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An analysis of the partitioning of carbohydrates in annual andperennial cotton was made to ascertain the distribution of assimilatesand constitution of reserves. Root/shoot dry matter ratio ishigh in perennial cotton and this plant shows a preferentialaccumulation of dry matter in roots corresponding to its adaptationto drought. Starch content is also higher in perennial cottonroots than in annual. It can be said that the earlier maturingthe cultivar, the lower the root/shoot ratio and the lower thestarch content. Nevertheless, at the whole plant level in annualcotton the starch content is highest in leaves where it is accumulatedbefore migration, and stem wood, and lowest in root and bark.While starch content in roots of annuals declines after 3 months,it is still increasing in perennials. Accumulation of carbohydratesas reserve material can be modified by selection and such selectionis accompanied by an increase in the activities of ß-amylasein exporting organs: leaves, woody tissue of the stem, and barkbut not in roots. Invertase activities were highest in leavesbut did not respond to selection. Non-irrigated cotton had ahigher activity of ß-amylase in leaves and stem woodcorresponding to the mobilization of reserve assimilates. Smallerincreases were observed in the activity of invertase. High yieldingannual cottons show a higher activity of ß-amylaseand invertase in leaves corresponding to a higher capacity ofassimilate transfer. Also a comparison was made from emergenceto 4 months of the partitioning of carbohydrates between leaf,stem and roots in annual and perennial cotton. In conclusionperennial cotton apparently owes its drought resistance to apartitioning of assimilates that favours the growth of the rootsystem and the accumulation of starch reserves in roots. Key words: Gossypium hirsutum L, carbohydrates, partitioning  相似文献   
Mesodermal differentiation of dorsal marginal zone (DMZ) before and after invagination was analyzed by a series of combination experiments with different kinds of ectoderm.
Lower DMZ of early gastrula didn't show any axial-mesoderm (notochord and somitic mesoderm) but lateral mesoderm (mesenchyme, mesothelium, or blood cells) in combinant with non-competent ventral ectoderm, while combinant with competent ectoderm was found to have well-differentiated axial-mesoderm with deutero-spinocaudal neurals. The axial-mesoderms have origin in the ectoderm. Uninvaginated DMZ of middle gastrula also showed difference in mesodermal differentiation between competent and non-competent ectoderms; axial-mesoderm differentiation was much better in competent than in non-competent. The axial-mesoderm originated from the uninvaginated DMZ. Archenteron roof of late gastrula showed regional difference in mesodermal differentiation in both combinants with competent and non-competent. The present study further demonstrated that there was regionality in promoting effect of induced neurectoderm on axial-mesoderm differentiation of invaginated archenteron roof.
