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Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) is believed to initiate somatic hypermutation (SHM) by deamination of deoxycytidines to deoxyuridines within the immunoglobulin variable regions genes. The deaminated bases can subsequently be replicated over, processed by base excision repair or mismatch repair, leading to introduction of different types of point mutations (G/C transitions, G/C transversions and A/T mutations). It is evident that the base excision repair pathway is largely dependent on uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG) through its uracil excision activity. It is not known, however, which endonuclease acts in the step immediately downstream of UNG, i.e. that cleaves at the abasic sites generated by the latter. Two candidates have been proposed, an apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (APE) and the Mre11-Rad50-NBS1 complex. The latter is intriguing as this might explain how the mutagenic pathway is primed during SHM. We have investigated the latter possibility by studying the in vivo SHM pattern in B cells from ataxia-telangiectasia-like disorder (Mre11 deficient) and Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS1 deficient) patients. Our results show that, although the pattern of mutations in the variable heavy chain (V(H)) genes was altered in NBS1 deficient patients, with a significantly increased number of G (but not C) transversions occurring in the SHM and/or AID targeting hotspots, the general pattern of mutations in the V(H) genes in Mre11 deficient patients was only slightly altered, with an increased frequency of A to C transversions. The Mre11-Rad50-NBS1 complex is thus unlikely to be the major nuclease involved in cleavage of the abasic sites during SHM, whereas NBS1 might have a specific role in regulating the strand-biased repair during phase Ib mutagenesis.  相似文献   
A major challenge in designing proteins de novo to bind user-defined ligands with high affinity is finding backbones structures into which a new binding site geometry can be engineered with high precision. Recent advances in methods to generate protein fold families de novo have expanded the space of accessible protein structures, but it is not clear to what extend de novo proteins with diverse geometries also expand the space of designable ligand binding functions. We constructed a library of 25,806 high-quality ligand binding sites and developed a fast protocol to place (“match”) these binding sites into both naturally occurring and de novo protein families with two fold topologies: Rossman and NTF2. Each matching step involves engineering new binding site residues into each protein “scaffold”, which is distinct from the problem of comparing already existing binding pockets. 5,896 and 7,475 binding sites could be matched to the Rossmann and NTF2 fold families, respectively. De novo designed Rossman and NTF2 protein families can support 1,791 and 678 binding sites that cannot be matched to naturally existing structures with the same topologies, respectively. While the number of protein residues in ligand binding sites is the major determinant of matching success, ligand size and primary sequence separation of binding site residues also play important roles. The number of matched binding sites are power law functions of the number of members in a fold family. Our results suggest that de novo sampling of geometric variations on diverse fold topologies can significantly expand the space of designable ligand binding sites for a wealth of possible new protein functions.  相似文献   
Obligatory homologous recombination (HR) is required for chiasma formation and chromosome segregation in meiosis I. Meiotic HR is initiated by DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), generated by Spo11, a homologue of the archaebacterial topoisomerase subunit Top6A. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rad50, Mre11 and Com1/Sae2 are essential to process an intermediate of the cleavage reaction consisting of Spo11 covalently linked to the 5' termini of DNA. While Rad50 and Mre11 also confer genome stability to vegetative cells and are well conserved in evolution, Com1/Sae2 was believed to be fungal-specific. Here, we identify COM1/SAE2 homologues in all eukaryotic kingdoms. Arabidopsis thaliana Com1/Sae2 mutants are sterile, accumulate AtSPO11-1 during meiotic prophase and fail to form AtRAd51 foci despite the presence of unrepaired DSBs. Furthermore, DNA fragmentation in AtCom1 is suppressed by eliminating AtSPO11-1. In addition, AtCOM1 is specifically required for mitomycin C resistance. Interestingly, we identified CtIP, an essential protein interacting with the DNA repair machinery, as the mammalian homologue of Com1/Sae2, with important implications for the molecular role of CtIP.  相似文献   
Intensive human activities have resulted in a critical reduction of grasslands in Croatia, one of the richest Europian countries in terms of biodiversity. Sub-Pannonic steppic grasslands are very rare, only few occur in the continental part of Croatia and most of them are protected as NATURA 2000 sites. We studied vascular flora of the Sub-Pannonic stepic grassland with the aim to examine the changes in plant communities 15 years from the mowing application. Results showed that hand mowing once per year at the end of vegetation season increased the species diversity as well as the number of medium and low growth taxa. The critically endangered, nearly threatened and vulnerable species remained preserved. The occurrence of trees, shrubs and invasive species as a consequence of succession and anthropogenic influences could be important threat for steppe-like grassland flora. From a conservation point of view infrequent mowing regime could be an effective management tool, although it needs to be adapted to regional and local circumstances for maintaining high biodiversity of steppe-like grasslands and valuable plant species.  相似文献   
