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Ribonucleic acid synthesis during the early action of thyroid hormones   总被引:39,自引:15,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
1. The effect on RNA synthesis in rat liver of thyroidectomy and the administration of thyroid hormone, especially during its physiological latent period, was studied by determining: (a) the activity of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase in isolated nuclei; (b) the rate of synthesis of nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA in vivo; (c) polyribosomal sedimentation profiles; (d) the response of microsomes and ribonucleoprotein particles to polyuridylic acid; (e) the effect of inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis on the biological activity of hormones. 2. The DNA-dependent RNA-polymerase activity of isolated rat-liver nuclei was lowered by thyroidectomy and stimulated by the administration of tri-iodo-l-thyronine or l-thyroxine (2-25mug./100g. body wt.) to both normal and thyroidectomized rats. In thyroidectomized rats, the activity of the Mg(2+)-activated RNA-polymerase reaction (for which the product is mainly ribosomal type of RNA) was stimulated at 10-12hr. after a single injection of tri-iodothyronine, reaching a peak value of 60-90% stimulation at 45hr. after hormone administration. The Mn(2+)/ammonium sulphate-activated RNA-polymerase reaction (for which the RNA product is more DNA-like) was not affected for 24hr. after hormone administration but stimulated by 30-40% at 45hr. The response of both RNA-polymerase reactions to the hormone in vivo paralleled the physiological response but the enzyme was not stimulated by the addition in vitro of the hormone to isolated nuclei. 3. Within 3-4hr. after tri-iodothyronine administration to thyroidectomized rats, the specific activity of rapidly labelled nuclear RNA, after a 10min. pulse of [6-(14)C]orotic acid, was 30-40% greater than the control values, the stimulation reaching 100 and 200% at 11 and 16hr. respectively after hormone administration. Longer exposures to [6-(14)C]orotic acid and [(32)P]phosphate showed that the hormone accelerated the synthesis of mitochondrial, microsomal (or ribosomal) and soluble RNA. The greater part of the labelled nuclear RNA was of the ribosomal type. The hormone-induced increases in the incorporation of radioactive precursors into RNA were not preceded, but followed, by enhanced uptake of the precursor. There was no change, per g. of liver, of DNA, nuclear RNA or soluble RNA, but there was a 40-60% increase in the amount of ribosomal RNA between 35 and 45hr. after a single injection of tri-iodothyronine to thyroidectomized rats. 4. Coinciding with the increase in ribosomal RNA after hormone administration was an increase in the average size and amount of polyribosomes. The newly formed ribonucleoprotein particles, or messenger RNA attached to them, or both, were more firmly bound to microsomal membranes after hormone treatment. 5. Polyuridylic acid caused a bigger stimulation of incorporation of [(14)C]phenyl-alanine by ribonucleoprotein particles, but not by microsomes, from thyroidectomized rats as compared with preparations from normal animals. The response of ribonucleoprotein particles to polyuridylic acid was lowered after tri-iodothyronine treatment of thyroidectomized rats. 6. Actinomycin D, 5-fluorouracil, puromycin and cycloheximide caused a 70-100% inhibition of the stimulatory effect of l-thyroxine and tri-iodo-l-thyronine on basal metabolic rate and growth rate in both normal and thyroidectomized animals. Administration of actinomycin D also abolished the stimulation of RNA polymerase by tri-iodothyronine. 7. It is concluded that regulation of nuclear and ribosomal RNA synthesis is an essential step leading to the biological action of thyroid hormones and that the formation of new ribosomes is an important aspect of the control of cytoplasmic protein synthesis by these hormones.  相似文献   
The mutation causing cystic fibrosis (CF) has been localized to the DNA sequence of 700 kb bounded by the loci identified by the markers pMP6d-9 (D7S399) and pJ3.11 (D7S8). A 560-kb fragment obtained after SacII digestion of DNA from a cell line containing this region of human chromosome 7 in a mouse background was separated using pulse-field gel electrophoresis and isolated from the gel. The DNA was digested with BamHI prior to cloning into lambda EMBL3. Approximately 0.1% of the resulting clones contained human repetitive sequences, and 24 such recombinants were studied. Of these, 23 are on chromosome 7; 8 clones were duplicated, and of the 15 different recombinants, 7 are between MET and INT1L1, and a further 7 are between INT1L1 and pMP6d-9, leaving a single marker, pG2, which is between pMP6d-9 and pJ3.11. pG2 recognizes an RFLP with XbaI. A cosmid walk from pG2 has generated a further marker, H80, which recognizes an RFLP with PstI. This new locus (D7S411) divides the remaining region between the CF flanking markers, thereby making it more accessible to fine pulse-field mapping and allowing the precise localization of further clones to this region. Although it is not possible to position the CF locus unequivocally with respect to D7S411, both polymorphic markers at this locus exhibit low but significant linkage disequilibrium with CF, placing the emphasis for the search for the gene on the D7S399 to D7S411 interval of 250 kb.  相似文献   
We have recently reported that prolactin (PRL) inhibits both morphogenesis and cell death in thyroid hormone (T3)-induced amphibian metamorphosis (Tata et al., 1991), and that the autoinduction of T3 receptor (TR alpha and beta) mRNA is among the most rapid responses of premetamorphic Xenopus tadpoles to T3 (Kawahara et al., 1991). We now demonstrate that PRL prevents the rapid T3-induced upregulation of TR alpha and beta mRNAs in stages 50-54 Xenopus tadpoles and in organ cultures of tadpole tails. This effect is followed by the inhibition of the de novo activation of 63-kDa keratin gene by T3. We present an experimentally testable model whereby PRL exerts its juvenilizing action by preventing the amplification of TR by its autoinduction by T3.  相似文献   
