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The intestinal epithelium is the largest surface area that is exposed to various pathogens in the environment, however, in contrast to the colon the number of bacteria that colonize the small intestine is extremely low. Paneth cells, one of four major epithelial cell lineages in the small intestine, reside at the base of the crypts and have apically oriented secretory granules. These granules contain high levels of antimicrobial peptides that belong to the alpha-defensin family. Paneth cells secrete these microbicidal granules that contain alpha-defensins when exposed ex vivo to bacteria or their antigens, and recent evidence reveals that antimicrobial peptides, particularly alpha-defensins, that are present in Paneth cells contribute to intestinal innate host defense.  相似文献   
Three kinds of copolymers of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) with the same conformational transition temperature and varying transition endotherms were synthesized with N-acryloylpyrrolidine (APr), N,N-dimethylacrylamide (DMAM), and N-isopropylmethacrylamide (NIPMAM) as the comonomers. Two dodecyl groups were incorporated into the termini of these copolymers as an anchor for the fixation to a liposomal membrane. Egg yolk phosphatidylcholine liposomes having these copolymers were prepared and their temperature-sensitive contents release and association properties were investigated. While these copolymer exhibited a conformational transition at ca. 40 degrees C, DeltaH for the transition increased in the order of poly(APr-co-NIPAM) < poly(DMAM-co-NIPAM) < poly(NIPMAM-co-NIPAM). The liposomes containing poly(NIPMAM-co-NIPAM) showed a drastic release enhancement of entrapped calcein above the transition temperature, whereas the liposomes with poly(DMAM-co-NIPAM) and those with poly(APr-co-NIPAM) exhibited moderate and slight enhancement of calcein release above that temperature, respectively. On the contrary, the liposomes containing poly(APr-co-NIPAM) showed significant aggregation above the transition temperature, but the aggregation was hardly observed for the liposomes having poly(NIPMAM-co-NIPAM), indicating that poly(APr-co-NIPAM) more efficiently made the liposome surface hydrophobic. Thus, we concluded that the copolymer with a large DeltaH is suitable for obtaining functional liposomes with a temperature-sensitive contents release property, whereas the copolymer with a small DeltaH is appropriate for preparing functional liposomes with a temperature-sensitive surface property.  相似文献   
The cDNA of AChE in the housefly, Musca domestica, was sequenced and individual flies were genotyped by this gene in an inhibition assay of AChE activity with an organophaspate, fenitroxon. Mutations at Gly(342) and Tyr(407), which are reportedly conserved in resistant strains of Drosophila, were associated with the insensitivity to fenitroxon. Two other mutations, Ile(162) and Val(260), did not have an apparent effect on insensitivity. However, the four mutations are located in the active site of the enzyme, and therefore the non-neutral mutations in this gene are considered to cause the insensitivity of AChE in the development of insecticide resistance of the housefly.  相似文献   
PDMP (D,L-threo-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol) and PPMP (D,L-threo-1-phenyl-2-hexadecanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol), inhibitors of glucosylceramide synthesis, blocked brefeldin A (BFA)- and nordihydroguaiaretic acid-induced dispersal of the Golgi and trans Golgi network, and Golgi-derived vesicles were retained in the juxtanuclear region. PDMP and PPMP did not stabilize microtubules but blocked nocodazole-induced extensive fragmentation and dispersal of the Golgi, and large Golgi vesicles were retained in the juxtanuclear region. PPMP is a stronger inhibitor of glucosylceramide synthesis than PDMP, but PDMP showed a stronger activity against BFA-induced retrograde membrane flow. However, PPMP showed a stronger activity for Golgi disruption and inhibition of anterograde trafficking from the endoplasmic reticulum, and rebuilding of the Golgi architecture. Cumulatively, these results suggest that sphingolipid metabolism is implicated in maintenance of the Golgi architecture and anterograde membrane flow from the endoplasmic reticulum but not in Golgi dispersal induced by BFA.  相似文献   
Cell cycle, apoptosis, and replicative senescence are all influenced by the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p21. It was previously reported that deletion of p21 in 129/Sv x C57BL/6 mixed genetic background mice induced a severe lupus-like disease, almost exclusively in females. However, we did not confirm this finding in an independently derived stock of 129/Sv x C57BL/6 p21(-/-) mice. To further address this discrepancy, we examined the effects of p21 deletion in BXSB female mice that develop late-life, mild lupus-like disease. Survival, polyclonal Igs, anti-chromatin Abs, and kidney histopathology in these mice were unremarkable and identical to wild-type littermates for up to 14 mo of age. We conclude that p21 deficiency does not promote autoimmunity even in females of a predisposed strain. The findings indicate that the use of mixed background 129/Sv x C57BL/6 mice to study effects of gene deletions in systemic autoimmunity may be confounded by the genetic heterogeneity of this cross. We suggest that studies addressing gene deletion effects in systemic autoimmunity should use sufficiently backcrossed mice to attain genetic homogeneity, include wild-type littermate controls, and preferentially use congenic inbred strains with late-life lupus predisposition to emulate the polygenic nature of this disease.  相似文献   