Primary pancreatic carcinoma has an unfavourable prognosis and standard treatment strategies mostly fail in advanced cases. Virotherapy might overcome this resistance to current treatment modalities. However, data from clinical studies with oncolytic viruses, including replicating adenoviral (Ad) vectors, have shown only limited activity against pancreatic cancer and other carcinomas. Since pancreatic carcinomas have a complex tumor architecture and frequently a strong stromal compartment consisting of non-neoplastic cell types (mainly pancreatic stellate cells = hPSCs) and extracellular matrix, it is not surprising that Ad vectors replicating in neoplastic cells will likely fail to eradicate this aggressive tumor type. Because the TGFβ receptor (TGFBR) is expressed on both neoplastic cells and hPSCs we inserted the TGFBR targeting peptide CKS17 into the hypervariable region 5 (HVR5) of the capsid protein hexon with the aim to generate a replicating Ad vector with improved activity in complex tumors. We demonstrated increased transduction of both pancreatic cancer cell lines and of hPSCs and enhanced cytotoxicity in co-cultures of both cell types. Surface plasmon resonance analysis demonstrated decreased binding of coagulation factor X to CKS17-modified Ad particles and in vivo biodistribution studies performed in mice indicated decreased transduction of hepatocytes. Thus, to increase activity of replicating Ad vectors we propose to relax tumor cell selectivity by genetic hexon-mediated targeting to the TGFBR (or other receptors present on both neoplastic and non-neoplastic cells within the tumor) to enable replication also in the stromal cell compartment of tumors, while abolishing hepatocyte transduction, and thereby increasing safety.  相似文献   
Here we describe the diversity and activity of sulfate reducing bacteria along a salinity gradient in four different soda lakes from the Kulunda Steppe (South East Siberia, Russia). For this purpose, a combination of culture-dependent and independent techniques was applied. The general bacterial and SRB diversity were analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) targeting the 16S rDNA gene. DNA was used to detect the microbial populations that were present in the soda lake sediments, whereas ribosomal RNA was used as a template to obtain information on those that were active. Individual DGGE bands were sequenced and a phylogenetic analysis was performed. In addition, the overall activity of SRB was obtained by measuring the sulfate reduction rates (SRR) and their abundance was estimated by serial dilution. Our results showed the presence of minor, but highly active microbial populations, mostly represented by members of the Proteobacteria. Remarkably high SRR were measured at hypersaline conditions (200 g L−1). A relatively high viable count indicated that sulfate reducing bacteria could be highly active in hypersaline soda lakes. Furthermore, the increase of sodium carbonate/bicarbonate seemed to affect the composition of the microbial community in soda lakes, but not the rate of sulfate reduction.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der heranwachsende Junggimpel empfängt während seiner Nestlingszeit und den sich anschließenden Wochen bis zum Erlangen der Selbständigkeit von den Eltern Eindrücke, die sein späteres Geschlechtsverhalten und seine stimmliche Entwicklung entscheidend beeinflussen. Ein normales Geschlechtsverhalten entwickelt sich nur dann, wenn der Jungvogel von den eigenen Eltern oder Artgenossen aufgezogen wird. Erfolgt die Aufzucht durch andere Lebewesen (Kanarienvogel, Mensch), so tritt eine mehr oder weniger deutliche Prägung der sozialen und sexuellen Reaktion auf diese Arten ein. Mit dieser Prägung geht eine Fixation der Lautäußerungen (Lockruf, Gesang) an die der Eltern — vor allem des Vaters — Hand in Hand. Trägt der Vater normale Lockrufe und den arttypischen Gesang vor, so erfährt auch der Junggimpel eine ormale stimmliche Entwicklung. Sind aber Lockrufe und Gesang in Klangfarbe und Komposition abweichend, so lernt der Jungvogel selektiv alle diese Abweichungen und behält sie zeitlebens bei. Ein Jungmännchen, das von Kanarien aufgezogen wurde, erlernte unter einer Schar anderer Junggimpel den Gesang des einzigen anwesenden Kanarienmännchens und gab ihn an seine Söhne weiter. Vier Jahre später sangen die Urenkel dieses Vogels noch die Kanarienstrophen in unveränderter Form. — Von Menschen aufgezogene Gimpel konzentrieren ihren Lerneifer auf die Lautäußerungen des Pflegers; sie erlernen vorgepfiffene Melodien: bis zu drei kurze Volkslieder. Während die jungen Männchen ausschließlich dem Gesang des Vaters ihre Aufmerksamkeit zuwenden, nehmen die Weibchen nach ihrer Verpaarung neben den vom Vater erlernten Motiven auch solche aus dem Gesang des Gatten auf. Nur der erste Partner hat auf ihre Gesanganusbildung Einfluß.Die sensible Periode der stimmlichen Entwicklung fällt mit der Zeit zusammen, in der frühsexuelle Stimmungen den Junggimpel beherrschen. Sein Lerneifer ist auf dasjenige Lebewesen konzentriert, das ihn aufzog und dem er — aus dem daraus erwachsenen hohen Grade persönlicher Bindung heraus — seine ersten sexuellen Anträge machte.  相似文献   
The composition of the cuticular n‐alkanes isolated from the leaves of nine populations of Juniperus deltoides R.P.Adams from continental and coastal areas of the Balkan Peninsula was characterized by GC‐FID and GC/MS analyses. In the leaf waxes, 14 n‐alkane homologues with chain‐lengths ranging from C22 to C35 were identified. n‐Tritriacontane (C33) was dominant in the waxes of all populations, but variations between the populations in the contents of all n‐alkanes were observed. Several statistical methods (ANOVA, principal component, discriminant, and cluster analyses) were used to investigate the diversity and variability of the cuticular‐leaf‐n‐alkane patterns of the nine J. deltoides populations. This is the first report on the n‐alkane composition for this species. The multivariate statistical analyses evidenced a high correlation of the leaf‐n‐alkane pattern with the geographical distribution of the investigated samples, differentiating the coastal from the continental populations of this taxon.  相似文献   
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