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Dissection of the insulin-sensitizing effect of liver X receptor ligands   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The liver X receptors (LXRalpha and beta) are nuclear receptors that coordinate carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Treatment of insulin-resistant mice with synthetic LXR ligands enhances glucose tolerance, inducing changes in gene expression expected to decrease hepatic gluconeogenesis (via indirect suppression of gluconeogenic enzymes) and increase peripheral glucose disposal (via direct up-regulation of glut4 in fat). To evaluate the relative contribution of each of these effects on whole-body insulin sensitivity, we performed hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps in high-fat-fed insulin-resistant rats treated with an LXR agonist or a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand. Both groups showed significant improvement in insulin action. Interestingly, rats treated with LXR ligand had lower body weight and smaller fat cells than controls. Insulin-stimulated suppression of the rate of glucose appearance (Ra) was pronounced in LXR-treated rats, but treatment failed to enhance peripheral glucose uptake (R'g), despite increased expression of glut4 in epididymal fat. To ascertain whether LXR ligands suppress hepatic gluconeogenesis directly, mice lacking LXRalpha (the primary isotype in liver) were treated with LXR ligand, and gluconeogenic gene expression was assessed. LXR activation decreased expression of gluconeogenic genes in wild-type and LXRbeta null mice, but failed to do so in animals lacking LXRalpha. Our observations indicate that despite inducing suggestive gene expression changes in adipose tissue in this model of diet-induced insulin resistance, the antidiabetic effect of LXR ligands is primarily due to effects in the liver that appear to require LXRalpha. These findings have important implications for clinical development of LXR agonists as insulin sensitizers.  相似文献   
Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a naturally transmitted gammaretrovirus that infects domestic cats. FeLV-945, the predominant isolate associated with non-T-cell disease in a natural cohort, is a member of FeLV subgroup A but differs in sequence from the FeLV-A prototype, FeLV-A/61E, in the surface glycoprotein (SU) and long terminal repeat (LTR). Substitution of the FeLV-945 LTR into FeLV-A/61E resulted in pathogenesis indistinguishable from that of FeLV-A/61E, namely, thymic lymphoma of T-cell origin. In contrast, substitution of both FeLV-945 LTR and SU into FeLV-A/61E resulted in multicentric lymphoma of non-T-cell origin. These results implicated the FeLV-945 SU as a determinant of pathogenic spectrum. The present study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that FeLV-945 SU can act in the absence of other unique sequence elements of FeLV-945 to determine the disease spectrum. Substitution of FeLV-A/61E SU with that of FeLV-945 altered the clinical presentation and resulted in tumors that demonstrated expression of CD45R in the presence or absence of CD3. Despite the evident expression of CD45R, a typical B-cell marker, T-cell receptor beta (TCRβ) gene rearrangement indicated a T-cell origin. Tumor cells were detectable in bone marrow and blood at earlier times during the disease process, and the predominant SU genes from proviruses integrated in tumor DNA carried markers of genetic recombination. The findings demonstrate that FeLV-945 SU alters pathogenesis, although incompletely, in the absence of FeLV-945 LTR. Evidence demonstrates that FeLV-945 SU and LTR are required together to fully recapitulate the distinctive non-T-cell disease outcome seen in the natural cohort.  相似文献   
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) is known to be potentially denaturing to proteins, but the effects of mobile phase conditions on chromatographic behavior are not well understood. In this study, we apply a model describing the effects of secondary protein unfolding equilibrium on chromatographic behavior, including the effects of salt concentration on both stability and adsorption. We use alpha-lactalbumin as a model protein that in the presence and absence of calcium, allows evaluation of adsorption parameters for folded and unfolded species independently. The HIC adsorption equilibrium under linear binding conditions and solution phase protein stability have been obtained from a combination of literature and new experiments. The effect of salt concentration on protein stability and the rate constant for unfolding on the chromatographic surface have been determined by fitting the model to isocratic chromatography data under marginally stable conditions. The model successfully describes the effects of added calcium and ammonium sulfate. The results demonstrate the importance of considering the effects on stability of mobile phase modifiers when applying HIC to marginally stable  相似文献   
Apoptosis is essential for clearance of potentially injurious inflammatory cells and subsequent efficient resolution of inflammation. Here we report that human neutrophils contain functionally active cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), and that structurally diverse CDK inhibitors induce caspase-dependent apoptosis and override powerful anti-apoptosis signals from survival factors such as granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). We show that the CDK inhibitor R-roscovitine (Seliciclib or CYC202) markedly enhances resolution of established neutrophil-dependent inflammation in carrageenan-elicited acute pleurisy, bleomycin-induced lung injury, and passively induced arthritis in mice. In the pleurisy model, the caspase inhibitor zVAD-fmk prevents R-roscovitine-enhanced resolution of inflammation, indicating that this CDK inhibitor augments inflammatory cell apoptosis. We also provide evidence that R-roscovitine promotes apoptosis by reducing concentrations of the anti-apoptotic protein Mcl-1. Thus, CDK inhibitors enhance the resolution of established inflammation by promoting apoptosis of inflammatory cells, thereby demonstrating a hitherto unrecognized potential for the treatment of inflammatory disorders.  相似文献   
Déjà vu--a study of duplicate citations in Medline   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MOTIVATION: Duplicate publication impacts the quality of the scientific corpus, has been difficult to detect, and studies this far have been limited in scope and size. Using text similarity searches, we were able to identify signatures of duplicate citations among a body of abstracts. RESULTS: A sample of 62,213 Medline citations was examined and a database of manually verified duplicate citations was created to study author publication behavior. We found that 0.04% of the citations with no shared authors were highly similar and are thus potential cases of plagiarism. 1.35% with shared authors were sufficiently similar to be considered a duplicate. Extrapolating, this would correspond to 3500 and 117,500 duplicate citations in total, respectively. Availability: eTBLAST, an automated citation matching tool, and Déjà vu, the duplicate citation database, are freely available at http://invention.swmed.edu/ and http://spore.swmed.edu/dejavu  相似文献   
