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We investigated heredity-independent effects of increased physical activity and aerobic fitness on skeletal muscle free fatty acid (FFA) uptake, perfusion, and their heterogeneity at rest and during exercise. Also, the relationship between local skeletal muscle FFA uptake and perfusion was studied. Nine young adult male monozygotic twin pairs with significant difference in physical activity [229 min (SD 156) average time spent for conditioning exercise per week in more and 98 min (SD 71) in less active twins, P = 0.013] and aerobic fitness [18% (SD 10) difference in maximum O2 uptake] between brothers were studied using positron emission tomography. Submaximal knee-extension exercise increased perfusion, FFA uptake, and oxygen uptake in quadriceps femoris muscles 6-10 times compared with resting values (P < 0.001). More active twins tended to utilize more oxygen, while no differences were found in muscle perfusion or FFA uptake between groups. Mean perfusion and FFA uptake correlated strongly at a whole muscle level, both at rest (r = 0.97, P = 0.03 in more and r = 0.98, P = 0.02 in less active twins) and during exercise (r = 0.99, P = 0.01 and r = 0.94, P = 0.06), but at the voxel level (87 mm3) correlation was only moderate during exercise [r = 0.73 (SD 0.08) vs. r = 0.74 (SD 0.10), P = 0.92] and weak at rest [r = 0.28 (SD 0.13) vs. r = 0.33 (SD 0.21), P = 0.58]. Exercise decreased both perfusion and FFA uptake heterogeneity within the muscles (P < 0.001) similarly in both groups. In conclusion, long-term history of moderately increased physical activity tends to enhance muscle oxidative metabolism, but it does not have any significant influence on the FFA uptake or perfusion rates or their heterogeneity in skeletal muscle. Submaximal knee-extension exercise decreases heterogeneity of muscle FFA uptake and perfusion and improves matching between local muscle perfusion and FFA uptake. Thus it seems that the genetic influence is more important to determine the heterogeneity of perfusion and FFA uptake in skeletal muscle than exercise training.  相似文献   
In arid and semi-arid regions, rainfall is scarce, limiting primary productivity and animal reproduction. As long-term population monitoring is limited in remote arid areas, indirect and remote technicals are needed. We investigated if and how populations of rodents in Sahara-Sahel responded to past events of rainfall. Using short field surveys and remotely sensed rainfall data, spanning between years 2010 to 2015, we tested if rainfall prior to field surveys affected populations of Gerbillus rodents. Generalized additive analysis showed that amount of moonlight (the effect of number of days away from full moon) negatively correlated with number of trapped animals. When controlling for moonlight and geographic and temporal variation, rainfall up to 1 year prior to surveys positively and rainfall 2 years prior to surveys negatively correlated with number of trapped gerbils. We suggest that the effect of increased number of gerbils resulted from reproduction and population density increase after bursts of primary productivity. Negative correlation with rainfall could be related to increased predation or other ecological effects (e.g., resource collapse, pathogens spread) on prey population densities and activity levels. Our results suggest multiphase delayed effect of gerbils population response to rainfall implying interactive model of population regulation in rodent communities on Sahara-Sahel. Presented indirect method and results are readily applicable to population monitoring and management of remote and understudied areas.  相似文献   
1.?Climate warming has led to shifts in the seasonal timing of species. These shifts can differ across trophic levels, and as a result, predator phenology can get out of synchrony with prey phenology. This can have major consequences for predators such as population declines owing to low reproductive success. However, such trophic interactions are likely to differ between habitats, resulting in differential susceptibility of populations to increases in spring temperatures. A mismatch between breeding phenology and food abundance might be mitigated by dietary changes, but few studies have investigated this phenomenon. Here, we present data on nestling diets of nine different populations of pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca, across their breeding range. This species has been shown to adjust its breeding phenology to local climate change, but sometimes insufficiently relative to the phenology of their presumed major prey: Lepidoptera larvae. In spring, such larvae have a pronounced peak in oak habitats, but to a much lesser extent in coniferous and other deciduous habitats. 2.?We found strong seasonal declines in the proportions of caterpillars in the diet only for oak habitats, and not for the other forest types. The seasonal decline in oak habitats was most strongly observed in warmer years, indicating that potential mismatches were stronger in warmer years. However, in coniferous and other habitats, no such effect of spring temperature was found. 3.?Chicks reached somewhat higher weights in broods provided with higher proportions of caterpillars, supporting the notion that caterpillars are an important food source and that the temporal match with the caterpillar peak may represent an important component of reproductive success. 4.?We suggest that pied flycatchers breeding in oak habitats have greater need to adjust timing of breeding to rising spring temperatures, because of the strong seasonality in their food. Such between-habitat differences can have important consequences for population dynamics and should be taken into account in studies on phenotypic plasticity and adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   
We studied the origin of nucleated red blood cells (NRBC) in peripheral venous blood samples from 40 pregnant women carrying a male fetus, using a technique that allows direct chromosomal analysis by in situ hybridisation on immunologically and morphologically classified cells. Samples from ten nulligravid women were studied as controls. NRBC were enriched by negative magnetic activated cell sorting (miniMACS) using anti-CD45 monoclonal antibody. NRBC were detected by alkaline phosphatase anti-alkaline phosphatase immunostaining using a monoclonal anti-glycophorin A antibody. The origin of the NRBC was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridisation using X and Y specific probes. NRBC were found in 37 of the 40 pregnant women at a range of 1 to 230 per 20 ml of venous blood and in 6 of the 10 controls at a range of 1 to 3 per 20 ml of venous blood. All NRBC detected in the pregnant women were evidently of maternal origin, and in the pregnant women the number of NRBC was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than in the controls. Pregnancy per se seems to induce the appearance of maternal NRBC in the circulation, and it cannot therefore be assumed that NRBC isolated from the maternal blood are of fetal origin on the basis of morphology alone. Discrimination of fetal NRBC must occur for prenatal diagnosis of fetal genetic disorders.  相似文献   
