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Long-term follow-up of patients subjected to mitral commissurotomy permits evaluation of the late efficacy of this operation and the causes of subsequent deterioration in some cases.Three hundred and eighty-nine patients operated upon for mitral stenosis from 1950 to 1957 were studied. Of these, 89 died, 38 were lost to follow-up and 262 were re-examined.Results for the postoperative period of five to 12 years were satisfactory in 204 patients (77%) and unsatisfactory in 58 (22%). The possible causes of deterioration were studied separately.A second commissurotomy was performed on 23 patients (8.7%), because of re-stenosis thought to be due to a rheumatic process in one and to fibrotic scarring in nine, and because of an inadequate opening in 13.Mitral commissurotomy is a palliative operation, but is definitely useful in cases of tight mitral stenosis.The duration of improvement in patients with a functionally adequate opening is related to the state of the myocardium and to the possibility of rheumatic fever recurrences. Because of the risk of fibrotic restenosis, the possibility that a second commissurotomy might be required should be considered in each patient subjected to this operation.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to describe the influence of simultaneous exposure by inhalation to toluene and xylene on some aspects of their respective metabolic disposition. Adult male rats were exposed acutely (5 h) to 75, 150, and 225 ppm of toluene or xylene and to various mixtures of these solvents: toluene (75 ppm) and xylene (225 ppm), toluene (150 ppm) and xylene (150 ppm), toluene (225 ppm) and xylene (75 ppm). Compared with single exposure, simultaneous exposure resulted in lower amounts of excreted hippuric acid (20-30%) and methylhippuric acids (4-40%) in urine over a period of 24 h, even though significant differences were seen only with the toluene (150 ppm) and xylene (150 ppm) combination. In addition, increased concentrations of solvents in blood (toluene, 230%; xylene, 500%) and in brain (toluene, 230%; xylene, 320%) were found during the immediate post-exposure period. Simultaneous exposure also enhanced the pulmonary elimination of both solvents (toluene, 190-240%; xylene, 340-650%). Influence of repeated simultaneous exposure (9 days) was investigated for the toluene (150 ppm) and xylene (150 ppm) combination and the results compared with those of repeated exposure to each solvent administered singly. Under these conditions, repeated simultaneous exposure decreased the excretion of urinary metabolites, but only after the first exposure. On the other hand, simultaneous exposure resulted in significantly higher concentrations of toluene (210%) and xylene (240%) in blood throughout the entire 9-day exposure period. These results strongly suggest mutual metabolic interactions (inhibition) between toluene and xylene that affect the metabolic disposition of both solvents and ultimately the biological monitoring of data of exposure to a combination of solvents in rats.  相似文献   
The reproductive performance of three species of Callitrichidae housed under identical conditions, including relatively spacious caging and visual screening, was compared. The three species were Callithrix jacchus, Saguinus fuscicollis, and Saguinus oedipus. Callithrix jacchus was the most reliable breeder, with the lowest percentage of stillborn and the highest post-weaning survival. While the reproductive performance of S oedipus was better than that generally reported for other colonies, the reproductive performance of the Saguinus species was still poorer than that of C jacchus. The two Saguinus species did not differ significantly in either percentage of stillborn or post-weaning survival. None of the species showed infertility due to lactation, but the mean inter-birth interval was significantly longer for S oedipus than for either C jacchus or S fuscicollis.  相似文献   
Mai X  Tardif T  Doan SN  Liu C  Gehring WJ  Luo YJ 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e18774
To investigate the processing of positive vs. negative feedback in children aged 4-5 years, we devised a prize-guessing game that is analogous to gambling tasks used to measure feedback-related brain responses in adult studies. Unlike adult studies, the feedback-related negativity (FRN) elicited by positive feedback was as large as that elicited by negative feedback, suggesting that the neural system underlying the FRN may not process feedback valence in early childhood. In addition, positive feedback, compared with negative feedback, evoked a larger P1 over the occipital scalp area and a larger positive slow wave (PSW) over the right central-parietal scalp area. We believe that the PSW is related to emotional arousal and the intensive focus on positive feedback that is present in the preschool and early school years has adaptive significance for both cognitive and emotional development during this period.  相似文献   
