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The gene PKPI-B10 [AF536175] encoding in potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Istrinskii) a Kunitz-type protein inhibitor of proteinases (PKPI) has been cloned into the pET23a vector and then expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein PKPI-B10 obtained as inclusion bodies was denatured, separated from admixtures by ion-exchange fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) on MonoQ under denaturing conditions, and renatured. The native protein was additionally purified by ion-exchange FPLC on DEAE-Toyopearl. The PKPI-B10 protein effectively inhibits the activity of trypsin, significantly weaker suppresses the activity of chymotrypsin, and has no effect on other serine proteinases: human leukocyte elastase, subtilisin Carlsberg, and proteinase K, and also the plant cysteine proteinase papain.  相似文献   
Robust, polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers (simple sequence repeats—SSRs) are valuable tools for a range of tree conservation and breeding applications. SSRs are routinely used in the study of population genetic structure and diversity, pedigree reconstruction and genetic linkage mapping. Their abundance in the genome, co-dominant inheritance and potential for cross-species amplification make microsatellites highly prized markers. This paper characterises 22 novel genomic polymorphic microsatellite loci for Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.). Amplification of DNA from Sitka spruce material was carried out both with a set of unrelated trees to obtain diversity statistics for each locus, and with the progeny of a full-sib family to test simple Mendelian inheritance. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.38 to 0.91 and allele number per locus ranged from 6 to 21, with a mean of 12.2. In addition, the primer pairs were tested with DNA from Norway spruce (P. abies) and white spruce (P. glauca) to investigate their potential for cross-species amplification and ten loci amplified in all three species. The results from these genomic microsatellites are compared to data generated from microsatellites derived from Picea EST libraries. In summary, this novel, highly polymorphic markers represent a significant addition to the rapidly expanding Picea genomics tool-box. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Thirteen isolates of Inonotus rickii/Ptychogaster cubensis, from different geographic provenances, were analyzed by sequencing ITS1, ITS 2 and 5,8S ribosomal RNA region. A phylogenetic tree, also including sequences available in Genbank database, showed that the strains enclosed in this study fall into two well-separated groups, one formed by isolates from Florida (USA) and the other one by isolates from Europe, Argentina and China. Differences were also highlighted on the growth rate of mycelial cultures at different temperatures. In fact, although the tested isolates generally attained the best growth at 30°C, isolates from Europe seem well adapted to higher temperatures and went on growing at 40°C whilst the growth of isolates from Florida significantly decreased at 35°C. Since the teleomorph I. rickii was never detected in Florida, and in this study noticeable differences were detected by analysis of ITS region, the existence of two possible distinct species, not discriminated solely on the basis of morphological characters, could be suggested.  相似文献   
The features of reproductive biology of rose plants from the sections Caninae Crep., Indocae Thory, Cinnamomae DC., Synstylae DC. were studied by cytological methods and with the help of scanning electron microscopy for many years. The results obtained are reported.  相似文献   
Aim Understanding the response of species to ecotones and habitat edges is essential to designing conservation management, especially in mosaic agricultural landscapes. This study examines how species diversity and composition change with distance from semi‐natural habitats, over ecotones into agricultural fields, and how within‐site patterns of community transition change across a climatic gradient and differ between crop types. Location A total of 19 sites in Israel where semi‐natural habitats border agricultural fields (wheat fields or olive groves) distributed along a sharp climatic gradient ranging between 100 and 800 mm mean annual rainfall. Methods  We performed butterfly surveys in 2006. We analysed species richness (α‐diversity), diversity, community nestedness and species turnover (β‐diversity) within sites and between sites (γ‐diversity). We also assessed where species of conservation concern occurred. Results In wheat sites, richness and diversity declined abruptly from ecotones to fields and remained homogenously poor throughout the fields, regardless of climate. In olive sites, despite the sharp structural boundary, richness and diversity remained high from the semi‐natural habitat to the grove margins and then declined gradually into groves. Species of conservation concern occurred across all habitats at olive sites, but none were found inside wheat fields or at their ecotones. The contrast in community structure between semi‐natural habitats and fields was affected by both climate and field type. Irrigation in arid regions did not augment species diversity. Main conclusions Our results indicate that consideration of crop type, within a climatic context, should receive high priority in biodiversity conservation in agricultural areas. In ‘hostile’ crops, such as wheat, we suggest favouring a combination of high‐intensity management and wide margins over less intensive management without margins, which may merely aid generalist butterfly species. The scarcity of butterflies in arid irrigated fields suggests a need to carefully assess the effects of irrigation and agrochemicals on species’ communities.  相似文献   
