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fw2.2 is one of the few QTLs thus far isolated from plants and the first one known to control fruit size. While it has been established that FW2.2 is a regulator (either directly or indirectly) of cell division, FW2.2 does not share sequence homology to any protein of known function (Frary et al. Science 289:85–88, 2000; Cong et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 99:13606–13611, 2002; Liu et al. Plant Physiol 132:292–299, 2003). Thus, the mechanism by which FW2.2 mediates cell division in developing fruit is currently unknown. In an effort to remedy this situation, a combination of yeast two-hybrid screens, in vitro binding assays and cell bombardment studies were performed. The results provide strong evidence that FW2.2 physically interacts at or near the plasma membrane with the regulatory (beta) subunit of a CKII kinase. CKII kinases are well-studied in both yeast and animals where they form part of cell cycle related signaling pathway. Thus while FW2.2 is a plant-specific protein and regulates cell division in a specialized plant organ (fruit), it appears to participate in a cell-cycle control signal transduction pathway that predates the divergence of single- and multi-cellular organisms. These results thus provide a glimpse into how ancient and conserved regulatory processes can be co-opted in the evolution of novel organs such as fruit.  相似文献   
Characterization of plant resistance genes is an important step in understanding plant defense mechanisms. Fusarium oxysporum f sp lycopersici is the causal agent of a vascular wilt disease in tomato. Genes conferring resistance to plant vascular diseases have yet to be described molecularly. Members of a new multigene family, complex I2C, were isolated by map-based cloning from the I2 F. o. lycopersici race 2 resistance locus. The genes show structural similarity to the group of recently isolated resistance genes that contain a nucleotide binding motif and leucine-rich repeats. Importantly, the presence of I2C antisense transgenes abrogated race 2 but not race 1 resistance in otherwise normal plants. Expression of the complete sense I2C-1 transgene conferred significant but partial resistance to F. o. lycopersici race 2. All members of the I2C gene family have been mapped genetically and are dispersed on three different chromosomes. Some of the I2C members cosegregate with other tomato resistance loci. Comparison within the leucine-rich repeat region of I2C gene family members shows that they differ from each other mainly by insertions or deletions.  相似文献   
Two yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) containing genomic DNA from tomato have been isolated using CT220, an RFLP marker which is tightly linked to the tomato spotted wilt virus resistance gene, Sw-5. High-resolution mapping of the YAC ends and internal YAC probes demonstrated that one of the YAC clones, TY257 (400?kb), spans Sw-5. By chromosome walking in a cosmid library, the position of Sw-5 has been delimited within the YAC to a maximal chromosomal segment of 100?kb, spanned by nine overlapping cosmid clones.  相似文献   
L S Barrero  B Cong  F Wu  S D Tanksley 《Génome》2006,49(8):991-1006
Mutation at the fasciated locus was a key step in the production of extreme fruit size during tomato domestication. To shed light on the nature of these changes, near-isogenic lines were used for a comparative developmental study of fasciated and wild-type tomato plants. The fasciated gene directly affects floral meristem size and is expressed before the earliest stages of flower organogenesis. As a result, mature fruit of fasciated mutants have more carpels (locules) and greater fruit diameter and mass. The discovery that fasciated affects floral meristem size led to a search for candidate genes from Arabidopsis known to be involved in floral meristem development. Putative homologs were identified in a large tomato EST database, verified through phylogenetic analyses, and mapped in tomato; none mapped to the fasciated locus; however, putative homologs of WUS and WIG mapped to the locule number locus on chromosome 2, the second major transition to large tomato fruit, with WUS showing the highest association. In other cases, minor QTLs for floral organ number (lcn2.2) and (stn11.2) co-localized with a CLV1 paralog and with the syntenic region containing the CLV3 gene in Arabidopsis, respectively.  相似文献   
A viable option for increasing nitrogen (N) use efficiency and mitigation of negative impacts of N on the environment is to capitalize on multi-element interactions through implementation of nutrient management programs that provide balanced nutrition. Numerous studies have demonstrated the immediate efficacy of this approach in the developing regions like China and India as well as developed countries in North America. Based on 241 site-years of experiments in these countries, the first-year N recovery efficiency (RE) for the conventional or check treatments averaged 21% while the balanced treatments averaged 54% RE, for an average increase of 33% in RE due to balanced nutrition. Effective policies to promote adoption are most likely those that enable site-specific approaches to nutrient management decisions rather than sweeping, nation-wide incentives supporting one nutrient over another. Local farmers, advisers and officials need to be empowered with tools and information to help them define necessary changes in practices to create more balanced nutrient management.  相似文献   
