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A major goal of phytoremediation is to transform fast-growing plants with genes from plant species that hyperaccumulate toxic trace elements. We overexpressed the gene encoding selenocysteine methyltransferase (SMT) from the selenium (Se) hyperaccumulator Astragalus bisulcatus in Arabidopsis and Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). SMT detoxifies selenocysteine by methylating it to methylselenocysteine, a nonprotein amino acid, thereby diminishing the toxic misincorporation of Se into protein. Our Indian mustard transgenic plants accumulated more Se in the form of methylselenocysteine than the wild type. SMT transgenic seedlings tolerated Se, particularly selenite, significantly better than the wild type, producing 3- to 7-fold greater biomass and 3-fold longer root lengths. Moreover, SMT plants had significantly increased Se accumulation and volatilization. This is the first study, to our knowledge, in which a fast-growing plant was genetically engineered to overexpress a gene from a hyperaccumulator in order to increase phytoremediation potential.  相似文献   
For accurate segregation of chromosomes during cell division, microtubule fibres must attach sister kinetochores to opposite poles of the mitotic spindle (bi-orientation). Aurora kinases are linked to oncogenesis and have been implicated in the regulation of chromosome-microtubule attachments. Although loss of Aurora kinase activity causes an accumulation of mal-orientated chromosomes in dividing cells, it is not known how the active kinase corrects improper chromosome attachments. The use of reversible small-molecule inhibitors allows activation of protein function in living vertebrate cells with temporal control. Here we show that by removal of small-molecule inhibitors, controlled activation of Aurora kinase during mitosis can correct chromosome attachment errors by selective disassembly of kinetochore-microtubule fibres, rather than by alternative mechanisms involving initial release of microtubules from either kinetochores or spindle poles. Observation of chromosomes and microtubule dynamics with real-time high-resolution microscopy showed that mal-orientated, but not bi-orientated, chromosomes move to the spindle pole as both kinetochore-microtubule fibres shorten, followed by alignment at the metaphase plate. Our results provide direct evidence for a mechanism required for the maintenance of genome integrity during cell division.  相似文献   
Management options for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) include oxytocics, prostaglandins, genital tract exploration, ligation or angiographic embolization of uterine/internal iliac arteries, and hysterectomy. After excluding uterine rupture, genital tract lacerations, and retained placental tissue, efforts are directed toward contracting the uterus by bimanual compression and oxytocics. If these are not successful, one must resort to surgical techniques. At this stage, an alternative option to remember is uterovaginal packing. Easy and quick to perform, it may be used to control bleeding by tamponade effect and stabilize the patient until a surgical procedure is arranged. Uterovaginal packing may sometimes obviate the need for surgery altogether. Two cases, a primary and a secondary PPH, managed recently with uterovaginal packing are reported. Despite concerns about concealed hemorrhage or the development of infection with this intervention, none of these problems were encountered, and uterine packing was successful even in the case of secondary PPH with documented infection.  相似文献   
Patients with B-type chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) segregate into 2 subgroups based on the mutational status of the immunoglobulin (Ig) V genes and the patients in these subgroups follow very different clinical courses. To examine whether dendritic cells (DCs) generated from CLL patients can be candidates for immune therapy, we compared the phenotypic and functional capacities of DCs generated from patients of the 2 CLL subgroups (normal age-matched subjects [normal-DCs]). Our data show that immature DCs from B-CLL patients (B-CLL-DCs) have the same capacity to take up antigen as those from normal controls. Furthermore, B-CLL-DCs generated from the 2 CLL subgroups up-regulated MHC-II, CD80, CD86, CD83, CD40, and CD54 and down-regulated CD206 in response to stimulation with a cocktail of cytokines (CyC) and secreted increased levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin (IL)-8, IL-6, IL-12 (p70), and RANTES in a manner typical of mature normal-DCs. Interestingly, CD54 was significantly more up-regulated by CyC in B-CLL-DCs compared with normal-DCs. Except for CD54, no significant differences in surface molecule expression were observed between normal-DCs and B-CLL-DCs. B-CLL-DCs from both subgroups, including 6 patients with VH1-69, that usually fare poorly, presented tetanus toxoid to autologous T cells in vitro similar to normal- DCs. Our data show that DCs generated from the B-CLL subgroup with unmutated Ig V genes are functionally normal. These results are very promising for the use of DCs from patients with poor prognosis for immunotherapy.  相似文献   
