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Inherited prion diseases are linked to insertional and point mutations in the prion protein (PrP) gene, which favor conversion of PrP into a conformationally altered, pathogenic isoform. The cellular mechanism by which this process causes neurological dysfunction is unknown. Transgenic (Tg) (PG14) mice express a mouse PrP homolog of a nine-octapeptide insertion associated with an inherited prion disorder. These mice develop a progressive neurological syndrome characterized by ataxia and cerebellar atrophy due to synaptic degeneration in the molecular layer and massive apoptosis of granule neurons. To investigate the molecular events that may contribute to neurological dysfunction, we carried out a differential proteomic analysis of cerebella from Tg(PG14) mice at the preclinical, onset, and symptomatic phases of their neurological illness. 2-D maps of cerebellar proteins from Tg(PG14) mice were compared to those obtained from age-matched Tg(WT) mice that express wild-type PrP and remain healthy. Proteins whose levels were significantly modified in at least one stage of the Tg(PG14) disease were identified by PMF. Analysis detected a preclinical decrease of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin (CaN) in granule neurons, suggesting that dysregulation of CaN activity induced by mutant PrP may be responsible for the cerebellar dysfunction in Tg(PG14) mice.  相似文献   
This protocol describes the use of the chemical cleavage of mismatch (CCM) method to assess whether a region of DNA contains mutations and to localize them. Compared with other mutation-detection techniques (such as single strand-conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis, denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)) that detect mutations in short DNA fragments and require highly specific melting temperatures, CCM has a higher diagnostic sensitivity suited to the detection of mutations in tumor genes, and can analyze amplicons < or = 2 kb in length. To detect mutations, PCR heteroduplexes are incubated with two mismatch-specific reagents. Hydroxylamine modifies unpaired cytosine and potassium permanganate modifies unpaired thymine. The samples are then incubated with piperidine, which cleaves the DNA backbone at the site of the modified mismatched base. Cleavage products are separated by electrophoresis, revealing the identity and location of the mutation. The CCM method can efficiently detect point mutations as well as insertions and deletions. This protocol can be completed in 10 h.  相似文献   
Calsequestrin (CSQ) is the primary calcium buffer within the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of cardiac cells. It has also been identified as a regulator of Ryanodine receptor (RyR) calcium release channels by serving as a SR luminal sensor. When calsequestrin is free and unbound to calcium, it can bind to RyR and desensitize the channel from cytoplasmic calcium activation. In this paper, we study the role of CSQ as a buffer and RyR luminal sensor using a mechanistic model of RyR-CSQ interaction. By using various asymptotic approximations and mean first exit time calculation, we derive a minimal model of a calcium release unit which includes CSQ dependence. Using this model, we then analyze the effect of changing CSQ expression on the calcium release profile and the rate of spontaneous calcium release. We show that because of its buffering capability, increasing CSQ increases the spark duration and size. However, because of luminal sensing effects, increasing CSQ depresses the basal spark rate and increases the critical SR level for calcium release termination. Finally, we show that with increased bulk cytoplasmic calcium concentration, the CRU model exhibits deterministic oscillations.  相似文献   
Protealysin (PLN) belongs to the M4 family of peptidases that are commonly known as thermolysin-like proteases (TLPs). All TLPs are synthesized as precursors containing N-terminal propeptides. According to the primary structure of the N-terminal propeptides, the family is divided into two distinct groups. Representatives of the first group including thermolysin and all TLPs with known three-dimensional structures have long prosequences (∼200 amino acids). Enzymes of the second group, whose prototype is protealysin, have short (∼50 amino acids) propeptides. Here, we present the 1.8 Å crystal structure of PLN precursor (proPLN), which is the first three-dimensional structure of a TLP precursor. Whereas the structure of the catalytic domain of proPLN is similar overall to previously reported