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The expanded genetic code in combination with site-directed mutagenesis was used to probe spectroscopic and structural roles of tryptophan (Trp) residues in Aequorea victoria green fluorescent proteins (avGFPs). Nine different halogen-, chalcogen-, and methyl-containing Trp isosteric analogues and surrogates were incorporated into avGFPs containing indole moieties in, and outside of, the chromophore, by the use of the selective pressure incorporation method. Such isosteric replacements introduced minimal local geometry changes in indole moieties, often to the level of single atomic exchange ('atomic mutation') and do not affect three-dimensional structures of avGFPs but induce changes in spectral properties. Our approach offers a new platform to re-evaluate issues like resonance transfer, mechanisms of chromophore formation and maturation, as well as the importance of local geometry and weak sulphur-aromatic interactions for avGFP spectral properties and structural stability. The library of novel tailor-made avGFP mutants and variants generated in this work has demonstrated not only the potentials of the expanded genetic code to study spectroscopic functions, but also a new approach to generate tailor-made proteins with interesting and useful spectral properties.  相似文献   
Talocrural joint injuries are among the most common injuries of the joints and therefore there is a need for a holistic approach to analysis of morphology, biomechanics and visualization of the talocrural joint ligamentary apparatus in different positions. The research was carried out on 20 fresh and conserved anatomical specimens of the lower leg on which X-ray, computed tomography, ultrasonography and stress analysis were performed before and after the lesion of ligaments. Also the gait of 130 adults without (100) and with ligament and joint capsule lesion (30) was analyzed by infrared telemetry. After complete discission of the lateral ligaments, arthrography and CT could register the lesion, while X-ray and ultrasonography could not detect it. Gait analysis of healthy and injured leg showed that the injured leg was significantly less loaded.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) entry is mediated by the consecutive interaction of the envelope glycoprotein gp120 with CD4 and a coreceptor such as CCR5 or CXCR4. The CCR5 coreceptor is used by the most commonly transmitted HIV-1 strains that often persist throughout the course of infection. Compounds targeting CCR5-mediated entry are a novel class of drugs being developed to treat HIV-1 infection. In this study, we have identified the mechanism of action of two inhibitors of CCR5 function, SCH-350581 (AD101) and SCH-351125 (SCH-C). AD101 is more potent than SCH-C at inhibiting HIV-1 replication in primary lymphocytes, as well as viral entry and gp120 binding to cell lines. Both molecules also block the binding of several anti-CCR5 monoclonal antibodies that recognize epitopes in the second extracellular loop of CCR5. Alanine mutagenesis of the transmembrane domain of CCR5 suggests that AD101 and SCH-C bind to overlapping but nonidentical sites within a putative ligand-binding cavity formed by transmembrane helices 1, 2, 3, and 7. We propose that the binding of small molecules to the transmembrane domain of CCR5 may disrupt the conformation of its extracellular domain, thereby inhibiting ligand binding to CCR5.  相似文献   
The (1)H NMR resonances of the heme substituents of the low-spin Fe(III) form of nitrophorin 2, as its complexes with N-methylimidazole (NP2-NMeIm) and imidazole (NP2-ImH), have been assigned by a combination of (1)H homonuclear two-dimensional NMR techniques and (1)H-(13)C HMQC. Complete assignment of the proton and partial assignment of the (13)C resonances of the heme of these complexes has been achieved. Due to favorable rates of ligand exchange, it was also possible to assign part of the (1)H resonances of the high-spin heme via saturation transfer between high- and low-spin protein forms in a partially liganded NP2-NMeIm sample; additional resonances (vinyl and propionate) were assigned by NOESY techniques. The order of heme methyl resonances in the high-spin form of the protein over the temperature range of 10-37 degrees C is 8 = 5 > 1 > 3; the NMeIm complex has 5 > 1 > 3 > 8 as the order of heme methyl resonances at <30 degrees C, while above that temperature, the order is 5 > 3 > 1 > 8, due to crossover of the closely spaced 3- and 1-methyl resonances of the low-spin complex at higher temperatures. This crossover defines the nodal plane of the heme orbital used for spin delocalization as being oriented 162 +/- 2 degrees clockwise from the heme N(II)-Fe-N(IV) axis for the heme in the B orientation. For the NP2-ImH complex, the order of heme methyl resonances is 3 > 5 > 1 > 8, which defines the orientation of the nodal plane of the heme orbital used for spin delocalization as being oriented approximately 150-155 degrees clockwise from the heme N(II)-Fe-N(IV) axis. In both low-spin complexes, the results are most consistent with the exogenous planar ligand controlling the orientation of the nodal plane of the heme orbital. In the high-spin form of NP2, the proximal histidine plane is shown to be oriented 135 degrees clockwise from the heme N(II)-Fe-N(IV) axis, again for the B heme orientation. A correlation between the order of heme methyl resonances in the high-spin form of NP2 and several other ferriheme proteins and an apparent 90 degrees shift in the nodal plane of the orbital involved in spin delocalization from that expected on the basis of the orientation of the axial histidine imidazole nodal plane have been explained in terms of bonding interactions between Fe(III), the axial histidine imidazole nitrogen, and the porphyrin pi orbitals of the high-spin protein.  相似文献   
