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We have developed a simple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) analysis utilizing DNA hybridization in nanostructural molecular assemblies. The novel technique enables the detection of a single-base mismatch in a DNA sequence without a fluorescent probe. This report describes for the first time that DNA hybridization occurs in the nanostructural molecular assemblies (termed reverse micelles) formed in an organic medium. The restricted nanospace in the reverse micelles amplifies the differences in the hybridization rate between mismatched and perfectly matched DNA probes. For a model system, we hybridized a 20-mer based on the p53 gene sequence to 20-mer complementary oligonucleotides with various types of mismatches. Without any DNA labeling or electrochemical apparatus, we successfully detected the various oligonucleotide mismatches by simply measuring the UV absorbance at 260 nm.  相似文献   
In plants, the mechanism by which RNA can induce de novo cytosine methylation of homologous DNA is poorly understood. Cytosines in all sequence contexts become modified in response to RNA signals. Recent work has implicated the de novo DNA methyltransferases (DMTases), DRM1 and DRM2, in establishing RNA-directed methylation of the constitutive nopaline synthase promoter, as well as the DMTase MET1 and the putative histone deacetylase HDA6 in maintaining or enhancing CpG methylation induced by RNA. Despite the identification of enzymes that catalyze epigenetic modifications in response to RNA signals, it is unclear how RNA targets DNA for methylation. A screen for mutants defective in RNA-directed DNA methylation identified a novel putative chromatin-remodeling protein, DRD1. This protein belongs to a previously undefined, plant-specific subfamily of SWI2/SNF2-like proteins most similar to the RAD54/ATRX subfamily. In drd1 mutants, RNA-induced non-CpG methylation is almost eliminated at a target promoter, resulting in reactivation, whereas methylation of centromeric and rDNA repeats is unaffected. Thus, unlike the SNF2-like proteins DDM1/Lsh1 and ATRX, which regulate methylation of repetitive sequences, DRD1 is not a global regulator of cytosine methylation. DRD1 is the first SNF2-like protein implicated in an RNA-guided, epigenetic modification of the genome.  相似文献   
The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an alphabetagamma heterotrimer that is activated by low cellular energy status and affects a switch away from energy-requiring processes and toward catabolism. While it is primarily regulated by AMP and ATP, high muscle glycogen has also been shown to repress its activation. Mutations in the gamma2 and gamma3 subunit isoforms lead to arrhythmias associated with abnormal glycogen storage in human heart and elevated glycogen in pig muscle, respectively. A putative glycogen binding domain (GBD) has now been identified in the beta subunits. Coexpression of truncated beta subunits lacking the GBD with alpha and gamma subunits yielded complexes that were active and normally regulated. However, coexpression of alpha and gamma with full-length beta caused accumulation of AMPK in large cytoplasmic inclusions that could be counterstained with anti-glycogen or anti-glycogen synthase antibodies. These inclusions were not affected by mutations that increased or abolished the kinase activity and were not observed by using truncated beta subunits lacking the GBD. Our results suggest that the GBD binds glycogen and can lead to abnormal glycogen-containing inclusions when the kinase is overexpressed. These may be related to the abnormal glycogen storage bodies seen in heart disease patients with gamma2 mutations.  相似文献   
The metabolic rate and its scaling relationship to colony size were studied in the colonial ascidian Botrylloides simodensis. The colonial metabolic rate, measured by the oxygen consumption rate (V(O2) in millilitres of O(2) per hour) and the colony mass (wet weight M(w) in grams) showed the allometric relationship (V(O2) = 0.0412 M(w)(0.799). The power coefficient was statistically not different from 0.75, the value for unitary organisms. The size of the zooids and the tunic volume fraction in a colony were kept constant irrespective of the colonial size. These results, together with the two-dimensional colonial shape, excluded shape factors and colonial composition as possible causes of allometry. Botryllid ascidians show a takeover state in which all the zooids of the parent generation in a colony degenerate and zooids of a new generation develop in unison. The media for connection between zooids such as a common drainage system and connecting vessels to the common vascular system experienced reconstruction. The metabolic rate during the takeover state was halved and was directly proportional to the colonial mass. The scaling thus changed from being allometric to isometric. The alteration in the scaling that was associated with the loss of the connection between the zooids strongly support the hypothesis that the allometry was derived from mutual interaction among the zooids. The applicability of this hypothesis to unitary organisms is discussed.  相似文献   
CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells in normal animals are engaged in the maintenance of immunological self-tolerance and prevention of autoimmune disease. However, accumulating evidence suggests that a fraction of the peripheral CD4(+)CD25(-) T cell population also possesses regulatory activity in vivo. Recently, it has been shown glucocorticoid-induced TNFR family-related gene (GITR) is predominantly expressed on CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. In this study, we show evidence that CD4(+)GITR(+) T cells, regardless of the CD25 expression, regulate the mucosal immune responses and intestinal inflammation. SCID mice restored with the CD4(+)GITR(-) T cell population developed wasting disease and severe chronic colitis. Cotransfer of CD4(+)GITR(+) population prevented the development of CD4(+)CD45RB(high) T cell-transferred colitis. Administration of anti-GITR mAb-induced chronic colitis in mice restored both CD45RB(high) and CD45RB(low) CD4(+) T cells. Interestingly, both CD4(+)CD25(+) and CD4(+)CD25(-) GITR(+) T cells prevented wasting disease and colitis. Furthermore, in vitro studies revealed that CD4(+)CD25(-)GITR(+) T cells as well as CD4(+)CD25(+)GITR(+) T cells expressed CTLA-4 intracellularly, showed anergic, suppressed T cell proliferation, and produced IL-10 and TGF-beta. These data suggest that GITR can be used as a specific marker for regulatory T cells controlling mucosal inflammation and also as a target for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.  相似文献   
