: activating, through sensitization of PKC to intracellular Ca2+ oscillations; and auto-inhibitory, through its interaction with a conserved positively charged region of the C2 domain.  相似文献   
Temperate grasslands have suffered disproportionally from conversion to cropland, degradation and fragmentation. A large proportion of the world’s remaining near-natural grassland is situated in Kazakhstan. We aimed to assess current and emerging threats to steppe and semi-desert biodiversity in Kazakhstan and evaluate conservation research priorities. We conducted a horizon-scanning exercise among conservationists from academia and practice. We first compiled a list of 45 potential threats. These were then ranked by the survey participants according to their perceived severity, the need for research on them, and their novelty. The highest-ranked threats were related to changes in land use (leading to habitat loss and deterioration), direct persecution of wildlife, and rapid infrastructure development due to economic and population growth. Research needs were identified largely in the same areas, and the mean scores of threat severity and research need were highly correlated. Novel threats comprised habitat loss by photovoltaic and wind power stations, climate change and changes in agriculture such as the introduction of biofuels. However, novelty was not correlated with threat severity or research priority, suggesting that the most severe threats are the established ones. Important goals towards more effective steppe and semi-desert conservation in Kazakhstan include more cross-sector collaboration (e.g. by involving stakeholders in conservation and agriculture), greater allocation of funds to under-staffed areas (e.g. protected area management), better representativeness and complementarity in the protected area system and enhanced data collection for wildlife monitoring and threat assessments (including the use of citizen-science databases).  相似文献   
The classification of South Siberian meadows using the Braun-Blanquet approach was carried out on the basis of a geographically wide-ranging data set from the West Siberian Plain and the Altai-Sayanian mountain systems. Two main phytosociological types of meadows were distinguished within the classMolinio-Arrhenatheretea. The natural Siberian forest meadows were included in the orderCarici macrourae-Crepidetalia sibiricae comprising two alliances (Crepidion sibiricae, Aconito barbati-Vicion unijugae) and 7 associations. The anthropogenic types of dry meadows were included in the European-West Siberian orderArrhenatheretalia, comprising one alliance (Festucion pratensis) and 5 associations. DCA ordination revealed clear differences in the floristic composition of the higher units and in the diagnostic importance of the main ecological and phytosociological species groups.  相似文献   
Specific interactions of the classical swine fever virus internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) with 40S ribosomal subunits and eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF)3 enable 43S preinitiation complexes containing eIF3 and eIF2-GTP-Met-tRNA(iMet) to bind directly to the initiation codon, yielding 48S initiation complexes. We report that eIF5B or eIF5B/eIF3 also promote Met-tRNA(iMet) binding to IRES-40S complexes, forming 48S complexes that can assemble elongation-competent ribosomes. Although 48S complexes assembled both by eIF2/eIF3- and eIF5B/eIF3-mediated Met-tRNA(iMet) recruitment were destabilized by eIF1, dissociation of 48S complexes formed with eIF2 could be out-competed by efficient subunit joining. Deletion of IRES domain II, which is responsible for conformational changes induced in 40S subunits by IRES binding, eliminated the sensitivity of 48S complexes assembled by eIF2/eIF3- and eIF5B/eIF3-mediated mechanisms to eIF1-induced destabilization. However, 48S complexes formed by the eIF5B/eIF3-mediated mechanism on the truncated IRES could not undergo efficient subunit joining, as reported previously for analogous complexes assembled with eIF2, indicating that domain II is essential for general conformational changes in 48S complexes, irrespective of how they were assembled, that are required for eIF5-induced hydrolysis of eIF2-bound GTP and/or subunit joining.  相似文献   
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