Phot proteins (phototropins and homologs) are blue-light photoreceptors that control mechanical processes like phototropism, chloroplast relocation, or guard-cell opening in plants. Phot receptors consist of two flavin mononucleotide (FMN)-binding light, oxygen, or voltage (LOV) domains and a C-terminal serine/threonine kinase domain. We determined crystal structures of the LOV1 domain of Phot1 from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in the dark and illuminated state to 1.9 A and 2.8 A resolution, respectively. The structure resembles that of LOV2 from Adiantum (Crosson, S. and K. Moffat. 2001. PROC: Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 98:2995-3000). In the resting dark state of LOV1, the reactive Cys-57 is present in two conformations. Blue-light absorption causes formation of a proposed active signaling state that is characterized by a covalent bond between the flavin C4a and the thiol of Cys-57. There are differences around the FMN chromophore but no large overall conformational changes. Quantum chemical calculations based on the crystal structures revealed the electronic distribution in the active site during the photocycle. The results suggest trajectories for electrons, protons, and the active site cysteine and offer an interpretation of the reaction mechanism.  相似文献   
In order to gain insights into the evolution of gastrulation mechanisms among vertebrates, we have characterized a Brachyury-related gene in a lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis, and in a chondrichthyan, Scyliorhinus canicula. These two genes, respectively termed LfT and ScT, share with their osteichthyan counterparts prominent expression sites in the developing notochord, the tailbud, but also a transient expression in the prechordal plate, which is likely to be ancestral among vertebrates. In addition, the lamprey LfT gene is transcribed in the endoderm of the pharyngeal arches and the epiphysis, two expression sites that have not been reported thus far in gnathostomes, and, as in the chick, in the differentiating nephrotomes. Since Brachyury expression in nascent mesoderm and endoderm is highly conserved among vertebrates as well as cephalochordates, we have used this marker to identify these cell populations during gastrulation in the dogfish. The results suggest that these cells are initially present over the whole margin of the blastoderm and are displaced during gastrulation to its posterior part, which may correspond to the site of mesoderm and endoderm internalization. These data provide the first molecular characterization of gastrulation in a chondrichthyan. They indicate that gastrulation in the dogfish and in some amniotes shares striking similarities despite the phylogenetic distance between these species. This supports the hypothesis that the extensively divergent morphologies of gastrulae among vertebrates largely result from adaptations to the presence of yolk.  相似文献   
CCR5 and CXCR4 usage has been studied extensively with a variety of clade B human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates. The determinants of CCR5 coreceptor function are remarkably consistent, with a region critical for fusion and entry located in the CCR5 amino-terminal domain (Nt). In particular, negatively charged amino acids and sulfated tyrosines in the Nt are essential for gp120 binding to CCR5. The same types of residues are important for CXCR4-mediated viral fusion and entry, but they are dispersed throughout the extracellular domains of CXCR4, and their usage is isolate dependent. Here, we report on the determinants of CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptor function for a panel of non-clade B isolates that are responsible for the majority of new HIV-1 infections worldwide. Consistent with clade B isolates, CXCR4 usage remains isolate dependent and is determined by the overall content of negatively charged and tyrosine residues. Residues in the Nt of CCR5 that are important for fusion and entry of clade B isolates are also important for the entry of all non-clade B HIV-1 isolates that we tested. Surprisingly, we found that in contrast to clade B isolates, a cluster of residues in the second extracellular loop of CCR5 significantly affects fusion and entry of all non-clade B isolates tested. This points to a different mechanism of CCR5 usage by these viruses and may have important implications for the development of HIV-1 inhibitors that target CCR5 coreceptor function.  相似文献   
Clitocypin, a new type of cysteine proteinase inhibitor from the mushroom Clitocybe nebularis, is a 34-kDa homodimer lacking disulphide bonds, reported to have unusual stability properties. Sequence similarity is limited solely to certain proteins from mushrooms. Infrared spectroscopy shows that clitocypin is a high beta-structure protein which was lost at high temperatures. The far UV circular dichroism spectrum is not that of classical beta-structure, but similar to those of a group of small beta-strand proteins, with a peak at 189nm and a trough at 202nm. An aromatic peak at 232nm and infrared bands at 1633 and 1515cm(-1) associated with the peptide backbone and the tyrosine microenvironment, respectively, were used to characterize the thermal unfolding. The reversible transition has a midpoint at 67 degrees C, with DeltaG=34kJ/mol and DeltaH=300kJ/mol, and is, unusually, independent of protein concentration. The kinetics of thermal unfolding and refolding are slow, with activation energies of 167 and 44kJ/mol, respectively. A model for folding and assembly is discussed.  相似文献   
To assist in the analysis of plant gene functions we have generated a new Arabidopsis insertion mutant collection of 90 000 lines that carry the T-DNA of Agrobacterium gene fusion vector pPCV6NFHyg. Segregation analysis indicates that the average frequency of insertion sites is 1.29 per line, predicting about 116 100 independent tagged loci in the collection. The average T-DNA copy number estimated by Southern DNA hybridization is 2.4, as over 50% of the insertion loci contain tandem T-DNA copies. The collection is pooled in two arrays providing 40 PCR templates, each containing DNA from either 4000 or 5000 individual plants. A rapid and sensitive PCR technique using high-quality template DNA accelerates the identification of T-DNA tagged genes without DNA hybridization. The PCR screening is performed by agarose gel electrophoresis followed by isolation and direct sequencing of DNA fragments of amplified T-DNA insert junctions. To estimate the mutation recovery rate, 39 700 lines have been screened for T-DNA tags in 154 genes yielding 87 confirmed mutations in 73 target genes. Screening the whole collection with both T-DNA border primers requires 170 PCR reactions that are expected to detect a mutation in a gene with at least twofold redundancy and an estimated probability of 77%. Using this technique, an M2 family segregating a characterized gene mutation can be identified within 4 weeks.  相似文献   
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