Because cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is low in genetic diversity, public, verified single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers within the species are in demand. To promote marker development we resequenced approximately 23 kb in a diverse set of 31 tomato lines including TA496. Three classes of markers were sampled: (1) 26 expressed-sequence tag (EST), all of which were predicted to be polymorphic based on TA496, (2) 14 conserved ortholog set II (COSII) or unigene, and (3) ten published sequences, composed of nine fruit quality genes and one anonymous RFLP marker. The latter two types contained mostly noncoding DNA. In total, 154 SNPs and 34 indels were observed. The distributions of nucleotide diversity estimates among marker types were not significantly different from each other. Ascertainment bias of SNPs was evaluated for the EST markers. Despite the fact that the EST markers were developed using SNP prediction within a sample consisting of only one TA496 allele and one additional allele, the majority of polymorphisms in the 26 EST markers were represented among the other 30 tomato lines. Fifteen EST markers with published SNPs were more closely examined for bias. Mean SNP diversity observations were not significantly different between the original discovery sample of two lines (53 SNPs) and the 31 line diversity panel (56 SNPs). Furthermore, TA496 shared its haplotype with at least one other line at 11 of the 15 markers. These data demonstrate that public EST databases and noncoding regions are a valuable source of unbiased SNP markers in tomato. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this publication is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the United States Department of Agriculture or the Agricultural Research Service of any product or service to the exclusion of others that may be suitable.  相似文献   
To detect QTLs controlling traits of agronomic importance in rice, two elite homozygous lines 9024 and LH422, which represent the indica and japonica subspecies of rice (Oryza sativa), were crossed. Subsequently a modified single-seed-descent procedure was employed to produce 194 recombinant inbred lines (F8). The 194 lines were genotyped at 141 RFLP marker loci and evaluated in a field trial for 13 quantitative traits including grain yield. Transgressive segregants were observed for all traits examined. The number of significant QTLs (LOD 2.0) detected affecting each trait ranged from one to six. The percentage of phenotypic variance explained by each QTL ranged from 5.1% to 73.7%. For those traits for which two or more QTLs were detected, increases in the traits were conditioned by indica alleles at some QTLs Japonica alleles at others. No significant evidence was found for epistasis between markers associated with QTLs and all the other markers. Pleitropic effects of single QTLs on different traits are suggested by the observation of clustering of QTLs. No QTL for traits was found to map to the vicinity of major gene loci governing the same traits qualitatively. Evidence for putative orthologous QTLs across rice, maize, oat, and barley is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary We have constructed a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library of tomato for chromosome walking that contains the equivalent of three haploid genomes (22 000 clones). The source of high molecular weight DNA was leaf protoplasts from the tomato cultivars VFNT cherry and Rio Grande-PtoR, which together contain loci encoding resistance to six pathogens of tomato. Approximately 11 000 YACs have been screened with RFLP markers that cosegregate withTm-2a andPto — loci conferring resistance to tobacco mosaic virus andPseudomonas syringae pv.tomato, respectively. Five YACs were identified that hybridized to the markers and are therefore starting points for chromosome walks to these genes. A subset of the library was characterized for the presence of various repetitive sequences and YACs were identified that carried TGRI, a repeat clustered near the telomeres of most tomato chromosomes, TGRII, an interspersed repeat, and TGRIIl, a repeat that occurs primarily at centromeric sites. Evaluation of the library for organellar sequences revealed that approximately 10% of the clones contain chloroplast sequences. Many of these YAC clones appear to contain the entire 155 kb tomato chloroplast genome. The tomato cultivars used in the library construction, in addition to carrying various disease resistance genes, also contain the wild-type alleles corresponding to most recessive mutations that have been mapped by classical linkage analysis. Thus, in addition to its utility for physical mapping and genome studies, this library should be useful for chromosome walking to genes corresponding to virtually any phenotype that can be scored in a segregating population.  相似文献   
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