Extracellular signals have to be precisely interpreted intracellularly and translated into diverse cellular behaviors often mediated by cytoskeletal changes. Semaphorins are one of the largest families of guidance cues and play a critical role in many systems. However, how different cell types translate extracellular semaphorin binding into intracellular signaling remains unclear. Here we developed and performed a novel image-based genome-wide functional RNAi screen for downstream signaling molecules that convert the interaction between Semaphorin 3E (Sema3E) and PlexinD1 into cellular behaviors. One of the genes identified in this screen is a RhoGAP protein, SH3-domain binding protein 1 (SH3BP1). We demonstrate that SH3BP1 mediates Sema3E-induced cell collapse through interaction with PlexinD1 and regulation of Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (Rac1) activity. The identification and characterization of SH3BP1 as a novel downstream effector of Sema3E-PlexinD1 provides an explanation for how extracellular signals are translated into cytoskeletal changes and unique cell behavior, but also lays the foundation for characterizing other genes identified from our screen to obtain a more complete picture of plexin signaling.  相似文献   
Indinavir analogues with blocked metabolism sites show highly improved pharmacokinetic profiles in animals. The cis-aminochromanol substituted analogues exhibited excellent potency against both the wild-type (NL4-3) virus and protease inhibitor-resistant HIV strains.  相似文献   
The basal rate of metabolism (BMR) in 533 species of birds, when examined with ANCOVA, principally correlates with body mass, most of the residual variation correlating with food habits, climate, habitat, a volant or flightless condition, use or not of torpor, and a highland or lowland distribution. Avian BMR also correlates with migratory habits, if climate and a montane distribution is excluded from the analysis, and with an occurrence on small islands if a flightless condition and migration are excluded. Residual variation correlates with membership in avian orders and families principally because these groups are behaviorally and ecologically distinctive. However, the distinction between passerines and other birds remains a significant correlate of avian BMR, even after six ecological factors are included, with other birds having BMRs that averaged 74% of the passerine mean. This combination of factors accounts for 97.7% of the variation in avian BMR. Yet, migratory species that belong to Anseriformes, Charadriiformes, Pelecaniformes, and Procellariiformes and breed in temperate or polar environments have mass-independent basal rates equal to those found in passerines. In contrast, penguins belong to an order of polar, aquatic birds that have basal rates lower than passerines because their flightless condition depresses basal rate. Passerines dominate temperate, terrestrial environments and the four orders of aquatic birds dominate temperate and polar aquatic environments because their high BMRs facilitate reproduction and migration. The low BMRs of tropical passerines may reflect a sedentary lifestyle as much as a life in a tropical climate. Birds have BMRs that are 30-40% greater than mammals because of the commitment of birds to an expensive and expansive form of flight.  相似文献   
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling is essential for the development of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) system. Mice harboring deficiencies in Fgf8 or Fgf receptor 1 (Fgfr1) suffer a significant loss of GnRH neurons, but their reproductive phenotypes have not been examined. This study examined if female mice hypomorphic for Fgf8, Fgfr1, or both (compound hypomorphs) exhibited altered parameters of pubertal onset, estrous cyclicity, and fertility. Further, we examined the number of kisspeptin (KP)-immunoreactive (ir) neurons in the anteroventral periventricular/periventricular nuclei (AVPV/PeV) of these mice to assess if changes in the KP system, which stimulates the GnRH system, could contribute to the reproductive phenotypes. Single hypomorphs (Fgfr1(+/-) or Fgf8(+/-)) had normal timing for vaginal opening (VO) but delayed first estrus. However, after achieving the first estrus, they underwent normal expression of estrous cycles. In contrast, the compound hypomorphs underwent early VO and normal first estrus, but had disorganized estrous cycles that subsequently reduced their fertility. KP immunohistochemistry on Postnatal Day 15, 30, and 60 transgenic female mice revealed that female compound hypomorphs had significantly more KP-ir neurons in the AVPV/PeV compared to their wild-type littermates, suggesting increased KP-ir neurons may drive early VO but could not maintain the cyclic changes in GnRH neuronal activity required for female fertility. Overall, these data suggest that Fgf signaling deficiencies differentially alter the parameters of female pubertal onset and cyclicity. Further, these deficiencies led to changes in the AVPV/PeV KP-ir neurons that may have contributed to the accelerated VO in the compound hypomorphs.  相似文献   
Rpp20 and Rpp25 are two key subunits of the human endoribonucleases RNase P and MRP. Formation of an Rpp20–Rpp25 complex is critical for enzyme function and sub-cellular localization. We present the first detailed in vitro analysis of their conformational properties, and a biochemical and biophysical characterization of their mutual interaction and RNA recognition. This study specifically examines the role of the Rpp20/Rpp25 association in the formation of the ribonucleoprotein complex. The interaction of the individual subunits with the P3 arm of the RNase MRP RNA is revealed to be negligible whereas the 1:1 Rpp20:Rpp25 complex binds to the same target with an affinity of the order of nM. These results unambiguously demonstrate that Rpp20 and Rpp25 interact with the P3 RNA as a heterodimer, which is formed prior to RNA binding. This creates a platform for the design of future experiments aimed at a better understanding of the function and organization of RNase P and MRP. Finally, analyses of interactions with deletion mutant proteins constructed with successively shorter N- and C-terminal sequences indicate that the Alba-type core domain of both Rpp20 and Rpp25 contains most of the determinants for mutual association and P3 RNA recognition.  相似文献   
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