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Pressure distributions were measured along a hollow vascular axisymmetric replica of a segment of the left circumflex coronary artery of man with mildly atherosclerotic diffuse disease. A large range of physiological Reynolds numbers from about 60 to 500, including hyperemic response, was spanned in the flow investigation using a fluid simulating blood kinematic viscosity. Predicted pressure distributions from the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations were similar in trend and magnitude to the measurements. Large variations in the predicted velocity profiles occurred along the lumen. The influence of the smaller scale multiple flow obstacles along the wall (lesion variations) led to sharp spikes in the predicted wall shear stresses. Reynolds number similarity was discussed, and estimates of what time averaged in vivo pressure drop and shear stress might be were given for a vessel segment.  相似文献   
The kinetic analysis of l-amino acid uptake by the green alga Chlorella revealed at least seven different uptake systems to be present in cells grown autotrophically with nitrate as nitrogen source. There is a ‘general system’ which transports most neutral and acidic amino acids, a system for short-chain neutral amino acids including proline, a system for basic amino acids including histidine, a special system for acidic amino acids, and specific systems for methionine, glutamine and threonine. The ‘general system’ is possibly the same as that which can be stimulated by incubation of cells in glucose plus ammonium (Sauer, N. (1984) Planta 161, 425–431). The incubation of Chlorella in glucose induces the increased synthesis of six amino acid uptake systems, namely the above-mentioned system for short-chain neutral amino acids, a threonine system, a methionine system, and a glutamine system. These results indicate that the uptake of l-amino acids by the green alga Chlorella is as complex as in other free-living organisms such as bacteria or yeast. The small number of amino acid uptake systems found in cells of higher plants, i.e. two or three, seems therefore to be a consequence of integration of the cells in a tissue supplying a relatively constant environment, and not a consequence of autotrophic growth on mineral carbon and mineral nitrogen.  相似文献   
We have purified a glycoprotein from chicken sciatic nerves, sciatin, which has pronounced trophic effects on avian skeletal muscle cells in culture. Recent studies have shown that sciatin is identical to the iron-transport protein, transferrin, in terms of its physicochemical structure, immunological reactivity, and biological activity. To determine whether transferrin is synthesized and released by neuronal tissue, we incubated cultures of dissociated chicken spinal neurons in a medium free of L-leucine containing either L-3H-amino acids or L-[14C]leucine and immunoprecipitated transferrin with highly specific antibodies. The radiolabeled protein precipitated by rabbit heteroclonal, goat heteroclonal, or mouse monoclonal antitransferrin antibodies increased in specific activity in a linear manner for at least 30 min. Synthesis of this protein was abolished by the presence of puromycin (20 micrograms/ml) or cycloheximide (10(-5) M). The disappearance of the radiolabeled protein from cells was linear with a half-life (t 1/2) of 8-10 h. When immunoprecipitates were separated by SDS gel electrophoresis, a prominent band corresponding to transferrin (Mr 84,000) was visualized by staining with Coomassie Blue. However, when such gels were fluorographed, no radioactivity was apparent in the transferrin region of the gel although a prominent radioactive band was visualized at an Mr of 56,000. The protein of Mr 56,000 was not simply a degradation product of transferrin because this particular protein band was not generated by incubating radiolabeled transferrin with unlabeled neuronal homogenates. The protein of Mr 56,000 was purified from embryonic chicken brain and spinal cord by immunoabsorption chromatography on mouse monoclonal antitransferrin IgG conjugated to Sepharose 4B followed by affinity chromatography on immobilized transferrin. The purified protein bound radioiodinated transferrin and was precipitated by rabbit anti-chicken transferrin-receptor antibodies. Furthermore, this receptor protein was found to be localized on the plasma membrane of dorsal root ganglion neurons by immunocytochemistry using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique, and by blocking experiments, which showed that antitransferrin receptor IgG could inhibit the binding of fluorescein-conjugated transferrin at 4 degrees C to cultured neurons in vitro. From these data, we conclude that transferrin is not synthesized by cultures of chicken spinal cord neurons, but that the receptor for transferrin is synthesized by these cultures and is precipitated by antitransferrin antibodies as an antigen-receptor complex.  相似文献   
