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Environmental fluctuations can select for generalism, which is also hypothesized to increase organisms’ ability to invade novel environments. Here, we show that across a range of temperatures, opportunistic bacterial pathogen Serratia marcescens that evolved in fluctuating temperature (daily variation between 24°C and 38°C, mean 31°C) outperforms the strains that evolved in constant temperature (31°C). The growth advantage was also evident in novel environments in the presence of parasitic viruses and predatory protozoans, but less clear in the presence of stressful chemicals. Adaptation to fluctuating temperature also led to reduced virulence in Drosophila melanogaster host, which suggests that generalism can still be costly in terms of reduced fitness in other ecological contexts. While supporting the hypothesis that evolution of generalism is coupled with tolerance to several novel environments, our results also suggest that thermal fluctuations driven by the climate change could affect both species’ invasiveness and virulence.  相似文献   
Human RecQL4 belongs to the ubiquitous RecQ helicase family. Its N-terminal region represents the only homologue of the essential DNA replication initiation factor Sld2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and also participates in the vertebrate initiation of DNA replication. Here, we utilized a random screen to identify N-terminal fragments of human RecQL4 that could be stably expressed in and purified from Escherichia coli. Biophysical characterization of these fragments revealed that the Sld2 homologous RecQL4 N-terminal domain carries large intrinsically disordered regions. The N-terminal fragments were sufficient for the strong annealing activity of RecQL4. Moreover, this activity appeared to be the basis for an ATP-independent strand exchange activity. Both activities relied on multiple DNA-binding sites with affinities to single-stranded, double-stranded and Y-structured DNA. Finally, we found a remarkable affinity of the N-terminus for guanine quadruplex (G4) DNA, exceeding the affinities for other DNA structures by at least 60-fold. Together, these findings suggest that the DNA interactions mediated by the N-terminal region of human RecQL4 represent a central function at the replication fork. The presented data may also provide a mechanistic explanation for the role of elements with a G4-forming propensity identified in the vicinity of vertebrate origins of DNA replication.  相似文献   
Fluctuating environments are expected to select for individuals that have highest geometric fitness over the experienced environments. This leads to the prediction that genetically determined environmental robustness in fitness, and average fitness across environments should be positively genetically correlated to fitness in fluctuating environments. Because quantitative genetic experiments resolving these predictions are missing, we used a full‐sib, half‐sib breeding design to estimate genetic variance for egg‐to‐adult viability in Drosophila melanogaster exposed to two constant or fluctuating temperatures that were above the species’ optimum temperature, during development. Viability in two constant environments (25°C or 30°C) was used to estimate breeding values for environmental robustness of viability (i.e., reaction norm slope) and overall viability (reaction norm elevation). These breeding values were regressed against breeding values of viability at two different fluctuating temperatures (with a mean of 25°C or 30°C). Our results based on genetic correlations show that average egg‐to‐adult viability across different constant thermal environments, and not the environmental robustness, was the most important factor for explaining the fitness in fluctuating thermal environments. Our results suggest that the role of environmental robustness in adapting to fluctuating environments might be smaller than anticipated.  相似文献   
In this article the observation and spread of brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri) will be discussed as a bio-indicator and a ‘subtle sign’ in the boreal. Brook lamprey is a small non-parasitic freshwater lamprey species indicating good ecological health of aquatic habitats. This article presents knowledge co-produced through a 7-year monitoring programme in the south boreal catchment area of the Jukajoki River, North Karelia, Finland. Over the past one hundred years, this basin has been negatively affected by human land use. Monitoring methods employed as part of this programme have included both rigorous scientific sampling and large-scale traditional and local knowledge (TEK) monitoring. International long-running community monitoring efforts are assessed to position these Finnish traditional knowledge flows. Examples provide for the discussion of new monitoring and restoration methods of boreal aquatic habitats and contribute to the new realisation of these landscapes that were once hidden and now positioned to emerge, providing the suitable social-geographical space is present and accessible to allow for that.  相似文献   
Uridine phosphorylase (UPP) is a central enzyme in the pyrimidine salvage pathway, catalyzing the reversible phosphorolysis of uridine to uracil and ribose-1-phosphate. Human UPP activity has been a focus of cancer research due to its role in activating fluoropyrimidine nucleoside chemotherapeutic agents such as 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and capecitabine. Additionally, specific molecular inhibitors of this enzyme have been found to raise endogenous uridine concentrations, which can produce a cytoprotective effect on normal tissues exposed to these drugs. Here we report the structure of hUPP1 bound to 5-FU at 2.3 Å resolution. Analysis of this structure reveals new insights as to the conformational motions the enzyme undergoes in the course of substrate binding and catalysis. The dimeric enzyme is capable of a large hinge motion between its two domains, facilitating ligand exchange and explaining observed cooperativity between the two active sites in binding phosphate-bearing substrates. Further, a loop toward the back end of the uracil binding pocket is shown to flexibly adjust to the varying chemistry of different compounds through an “induced-fit” association mechanism that was not observed in earlier hUPP1 structures. The details surrounding these dynamic aspects of hUPP1 structure and function provide unexplored avenues to develop novel inhibitors of this protein with improved specificity and increased affinity. Given the recent emergence of new roles for uridine as a neuron protective compound in ischemia and degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer''s and Parkinson''s, inhibitors of hUPP1 with greater efficacy, which are able to boost cellular uridine levels without adverse side-effects, may have a wide range of therapeutic applications.  相似文献   