Negative frequency-dependence, which favors rare genotypes, promotes the maintenance of genetic variability and is of interest as a potential explanation for genetic differentiation. Density-dependent selection may also promote cyclic changes in frequencies of genotypes. Here we show evidence for both density-dependent and negative frequency-dependent selection on opposite life-history tactics (low or high reproductive effort, RE) in the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). Density-dependent selection was evident among the females with low RE, which were especially favored in low densities. Instead, both negative frequency-dependent and density-dependent selection were shown in females with high RE, which were most successful when they were rare in high densities. Furthermore, selection at the individual level affected the frequencies of tactics at the population level, so that the frequency of the rare high RE tactic increased significantly at high densities. We hypothesize that these two selection mechanisms (density- and negative frequency-dependent selection) may promote genetic variability in cyclic mammal populations. Nevertheless, it remains to be determined whether the origin of genetic variance in life-history traits is causally related to density variation (e.g. population cycles).  相似文献   
Timing of reproduction and clutch size are important determinants of breeding success, especially in seasonal environments. Several recent bird population studies have shown changes in breeding time and in natural selection on it. These changes have often been linked with climate change, but few studies have investigated how the traits or natural selection are actually connected with climatic factors. Furthermore, the effect of population density on selection has been rarely considered, despite the potential importance of density in demographic processes. We studied variation in natural selection on laying date and on clutch size in relation to measures of spring phenology and population density in a long-term study of pied flycatchers in SW Finland. The phenological stage of the environment at mean egg-laying did not affect the direction of selection on either laying date or on clutch size. There was, however, stronger selection for earlier laying date when the breeding density of the population was high, suggesting that early breeding is not necessarily beneficial as such, but that its importance is emphasized when high population density increases competition. In addition, early breeding was favoured when the pre-breeding period was cool, which may indicate an increased advantage for the fittest individuals in harsher conditions. In the middle of the twentieth century, there was selection for large clutch size, which subsequently ceased, along with an overall decrease in recruit production. Our results indicate that attention should be paid to demographic factors such as breeding density when studying natural selection and temporal changes in it.  相似文献   
Short-lived insect herbivores should be able to adapt to the resistance mechanisms of their long-lived woody hosts because the life span of a single host will encompass numerous generations of herbivores. However, adaptation may be slowed down if host genotypes can create, in a single genotype, such large phenotypic variation in traits relevant for the herbivore that it matches variance among host genotypes. We tested this hypothesis by measuring leaf consumption by, and growth of, half-sibs of the geometrid moth Epirrita autumnata on individual birch trees, during three instars. The instar×tree interaction, rather than tree identity alone, was a significant variance component for both consumption and growth, indicating that different larval instars ranked individual trees differently. Both consumption and growth varied most between the 3rd and the later (4th and 5th) instars, coinciding with rapid seasonal changes in numerous nutritive and phenolic traits of maturing leaves. Thus, developmental variance in the leaf quality of individual trees may reduce the likelihood of E. autumnata genotypes adapting to the defenses of their host trees. We did not find evidence of in the ability of different half-sibs to utilize individual trees or leaf stages, indicating that E. autumnata larvae are generalists over a wide variety of host traits.  相似文献   
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) studies have indicated growth hormone receptor (GHR) as a candidate gene affecting cattle milk yield and composition. In order to characterize genetic variation at GHR in cattle, we studied European and East African breeds with different histories of selection, and Bos grunniens, Ovis aries, Sus scrofa, Bison bison and Rangifer tarandus as references. We sequenced most of the cytoplasmic domain (900 bp of exon 10), 89 bp of exon 8, including the putative causative mutation for the QTL effect, and 390 bp of intron 8 for comparison. In the cytoplasmic domain, seven synonymous and seven non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were identified in cattle. Three non-synonymous SNPs were found in sheep and one synonymous SNP in yak, while other studied species were monomorphic. Three major haplotypes were observed, one unique to African breeds, one unique to European breeds and one shared. Bison and yak haplotypes are derivatives of the European haplotype lineage. Most of the exon 10 non-synonymous cattle SNPs appear at phylogenetically highly conserved sites. The polymorphisms in exon 10 cluster around a ruminant-specific tyrosine residue, suggesting that this site may act as an additional signalling domain of GHR in ruminants. Alternative explanations for the persistent polymorphism include balancing selection, hitch-hiking, pleiotropic or sexually antagonistic fitness effects or relaxed functional constraints.  相似文献   
Two Tsigai sheep populations exist in Serbia: the Old type, called Čokan, and the New type. It is assumed that the New type results from upgrading Tsigai sheep with exotic genetic material. We investigated genetic diversity and differentiation of these types by analysing 23 autosomal microsatellites. Tests for Hardy-Weinberg proportions, linkage equilibrium between genotypes across loci and the calculation of inbreeding coefficients were performed and the deficiency in the number of alleles within the Tsigai types was examined using a Wilcoxon sign-rank test. The New type displayed a higher level of genetic variability than the Čokan in terms of allele numbers, but the New Tsigai showed a pattern of heterozygosity deficiency. The positive f value for the Čokan suggests the occurrence of inbreeding in this type. The proportion of linkage disequilibrium was below that expected by chance. Exclusion of two loci in Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium did not alter our conclusions based on the entire data set i.e. the two Tsigai types are clearly differentiated and the New Tsigai type has been influenced by crossbreeding. Therefore, the Čokan Tsigai should be considered as a distinct endangered breed in the FAO classification.  相似文献   
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