Phosphorylation of ankyrin decreases its affinity for spectrin tetramer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The effects of phosphorylation on the interaction between spectrin and ankyrin were investigated. Spectrin and ankyrin were phosphorylated using purified human erythrocyte membrane and cytosolic (casein kinase A) kinases. These two kinases have similar properties as well as activities toward spectrin and ankyrin. Both kinases catalyzed the incorporation of about 2 mol of phosphate/mol of spectrin and about 7 mol of phosphate/mol of ankyrin. These phosphates were incorporated primarily into seryl and threonyl residues of the proteins. The phosphopeptide maps of ankyrin phosphorylated by the membrane kinase and casein kinase A were identical. Binding studies indicate that ankyrin exhibits different affinities for spectrin dimers (KD = 2.5 +/- 0.9 X 10(-6) M) and tetramers (KD = 2.7 +/- 0.8 X 10(-7) M). These dissociation constants were not appreciably affected by the phosphorylation of spectrin. On the other hand, phosphorylation of ankyrin was found to significantly reduce its affinity for either phosphorylated or unphosphorylated spectrin tetramers (KD = 1.2 +/- 0.1 X 10(-6) M) but not spectrin dimers (KD = 2.5 +/- 0.4 X 10(-6) M). The same results were obtained using either the membrane kinase or casein kinase A as the phosphorylating enzyme. The above observation suggests that ankyrin phosphorylation may provide an important mechanism for the regulation of the erythrocyte membrane cytoskeletal network.  相似文献   
In the present study we show that peritoneal macrophages obtained from the mice treated with the immunoactive peptides inhibit the multiplication of Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2), but not that of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), and that the intraperitoneal administration of the peptides suppresses the infection with HSV-1 in mice.  相似文献   
Summary A process for l-phenylalanine production was studied using a tyrosine auxotrophic regulatory mutant of Escherichia coli, resistant to both -2-thienyl-dl-alanine and p-fluoro-dl-phenylalanine. Fermentations were carried out in a 30-1 fermentor with intermittent feeding of glucose plus phosphate. The mutant accumulated l-phenylalanine in the fermentation broth up to 15 g/l at pH 7.0 and 33°C. Column chromatography on a strong cation exchanger was employed as the most effective step in the purification of l-phenyl-alanine from the broth. This step brought about 4-fold concentration of the product with 96% recovery.  相似文献   
元江干热河谷山地五百年来植被变迁探讨   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
元江河谷是云南省最干热地区之一,在海拔800—900米以下的山地上广泛分布着稀树灌草丛。根据《元江府志》(1714年编纂)、《元江州志》(1826年编纂)、《元江志稿》(1922年编篡)及对现存植被的考察,本文探讨了元江干热河谷山地五百年来植被的变迁。 元江县森林复盖率的减少与人口的增加有密切关系,十七世纪中期以前,森林复盖率在75%以上,十八、十九世纪时为70%左右,1958年为61.5%,1975年为27.3%,至1982年则为19.3%。研究表明,在十九世纪以前,这个地区分布的主要植被是热带季雨林,甚而热带季节雨林,以后热带稀树灌草丛则迅速发展。植被的历史变化与土壤流失密切相关。植物群落的演变是由以乔木树种为优势演变为以灌木种类为优势,再演变为以多年生草木植物为优势,而最后则成为裸地。本文也讨论了这个地区植被恢复的方法。  相似文献   
Allelic distributions of Thy-1, Ly-l, and Ly-2 antigens in wild mice are characteristic of each Mus musculus subspecies. Eastern mice (M.m.molossinus, M.mmusculus, M.m.castaneus, M.m.bactrianus) express the Thy-1.1 antigen, whereas Western mice (M.m. domesticus, M.m.brevirostris) express the Thy-1.2. All mice from wild populations examined in this survey express the Ly-1.2. The Ly-2.1 is distributed in Eastern mice and some Western mice, and the Ly-2.2 is found in the remaining Western mice. Allelic distributions of these antigens were also examined in two other species, Mus spretus and Mus spicilegus. Allelic constitutions of Thy-1 and Ly-1 in these species are similar to those of Eastern mice. Some M.spicilegus, however, express the Ly-1.1 antigen. This antigenic type is not found in M.musculus. Some Eastern mice related to M.m.castaneus react weakly to Ly-1.2-specific and Ly-2.1-specific monoclonal antibodies in both the complement-mediated cytotoxicity test and the absorption test. These results suggest that M.m.castaneus has unique alleles in the Ly-1 and Ly-2 loci.  相似文献   
Reaction centers isolated from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R-26 mutant were irradiated with laser pulses of variable energy and the amount of photooxidation of the primary electron donor bacteriochlorophyll was measured. The resultant light saturation curve fits an exponential function and not a hyperbolic or hyperbolic tangent function. Analysis using either a Poisson statistical model or a simple kinetic model predicts an exponential light saturation curve in the limit where the light pulse is long relative to any transient intermediate states. The absolute quantum yield of photochemistry was found to be 0.98, utilizing the entire light saturation curve. Distortions from the simple exponential light saturation behavior are predicted when very short laser pulses are used.  相似文献   
流行性成人腹泻病人排出成人腹泻轮状病毒的持续时间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人腹泻轮状病毒(Adult Diarrhoea Rotavirus,简称ADRV)是引起青壮年急性胃肠炎的主要病原之一,1983年至1985年在我国许多地区暴发流行,严重危害着人民健康,至今尚无治疗药物。因此,摸清病人排病毒情况或规律,对及时控制传染源,预防ADRV大量传播有着重要意义。现将本文实验结果报告如下。  相似文献   
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