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The macrophage scavenger receptor (MSR) is a trimeric membrane protein which binds to modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and has been indicated in the development of atherosclerosis. It has recently been demonstrated that the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain of MSR has an important role in the efficient internalization and cell-surface expression of the receptor. This study shows that the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain in bovine was constructed using a peptide architecture technique in which the peptide chain was bundled at their C-terminus to yield a trimeric form and that this did not form an ordered structure. Furthermore, the binding proteins to the cytoplasmic domain of MSR were determined for the first time using a peptide affinity column. Sequence analyses of the specific binding proteins in bovine revealed that heat shock protein 90 (HSP90), heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), adenocylhomocysteinase, and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) were included. GST-pull-down assay and immunoprecipitation analyses on HSP90, HSP70, and GAPDH showed that all these proteins could bind to the cytoplasmic domain of MSR in vitro and in vivo. These proteins interact with the cytoplasmic domain directly and may have an effect on the functions of MSR such as internalization, cell-surface expression, and signal transduction.  相似文献   
Aminophenylnorharman (APNH) is a newly identified mutagenic heterocyclic amine formed by coupling of norharman with aniline in the presence of S9 mix. Furthermore, mutagenic amino-3'-methylphenylnorharman (AMPNH) and aminophenylharman (APH) have been identified from a reaction mixture of norharman and o-toluidine and that of harman and aniline, respectively, with S9 mix. Among these three heterocyclic amines, APNH shows most potent mutagenic activity towards Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and YG1024 with S9 mix. In the present study, the induction of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) by APNH was examined in Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cells in vitro, comparing it to those of AMPNH and APH. On incubation with rat S9 for 6h, followed by a recovery culture period of 18h, a dose-dependent effect was found at concentrations between 0.00125 and 0.01 microg/ml for APNH and between 0.3125 and 5 microg/ml for AMPNH and APH. The approximate chemical concentrations leading to a three-fold of control SCE levels calculated from slopes of the linear regressions of induced SCEs were 0.005 for APNH, 0.51 for AMPNH and 1.7 microg/ml for APH. Because of the very strong SCE-causing ability of APNH, we further explored its genotoxicity by examining the induction of chromosome aberrations in CHL cells. A dose-dependent effect was found for chromosome aberrations at concentrations between 0.00125 and 0.04 microg/ml of APNH. The aberrations observed were primarily chromatid exchanges (cte) and breaks (ctb). In conclusion, the potency of SCE induction and clastogenic activity induced by APNH is stronger than Actinomycin D, Mitomycin C (MMC) or 1,8-dinitropyrene which are considered to be the potent clastogens in the literature. Further studies are needed for elucidating mechanisms of the genotoxic actions of these compounds and for evaluating their potential hazards to human health.  相似文献   
Wnt is a family of cysteine-rich secreted glycoproteins, which controls the fate and behavior of the cells in multicellular organisms. In the absence of Drosophila segment polarity gene porcupine (porc), which encodes an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) multispanning transmembrane protein, the N-glycosylation of Wingless (Wg), one of Drosophila Wnt family, is impaired. In contrast, the ectopic expression of porc stimulates the N-glycosylation of both endogenously and exogenously expressed Wg. The N-glycosylation of Wg in the ER occurs posttranslationally, while in the presence of dithiothreitol, it efficiently occurs cotranslationally. Thus, the cotranslational disulfide bond formation of Wg competes with the N-glycosylation by an oligosaccharyl transferase complex. Porc binds the N-terminal 24-amino acid domain (residues 83-106) of Wg, which is highly conserved in the Wnt family and stimulates the N-glycosylation at surrounding sites. Porc is also necessary for the processing of Drosophila Wnt-3/5 in both embryos and cultured cells. Thus, Porc binds the N-terminal specific domain of the Wnt family and stimulates its posttranslational N-glycosylation by anchoring them at the ER membrane possibly through acylation.  相似文献   
An enzyme catalyzing hydrolysis of beta-1,4 bonds in cellulose acetate was purified 18.3-fold to electrophoretic homogeneity from a culture supernatant of Neisseria sicca SB, which can assimilate cellulose acetate as the sole carbon and energy source. The molecular mass of the enzyme was 41 kDa and the isoelectric point was 4.8. The pH and temperature optima of the enzyme were 6.0-7.0 and 60 degrees C. The enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of water-soluble cellulose acetate (degree of substitution, 0.88) and carboxymethyl cellulose. The Km and Vmax for water-soluble cellulose acetate and carboxymethyl cellulose were 0.242% and 2.24 micromol/min/mg, and 2.28% and 12.8 micromol/min/mg, respectively. It is estimated that the enzyme is a kind of endo-1,4-beta-glucanase (EC from the substrate specificity and hydrolysis products of cellooligosaccharides. The enzyme and cellulose acetate esterase from Neisseria sicca SB degraded water-insoluble cellulose acetate by synergistic action.  相似文献   