The present experiments suggest that the cranio-caudal and dorso-ventral axis formations of amphibian mesoderm are finally determined by sequential and reciprocal interactions between the mesodermal anlage and the overlying ectoderm. It should be also shown that lower DMZ acts to trigger a series of the sequential interactions during primary embryonic induction.  相似文献   
In this paper we investigate and compare (evolutionary) patterns in the primary and secondary structure of four homologous E1a mRNAs of the adenovirus. Our main results are as follows: (1) The similarity of the coding regions of the mRNA sequences reflects both similarity in function (i.e., oncogenicity) and evolutionary divergence. (2) The similarity of the leader and the trailer regions reflects host specificity (i.e., human or simian) and must therefore arise from convergence. (3) Minimal energy foldings of the mRNAs show similar secondary structures (in particular around the splice sites). The conservation of pre-mRNA secondary structure shows that mRNAs are subject to selection constraints in addition to those associated with proteins. (4) The conserved secondary (helical) structures consist of nonhomologous subsequences, i.e., shifts have occurred. The observed shifts near the splice sites seem to be the simplest way of dealing with the dual constraints.   相似文献   
Complete sequences of the rRNA genes of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
In this, the first of three papers, we present the sequence of the ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes of Drosophila melanogaster. The gene regions of D. melanogaster rDNA encode four individual rRNAs: 18S (1,995 nt), 5.8S (123 nt), 2S (30 nt), and 28S (3,945 nt). The ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeat of D. melanogaster is AT rich (65.9% overall), with the spacers being particularly AT rich. Analysis of DNA simplicity reveals that, in contrast to the intergenic spacer (IGS) and the external transcribed spacer (ETS), most of the rRNA gene regions have been refractory to the action of slippage-like events, with the exception of the 28S rRNA gene expansion segments. It would seem that the 28S rRNA can accommodate the products of slippage-like events without loss of activity. In the following two papers we analyze the effects of sequence divergence on the evolution of (1) the 28S gene "expansion segments" and (2) the 28S and 18S rRNA secondary structures among eukaryotic species, respectively. Our detailed analyses reveal, in addition to unequal crossing-over, (1) the involvement of slippage and biased mutation in the evolution of the rDNA multigene family and (2) the molecular coevolution of both expansion segments and the nucleotides involved with compensatory changes required to maintain secondary structures of RNA.   相似文献   
天童米槠-木荷群落主要树种的结构及空间格局   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
杨永川  达良俊  陈波 《生态学报》2006,26(9):2927-2938
