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巴红珍  李延静  刘冬琴  高翔  闫伟  巩凡 《生物磁学》2014,(13):2529-2531
目的:研究双源CT冠状动脉血管成像诊断心肌桥的临床价值。方法:选择260例具有典型心前区不适的患者进行双源CT冠脉血管成像检查,观察其发生部位,测量其长度和深度并进行分析。结果:260例受检患者中,62例共70段存在心肌桥,检出率达20.76%,高于文献报道的检出率18.2%。所有心肌桥均发生于左前降支,其中近段17段(24.4%),中段43段(61.4%),远段10段(14.2%)。心肌桥平均长度为15.8±6.4mm,深度为1.4±0.85mm。结论:双源CT冠状动脉血管成像因其便捷无创,不受心率严格限制且价格低廉可作为心肌桥筛查的理想检查手段。  相似文献   
Liposomes and proteoliposomes obtained from rat brain were used; structural changes induced by Vc5 cytotoxin (CT) from Central Asia cobra venom have been studied by the EPR method using spin probes (5-, 10-, or 12-doxylstearic acid). The addition of CT to liposome samples, containing spin probes resulted in the appearance of a new EPR signal in the initial spectrum (samples without CT), typical of probes with strongly retarded mobility. The presence of hydrophobic interaction between the CT molecules and spin labelled fat acids permits the assumption that CT molecules in liposomes trap both lipid probes and phospholipids localized in the reach of action of hydrophobic forces. CT may be supposed to induce formation in membranes of liposomes with domain structures. As a result of hydrophobic interaction with CT molecules both the phospholipid and lipid probe mobility in the domain is substantially less than that in liposome regions free of CT molecules. Due to this, a new signal appears in the initial EPR spectrum of the spin probes. An analysis of the dependence of the probe order parameter value on CT concentration in samples has suggested that CT act uniformly along the membrane lipid profile with a certain CT concentration range. At high concentrations CT molecules cannot penetrate the lipid region deep enough, due to mutual electrostatic repulsion and steric factors at membrane surface. As a result, structural changes involve regions adjacent to the membrane surface only.  相似文献   
本文通过将苦豆子总提取物及其分离得到的10个组分加入含有AH109菌株(携带大鼠apo-AI及其受体SR-BI全基因)的培养基中,利用报告基因半乳糖苷酶活力有无变化来寻找能够促进大鼠载脂蛋白apo-AI及其受体SR-BI相互作用的激动剂.经测试,我们观察到苦豆子总提取物(K-1),在上述系统中能显著增强这两种蛋白的相互作用.继续用硅胶柱层析方法从k-1中分出10个组分后,利用酵母双杂交系统再次筛选,发现有五个组分能增强两种蛋白的相互作用,(与空白对照组相比其中有两个组分有极显著差异)另外三个组分显著地抑制上述两种蛋白的相互作用,剩下的两个组分则没有差异.该实验还提示该酵母双杂交系统可能成为一种跟踪具有调脂功能的先导化合物的有效方法.  相似文献   
参照植物根尖细胞学研究的方法标准,对香薷属3种(5个居群)植物进行核形态学分析。结果表明:(1)从染色体数目看,密花香薷2居群染色体数目2n=16;野苏子2居群染色体数目2n=20,染色体数目和倍性与前人报道的一致;毛穗香薷染色体数目2n=10为首次报道。(2)聚类分析结果显示,3种(5居群)植物中野苏子和密花香薷亲缘关系较近;结合现有报道数据分析表明,该属植物仅有2种倍性(二倍体和四倍体),且二倍体占主导地位。(3)核型参数分析表明:密花香薷的稻城无名山居群1核型公式为2n=2x=16=14m+2sm,居群2为2n=2x=16=16m,着丝粒指数(CI)分别为39.57和42.32,不对称系数AI值分别为2.75和2.87,核型不对称性都为1A型;毛穗香薷的核型公式为2n=2x=10=10m,着丝粒指数(CI)为41.76,不对称系数AI值为5.25,核型不对称性为1B型;野苏子的昆明西山居群核型公式为2n=2x=20=14m+6sm,聂拉木樟木沟居群为2n=2x=20=16m+4sm,着丝粒指数(CI)分别为38.49和40.97,不对称系数AI值为4.20和4.30,核型不对称性为1B型和2B型。  相似文献   
