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Intracellular pH values (pHi) of Xenopus oocytes were optically measured using a fluorescent dye, 2', 7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). The oocytes were loaded with dye by incubation with a membrane-permeable form (BCECF-AM). Mean pHi of the oocytes in pH 7.6 solution was 7.69. Increasing ambient pCO2 rapidly decreased pHi and estimated buffering power was 23.8 mM/pH unit. Changing ambient HCO3- from 5 to 30 mM did not alter pHi. After incubation in a Na(+)-free solution, Na+ addition to the bath rapidly increased pHi and this response was blocked by amiloride (ED50 2 microM). The addition of NH4Cl to the bath caused an initial transient increase in PHi followed by a secondary decrease. The secondary decrease was greatly inhibited by a histidine specific reagent, diethylpyrocarbonate. It was also slightly inhibited by ouabain, Ba2+ and furosemide, but not by amiloride. These data suggest that (1), fluorescence technique is applicable to PHi measurements of Xenopus oocytes; (2), Xenopus oocytes have an amiloride sensitive Na+/H(+)-exchange, and permeabilities to CO2, NH3, and NH+4. These observation may be useful in studying the relationship between pHi and oocytes development, and the expression of acid/base transporters in Xenopus oocytes.  相似文献   
The consequences of interactions between porcine sperm, eggs, and oviduct cells before and during fertilization in vitro (IVF) has been examined with particular reference to the block to polyspermy. The pattern of polypeptides secreted by porcine oviduct epithelial cells has been determined and its effects on sperm both during pre-fertilization co-culture and during fertilization have been examined. In standard IVF procedures with no oviduct cell involvement, high rates of penetration (91%) were accompanied by equally high rates of multiple sperm penetration (91% of penetrated eggs). Fertilization on oviduct cell monolayers or a combination of 1 h co-culture of sperm and oviduct cells before the addition of in vitro matured oocytes did not reduce polyspermy. However, a sperm-oviduct cell co-culture period of 2.5 h followed by IVF on oviduct cells selectively reduced the rate of polyspermy by 40% and 50% in two separate series of trials (United Kingdom and Japan, respectively): Overall fertilization rates after this treatment were high (95% or 84%, respectively). A 3.5 h period of pre-fertilization co-culture further reduced polyspermy to only 14% of penetrated eggs, but this treatment was accompanied by a sharp drop in the fertilization rate from an overall mean of 88% for all other groups to 19% after 3.5 h co-culture.  相似文献   
Structural characterization of sulfated and sialyl Lewis (Le)-type glycosphingolipids performed by fast atom bombardment (FAB) and electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry is described. Both FAB and ESI collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry (CID-MS/MS) of acidic glycosphingolipids allowed identification of the sulfated or sialyl sugar, and provided information on the saccharide chain sequence. The negative-ion tandem FABMS of sulfated Le-type glycosphingolipids having the non-reducing end trisaccharide ion as the precursor can be used to differentiate the Lea- and LeX-type oligosaccharides. The ESI CID-MS/MS of multiple-charged ions provided even more detailed structural information, and some of the useful daughter ions appeared with higherm/z values than the precusor because of a lower charge-state. These methodologies can be applied to the structural analyses of glycoconjugates with much larger molecular masses and higher polarity, such as the poly-sulfated and sialyl analogues.Abbreviations CID collision-induced dissociation - ESI electrospray ionization - FABMS fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry - Fuc fucose - Gal galactose - GlcNAc N-acetylglucosamine - Le Lewis - Lea Lewisa - LeX LewisX - MS/MS mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry - NeuAc N-acetylneuraminic acid - 3-SO4-Lea 3-sulfated Lea pentaosyl ceramide - 3-SO4-LeX 3-sulfated LeX pentaosyl ceramide - 2,3-SO4-LeX 2,3-disulfated LeX pentaosyl ceramide - 3-S-Lea 3-sialyl Lea pentaosyl ceramide - 3-S-Lex 3-sialyl LeX heptaosyl ceramide - 3-S-LeX-LeX 3-sialyl-Lex-Lex octaosyl ceramide.  相似文献   