K D Tardif  M Liu  O Vitseva  Y M Hou  J Horowitz 《Biochemistry》2001,40(27):8118-8125
Valyl-tRNA synthetase (ValRS) has difficulty discriminating between its cognate amino acid, valine, and structurally similar amino acids. To minimize translational errors, the enzyme catalyzes a tRNA-dependent editing reaction that prevents accumulation of misacylated tRNA(Val). Editing occurs with threonine, alanine, serine, and cysteine, as well as with several nonprotein amino acids. The 3'-end of tRNA plays a vital role in promoting the tRNA-dependent editing reaction. Valine tRNA having the universally conserved 3'-terminal adenosine replaced by any other nucleoside does not stimulate the editing activity of ValRS. As a result 3'-end tRNA(Val) mutants, particularly those with 3'-terminal pyrimidines, are stably misacylated with threonine, alanine, serine, and cysteine. Valyl-tRNA synthetase is unable to hydrolytically deacylate misacylated tRNA(Val) terminating in 3'-pyrimidines but does deacylate mischarged tRNA(Val) terminating in adenosine or guanosine. Evidently, a purine at position 76 of tRNA(Val) is essential for translational editing by ValRS. We also observe misacylation of wild-type and 3'-end mutants of tRNA(Val) with isoleucine. Valyl-tRNA synthetase does not edit wild-type tRNA(Val)(A76) mischarged with isoleucine, presumably because isoleucine is only poorly accommodated at the editing site of the enzyme. Misacylated mutant tRNAs as well as 3'-end-truncated tRNA(Val) are mixed noncompetitive inhibitors of the aminoacylation reaction, suggesting that ValRS, a monomeric enzyme, may bind more than one tRNA(Val) molecule. Gel-mobility-shift experiments to characterize the interaction of tRNA(Val) with the enzyme provide evidence for two tRNA binding sites on ValRS.  相似文献   
The processing of excitatory synaptic inputs involves compartmentalized dendritic Ca2+ oscillations. The downstream signaling evoked by these local Ca2+ transients and their impact on local synaptic development and remodeling are unknown. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is an important decoder of Ca2+ signals and mediator of synaptic plasticity. In addition to its known accumulation at spines, we observed with live imaging the dynamic recruitment of CaMKII to dendritic subdomains adjacent to activated synapses in cultured hippocampal neurons. This localized and transient enrichment of CaMKII to dendritic sites coincided spatially and temporally with dendritic Ca2+ transients. We show that it involved an interaction with microtubular elements, required activation of the kinase, and led to localized dendritic CaMKII autophosphorylation. This process was accompanied by the adjacent remodeling of spines and synaptic AMPA receptor insertion. Replacement of endogenous CaMKII with a mutant that cannot translocate within dendrites lessened this activity-dependent synaptic plasticity. Thus, CaMKII could decode compartmental dendritic Ca2+ transients to support remodeling of local synapses.  相似文献   
In pea (Pisum sativum), the protein-lysine methyltransferase (PsLSMT) catalyzes the trimethylation of Lys-14 in the large subunit (LS) of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), the enzyme catalyzing the CO(2) fixation step during photosynthesis. Homologs of PsLSMT, herein referred to as LSMT-like enzymes, are found in all plant genomes, but methylation of LS Rubisco is not universal in the plant kingdom, suggesting a species-specific protein substrate specificity of the methyltransferase. In this study, we report the biochemical characterization of the LSMT-like enzyme from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtLSMT-L), with a focus on its substrate specificity. We show that, in Arabidopsis, LS Rubisco is not naturally methylated and that the physiological substrates of AtLSMT-L are chloroplastic fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase isoforms. These enzymes, which are involved in the assimilation of CO(2) through the Calvin cycle and in chloroplastic glycolysis, are trimethylated at a conserved lysyl residue located close to the C terminus. Both AtLSMT-L and PsLSMT are able to methylate aldolases with similar kinetic parameters and product specificity. Thus, the divergent substrate specificity of LSMT-like enzymes from pea and Arabidopsis concerns only Rubisco. AtLSMT-L is able to interact with unmethylated Rubisco, but the complex is catalytically unproductive. Trimethylation does not modify the kinetic properties and tetrameric organization of aldolases in vitro. The identification of aldolases as methyl proteins in Arabidopsis and other species like pea suggests a role of protein lysine methylation in carbon metabolism in chloroplasts.  相似文献   
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