structures of mature TLPs, it has specific features, including the absence of calcium-binding sites, and different structures of the N-terminal region and substrate-binding site. PLN propeptide forms a separate domain in the precursor and likely acts as an inhibitor that blocks the substrate-binding site and fixes the “open” conformation of the active site, which is unfavorable for catalysis. Furthermore the conserved PPL motif identified in our previous studies directly interacts with the S′ subsites of the active center being a critical element of the propeptide-catalytic domain interface. Comparison of the primary structures of TLPs with short propeptides suggests that the specific features revealed in the proPLN crystal structure are typical for all protealysin-like enzymes. Thus, such proteins can be considered as a separate subfamily of TLPs.  相似文献   
In prion diseases, the infectious isoform of the prion protein (PrPSc) may subvert a normal, physiological activity of the cellular isoform (PrPC). A deletion mutant of the prion protein (Δ105–125) that produces a neonatal lethal phenotype when expressed in transgenic mice provides a window into the normal function of PrPC and how it can be corrupted to produce neurotoxic effects. We report here the surprising and unexpected observation that cells expressing Δ105–125 PrP and related mutants are hypersensitive to the toxic effects of two classes of antibiotics (aminoglycosides and bleomycin analogues) that are commonly used for selection of stably transfected cell lines. This unusual phenomenon mimics several essential features of Δ105–125 PrP toxicity seen in transgenic mice, including rescue by co-expression of wild type PrP. Cells expressing Δ105–125 PrP are susceptible to drug toxicity within minutes, suggesting that the mutant protein enhances cellular accumulation of these cationic compounds. Our results establish a screenable cellular phenotype for the activity of neurotoxic forms of PrP, and they suggest possible mechanisms by which these molecules could produce their pathological effects in vivo.  相似文献   
Hypothalamic thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulates thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) secretion from the anterior pituitary. TSH then initiates thyroid hormone (TH) synthesis and release from the thyroid gland. Although opposing TRH and TH inputs regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, TH negative feedback is thought to be the primary regulator. This hypothesis, however, has yet to be proven in vivo. To elucidate the relative importance of TRH and TH in regulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, we have generated mice that lack either TRH, the beta isoforms of TH receptors (TRbeta KO), or both (double KO). TRbeta knock-out (KO) mice have significantly higher TH and TSH levels compared with wild-type mice, in contrast to double KO mice, which have reduced TH and TSH levels. Unexpectedly, hypothyroid double KO mice also failed to mount a significant rise in serum TSH levels, and pituitary TSH immunostaining was markedly reduced compared with all other hypothyroid mouse genotypes. This impaired TSH response, however, was not due to a reduced number of pituitary thyrotrophs because thyrotroph cell number, as assessed by counting TSH immunopositive cells, was restored after chronic TRH treatment. Thus, TRH is absolutely required for both TSH and TH synthesis but is not necessary for thyrotroph cell development.  相似文献   
Increased nuclear accumulation of NF-kappaB in LPS-stimulated peripheral blood neutrophils has been shown to be associated with more severe clinical course in patients with infection associated acute lung injury. Such observations suggest that differences in neutrophil response may contribute to the pulmonary inflammation induced by bacterial infection. To examine this question, we sequentially measured LPS-induced DNA binding of NF-kappaB in neutrophils collected from healthy humans on at least three occasions, each separated by at least 2 wk, and then determined pulmonary inflammatory responses after instillation of LPS into the lungs. Consistent patterns of peripheral blood neutrophil responses, as determined by LPS-induced NF-kappaB DNA binding, were present in volunteers, with a >80-fold difference between individuals in the mean area under the curve for NF-kappaB activation. The number of neutrophils recovered from bronchoalveolar lavage after exposure to pulmonary LPS was significantly correlated with NF-kappaB activation in peripheral blood neutrophils obtained over the pre-LPS exposure period (r = 0.65, p = 0.009). DNA binding of NF-kappaB in pulmonary neutrophils also was associated with the mean NF-kappaB area under the curve for LPS-stimulated peripheral blood neutrophils (r = 0.63, p = 0.01). Bronchoalveolar lavage levels of IL-6 and TNFRII were significantly correlated with peripheral blood neutrophil activation patterns (r = 0.75, p = 0.001 for IL-6; and r = 0.48, p = 0.049 for TNFRII. These results demonstrate that stable patterns in the response of peripheral blood neutrophils to LPS exist in the human population and correlate with inflammatory response following direct exposure to LPS in the lung.  相似文献   
Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2) is an ATP-binding cassette transport protein that is expressed in several organs including the liver. Previous studies have shown that ABC transport proteins play an important pathophysiological role in several liver diseases. However, to date, expression pattern and possible role of BCRP in human liver diseases and animal models have not been studied in detail. Here we investigated the expression pattern of BCRP in normal liver, chronic parenchymal and biliary human liver diseases, and parallel in different rat models of liver diseases. Expression was studied by immunohistochemistry and additionally by RT-PCR analysis in Thy-1-positive rat oval cells. Bile ducts, hepatic progenitor cells, reactive bile ductules, and blood vessel endothelium were immunoreactive for BCRP in normal liver and all types of human liver diseases and in rat models. BCRP was expressed by the canalicular membrane of hepatocytes in normal and diseased human liver, but never in rat liver. Remarkably, there was also expression of BCRP at the basolateral pole of human hepatocytes, and this was most pronounced in chronic biliary diseases. In conclusion, BCRP positivity in the progenitor cells/reactive ductules could contribute to the resistance of these cells to cytotoxic agents and xenotoxins. Basolateral hepatocytic expression in chronic biliary diseases may be an adaptive mechanism to pump bile constituents back into the sinusoidal blood. Strong differences between human and rat liver must be taken into account in future studies with animal models.  相似文献   
Micro- and nanofabrication techniques have revolutionized the pharmaceutical and medical fields as they offer the possibility for highly reproducible mass-fabrication of systems with complex geometries and functionalities, including novel drug delivery systems and bionsensors. The principal micro- and nanofabrication techniques are described, including photolithography, soft lithography, film deposition, etching, bonding, molecular self assembly, electrically induced nanopatterning, rapid prototyping, and electron, X-ray, colloidal monolayer, and focused ion beam lithography. Application of these techniques for the fabrication of drug delivery and biosensing systems including injectable, implantable, transdermal, and mucoadhesive devices is described.  相似文献   
Secreted phospholipase B (PLB1), which contains three enzyme activities in the one protein, is necessary for the initiation of pulmonary infection by Cryptococcus neoformans and for dissemination from the lung via the lymphatics and blood. Adhesion to lung epithelium is the first step in this process, therefore we investigated the role of PLB1 in adhesion to a human lung epithelial cell line, A549, using C. neoformans var. grubii wild-type strain H99, a PLB1 deletion mutant (deltaplb1), and a reconstituted strain (deltaplb1rec). Adhesion of H99 and deltaplb1rec was approximately 69% greater than deltaplb1 at 4 h. Adhesion of deltaplb1 significantly increased after killing by chemicals or heat, and Fourier-transformed analysis by FTIR spectroscopy indicated this was due to changes in capsular and/or cell wall polysaccharides and proteins. Inhibition by specific PLB1 antibodies, or inhibitors of phospholipase B (PLB), but not lysophospholipase (LPL) or lysophospholipase transacylase (LPTA) activities decreased the adhesion of H99 and deltaplb1rec by 33-58%. Growth under conditions of osmotic stress and high glucose concentration increased both PLB secretion and subsequent cryptococcal adhesion. Dose-dependent increases (to 67%) in adhesion of live deltaplb1 were observed in the presence of 0.1-2 mM palmitic acid. We conclude that PLB1 plays a role in the binding of C. neoformans to host lung epithelial cells, possibly due to production of fatty acids from plasma membranes and/or surfactant by PLB activity.  相似文献   
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