We have cloned a new Dlx gene (Dlx7) from human and mouse that may represent the mammalian orthologue of the newt geneNvHBox-5.The homeodomains of these genes are highly similar to all other vertebrate Dlx genes, and regions of similarity also exist between mammalian Dlx7 and a subset of vertebrate Dlx genes downstream of the homeodomain. The sequence divergence between human and mouse Dlx7 in these regions is greater than that predicted from comparisons of other vertebrate Dlx genes, however, and there is little sequence similarity upstream of the homeodomain both between these two genes and with other Dlx genes. We present evidence for alternative splicing of mouseDlx7upstream of the homeodomain that may account for some of this divergence. We have mapped humanDLX7distal to the 5′ end of the HOXB cluster at an estimated distance of between 1 and 2 Mb by FISH. Both the human and the mouse Dlx7 are shown to be closely linked to Dlx3 in a convergently transcribed orientation. These mapping results support the possibility that vertebrate distal-less genes have been duplicated in concert with the Hox clusters.  相似文献   
This study was carried out to determine whether Y-bearing porcine spermatozoa could be detected by in situ hybridization using a digoxigenin (Dig)-labelled DNA probe specific to the Y chromosome produced by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A conventional PCR (with Dig-dUTP) was performed using a set of oligonucleotide primers (5′-AAGTGGTCAGCGTGTCCATA-3′ and 5′-TTTCTCCTGTATCCTCCTGC-3′) for 236 bp fragment of porcine male-specific DNA sequence and 1.25 × 104 template white blood cells obtained from a boar. When fluorescence in situ hybridization with the Dig-labelled DNA probe was applied to the metaphase chromosome spreads prepared from both boar and gilts, the fluorescein signal was only detected on the long arm of the Y chromosome. In addition, immunocytochemical detection with the Dig-labelled DNA probe and alkaline phosphatase-labeled anti-Dig was applied to both sperm nuclei pretreated with dithiothreitol and white blood cells; 51% of sperm nuclei and 96% of white blood cells obtained from boar were labelled, whereas none of white blood cells obtained from gilts were labelled with the Dig-labelled DNA probe. The results indicated that in situ hybridization with porcine male-specific DNA probe produced by PCR made possible the direct visualization of Y-bearing porcine spermatozoa by in situ hybridization. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Postnatal change in the distribution of actin filaments in endothelial cells was studied in the rat aorta by use of rhodamine-phalloidin staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Endothelial cells of the rat aorta possessed two populations of actin filament bundles, namely, peripheral bands at the cell border and stress fibers running longitudinally in the cytoplasm. Aortic endothelial cells of the neonatal rat contained only stress fibers, whereas those of the 10-day-old rat developed both peripheral bands and stress fibers. After 20 days of age, aortic endothelial cells had predominantly peripheral bands with occasional stress fibers around the branch orifices. During postnatal development the length density of stress fibers in aortic endothelial cells decreased, whereas individual stress fibers in endothelial cells were shortened. Electron-microscopic observation revealed that the high intercellular boundaries of aortic endothelial cells at birth decreased in height and developed cytoplasmic interdigitations after 20 days of age. The occurrence of peripheral bands at the cell border is thought to be closely related to formation of cytoplasmic interdigitation which strengthens the mechanical connection between endothelial cells against increasing transmural pressure. Expression of stress fibers in aortic endothelial cells of the neonatal rat is supposed to be affected by longitudinal elongation of the developing aorta, whereas their postnatal decrease is though to be correlated with the change of fluid shear stress loaded in the aortic endothelium.  相似文献   
