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Among the many species that grow in New Caledonia, the pitcher plant Nepenthes vieillardii (Nepenthaceae) has a high degree of morphological variation. In this study, we present the patterns of genetic differentiation of pitcher plant populations based on chloroplast DNA haplotype analysis using the sequences of five spacers. We analyzed 294 samples from 16 populations covering the entire range of the species, using 4660 bp of sequence. Our analysis identified 17 haplotypes, including one that is widely distributed across the islands, as well as regional and private haplotypes. The greatest haplotype diversity was detected on the eastern coast of the largest island and included several private haplotypes, while haplotype diversity was low in the southern plains region. The parsimony network analysis of the 17 haplotypes suggested that the genetic divergence is the result of long-term isolation of individual populations. Results from a spatial analysis of molecular variance and a cluster analysis suggest that the plants once covered the entire serpentine area of New Caledonia and that subsequent regional fragmentation resulted in the isolation of each population and significantly restricted seed flow. This isolation may have been an important factor in the development of the morphological and genetic variation among pitcher plants in New Caledonia.  相似文献   
Quantification of metallothioneins (MTs) is classically associated with a cellular response to heavy metal contamination and is used in the monitoring of disturbed ecosystems. Despite the characterization of several MT genes in marine bivalves, only a few genetic studies have used MT genes as potential biomarkers of pollution. The aim of this study was to assess whether MT gene polymorphism could be used to monitor exposure of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas to heavy metals and to develop specific genetic markers for population genetic studies in relation to environmental stress. The polymorphism of two exons of the C. gigas MT gene CgMT1 were studied using polymerase chain reaction single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) in both field populations exposed to various metals concentrations and in experimentally exposed populations. High frequencies of two SSCP types in exons 2 and 3 of the CgMT1 gene have found to be significantly associated with tolerance to metals in experimental and field oyster populations. The use of MT1 gene polymorphism in C. gigas as in the present study should therefore be of high ecological relevance. In conclusion, the analysis of the types in these two CgMT1 gene exons, which can confer a greater tolerance to heavy metals, can constitute a good biomarker of effect of the presence of heavy metals in ecosystems.  相似文献   
Plants that hyperaccumulate Ni contain > 1000 ppm (dry wt.) in their tissues. Variation of Ni content within hyperaccumulating plant species is poorly explored. Using the Ni-hyperaccumulating shrub Psychotria douarrei, we documented variation of leaf Ni levels within individual shrubs, and variation with respect to plant size and leaf age. Plant size did not correlate significantly with leaf Ni content, and leaf Ni content did not correlate significantly with soil Ni content. Older leaves contained twice as much Ni as younger leaves. Older leaves also contained greater concentrations of Ca, Fe, and Cr but less K, P, and Cu. Five elements (Zn, Pb, Co, Mn, Mg) showed no significant variation due to leaf age. We also examined the effect of leaf age on epiphyll cover, finding increased epiphyll cover on the upper surface of older leaves. The dominant leafy liverwort epiphyll had a relatively high Ni content (400 ppm), suggesting that epiphylls of Ni hyperaccumulators obtain some Ni from host leaves. Individual shrubs differed in mean leaf Ni content almost two-fold (14,900-27,700 ppm). Variation among branches within individuals also ranged widely; however, this intraplant variability was not strongly correlated with the mean leaf Ni content of an individual shrub. We concluded that Ni contents in leaves of P. douarrei vary considerably due to leaf age, among individual shrubs, and among branches within a shrub.  相似文献   
Total water and structured water (fraction of total water which remains unfrozen below the transition point from the semisolid to solid state) were characterized by 1H NMR relaxometry in the sera and tissues of 3 groups of 30 female mice (C, H and L) receiving a single administration of DMBA and different diets. Mice given the diet H, containing the highest proportion of saturated fatty acids and processed starch, and the lowest phytochemicals content, presented the highest tumor incidence (lymphoma). This allowed 3 subgroups to be defined: subnormal (SN), small (T+) and large tumor (T++). Spin-lattice relaxation times of total water (Tlobs) in the sera and tissues did not significantly differ between C, H and L groups, and SN, T+ and T++ subgroups. In T+ mice, a decrease in the relative amount of structured water was noticed in the serum, liver and heart, while changes in the temperature dependence of the Tl of structured water (Tlsw) were observed between -21 degrees C and -42 degrees C. These results suggest a moderate increase in the rotational mobility of structured water molecules in the serum and the heart, and a pronounced decrease in the liver. Likewise, the modification of the Tlsvv temperature dependence curve's shape tends to confirm the existence of important conformational changes in the macromolecular assemblies, which markedly affect the properties of structured water, especially in the earliest stage of cancer development.  相似文献   