种群的结构和空间格局是植物群落的重要特征.以浙江天童米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)-木荷(Schima superba)群落为对象,应用永久样方法和每木调查法调查了群落种类组成和结构,并对10个主要常绿阔叶树种的种群结构和空间格局进行了分析,种群结构分析包括胸径级结构和垂直层次结构,空间格局分析包括各种不同垂直层次个体的空间分布格局和空间关联,并考虑了空间关联的尺度依赖.所选10个种总体RBA值达到81.9﹪,包含了群落的全部5个优势种,SDI指数除黑山山矾(Symplocos heishanensis)为正值外,其余9种皆为负值,各个种在垂直空间上占据了不同的位置.不同种之间以及同种不同层次之间表现出复杂多样的分布格局,体现出多级复合分布特征,但多数种整体上表现为集群分布或基本分布成分为个体群.空间关联在不同种之间、同种不同层次之间以及不同空间尺度上发生了分化,随尺度的增加,正关联增加而负关联减少.各个物种通过占据不同的水平和垂直空间,并采取不同的生活史对策,在群落中得以共存,从而导致了群落高的生物多样性的形成和维持.  相似文献   
甜瓜幼苗叶片光合变化特性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为探讨甜瓜光响应变化特性与环境因子的关系,选择光响应曲线适宜测定的时段,以甜瓜幼苗为试材,将1 d分为3个时段:10:00-12:00、12:00-15:00和15:00-17:00,每个叶位叶片测定1 d,并采用直角双曲线修正模型拟合光响应曲线,研究不同时段下甜瓜叶片光响应曲线、光响应参数的变化趋势和不同叶位叶片光响应参数特性。结果表明:当环境中光合有效辐射增强,叶面温度(Tl)升高,空气相对湿度(RH)降低;当环境中光合有效辐射减弱,Tl降低,RH升高。10:00-12:00光响应曲线和12:00-15:00的第1-4叶光响应曲线呈双曲线,在强光下趋向饱和状况,12:00-15:00的第5叶光合速率和15:00-17:00光合速率在强光下出现明显的光抑制现象。1 d的不同时段均表现为10:00-12:00最大净光合速率(Pmax)和光饱和点(LSP)最高,12:00-17:00降低;12:00-15:00光补偿点(LCP)和暗呼吸速率(Rd)较高,其它两个时段较低,10:00-17:00光补偿点量子效率(φc)、气孔导度(Gs)和胞间CO2浓度(Ci)总体呈降低趋势,气孔限制值(Ls)升高。10:00-15:00相同时段测得的不同叶位叶片光响应参数,以第4-5叶光合性能较好,15:00-17:00以第3叶Pmax最高,第5叶次之;10:00-17:00 GsCi以第5叶较低,第1叶较高,Ls以第5叶较高,第1叶较低。RH为影响Pmax的主要决策因子,测定时段、叶面饱和蒸汽压亏缺(Vpdl)和Tl为主要限制因子。10:00-12:00适宜进行光响应曲线测定,气孔限制为不同时段光合作用不同的主要因素,非气孔限制为影响不同叶位叶片光合作用的主要因素。  相似文献   
河西走廊酒泉地区盐碱土未培养放线菌多样性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用免培养技术对河西走廊酒泉地区的原生盐碱土、次生盐碱土和农田土中的放线菌群落结构及其多样性进行分析.结果表明: 河西走廊酒泉地区原生盐碱土克隆文库分归于19个OTUs,分属于微球菌亚目、丙酸杆菌亚目、棒状杆菌亚目、弗兰克氏菌亚目、假诺卡氏菌亚目和放线菌目未知类群;次生盐碱土克隆文库分归于14个OTUs,分属于微球菌亚目、丙酸杆菌亚目和放线菌目未知类群;农田土克隆文库分归于7个OTUs,分属于微球菌亚目和棒状杆菌亚目;微球菌亚目是3种不同类型土壤中的共有种群,是原生盐碱土和农田土中的优势种群.多样性指数和稀释性曲线分析结果显示,3种不同类型土壤中放线菌种群丰富度为原生盐碱土>次生盐碱土>农田土;原生盐碱土、次生盐碱土的稀释性曲线均未趋于平稳,说明盐碱土中放线菌多样性比实际更加丰富.  相似文献   
LPTS基因是利用定位候选克隆策略克隆的一个新的肝相关候选肿瘤抑制基因。LPTS基因编码一个全长为328氨基酸的蛋白质(LPTS-L),该蛋白具有抑制细胞端粒酶活性的功能。为了进一步研究LPTS-L蛋白的结构与功能,利用DNA重组技术,将LPTS-L的cDNA克隆到表达载体pET-24a中构建重组克隆pET-24-LPTS,并在大肠杆菌BL-21中进行融合表达,获得可溶形式的LPTS-L融合蛋白。采用Ni Sepharose4B柱亲和层析,可以获得纯度较高的蛋白,但不适合大量制备。通过设计引物去掉了pET-24a载体上的6×His tag将LPTS-L基因进行了非融合表达,然后采用磷酸纤维素P11阳离子交换层析纯化LPTS-L蛋白,纯度可达到55%。再经Sephadex G-100凝胶过滤,LPTS-L蛋白的纯度可达到80%。Western blot实验显示经纯化后的LPTS-L蛋白可与兔抗GST-LPTS-L的多抗发生特异性结合。采用TRAP法测定蛋白质活性,结果显示纯化得到的LPTS-L蛋白可抑制端粒酶的活性,与采用Ni Sepharose4B纯化获得的LPTS-L融合蛋白比较,其抑制效率基本一致。因此,所建立的技术可以有效地制备LPTS-L蛋白。  相似文献   
甘肃蝴蝶名录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋森  笪欣慰  骆爽 《四川动物》2015,(2):229-238
基于近几年的野外工作,结合前人对甘肃省蝶类的研究,对甘肃省蝴蝶名录进行了整理,并对各分类阶元进行了统计。截至2013年,甘肃省共记录蝶类12科210属614种,科、属、种的数量分别占中国总数量的100%、57.22%和28.52%。按照中国动物地理区划,古北种285种,东洋种233种,广布种95种。甘肃省境内分布有各类珍稀濒危蝶类37种,其中国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物2种(凤蝶科的三尾凤蝶和绢蝶科的阿波罗绢蝶),列入《国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的野生动物名录》的有11属33种,列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》的有4种,列入《世界濒危物种红色名录》的有5种。  相似文献   
用RACE技术扩增并克隆牛BMP4基因3'端序列   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
RACE技术是一项扩增基因末端序列的新技术。该研究从牛BMP4基因出发,以牛软骨的RNA为模板,按照不同物种BMP4基因的相似性设计特异引物,运用PCR和RACE技术扩增并获得了特异片段,该片段经PCR、酶切和测序验证,证实所克隆序列为牛BMP4的3′端序列,包含有1170bp组成的开放读码框(ORF),编码389个氨基酸,3′非编码区121bp个核苷酸和poly(A)15。同源性分析结果表明,牛BMP4 cDNA最大开放读码框所推测的氨基酸序列与已知人、小鼠、大鼠、狗、羊和鸡等真核生物BMP4氨基酸序列进行比较,分别有94.5%、93.1%、91.9%、87.4%、94.2%、79%的同源性。这为克隆其他物种的BMP4基因提供了依据,同时牛骨形态发生蛋白的测序为我们更好的理解牛的生骨机理提供帮助。  相似文献   
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