The interaction between the extracellular matrix and human tumor-cell clones S2-013 and S2-020, derived from a pancreatic cancer cell line (SUIT-2), was examined in vitro, using various cell differentiation-promoting matrices in two- and three-dimensional cultures. S2-013 cells (well-differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma in xenografts in nude mice) cultured in Matrigel formed glandular structures. Ultrastructural observation revealed a morphological polarity of cells and a distinct basal lamina. On the other hand, S2-020 cells (poorly differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma in xenografts) cultured in Matrigel formed neither glandular structures nor a basal lamina, but only cell aggregates. The morphology of these two sublines cultured in Matrigel expressed the histological degree of differentiation which they presented in nude mice. In contrast, in type I collagen gel, S2-013 cells formed glandular structures without a basal lamina, and in soft agar, they were able to form neither glandular structures nor a basal lamina. S2-020 cells cultured in type I collagen gel or soft agar formed the same simple cell aggregates as in Matrigel. Matrices used in a three-dimensional culture influenced the degree of differentiation in S2-013 cells but had no effect on the morphological differentiation in S2-020 cells. To detect the factors which induce basal lamina formation, S2-013 cells were cultured on a microporous membrane coated with extracellular matrix components such as laminin, type IV collagen, and fibronectin. S2-013 cells formed a basal lamina only on the laminin. These cell lines may be useful in investigating the mechanisms regulating the formation of glandular structures and basal lamina.  相似文献   
Summary The nrtA gene, which has been proposed to be involved in nitrate transport of Synechococcus sp. PCC7942 (Anacystis nidulans R2), was mapped at 3.9 kb upstream of the nitrate reductase gene, narB. Three closely linked genes (designated nrtB, nrtC, and nrtD), which encode proteins of 279, 659, and 274 amino acids, respectively, were found between the nrtA and narB genes. NrtB is a hydrophobic protein having structural similarity to the integral membrane components of bacterial transport systems that are dependent on periplasmic substrate-binding proteins. The N-terminal portion of NrtC (amino acid residues 1–254) and NrtD are 58% identical to each other in their amino acid sequences, and resemble the ATP-binding components of binding protein-dependent transport systems. The C-terminal portion of NrtC is 30% identical to NrtA. Mutants constructed by interrupting each of nrtB and nrtC were unable to grow on nitrate, and the nrtD mutant required high concentration of nitrate for growth. The rate of nitrate-dependent O2 evolution (photosynthetic O2 evolution coupled to nitrate reduction) in wild-type cells measured in the presence of l-methionine d,l-sulfoximine and glycolaldehyde showed a dual-phase relationship with nitrate concentration. It followed saturation kinetics up to 10 mM nitrate (the concentration required for half-saturation = 1 M), and the reaction rate then increased above the saturation level of the first phase as the nitrate concentration increased. The high-affinity phase of nitrate-dependent O2 evolution was absent in the nrtD mutant. The results suggest that there are two independent mechanisms of nitrate uptake and that the nrtB-nrtC-nrtD cluster encodes a high-affinity nitrate transport system.  相似文献   
Acidiphilium aminolytica is proposed for a species of the genusAcidiphilium. Acidiphilium aminolytica can be phenotypically differentiated from all other species of the genusAcidiphilium. The seven strains of this species that have been studied are Gram-negative, aerobic, mesophilic, non-sporeforming, motile, and rod-shaped bacteria. They grow between pH 3.0 and 6.0, but not at pH 6.5. They yield positive results in tests for hippuric acid hydrolysis, catalase and urease production. Oxidase, esculin hydrolysis, and -galactosidase tests are negative. They can used-glucose,d-galactose, inositol, sorbitol,l-lysine,l-glutamate,l-arginine, -alanine,dl-4-aminobutyrate,dl-5-aminovalerate, sperimine, or diaminobutane as a sole carbon source, but cannot use elemental sulfur and ferrous iron as an energy source. The DNA base composition is 58.7–59.2 G+C mol%. The major isoprenoid quinone is ubiquinone with ten isoprene unit (Q-10). The major fatty acid is the C18:1 fatty acid. Two ornithine amide lipids, the C18:1 fatty acid esters of -N-3-hydroxystearylornithyltaurine and -N-3-hydroxystearylornithine, are detected as the polar aminolipid. DNA relatedness between this species and the other species ofAcidiphilium, the generaAcidomonas, andAcidobacterium was 29 to 2%. These results indicate, that this new species should be placed in the genusAcidiphilium. The type strain (strain 101) ofA. aminolytica is JCM 8796.  相似文献   
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