In Arabidopsis, root hairs are formed only from a set of epidermal cells named trichoblasts or hair-forming cells. Previous studies showed CAPRICE (CPC) promotes differentiation of hair-forming cells by controlling a negative regulator, GLABRA2 (GL2), which is preferentially expressed in hairless cells. Here, we show that CPC is also predominantly expressed in the hairless cells, but not in the neighboring hair-forming cells, and that CPC protein moves to the hair-forming cells and represses the GL2 expression. We also show that the N terminus of bHLH protein interacts with CPC and is responsible for the GL2 expression. We propose a model in which CPC plays a key role in the fate-determination of hair-forming cells.  相似文献   
This review describes recent findings on voltage-gated Ca channel (Cav channel) cloned from ascidians, the most primitive chordates. Ascidian L-type like Cav channel has several unusual features: (1). it is closely related to the prototype of chordate L-type Cav channels by sequence alignment; (2). it is resistant to dihydropyridine due to single amino acid change in the pore region, and (3). maternally provided RNA putatively encodes a truncated protein which has remarkable suppressive effect on Cav channel expression during development. Ascidian Cav channel will provide a useful molecular clue in the future to understand Ca(2+)-regulated cell differentiation and physiology with the background of recently defined ascidian genome and molecular biological tools.  相似文献   
We have previously identified and characterized Drosophila hemolectin (Hml) in the conditioned medium of a Drosophila cell line. The deduced amino acids sequence contains a number of domains conserved in human von Willebrand factor, coagulation factor V/VIII, and complement factors. To characterize Hml localization and function, we have established two transgenic lines (hml-GAL4 and UAS-hmlRNAi). By crossing hml-GAL4 with UAS-eGFP, we observed that Hml is specifically expressed in embryonic and in larval hemocytes. We determined that Hml is expressed in a subpopulation of plasmatocytes and crystal cells but not in lamellocytes. hml RNAi larvae are viable and do not display obvious developmental defects under normal conditions. However, they show a bleeding defect upon injury. We confirmed that the failure to seal a wound is not due to a defect in melanin production or in phenoloxidase activity. The expression of antimicrobial peptides was not significantly affected on hml RNAi adults. Altogether, our data strongly suggest that Hml is involved in hemostasis and/or coagulation in Drosophila larvae.  相似文献   
Diphenyl-1-pyrenylphosphine (DPPP), which reacts with lipid hydroperoxide stoichiometrically to yield a fluorescent product DPPP oxide (DPPP=O) and the corresponding hydroxide, was used as a fluorescent probe for lipid peroxidation in low-density lipoprotein (LDL). DPPP was successfully incorporated into LDL using the dispersion reagent Pluronic F-127. Incorporation of DPPP into LDL was confirmed by gel filtration chromatography. Reaction of DPPP with hydroperoxide within an LDL particle was examined by monitoring the increase in fluorescence intensity of the LDL. It was found that lipid-soluble hydroperoxides such as methyl linoleate hydroperoxide preferably reacted with DPPP, whereas hydrogen peroxide did not. Fluorescence was increased at the early stages in the oxidation of DPPP-labeled LDL by an azo radical initiator or human neutrophils. LDL, which was labeled with DPPP or DPPP=O, was taken up by cells such as THP-1-derived macrophages and human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The fluorescence of DPPP=O could be observed in cells using fluorescence microscopy equipped with a cooled charge coupled device camera in a nondestructive manner. The present study shows that DPPP is a sensitive, selective, and quantitative probe for monitoring LDL oxidation and visualizing intracellular oxidation.  相似文献   
Polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) was immunoaffinity-purified from the brains of newborn calves. A degree of polymerization of up to 40 was chromatographically determined for released polysialic acid (PSA) chains. For characterization of N-glycan structures and attachment sites, PSA-NCAM was digested with trypsin, and the generated glycopeptides were fractionated by serial immunoaffinity chromatography using immobilized monoclonal antibodies specific for PSA or the HNK1 epitope, i.e., HSO(3)-3GlcA(beta 1-3)Gal(beta 1-4)GlcNAc(beta 1-, yielding PSA-glycopeptides, HNK-glycopeptides and non-PSA/HNK1-(glyco) peptides. Using a combination of enzymatic deglycosylation, peptide fractionation, mass spectrometry and Edman degradation, HNK1-N-glycans could be assigned to glycosylation sites 2, 4, 5 and 6. Non-PSA/HNK1-glycans were assigned to glycosylation site 2, whereas PSA-N-glycans of bovine NCAM had been already previously shown to be restricted to glycosylation sites 5 and 6 (Glycobiology 12 (2002) 47). Respective oligosaccharides were enzymatically released, labeled with 2-aminopyridine and characterized by linkage analysis and mass spectrometry. Carbohydrate chains bearing PSA or the HNK1 epitope comprised mainly fucosylated, partially sulfated diantennary, triantennary or tetraantennary glycans without bisecting GlcNAc or fucosylated diantennary and triantennary species carrying, in part, bisecting GlcNAc residues, respectively. Some N-glycans simultaneously contained both the HNK1-epitope and PSA. Non-PSA/HNK1-glycans exhibited a heterogeneous pattern of partially truncated, mostly diantennary structures with one to three fucose residues, bisecting GlcNAc and/or sulfate residues. In addition, they were demonstrated to carry, to some extent, the Lewis X epitope. When compared with previous data on murine NCAM glycosylation, our results indicate a conservation of structural features and attachment sites for the different types of NCAM N-glycans.  相似文献   
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