The baculiform, rod-like morphotypes belong to several phylogenetic lineages within Desmidiaceae (Zygnematophyceae, Viridiplantae). Some, for example the genus Pleurotaenium, form independent lineages, but reductive evolution of complicated desmid cells toward baculiform morphology also occurred in individual lineages, for example Micrasterias. In this genus, the rod like Triploceras forms evolved from more complex ancestors. In this study, we tested for an independent position of the subtropical and tropical genus Triplastrum, previously separated from Triploceras on the basis of morphological data. In addition, monophyly of Pleurotaenium was also investigated with multiple isolates corresponding to seven species of this genus, including the morphologically dissimilar P. nodosum and P. ovatum. Finally, two isolates of Docidium baculum were also investigated. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of concatenated rbcL?+?coxIII sequence data implied that the baculiform taxa investigated were in three distantly related positions within Desmidiaceae. The genus Triplastrum proved to be unrelated to Triploceras, because it clustered in the “omniradiate” lineage of Desmidiaceae among morphologically dissimilar taxa. The genus Pleurotaenium was monophyletic, but P. ovatum was recovered in a weakly supported sister position to all the other members of the genus. The trnGucc phylogeny of Pleurotaenium taxa concurred with the rbcL?+?coxIII phylogram, and generally revealed the poor morphological concepts of some species in this genus. The most common taxa P. ehrenbergii and P. trabecula were resolved as polyphyletic because their strains were distributed among several strongly supported clades. However, strains of P. nodosum and P. archeri formed separate, well supported lineages within the genus.  相似文献   
Protein O-linked mannose β1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1 (POMGnT1) is an enzyme that transfers N-acetylglucosamine to O-mannose of glycoproteins. Mutations of the POMGnT1 gene cause muscle–eye–brain (MEB) disease. To obtain a better understanding of the pathogenesis of MEB disease, we mutated the POMGnT1 gene in mice using a targeting technique. The mutant muscle showed aberrant glycosylation of α-DG, and α-DG from mutant muscle failed to bind laminin in a binding assay. POMGnT1?/? muscle showed minimal pathological changes with very low-serum creatine kinase levels, and had normally formed muscle basal lamina, but showed reduced muscle mass, reduced numbers of muscle fibers, and impaired muscle regeneration. Importantly, POMGnT1?/? satellite cells proliferated slowly, but efficiently differentiated into multinuclear myotubes in vitro. Transfer of a retrovirus vector-mediated POMGnT1 gene into POMGnT1?/? myoblasts completely restored the glycosylation of α-DG, but proliferation of the cells was not improved. Our results suggest that proper glycosylation of α-DG is important for maintenance of the proliferative activity of satellite cells in vivo.  相似文献   
Asthma originates from genetic and environmental factors with about half the risk of disease attributable to heritable causes. Genome-wide association studies, mostly in populations of European ancestry, have identified numerous asthma-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Studies in populations with diverse ancestries allow both for identification of robust associations that replicate across ethnic groups and for improved resolution of associated loci due to different patterns of linkage disequilibrium between ethnic groups. Here we report on an analysis of 745 African-American subjects with asthma and 3,238 African-American control subjects from the Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe) Consortium, including analysis of SNPs imputed using 1,000 Genomes reference panels and adjustment for local ancestry. We show strong evidence that variation near RAD50/IL13, implicated in studies of European ancestry individuals, replicates in individuals largely of African ancestry. Fine mapping in African ancestry populations also refined the variants of interest for this association. We also provide strong or nominal evidence of replication at loci near ORMDL3/GSDMB, IL1RL1/IL18R1, and 10p14, all previously associated with asthma in European or Japanese populations, but not at the PYHIN1 locus previously reported in studies of African-American samples. These results improve the understanding of asthma genetics and further demonstrate the utility of genetic studies in populations other than those of largely European ancestry.  相似文献   
Two new species of heliobacteria isolated from cyanobacterial mats of two alkaline sulfidic hot springs are formally described. Strains BR4 and BG29 are assigned to anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria of the familyHeliobacteriaceae, since they possess the unique properties of this taxon: strict anaerobiosis, formation of bacteriochlorophyllg, the lack of extensive intracytoplasmic membranes and chlorosomes, an unusual cell wall structure, and phylogenetic relatedness to the low G+C gram-positive eubacteria. Based on the 16S rDNA sequence similarity, strains BR4 and BG29 are assigned to the genusHeliobacterium and described as two new species of this genus:Heliobacterium sulfidophilum sp. nov. andHeliobacterium undosum sp. nov. The G+C content of the DNA is 51.3 mol % inHbt. sulfidophilum and 57.2-57.7 mol % inHbt. undosum. The cells ofHbt. sulfidophilum are rods, and the cells ofHbt. undosum are slightly twisted spirilla or short rods. Both new bacteria are motile by peritrichous flagella.Hbt. sulfidophilum produces endospores. The new bacteria are strict anaerobes growing photoheterotrophically on a limited range of organic compounds. In the dark, they can switch from photosynthesis to the slow fermentation of pyruvate. Biotin is required as a growth factor. Both species are highly tolerant to sulfide (up to 2 mM at pH 7.5) and oxidize it photoheterotrophically to elemental sulfur; photoautotrophic growth was not observed. The temperature optimal for growth ofHbt. sulfidophilum andHbt undosum is 30–35‡C, and the optimal pH is 7–8.  相似文献   
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