Pyridoacridine ascididemin analogues have been reported as anticancer agents for their interesting antitumor activity against human cancer cells. A quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) analysis of ascididemin analogues was attempted using the physicochemical parameters and the electrotopological state atom (ETSA) indices. This study indicates that the electron withdrawing substituents with higher MR (molar refractivity) value at R1 position favor the anti-tumor activity and the presence of NHR (R is hydrogen or alkyl group) at the R3 position has contribution to the anti-tumor activity. ETSA indices have been incorporated as independent variable in the QSAR model with physicochemical parameters. It clearly suggests the importance of atoms 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to the anti-tumor activity.  相似文献   
Near-simultaneous three-dimensional fluorescence/differential interference contrast microscopy was used to follow the behavior of microtubules and chromosomes in living alpha-tubulin/GFP-expressing cells after inhibition of the mitotic kinesin Eg5 with monastrol. Kinetochore fibers (K-fibers) were frequently observed forming in association with chromosomes both during monastrol treatment and after monastrol removal. Surprisingly, these K-fibers were oriented away from, and not directly connected to, centrosomes and incorporated into the spindle by the sliding of their distal ends toward centrosomes via a NuMA-dependent mechanism. Similar preformed K-fibers were also observed during spindle formation in untreated cells. In addition, upon monastrol removal, centrosomes established a transient chromosome-free bipolar array whose orientation specified the axis along which chromosomes segregated. We propose that the capture and incorporation of preformed K-fibers complements the microtubule plus-end capture mechanism and contributes to spindle formation in vertebrates.  相似文献   
Activities of acid and alkaline invertases and sucrose synthase were determined in roots and nodules of lentil at various stages of development. Alkaline invertase and sucrose synthase were both involved in sucrose metabolism in the nodule cytosol, but there was only a small amount of acid invertase present. Activity of sucrose metabolizing enzymes in roots was significantly less than that observed in the nodules. Amongst sugars, sucrose was found to be the main component in the host cytosol. Lentil neutral invertase (LNI) was partially purified from nodules at 50 days after sowing (DAS). Two forms of invertase were identified, i.e., a major form of 71 kDa which was taken for enzyme characterization and a minor form of 270 kDa which was not used for further studies. The purified enzyme exhibited typical hyperbolic saturation kinetics for sucrose hydrolysis. It had a Km of 11.0 to 14.0 mM for sucrose depending upon the temperature, a pH optimum of 6.8 and an optimum temperature of 40 °C. Compared with raffinose and stachyose, sucrose was better substrate for LNI. The enzyme showed no significant hydrolysis of maltose and p-nitrophenyl--D-glucopyranoside, showing its true -fructosidase nature. LNI is completely inhibited by HgCl2, MnCl2 and iodoacetamide but not by CaCl2, MgCl2 or BaCl2.  相似文献   
Inactivation of urease (25 nM) in aqueous solutions (pH 5.0–6.0) treated with low-frequency ultrasound (LFUS; 27 kHz, 60 W/cm2, 36–56°C) or high-frequency ultrasound (HFUS; 2.64 MHz, 1 W/cm2, 36 or 56°C) has been characterized quantitatively, using first-order rate constants: k in, total inactivation; k in *, thermal inactivation; and k in(us), ultrasonic inactivation. Within the range from 1 nM to 10 M, propyl gallate (PG) decreases by approximately threefold the rate of LFUS-induced inactivation of urease (56°C), whereas resorcinol poly-2-disulfide stops this process at 1 nM or higher concentrations. PG completely inhibits HFUS-induced inactivation of urease at 1 nM (36°C) or 10 nM (56°C). At 0.2–1.0 M, human serum albumin (HSA) increases the resistance of urease treated with HFUS to temperature- and cavitation-induced inactivation. Complexes of gallic acid polydisulfide (GAPDS) with HSA (GAPDS–HSA), formed by conjugation of 1.0 nM GAPDS with 0.33 nM HSA, prevent HFUS-induced urease inactivation (56°C).  相似文献   
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