Tarmo Timm 《Hydrobiologia》1994,278(1-3):67-78
Two mountain streams north and northeast of Vladivostok were studied in 1983–1984. In the Komarovka Stream, a great variety of Mesenchytraeus occurred in the spring zone, among them M. crenobius sp. n. with giant setae in the ventral bundles of VI–VIII and M. vshivkovae sp. n. with numerous spermathecal diverticula. In the stream zone of the Frolovka Stream Cernosvitoviella pensau sp. n., characterized by a complicated penial bulb and a very long spermathecal ampulla, was the dominant oligochaete. Propappus arhynchotus Sokolskaya was the second most abundant oligochaete in this stream. It proved to be a true member of this genus and not synonymous with any other species. These are the first records of aquatic enchytraeids for the Primorski Region of Russia.  相似文献   
Although increased disease severity driven by intensive farming practices is problematic in food production, the role of evolutionary change in disease is not well understood in these environments. Experiments on parasite evolution are traditionally conducted using laboratory models, often unrelated to economically important systems. We compared how the virulence, growth and competitive ability of a globally important fish pathogen, Flavobacterium columnare, change under intensive aquaculture. We characterized bacterial isolates from disease outbreaks at fish farms during 2003–2010, and compared F. columnare populations in inlet water and outlet water of a fish farm during the 2010 outbreak. Our data suggest that the farming environment may select for bacterial strains that have high virulence at both long and short time scales, and it seems that these strains have also evolved increased ability for interference competition. Our results are consistent with the suggestion that selection pressures at fish farms can cause rapid changes in pathogen populations, which are likely to have long-lasting evolutionary effects on pathogen virulence. A better understanding of these evolutionary effects will be vital in prevention and control of disease outbreaks to secure food production.  相似文献   
Uridine phosphorylase (UPP) catalyzes the reversible conversion of uridine to uracil and ribose-1-phosphate and plays an important pharmacological role in activating fluoropyrimidine nucleoside chemotherapeutic agents such as 5-fluorouracil and capecitabine. Most vertebrate animals, including humans, possess two homologs of this enzyme (UPP1 & UPP2), of which UPP1 has been more thoroughly studied and is better characterized. Here, we report two crystallographic structures of human UPP2 (hUPP2) in distinctly active and inactive conformations. These structures reveal that a conditional intramolecular disulfide bridge can form within the protein that dislocates a critical phosphate-coordinating arginine residue (R100) away from the active site, disabling the enzyme. In vitro activity measurements on both recombinant hUPP2 and native mouse UPP2 confirm the redox sensitivity of this enzyme, in contrast to UPP1. Sequence analysis shows that this feature is conserved among UPP2 homologs and lacking in all UPP1 proteins due to the absence of a necessary cysteine residue. The state of the disulfide bridge has further structural consequences for one face of the enzyme that suggest UPP2 may have additional functions in sensing and initiating cellular responses to oxidative stress. The molecular details surrounding these dynamic aspects of hUPP2 structure and regulation provide new insights as to how novel inhibitors of this protein may be developed with improved specificity and affinity. As uridine is emerging as a promising protective compound in neuro-degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, understanding the regulatory mechanisms underlying UPP control of uridine concentration is key to improving clinical outcomes in these illnesses.  相似文献   
Rapid evolutionary adaptions to new and previously detrimental environmental conditions can increase the risk of invasion by novel pathogens. We tested this hypothesis with a 133‐day‐long evolutionary experiment studying the evolution of the pathogenic Serratia marcescens bacterium at salinity niche boundary and in fluctuating conditions. We found that S. marcescens evolved at harsh (80 g/L) and extreme (100 g/L) salt conditions had clearly improved salt tolerance than those evolved in the other three treatments (ancestral conditions, nonsaline conditions, and fluctuating salt conditions). Evolutionary theories suggest that fastest evolutionary changes could be observed in intermediate selection pressures. Therefore, we originally hypothesized that extreme conditions, such as our 100 g/L salinity treatment, could lead to slower adaptation due to low population sizes. However, no evolutionary differences were observed between populations evolved in harsh and extreme conditions. This suggests that in the study presented here, low population sizes did not prevent evolution in the long run. On the whole, the adaptive potential observed here could be important for the transition of pathogenic S. marcescens bacteria from human‐impacted freshwater environments, such as wastewater treatment plants, to marine habitats, where they are known to infect and kill corals (e.g., through white pox disease).  相似文献   
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