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A major question for the study of phenotypic evolution is whether intra- and interspecific diversity originates directly from genetic variation, or instead, as plastic responses to environmental influences initially, followed later by genetic change. In species with discrete alternative phenotypes, evolutionary sequences can be inferred from transitions between environmental and genetic phenotype control, and from losses of phenotypic alternatives. From the available evidence, sequences appear equally probable to start with genetic polymorphism as with polyphenism, with a possible dominance of one or the other for specific trait types. We argue in this review that to evaluate the prevalence of each route, an investigation of both genetic and environmental cues for phenotype determination in several related rather than in isolated species is required.  相似文献   
Commercially available inactivated vaccines against porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) have been shown to be effective in reducing PCV2 viremia. Live-attenuated, orally administered vaccines are widely used in the swine industry for several pathogens because of their ease of use yet they are not currently available for PCV2 and efficacy. The aims of this study were to determine the efficacy of a live-attenuated chimeric PCV2 vaccine in a dual-challenge model using PCV2b and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and to compare intramuscular (IM) and oral (PO) routes of vaccination. Eighty-three 2-week-old pigs were randomized into 12 treatment groups: four vaccinated IM, four vaccinated PO and four non-vaccinated (control) groups. Vaccination was performed at 3 weeks of age using a PCV1-2a live-attenuated vaccine followed by no challenge, or challenge with PCV2b, PRRSV or a combination of PCV2b and PRRSV at 7 weeks of age. IM administration of the vaccine elicited an anti-PCV2 antibody response between 14 and 28 days post vaccination, 21/28 of the pigs being seropositive prior to challenge. In contrast, the anti-PCV2 antibody response in PO vaccinated pigs was delayed, only 1/27 of the pigs being seropositive at challenge. At 21 days post challenge, PCV2 DNA loads were reduced by 80.4% in the IM vaccinated groups and by 29.6% in the PO vaccinated groups. PCV1-2a (vaccine) viremia was not identified in any of the pigs. Under the conditions of this study, the live attenuated PCV1-2a vaccine was safe and provided immune protection resulting in reduction of viremia. The IM route provided the most effective protection.  相似文献   
5-Bromo-2'-deoxyuridin (BrdU) is frequently used in anaylsis of neural stem cell biology, in particular to label and to fate-map dividing cells. However, up to now, only a few studies have addressed the question as to whether BrdU labeling per se affects the cells to be investigated. Here, we focused on the potential impact of BrdU on neurosphere cultures derived from the adult rat brain and on proliferation of progenitors in vivo. In vitro, neurospheres were pulsed for 48?h with BrdU, and cell proliferation, cell cycle, differentiation, survival and adhesion properties were subsequently analyzed. BrdU inhibited the expansion of neural progenitors as assessed by MTS assay and increased the fraction of cells in the G0/G1-phase of the cell cycle. Moreover, BrdU increased cell death and dose-dependently induced adherence of NPCs. Cell adherence was accompanied by a reduced amount of active matrix-metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2). Furthermore, BrdU repressed neuronal and oligodendroglial differentiation, whereas astroglial fate was not affected. In contrast to the in vitro situation, BrdU apparently did not influence endogenous proliferation of NPCs or neurogenesis in concentrations that are typically used for labeling of neural progenitors in vivo. Our results reveal so far uncharacterized effects of BrdU on adult NPCs. We conclude that, because of its ubiquitous use in stem cell biology, any potential effect of BrdU of NPCs has to be scrutinized prior to interpretation of data.  相似文献   
Computational protein design methods can complement experimental screening and selection techniques by predicting libraries of low-energy sequences compatible with a desired structure and function. Incorporating backbone flexibility in computational design allows conformational adjustments that should broaden the range of predicted low-energy sequences. Here, we evaluate computational predictions of sequence libraries from different protocols for modeling backbone flexibility using the complex between the therapeutic antibody Herceptin and its target human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) as a model system. Within the program RosettaDesign, three methods are compared: The first two use ensembles of structures generated by Monte Carlo protocols for near-native conformational sampling: kinematic closure (KIC) and backrub, and the third method uses snapshots from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. KIC or backrub methods were better able to identify the amino acid residues experimentally observed by phage display in the Herceptin-HER2 interface than MD snapshots, which generated much larger conformational and sequence diversity. KIC and backrub, as well as fixed backbone simulations, captured the key mutation Asp98Trp in Herceptin, which leads to a further threefold affinity improvement of the already subnanomolar parental Herceptin-HER2 interface. Modeling subtle backbone conformational changes may assist in the design of sequence libraries for improving the affinity of antibody-antigen interfaces and could be suitable for other protein complexes for which structural information is available.  相似文献   
Therapeutic vaccination with dendritic cells (DC) is an emerging investigational therapy for eradication of minimal residual disease in acute myeloid leukemia. Various strategies are being explored in manufacturing DC vaccines ex vivo, e.g., monocyte-derived DC (MoDC) loaded with leukemia-associated antigens (LAA). However, the optimal source of LAA and the choice of DC-activating stimuli are still not well defined. Here, loading with leukemic cell preparations (harboring both unknown and known LAA) was explored in combination with a DC maturation-inducing cytokine cocktail (CC; IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, and PGE2) and Toll-like receptor ligands (TLR-L) to optimize uptake. Since heat shock induced apoptotic blasts were more efficiently taken up than lysates, we focused on uptake of apoptotic leukemic cells. Uptake of apoptotic blast was further enhanced by the TLR7/8-L R848 (20–30%); in contrast, CC-induced maturation inhibited uptake. CC, and to a lesser extent R848, enhanced the ability of MoDC to migrate and stimulate T cells. Furthermore, class II-associated invariant chain peptide expression was down-modulated after R848- or CC-induced maturation, indicating enhanced processing and presentation of antigenic peptides. To improve both uptake and maturation, leukemic cells and MoDC were co-incubated with R848 for 24 h followed by addition of CC. However, this approach interfered with CC-mediated MoDC maturation as indicated by diminished migratory and T cell stimulatory capacity, and the absence of IL-12 production. Taken together, our data demonstrate that even though R848 improved uptake of apoptotic leukemic cells, the sequential use of R848 and CC is counter-indicated due to its adverse effects on MoDC maturation.  相似文献   
