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Phylogenetic relationships and lineage diversification of the family Salicaceae sensu lato (s.l.) remain poorly understood. In this study, we examined phylogenetic relationships between 42 species from six genera based on the complete plastomes. Phylogenetic analyses of 77 protein coding genes of the plastomes produced good resolution of the interrelationships among most sampled species and the recovered clades. Of the sampled genera from the family, Flacourtia was identified as the most basal and the successive clades comprised both Itoa and Poliothyrsis, Idesia, two genera of the Salicaceae sensu stricto (s.s.) (Populus and Salix). Five major subclades were recovered within the Populus clade. These subclades and their interrelationships are largely inconsistent with morphological classifications and molecular phylogeny based on nuclear internal transcribed spacer sequence variations. Two major subclades were identified for the Salix clade. Molecular dating suggested that species diversification of the major subclades in the Populus and Salix clades occurred mainly within the recent Pliocene. In addition, we found that the rpl32 gene was lost and the rps7 gene evolved into a pseudogene multiple times in the sampled genera of the Salicaceae s.l. Compared with previous studies, our results provide a well‐resolved phylogeny from the perspective of the plastomes.  相似文献   
Tunicamycin, a potent reversible translocase I inhibitor, is produced by several Actinomycetes species. The tunicamycin structure is highly unusual, and contains an 11-carbon dialdose sugar and an α, β-1″,11′-glycosidic linkage. Here we report the identification of a gene cluster essential for tunicamycin biosynthesis by high-throughput heterologous expression (HHE) strategy combined with a bioassay. Introduction of the genes into heterologous non-producing Streptomyces hosts results in production of tunicamycin by these strains, demonstrating the role of the genes for the biosynthesis of tunicamycins. Gene disruption experiments coupled with bioinformatic analysis revealed that the tunicamycin gene cluster is minimally composed of 12 genes (tunA– tunL). Amongst these is a putative radical SAM enzyme (Tun B) with a potentially unique role in biosynthetic carbon-carbon bond formation. Hence, a seven-step novel pathway is proposed for tunicamycin biosynthesis. Moreover, two gene clusters for the potential biosynthesis of tunicamycin-like antibiotics were also identified in Streptomyces clavuligerus ATCC 27064 and Actinosynnema mirums DSM 43827. These data provide clarification of the novel mechanisms for tunicamycin biosynthesis, and for the generation of new-designer tunicamycin analogs with selective/enhanced bioactivity via combinatorial biosynthesis strategies.  相似文献   
湛江棕囊藻对南美白对虾虾苗和多种鱼苗的毒性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了湛江棕囊藻赤潮海水和棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)对南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei Boone)虾苗、青石斑鱼(Epinephelus awoara)、鲻鱼(Mugil cephalus)和尖吻鲈鱼(Latescal carifer)鱼苗的毒性。结果表明,棕囊藻对虾苗有一定的毒性,24 h LC50为1.0×109 cells L-1,去除囊泡液后的棕囊藻碎片对虾苗毒性较弱,细胞密度为1.0×109 cells L-1时,24 h虾苗的死亡率仅为10%,赤潮海水对虾苗无毒性;棕囊藻囊泡液对青石斑鱼有一定毒性,24 h LC50为囊泡液占海水总体积的10.9%,赤潮海水对青石斑鱼苗无毒性;棕囊藻对尖吻鲈鱼和鲻鱼鱼苗无毒性。  相似文献   

