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In this study, we have investigated the plant growth promoting effect of Bacillus mucilaginosus strain D4B1, a rhizosphere soil organism, and its transgenic strain NKTS-3 on tobacco planting. The transgenic strain contains a phytase expression cassette that can express high active phytase extracellularly and hydrolyze phytate in the soil to liberate inorganic phosphorus for the growth of tobacco plants. Greenhouse study and field experiments showed that both wild-type B. mucilaginosus and the transgenic strain could promote tobacco plant growth. Moreover, the transgenic strain promoted tobacco plant growth (235% more than control in pot experiments and 125% more than control in field experiments) was higher than the wild-type B. mucilaginosus (183% more than control in pot experiments and 108% more than control in field experiments). In addition, the inoculation with transgenic rhizobacteria could significantly improve root acquisition of phosphorus and increase the phosphorus content of the plant.  相似文献   
A novel cDNA clone encoding a COR413-like gene was isolated by suppression subtraction hybridization and cDNA library screening from sea-island cotton (Gossypium barbadense). This gene (designated as GbCOR413, Accession number: AY761065) has a total length of 893 bp with an open reading frame of 600 bp, encoding a predicated polypeptide of 200 amino acids with a molecular weight of 22.74 kDa and a predicated pI of 9.2. Bioinformatics analyses revealed that this gene belonged to a novel stress-regulated multi-spanning transmembrane protein family without signal peptide. By means of semi-quantities RT-PCR analysis, the expression of GbCOR413 under short-term cold treatment at 4°C, water submergence and abscic acid treatment was investigated. Our studies suggested that the cloned gene was a new member of COR gene family which was slowly responsive to cold stress in cotton. Jin Wang and Kai-Jing Zuo are co-first authors of this paper.  相似文献   
Food limitation was tested in the laboratory by individual growth and reproduction of two cladoceran species, Ceriodaphnia richardi and Daphnia gessneri, from the shallow tropical Brazilian Lake Monte Alegre. The cladocerans were fed cultivated green alga Scenedesmus spinosus in concentrations of 0.20, 0.10, 0.05, and 0.025 mg C l−1. Higher biomass and growth rates occurred in the two highest-food concentrations; the two lowest ones negatively affected clutch size and first reproduction. The threshold food concentration is lower than 0.025 mg C l−1 and the incipient limiting level is a value between 0.10 and 0.20 mg C l−1. The largest species, D. gessneri, was more sensitive to low food concentrations. The effects of low and high temperatures (19 and 27°C) were evaluated by life table experiments with three cladocerans from the lake—Daphnia ambigua, D. gessneri, and Moina micrura—with no food limitation (1 mg C l−1 of S. spinosus). Higher population growth rates for the three species were found at 27°C; better performance in most life table parameters was observed for the former two species at the highest temperature, D. gessneri being the most sensitive to the lowest temperature. There are indications that temperature is an important abiotic factor that constrains populations of cladocerans for a short period in winter in the lake, when temperature decreases to 18–19°C. However, its influence cannot be separated from a biotic factor such as food, whose effect is stronger in the cool season, when concentrations are lower and contribution of inedible algae is relatively higher.  相似文献   
Rice being an important cereal crop is highly sensitive to salinity stress causing growth retardation and loss in productivity. However, certain rice genotypes like Nonabokra and Pokkali show a high level of tolerance towards salinity stress compared to IR64 variety. This differential response of tolerant varieties towards salinity stress may be a cumulative effect of genetic and epigenetic factors. In this study, we have compared the salinity-induced changes in chromatin modifications at the OsBZ8 locus in salt-tolerant Nonabokra and salt-sensitive IR64 rice varieties. Expression analysis indicates that the OsBZ8 gene is highly induced in Nonabokra plants even in the absence of salt stress, whereas in IR64, the expression significantly increases only during salt stress. Sequence analysis and nucleosomal arrangement within the region ?2000 to +1000 of OsBZ8 gene show no difference between the two rice varieties. However, there was a considerable difference in histone modifications and DNA methylation at the locus between these varieties. In Nonabokra, the upstream region was hyperacetylated at H3K9 and H3K27, and this acetylation did not change during salt stress. However, in IR64, histone acetylation was observed only during salt stress. Moreover, the upstream region of OsBZ8 gene has highly dynamic nucleosome arrangement in Nonabokra, compared to IR64. Furthermore, loss of DNA methylation was observed at OsBZ8 locus in Nonabokra control plants along with low H3K27me3 and high H3K4me3. Control IR64 plants show high DNA methylation and enriched H3K27me3. Collectively these results indicate a significant difference in chromatin modifications between the rice varieties that regulates differential expression of OsBZ8 gene during salt stress.  相似文献   
The Standard Genetic Code is organized such that similar codons encode similar amino acids. One explanation suggested that the Standard Code is the result of natural selection to reduce the fitness ``load' that derives from the mutation and mistranslation of protein-coding genes. We review the arguments against the mutational load-minimizing hypothesis and argue that they need to be reassessed. We review recent analyses of the organization of the Standard Code and conclude that under cautious interpretation they support the mutational load-minimizing hypothesis. We then present a deterministic asexual model with which we study the mode of selection for load minimization. In this model, individual fitness is determined by a protein phenotype resulting from the translation of a mutable set of protein-coding genes. We show that an equilibrium fitness may be associated with a population with the same genetic code and that genetic codes that assign similar codons to similar amino acids have a higher fitness. We also show that the number of mutant codons in each individual at equilibrium, which determines the strength of selection for load minimization, reflects a long-term evolutionary balance between mutations in messages and selection on proteins, rather than the number of mutations that occur in a single generation, as has been assumed by previous authors. We thereby establish that selection for mutational load minimization acts at the level of an individual in a single generation. We conclude with comments on the shortcomings and advantages of load minimization over other hypotheses for the origin of the Standard Code. Received: 4 April 2001 / Accepted: 22 October 2001  相似文献   