In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, one of the main structural components of the cell wall is 1,3-beta-glucan produced by 1,3-beta-glucan synthase (GS). Yeast GS is composed of a putative catalytic subunit encoded by FKS1 and FKS2 and a regulatory subunit encoded by RHO1. A combination of amino acid alterations in the putative catalytic domain of Fks1p was found to result in a loss of the catalytic activity. To identify upstream regulators of 1,3-beta-glucan synthesis, we isolated multicopy suppressors of the GS mutation. We demonstrate that all of the multicopy suppressors obtained (WSC1, WSC3, MTL1, ROM2, LRE1, ZDS1, and MSB1) and the constitutively active RHO1 mutations tested restore 1,3-beta-glucan synthesis in the GS mutant. A deletion of either ROM2 or WSC1 leads to a significant defect of 1,3-beta-glucan synthesis. Analyses of the degree of Mpk1p phosphorylation revealed that among the multicopy suppressors, WSC1, ROM2, LRE1, MSB1, and MTL1 act positively on the Pkc1p-MAPK pathway, another signaling pathway regulated by Rho1p, while WSC3 and ZDS1 do not. We have also found that MID2 acts positively on Pkc1p without affecting 1,3-beta-glucan synthesis. These results suggest that distinct networks regulate the two effector proteins of Rho1p, Fks1p and Pkc1p.  相似文献   
Histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG) is an abundant serum protein that exhibits many functions in diverse biological systems. In this study, we show that HRG potentiates the ingestion of apoptotic cells by mature human monocyte-derived macrophages (HMDM). HRG bound specifically to apoptotic Jurkat cells and mature HMDM in a saturable and concentration-dependent manner. Purified HRG or HRG in sera increased the number of HMDM-containing apoptotic cells and accelerated the ingestion, while neutralization or depletion of HRG from sera reduced this effect. Anti-FcgammaRI mAb inhibited HRG binding to HMDM, while DNA, but not chromatin, inhibited HRG binding to apoptotic cells, and either anti-FcgammaRI or DNA abrogated the HRG-dependent ingestion. The findings indicate that HRG, by acting as a bridge between DNA on apoptotic cells and FcgammaRI on HMDM, is a key physiological mediator of apoptotic cell clearance by macrophages.  相似文献   
Poly(L-lactide)-based microspheres having cationic or anionic surfaces were prepared using polydepsipeptide-block-poly(L-lactide)s as surfactants. Polydepsipeptide-block-poly(L-lactide)s having amino or carboxylic acid groups on their side chains were synthesized through anionic ring-opening polymerizations of L-lactide using the corresponding protected polydepsipeptides as macroinitiators and consequent deprotections. Since these amphiphilic copolymers consisting of hydrophobic segments and hydrophilic segments with amino or carboxylic acid groups could be converted to cationic or anionic block copolymers, they could act as surfactants preparing poly(L-lactide)-based microspheres by an oil-in-water emulsion method. The amount of ionic groups located on the surfaces of the obtained microspheres was found to increase with increasing the feed of charged polydepsipeptide-block-poly(L-lactide)s in the blend of poly(L-lactide) and block copolymers. The average diameters of the dried microspheres estimated by scanning electron microscopy were found to decrease with an increase in feed of block copolymers in polymer blends.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: We sought to identify genes with altered expression during human breast cancer progression by applying mRNA comparisons of normal and tumor mammary cell lines with increasingly malignant phenotypes. The gene encoding a new sialyltransferase (STM) was found to be down-regulated in tumor cells. Abnormal expression and enzymatic activities of sialyltransferases in tumor cells result in the formation of tumor-associated carbohydrate antigens that can be used for the better understanding of the disease process and are applied for tumor diagnosis and immunotherapy. Altered glycosylation patterns of the MUC1 mucin, in particular, is a target antigen for immunotherapy of breast and other cancers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Total RNAs from multiple normal mammary epithelial cell strains and tumor cell lines were compared by differential display and the differential expression of selected cDNAs was confirmed by Northern analyses. Recombinant STM was expressed in COS-7 cells. The substrate and linkage specificity of STM was examined using various oligosaccharides and O-glycosylated proteins as acceptor substrates. The chromosomal localization of the SIATL1 gene was assigned by somatic cell hybrid analysis. RESULTS: A human sialyltransferase gene was identified by differential display as being down-regulated in breast tumor cell lines as compared to normal mammary epithelial cell strains, and the corresponding full-length cDNA (stm) was cloned. The encoded protein of 374 amino acid residues contained the L- and S-sialylmotifs, two catalytic regions conserved in all functional sialyltransferases. Recombinant STM is an active GalNAc alpha2,6-sialyltransferase with Gal beta 1,3 GalNAc-O-Ser/Thr and (+/- Neu5Ac alpha 2,3) Gal beta 1,3GalNAc-O-Ser/Thr acceptor specificity. The SIATL1 gene, encoding STM, was mapped to the long arm of human chromosome 17 at q23-qter, a region that is nonrandomly deleted in human breast cancers. However, Southern analyses indicated that SIATL1 is usually not grossly rearranged in breast tumors. Northern analyses showed that the gene was widely expressed in normal human tissues, as well as in normal breast and prostate epithelial cell lines, but significantly down-regulated or absent in corresponding tumor cell lines. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that aberrant expression of STM sialyltransferase in tumors could be a feature of the malignant phenotype. In breast cancers, the MUC1 mucin is overexpressed and contains shorter O-glycans as compared to the normal mucin. Because STM catalyzes the synthesis of O-glycans, cloning and characterization of its substrate specificity will contribute to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the aberrant glycosylation patterns of O-glycans and the formation of mucin-related antigens in human breast cancers.  相似文献   
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