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein plays an important role in the formation of the viral nucleocapsid and a regulatory protein involved in hepatocarcinogenesis. In this study, we have identified proteasome activator PA28gamma (11S regulator gamma) as an HCV core binding protein by using yeast two-hybrid system. This interaction was demonstrated not only in cell culture but also in the livers of HCV core transgenic mice. These findings are extended to human HCV infection by the observation of this interaction in liver specimens from a patient with chronic HCV infection. Neither the interaction of HCV core protein with other PA28 subtypes nor that of PA28gamma with other Flavivirus core proteins was detected. Deletion of the PA28gamma-binding region from the HCV core protein or knockout of the PA28gamma gene led to the export of the HCV core protein from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Overexpression of PA28gamma enhanced the proteolysis of the HCV core protein. Thus, the nuclear retention and stability of the HCV core protein is regulated via a PA28gamma-dependent pathway through which HCV pathogenesis may be exerted.  相似文献   
The ubiquitin-proteasome system is involved in a variety of biological processes. Inclusion bodies associated with intermediate filaments (IFs) and ubiquitin are observed in various diseases; however, the precise mechanisms of formation and the pathological significance of inclusion bodies have not been fully understood. We examined the effect of proteasome inhibitors on the structure of IF using anti-cytokeratin antibodies or transfection of green fluorescent protein-fused cytokeratin 18 in a hepatoma cell line, Huh7. Intracellular organelles were visualized by immunofluorescent and electron microscopies. Proteasome inhibitors induced IF inclusions associated with ubiquitin. Electron microscopic examination revealed inclusion bodies surrounded by filamentous structures. Autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes were frequently observed, and the organization of the Golgi apparatus was disrupted in these cells. After the removal of the proteasome inhibitors, the IF network and organization of the Golgi apparatus were restored. The IF inclusions could be induced by inhibition of the proteasome function. IF inclusions induced fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus and might inhibit the function of this important station of membrane traffic. The IF inclusions disappeared by restoring proteasome function, and autophagy and lysosomal degradation might be, at least in part, associated with the elimination of inclusion bodies.  相似文献   
Endothelial cell barrier (EC) properties regulate blood tissue fluid flux. To determine the role of endothelial-matrix interactions in barrier regulation, we induced cell shrinkage by exposing confluent endothelial monolayers to hyperosmolarity. The dominant effect of a 15-min hyperosmolar exposure was an increase in the trans-endothelial electrical resistance, indicating the induction of barrier strengthening. Hyperosmolar exposure also increased activity of focal adhesion kinase and E-cadherin accumulation at the cell periphery. Concomitantly, the density of actin filaments increased markedly. In EC monolayers stably expressing constitutively active or dominant negative isoforms of Rac1, the actin response to hyperosmolar exposure was enhanced or blocked, respectively, although the response in trans-endothelial resistance was unaffected, indicating that the endothelial barrier enhancement occurred independently of actin. However, in monolayers expressing a kinase-deficient mutant of focal adhesion kinase, the hyperosmolarity-induced increases in activity of focal adhesion and peripheral E-cadherin enhancement were blocked and the induced increase of electrical resistance was markedly blunted. These findings indicate that in EC exposed to hyperosmolar challenge, the involvement of focal adhesion kinase was critical in establishing barrier strengthening.  相似文献   
Podocytes possess major processes containing microtubules (MTs) and intermediate filaments and foot processes containing actin filaments (AFs) as core cytoskeletal elements. Although the importance of these cytoskeletal elements for maintaining podocyte processes was previously shown, so far no data are available concerning the developmental regulation of podocyte process formation. A conditionally immortalized mouse podocyte cell line, which can be induced to develop processes similar to those found in vivo, was treated with various reagents to disrupt cytoskeletal elements or to inhibit protein phosphatases. MTs colocalized with vimentin intermediate filaments but not with AFs. After AF disassembly, major processes were maintained, whereas after depolymerization of MTs, podocytes lost their processes, rounded up, and maintained only actin-based peripheral projections. Suppression of MT elongation by nanomolar vinblastine or inhibition of serine/threonine phosphatase PP2A with okadaic acid abolished process formation. PP2A was expressed in undifferentiated but not in differentiated podocytes. One- and two-dimensional western blot analyses revealed a dose-dependent increase in serine/threonine phosphorylation after okadaic acid treatment. Hence, morphogenetic activity of MTs induces podocyte process formation via serine/threonine protein dephosphorylation by PP2A. These results may open new avenues for understanding the signaling mechanism underlying podocyte cytoskeleton alterations during development and in glomerular diseases.  相似文献   
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