A highly effective attenuated equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) vaccine (EIAV(D9)) capable of protecting 100% of horses from disease induced by a homologous Env challenge strain (EIAV(PV)) was recently tested in ponies to determine the level of protection against divergent Env challenge strains (J. K. Craigo, B. S. Zhang, S. Barnes, T. L. Tagmyer, S. J. Cook, C. J. Issel, and R. C. Montelaro, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104:15105-15110, 2007). An inverse correlation between challenge strain Env variation and vaccine protection from disease was observed. Given the striking differences in protective immunity, we hypothesized that analysis of the humoral and cellular immune responses to the Env protein could reveal potential determinants of vaccine protection. Neutralization activity against the homologous Env or challenge strain-specific Env in immune sera from the vaccinated ponies did not correlate with protection from disease. Cellular analysis with Env peptide pools did not reveal an association with vaccine protection from disease. However, when individual vaccine-specific Env peptides were utilized, eight cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte (CTL) peptides were found to associate closely with vaccine protection. One of these peptides also yielded the only lymphoproliferative response associated with protective immunity. The identified peptides spanned both variable and conserved regions of gp90. Amino acid divergence within the principal neutralization domain and the identified peptides profoundly affected immune recognition, as illustrated by the inability to detect cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies and the observation that certain peptide-specific CTL responses were altered. In addition to identifying potential Env determinants of EIAV vaccine efficacy and demonstrating the profound effects of defined Env variation on immune recognition, these data also illustrate the sensitivity offered by individual peptides compared to peptide pools in measuring cellular immune responses in lentiviral vaccine trials.  相似文献   
The development of surrogate markers capable of detecting residual ongoing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replication in patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy is an important step in understanding viral dynamics and in developing new treatment strategies. In this study, we evaluated the utility of circular forms of the viral genome for the detection of recent infection of cells by HIV-1. We measured the fate of both one-long terminal repeat (1-LTR) and 2-LTR circles following in vitro infection of logarithmically growing CD4+ T cells under conditions in which cell death was not a significant contributing factor. Circular forms of the viral genome were found to be highly stable and to decrease in concentration only as a function of dilution resulting from cell division. We conclude that these DNA circles are not intrinsically unstable in all cell types and suggest that the utility of 2-LTR circle assays in measuring recent HIV-1 infection of susceptible cells in vivo needs to be reevaluated.  相似文献   
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by insidious cognitive decline and memory dysfunction. Synapse loss is the best pathological correlate of cognitive decline in AD and mounting evidence suggests that AD is primarily a disease of synaptic dysfunction. Soluble oligomeric forms of amyloid beta (Aβ), the peptide that aggregates to form senile plaques in the brain of AD patients, have been shown to be toxic to neuronal synapses both in vitro and in vivo. Aβ oligomers inhibit long-term potentiation (LTP) and facilitate long-term depression (LTD), electrophysiological correlates of memory formation. Furthermore, oligomeric Aβ has also been shown to induce synapse loss and cognitive impairment in animals. The molecular underpinnings of these observations are now being elucidated, and may provide clear therapeutic targets for effectively treating the disease. Here, we review recent findings concerning AD pathogenesis with a particular focus on how Aβ impacts synapses.  相似文献   
The mouse has emerged as a uniquely valuable species for studying the molecular and genetic basis of complex behaviors and modeling neuropsychiatric disease states. While valid and reliable preclinical assays for reward-related behaviors are critical to understanding addiction-related processes, and various behavioral procedures have been developed and characterized in rats and primates, there have been relatively few studies using operant-based addiction-relevant behavioral paradigms in the mouse. Here we describe the performance of the C57BL/6J inbred mouse strain on three major reward-related paradigms, and replicate the same procedures in two other commonly used inbred strains (DBA/2J, BALB/cJ). We examined Pavlovian-instrumental transfer (PIT) by measuring the ability of an auditory cue associated with food reward to promote an instrumental (lever press) response. In a separate experiment, we assessed the acquisition and extinction of a simple stimulus-reward instrumental behavior on a touch screen based task. Reinstatement of this behavior was then examined following either continuous exposure to cues (conditioned reinforcers, CRs) associated with reward, brief reward and CR exposure, or brief reward exposure followed by continuous CR exposure. The third paradigm examined sensitivity of an instrumental (lever press) response to devaluation of food reward (a probe for outcome insensitive, habitual behavior) by repeated pairing with malaise. Results showed that C57BL/6J mice displayed robust PIT, as well as clear extinction and reinstatement, but were insensitive to reinforcer devaluation. DBA/2J mice showed good PIT and (rewarded) reinstatement, but were slow to extinguish and did not show reinforcer devaluation or significant CR-reinstatement. BALB/cJ mice also displayed good PIT, extinction and reinstatement, and retained instrumental responding following devaluation, but, unlike the other strains, demonstrated reduced Pavlovian approach behavior (food magazine head entries). Overall, these assays provide robust paradigms for future studies using the mouse to elucidate the neural, molecular and genetic factors underpinning reward-related behaviors relevant to addiction research.  相似文献   
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