Conventional theories of population and community dynamics are based on a single currency such as number of individuals, biomass, carbon or energy. However, organisms are constructed of multiple elements and often require them (in particular carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen) in different ratios than provided by their resources; this mismatch may constrain the net transfer of energy and elements through trophic levels. Ecological stoichiometry, the study of the balance of elements in ecological processes, offers a framework for exploring ecological effects of such constraints. We review recent theoretical and empirical studies that have considered how stoichiometry may affect population and community dynamics. These studies show that stoichiometric constraints can affect several properties of populations (e.g. stability, oscillations, consumer extinction) and communities (e.g. coexistence of competitors, competitive interactions between different guilds). We highlight gaps in general knowledge and focus on areas of population and community ecology where incorporation of stoichiometric constraints may be particularly fruitful, such as studies of demographic bottlenecks, spatial processes, and multi-species interactions. Finally, we suggest promising directions for new research by recommending potential study systems (terrestrial insects, detritivory-based webs, soil communities) to improve our understanding of populations and communities. Our conclusion is that a better integration of stoichiometric principles and other theoretical approaches in ecology may allow for a richer understanding of both population and community structure and dynamics.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that bicycle training may improve the relationship between the global SEMG energy and VO2. We already showed close adjustment of the root mean square (RMS) of the surface electromyogram (SEMG) to the oxygen uptake (VO2) during cycling exercise in untrained subjects. Because in these circumstances an altered neuromuscular transmission which could affect SEMG measurement occurred in untrained individuals only, we searched for differences in the SEMG vs. VO2 relationship between untrained subjects and well-trained cyclists. Each subject first performed an incremental exercise to determine VO2max and the ventilatory threshold, and second a constant-load threshold cycling exercise, continued until exhaustion. SEMG from both vastus lateralis muscles was continuously recorded. RMS was computed. M-Wave was periodically recorded. During incremental exercise: (1) a significant non-linear positive correlation was found between RMS increase and VO2 increase in untrained subjects, whereas the relationship was best fitted by a straight line in trained cyclists; (2) the RMS/VO2 ratio decreased progressively throughout the incremental exercise, its decline being significantly and markedly accentuated in trained cyclists; (3) in untrained subjects, significant M-wave alterations occurred at the end of the trial. These M-wave alterations could explain the non-linear RMS increase in these individuals. During constant-load exercise: (1) after an initial increase, the VO2 ratio decreased progressively to reach a plateau after 2 min of exercise, but no significant inter-group differences were noted; (2) no M-wave changes were measured in the two groups. We concluded that the global SEMG energy recorded from the vastus lateralis muscle is a good estimate of metabolic energy expenditure during incremental cycling exercise only in well-trained cyclists.  相似文献   
In this work, we introduce new phenomenological neuronal models (eLIF and mAdExp) that account for energy supply and demand in the cell as well as the inactivation of spike generation how these interact with subthreshold and spiking dynamics. Including these constraints, the new models reproduce a broad range of biologically-relevant behaviors that are identified to be crucial in many neurological disorders, but were not captured by commonly used phenomenological models. Because of their low dimensionality eLIF and mAdExp open the possibility of future large-scale simulations for more realistic studies of brain circuits involved in neuronal disorders. The new models enable both more accurate modeling and the possibility to study energy-associated disorders over the whole time-course of disease progression instead of only comparing the initially healthy status with the final diseased state. These models, therefore, provide new theoretical and computational methods to assess the opportunities of early diagnostics and the potential of energy-centered approaches to improve therapies.  相似文献   
α(1-3) glucan is a main component of the Aspergillus fumigatus cell wall. In spite of its importance, synthesis of this amorphous polymer has not been investigated to date. Two genes in A. fumigatus, AGS1 and AGS2, are highly homologous to the AGS genes of Schizosaccharomyces pombe, which encode putative α(1-3) glucan synthases. The predicted Ags proteins of A. fumigatus have an estimated molecular mass of 270 kDa. AGS1 and AGS2 were disrupted in A. fumigatus. Both Δags mutants have similar altered hyphal morphologies and reduced conidiation levels. Only Δags1 presented a reduction in the α(1-3) glucan content of the cell wall. These results showed that Ags1p and Ags2p were functionally different. The cellular localization of the two proteins was in agreement with their different functions: Ags1p was localized at the periphery of the cell in connection with the cell wall, whereas Ags2p was intracellularly located. An original experimental model of invasive aspergillosis based on mixed infection and quantitative PCR was developed to analyze the virulence of A. fumigatus mutant and wild-type strains. Using this model, it was shown that the cell wall and morphogenesis defects of Δags1 and Δags2 were not associated with a reduction in virulence in either mutant. This result showed that a 50% reduction in the content of the cell wall α(1-3) glucan does not play a significant role in A. fumigatus pathogenicity.  相似文献   
The following research describes through an ecohydrological approach, the first assessment of the ecology of Lake Solai, with a particular emphasis on the vegetation. Lake Solai is located 50 km north of Nakuru in the Rift Valley in Kenya at E36°80'–36°84' to N00°05'–00°08'. It is a shallow lake that follows a very peculiar seasonal water regime, and that faces conflicts between agriculture and conservation water users. In the upper catchment, an overview of the agricultural practices was implemented and river water uses were identified to assess river flows. Crops/grassland and woodland/shrubland were the major land uses, covering c. 65% of the catchment. Closer to the lake, vegetation samples were collected around the lake together with samples of environmental factors such as soil and water quality. Thirteen vegetation communities were identified within four main zonations: forest, grassland, river inlet and rocky outcrop. These communities showed abundance, distribution and diversity determined mostly by the human pressures, the flooding periods and the salinity. Cynodon , Cyperus and Sporobolus genera were the most abundant.  相似文献   
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