在青藏高原逐渐形成的过程中, 本地区的现代生物多样性塑造受到其巨大的影响, 与此同时, 许多起源于高原的物种甚至现代广布类群祖先的洲际扩散也由其驱动。在中生代时期, 青藏高原今天所处的地区覆盖着广阔的海洋, 喜马拉雅山脉的三叠纪海相沉积中产有鱼龙和旋齿鲨等脊椎动物化石。至侏罗—白垩纪, 西藏东南部的部分地区逐渐脱离海洋环境, 在昌都盆地形成了与当时四川盆地相似的淡水湖泊, 恐龙等爬行动物则在湖边活动。新生代早期印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞使青藏高原逐渐隆起, 一些热带、亚热带鱼类的发现, 表明当时青藏地区内部与东南亚的热带地区之间可能有水系连通。随着这一地区地势隆起幅度显著升高, 环境变干、变凉, 致使喜暖鱼类终于在此绝迹, 并转换为青藏高原特有的裂腹鱼类。青藏高原的快速上升导致季风气候加强, 中亚内陆地区的气候持续走向干旱, 中国西部的中新世动物群主要由耐旱的草原型哺乳动物组成, 还有耐旱的鸟类和爬行动物共生。青藏高原在上新世最终达到现代的高度, 其气候环境已具有冰冻圈的特点, 成为冰期动物群最初的演化中心。2.6 Ma全球气温第一次下降到低于今天的水平, 已经适应了冰冻环境的动物迅速扩散到青藏高原周边以及更遥远的地区, 成为现代动物多样性的基础。青藏高原在地质历史时期经历了复杂而大规模的环境变化, 这一系列的地质运动和地貌演化引发并形成了青藏高原及周边地区气候格局, 促进了本地区生物多样性的发展。  相似文献   

N-(2-吡啶基)-N'-苯基脲(2PU),属苯基脲衍生物,具有细胞分裂素活性,有关其合成和应用的研究未见报道。作者合成了2PU并进行了生物效应试验研究。结果表明,2PU对作物种子萌发时胚根、胚芽的生长具有明显的促进作用,其根、芽生长与2PU浓度之间的关系符合Y=a+bX+eX2+的数学模型。2PU对小麦根芽和赤豆根芽生长最佳浓度分别是0.001~0.0lppm、0.005~0.05ppm,对黄豆根生长以0.001~0.06ppm最佳。  相似文献   
Acidophilic microorganisms involved in uranium bioleaching are usually suppressed by dissolved fluoride ions, eventually leading to reduced leaching efficiency. However, little is known about the regulation mechanisms of microbial resistance to fluoride. In this study, the resistance of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans ATCC 23270 to fluoride was investigated by detecting bacterial growth fluctuations and ferrous or sulfur oxidation. To explore the regulation mechanism, a whole genome microarray was used to profile the genome-wide expression. The fluoride tolerance of A. ferrooxidans cultured in the presence of FeSO4 was better than that cultured with the S0 substrate. The differentially expressed gene categories closely related to fluoride tolerance included those involved in energy metabolism, cellular processes, protein synthesis, transport, the cell envelope, and binding proteins. This study highlights that the cellular ferrous oxidation ability was enhanced at the lower fluoride concentrations. An overview of the cellular regulation mechanisms of extremophiles to fluoride resistance is discussed.  相似文献   
We have measured photosynthesis at the cellular, tissue, and whole leaf levels to understand the role of anthocyanin pigments on patterns of light utilization. Profiles of chlorophyll fluorescence through sections of red and green leaves of Quintinia serrata showed that anthocyanins in the mesophyll restricted absorption of green light to the uppermost palisade mesophyll. The distribution was further restricted when anthocyanins were also present in the upper epidermis. Mesophyll cells located beneath a cyanic light-filter assumed the characteristic photosynthetic features of shade-adapted cells. As a result, red leaves showed a 23% reduction in CO2 assimilation under light-saturating conditions, and a lower threshold irradiance for light-saturation, relative to those of green leaves. The photosynthetic characteristics of red leaves are comparable to those of shade-acclimated plants.  相似文献   
The ataxin-2 (ATXN2) gene is located on human chromo-some 12q24.1. In normal individuals, the coding region in exon 1 of this gene has fewer than 31 CAG repeats (Yu et al., 2005: Laffita-Mesa et al., 2012). However, an abnormal expansion of CAG trinucleotide repeats results in the aggre-gation of polyglutamine (polyQ), which causes spinocer-ebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) (Pulst et al., 1996). The expanded alleles have more than 32 repeats in the affected individuals, and generally there is an inverse correlation between CAG repeat length and age of onset (Pulst et al., 1996). SCA2 is an autosomal dominant inheritance neurodegenerative disease, whose major clinical feature is progressive cerebellar ataxia. Atrophies of the brainstem and frontal lobe have been frequently detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Yamamoto-Watanabe et al., 2010). This disease has the strong effect on sensory and motor control.  相似文献   
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