Hurthle cell carcinoma of the thyroid is a rare form of thyroid cancer. It may present as a low grade tumour or can present as a more aggressive metastatic carcinoma. Hurthle cell carcinoma has the highest incidence of metastasis among all differentiated thyroid cancers. Most commonly haematogenous spread to lungs, bones and brain, however spread to regional lymph nodes is not uncommon. The breast is a rare site for metastasis from extramammary sources. We present the first case of breast metastasis from Hurthle cell carcinoma of the thyroid.

Case presentation

We report a 77 year old lady who had total thyroidectomy and bilateral neck dissection followed by radiotherapy for a high grade metastatic Hurthle cell carcinoma of the thyroid. Ten months later she presented to the breast clinic with left breast lump and a lump at the left axilla. Fine needle aspiration cytology of the lumps and histology after wide local excision of the breast lump confirmed metastatic Hurthle cell carcinoma.


The presence of breast lumps in patients with history of extramammary cancer should raise the possibility of metastasis.
Plants infected with vertically transmitted fungal endophytes carry their microbial symbionts with them during dispersal into new areas. Yet, whether seed-borne endophytes enhance the host plant’s ability to overcome colonisation barriers and to regenerate within invaded sites remains poorly understood. We examined how symbiosis with asexual endophytic fungi (Neotyphodium) affected establishment and seed loss to predators in the invasive annual grass Lolium multiflorum (Italian ryegrass) across contrasting successional plots. Italian ryegrass seeds with high and low endophyte incidence were sown into three communities: a 1-year-old fallow field, a 15-year-old grassland, and a 24-year-old forest, which conformed to an old-field chronosequence in the eastern Inland Pampa, Argentina. We found that endophyte infection consistently increased host population recruitment and reproductive output. Endophyte presence also enhanced aerial biomass production of ryegrass in a low recruitment year but not in a high recruitment year, suggesting that symbiotic effects on growth performance are density dependent. Endophyte presence reduced seed removal by rodents, although differential predation may not account for the increased success of infected grass populations. Overall, there was no statistical evidence for an endophyte-by-site interaction, indicating that the fungal endosymbiont benefitted host establishment regardless of large differences in biotic and abiotic environment among communities. Our results imply that hereditary endophytes may increase the chances for host grass species to pass various ecological filters associated with invasion resistance across a broad range of successional habitats.  相似文献   
Bacterial light-harvesting II (LH-II) centers contain two types of Bacteriochlorophylls (Bchl). One is named B800 and found as a single molecule within one monomer of the complex while the other named B850 is found as a dimer. Their names indicate their peak of UV absorbance around red spectrum. Both types of molecules are attached to the protein chain via ligation of their central Magnesium atom to an either Histidine or Deoxymethionine amino acid. They are also coordinated by peripheral hydrogen bonds that they accept with their carboxyl side group. Both the ligation and the hydrogen bonding are thought to have an effect on electronic structure of the Bchl hence its UV absorbance and energy transfer rate. Experiments and theoretic studies performed on this subject support the above idea. This theoretical molecular modeling study case aims to mimic the experimental mutations performed on certain amino acids in silico and study its effects on the electronic structure of Bchl. By comparison with experimental results it was observed that the likely place for the nearby Arginine is not below the plane of the Bchl as in the X-ray crystallographic structure but above the plane defined by the four nitrogen atoms and their rings. It was also seen that the coordination of the acetyl group is very sensitive to changes in ligation of the Bchl molecule.  相似文献   
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