Chronic gastrointestinal diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and celiac disease (CD), might have impact not only on the affected child but also on their parents since inside the family framework, a change in each member may have influence on the whole system. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that parents whose children have IBD or CD will have a lower quality of life (QoL) compared to parents of healthy children, as well as that lower QoL will be found among parents who perceive lower health related quality of life (HRQOL) of their child. 55 parents of children with IBD, 49 of CD and 53 parents of healthy children were included in the study. Children were aged 7-18 years. In order to measure parental QoL, a Croatian version of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was administered, with four domains: physical health, psychological health, social relationship and environment. The Total QoL was calculated as a sum of all domain items. The parent-proxy report of children's HRQOL, PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales was used. Main result shows that parents of children with IBD report a significantly lower psychological health, compared to parents of other children, and significantly lower physical health compared to parents of healthy children. Among parents of children with CD and parents of healthy children, better parental Total QoL was significantly correlated with better parental report of children's HRQOL, while for parents of children with IBD those associations were not found. Results of study show association between presence of the disease in offspring with poorer parental QoL, thus highlight the importance of supporting not only children with chronic disease but also involving their parents in psychosocial interventions, as well as supporting the patient's association groups which gather both children with chronic disease and their parents.  相似文献   
Today successful kidney transplantation procedures, techniques and immunosuppression protocols are a consequence of extensive research on animal models. During every transplantation surgery there are two crucial points for the success of the entire procedure: vascular (arterial end venous) and ureteral or ureterovesical anastomosis. Renal artery and vein of the donor kidney can be anastomosed end-to-side to the abdominal aorta and vena cava of the recipient (heterotopic transplantation), or end-to-end to the remains of renal artery and vain of the recipient (orthotopic transplantation) after nephrectomy. The ureter can be anastomosed also end-to-end or we can connect it directly to the urinary bladder (ureterocystoneostomy). The aim of this study was to elucidate which technique has better results according to: animal survival, reperfusion and perfusion of the transplanted kidney, elimination of the urine from the transplanted kidney and procedure costs. The study included 240 (120 donors and 120 recipients) male Wistar rats (3 months old; weight 250-300 g Our results are clearly showing that the end-to-end vascular anastomosis, and Paquins ureterovesical anastomosis have better results in transplanted rat kidneys survival and urine drainage compared to end-to-side vascular anastomosis and end-to-end ureteral anastomosis. Based on our experience we can conclude that described methods of end-to-end vascular anastomosis and Paquins ureterovesical anastomosis are less technically demanding and have a shorter learning curve. Therefore, we can recommend the use of described methods in kidney transplantation related researches.  相似文献   
Leisingera aquimarina Vandecandelaere et al. 2008 is a member of the genomically well characterized Roseobacter clade within the family Rhodobacteraceae. Representatives of the marine Roseobacter clade are metabolically versatile and involved in carbon fixation and biogeochemical processes. They form a physiologically heterogeneous group, found predominantly in coastal or polar waters, especially in symbiosis with algae, in microbial mats, in sediments or associated with invertebrates. Here we describe the features of L. aquimarina DSM 24565T together with the permanent-draft genome sequence and annotation. The 5,344,253 bp long genome consists of one chromosome and an unusually high number of seven extrachromosomal elements and contains 5,129 protein-coding and 89 RNA genes. It was sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute Community Sequencing Program 2010 and of the activities of the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 51 funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).  相似文献   
In 2009 Phaeobacter caeruleus was described as a novel species affiliated with the marine Roseobacter clade, which, in turn, belongs to the class Alphaproteobacteria. The genus Phaeobacter is well known for members that produce various secondary metabolites. Here we report of putative quorum sensing systems, based on the finding of six N-acyl-homoserine lactone synthetases, and show that the blue color of P. caeruleus is probably due to the production of the secondary metabolite indigoidine. Therefore, P. caeruleus might have inhibitory effects on other bacteria. In this study the genome of the type strain DSM 24564T was sequenced, annotated and characterized. The 5,344,419 bp long genome with its seven plasmids contains 5,227 protein-coding genes (3,904 with a predicted function) and 108 RNA genes.  相似文献   
Mesorhizobium opportunistum strain WSM2075T was isolated in Western Australia in 2000 from root nodules of the pasture legume Biserrula pelecinus that had been inoculated with M. ciceri bv. biserrulae WSM1271. WSM2075T is an aerobic, motile, Gram negative, non-spore-forming rod that has gained the ability to nodulate B. pelecinus but is completely ineffective in N2 fixation with this host. This report reveals that the genome of M. opportunistum strain WSM2075T contains a chromosome of size 6,884,444 bp, encoding 6,685 protein-coding genes and 62 RNA-only encoding genes. The genome contains no plasmids, but does harbor a 455.7 kb genomic island from Mesorhizobium ciceri bv. biserrulae WSM1271 that has been integrated into a phenylalanine-tRNA gene.  相似文献   
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