本研究针对红托竹荪干品在储藏过程中易发生褐变、降低商品性问题,探究了不同储藏条件(温度、气体微环境)对红托竹荪干品储藏品质的影响。以红托竹荪干品为原材料,考察了在气体微环境(空气、N2、CO2和脱氧)和不同储藏温度(5、25和45 ℃)下红托竹荪干品储藏品质的动态变化。在60 d的储藏期内,所有样品的褐变指数、剪切力、多酚氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、总酚、还原糖和5-羟甲基糠醛含量均增加,游离氨基酸、白度值、复水比均降低。与25、45 ℃相比,以上指标在5 ℃条件下均表现最优,5 ℃储藏条件下呈味氨基酸和挥发性成分指标更接近于0 d;在不同气体微环境比较下,CO2储藏环境下干品品质保持最好,通过综合评分得出5 ℃低温结合CO2充气条件下干品品质最优,其次为N2结合5 ℃低温。结合经济成本,5 ℃低温结合CO2或N2充气可以作为红托竹荪干品延长货架期的推荐储藏技术。  相似文献   
介绍了组合使用BLAST、FASTA/BLASTScan3.2,或用多序列比对软件,从数据库中快速提取大数量目标序列,最后用MEGA4快捷编辑整理大数量序列的方法。还介绍了一种生成核酸序列与其氨基酸序列相似性百分率整合表格的方法。简述了对引物设计的基本认识并介绍了多重引物兼容性筛选软件;对构建系统发育树的认识并引出分子进化树构建软件MEGA4的使用和PAUP 4.0常用建树命令模块。期望这些方法和软件的使用能解决生物序列分析过程的常见问题。  相似文献   
We studied hybridization between the diploid Centaurea pseudophrygia and the tetraploid C. jacea by performing crossing experiments and screening natural populations using flow cytometry. The experiments confirm that the studied species exhibit strong reproductive isolation. Interspecific hybrids were formed at a low frequency, including triploids (originating from reduced gametes) and tetraploids (involving unreduced gametes of the diploids). In contrast, hybrids were almost absent among seeds and adult plants of natural mixed populations and among the offspring from experimental pollinations with a mixture of pollen of both ploidy levels. We found that mixed pollination is an important mechanism for preventing hybridization between plants of different ploidy levels and sustaining the reproduction of the tetraploids. A mentor effect (induced selfing in the presence of pollen of different ploidy levels) was observed in both diploids and tetraploids, reinforcing the reproductive isolation between cytotypes. Higher ploidy levels (pentaploid, hexaploid) involving unreduced gametes of the tetraploid species were identified. Notably, pentaploids were discovered for the first time in Centaurea sect. Jacea. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 93–106.  相似文献   
报道中国鳖甲族1新纪录属及1新种:异颚弗鳖甲Freudeia heteromaxillaria sp.nov.,描述了新种的形态特征并附鉴别特征图和整体照片.新种模式标本保存于中国科学院西北高原生物研究所和河北大学博物馆.  相似文献   
It has been shown that ionophore of bivalent cations (IBC) isolated from fatless, subjected to partial triptic hydrolysis cattle heart or liver mitochondria decreases BPM resistance inducing Ca2+ conductivity. Ions of lanthane in micromolar concentrations decrease calcium conductivity induced with IBC. When ten-fold gradient in Ca2+ was created on BPM the intitiation of the membrane potential fo 9-11 mV was observed. The role fo IBC and water soluble factors binding Ca2+ with high affinity, in the mitochrondial mechanism of Ca2+ translocation is discussed.  相似文献   
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