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BackgroundThe US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has repeatedly called for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine equity. The objective our study was to measure equity in the early distribution of COVID-19 vaccines to healthcare facilities across the US. Specifically, we tested whether the likelihood of a healthcare facility administering COVID-19 vaccines in May 2021 differed by county-level racial composition and degree of urbanicity.Methods and findingsThe outcome was whether an eligible vaccination facility actually administered COVID-19 vaccines as of May 2021, and was defined by spatially matching locations of eligible and actual COVID-19 vaccine administration locations. The outcome was regressed against county-level measures for racial/ethnic composition, urbanicity, income, social vulnerability index, COVID-19 mortality, 2020 election results, and availability of nontraditional vaccination locations using generalized estimating equations.Across the US, 61.4% of eligible healthcare facilities and 76.0% of eligible pharmacies provided COVID-19 vaccinations as of May 2021. Facilities in counties with >42.2% non-Hispanic Black population (i.e., > 95th county percentile of Black race composition) were less likely to serve as COVID-19 vaccine administration locations compared to facilities in counties with <12.5% non-Hispanic Black population (i.e., lower than US average), with OR 0.83; 95% CI, 0.70 to 0.98, p = 0.030. Location of a facility in a rural county (OR 0.82; 95% CI, 0.75 to 0.90, p < 0.001, versus metropolitan county) or in a county in the top quintile of COVID-19 mortality (OR 0.83; 95% CI, 0.75 to 0.93, p = 0.001, versus bottom 4 quintiles) was associated with decreased odds of serving as a COVID-19 vaccine administration location.There was a significant interaction of urbanicity and racial/ethnic composition: In metropolitan counties, facilities in counties with >42.2% non-Hispanic Black population (i.e., >95th county percentile of Black race composition) had 32% (95% CI 14% to 47%, p = 0.001) lower odds of serving as COVID administration facility compared to facilities in counties with below US average Black population. This association between Black composition and odds of a facility serving as vaccine administration facility was not observed in rural or suburban counties. In rural counties, facilities in counties with above US average Hispanic population had 26% (95% CI 11% to 38%, p = 0.002) lower odds of serving as vaccine administration facility compared to facilities in counties with below US average Hispanic population. This association between Hispanic ethnicity and odds of a facility serving as vaccine administration facility was not observed in metropolitan or suburban counties.Our analyses did not include nontraditional vaccination sites and are based on data as of May 2021, thus they represent the early distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Our results based on this cross-sectional analysis may not be generalizable to later phases of the COVID-19 vaccine distribution process.ConclusionsHealthcare facilities in counties with higher Black composition, in rural areas, and in hardest-hit communities were less likely to serve as COVID-19 vaccine administration locations in May 2021. The lower uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations among minority populations and rural areas has been attributed to vaccine hesitancy; however, decreased access to vaccination sites may be an additional overlooked barrier.

Inmaculada Hernandez and colleagues investigate the disparities in early-phase distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines across U.S. Counties.  相似文献   
Gymnocypris przewalskii, a cyprinid fish endemic to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, has evolved unique morphological, physiological and genetic characteristics to adapt to the highland environment. Herein, we assembled a high-quality G. przewalskii tetraploid genome with a size of 2.03 Gb and scaffold N50 of 44.93 Mb, which was anchored onto 46 chromosomes. The comparative analysis suggested that gene families related to highland adaptation were significantly expanded in G. przewalskii. According to the G. przewalskii genome, we evaluated the phylogenetic relationship of 13 schizothoracine fishes, and inferred that the demographic history of G. przewalskii was strongly associated with geographic and eco-environmental alterations. We noticed that G. przewalskii experienced whole-genome duplication, and genes preserved post duplication were functionally associated with adaptation to high salinity and alkalinity. In conclusion, a chromosome-scale G. przewalskii genome provides an important genomic resource for teleost fish, and will particularly promote our understanding of the molecular evolution and speciation of fish in the highland environment.  相似文献   
A rapid, sensitive and simple high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS/MS) method was developed for determination of cefazedone in human plasma using metronidazole as internal standard (IS). The chromatographic separation was achieved on an Ultimate XB-CN column (2.1 mm × 150 mm, 5 μm) with an isocratic mobile phase of acetonitrile and 20 mM ammonium acetate in 0.1% formic acid in water (15:85, v/v). Detection was performed using electrospray ionization in positive ion multiple reaction-monitoring mode (SRM), monitoring the transitions m/z 548.2 → 344.1 for cefazedone and m/z 172.2 → 128.1 for IS. Calibration curves were linear over a wide range of 0.20–401.12 μg/mL for cefazedone in plasma. The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was 0.20 μg/mL. The intra- and inter-day precisions were less than 7.2%. The average recovery of cefazedone was 90.8–91.0%. The validated method was successfully applied to the pharmacokinetic study of cefazedone in Chinese healthy volunteers following intravenous (IV) administration of 500, 1000 and 2000 mg cefazedone injection.  相似文献   
鼎突多刺蚁群体结构和生活史的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文报告了鼎突多刺蚁(Polyrhachis vicina Roger)的群体结构和生活史。通过研究表明,鼎突多刺蚁一年发生一代,以蚁后、雄蚁、工蚁、幼虫和卵越冬。卵和幼虫在冬天发育停滞(或极慢)。到了春天,随着气温的上升,卵和幼虫又恢复正常发育。据室内人工饲养观察,卵的发育历期为23.8±2.5天(平均温度26℃)幼虫为20.4±4.4天(26℃),工蚁蛹为19.8±5.5天(27℃)。成长工蚁在5—11月出现;8—11月,雄蚁从蛹中羽化;10月,雌蚁从蛹中羽化。雌蚁分飞交尾后,进入邻近蚁巢或回到原巢,脱翅成为蚁后。蚁巢内存在着多后现象。  相似文献   
Accurate estimation of below-canopy CO2 flux (Fcb) in typical forest ecosystems is of great importance to validate terrestrial carbon balance models. Continuous eddy covariance measurements of Fcb were conducted in a coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest located in Dinghushan Nature Reserve of South China. Using year-round data, Fcb dynamics and its environmental response were analyzed, and the results mainly showed that: (1) Fcb decreased during daytime which indicated that the understory of the forest continued photosynthesis throughout the year; however, understory and soil acted as CO2 source as a whole. (2) Using soil temperature (Ts) as a dependent variable, all of Van’t Hoff equation, Arrhenius equation and Lloyd-Taylor equation can explain a considerable variation of Fcb. Among those three equations Lloyd-Taylor equation is the best to reflect the relationship between soil respiration and temperature for its ability in revealing the variation of Q10 with temperature. (3) Fcb derived from Lloyd-Taylor equation is utterly determined by Ts, while Fcb derived from the multiplicative model is driven by Ts and soil moisture (Ms). The multiplicative model can reflect the synthetic effect of Ts and Ms; therefore it explains more Fcb variations than Lloyd-Taylor equation does. (4)Fcb derived from the multiplicative model was higher than that from Lloyd-Taylor equation when Ms was relatively high; on the contrary, Fcb derived from the multiplicative model was lower than that from Lloyd-Taylor equation when Ms was low, indicating that Ms might be a main factor affecting Fcb when the ecosystem is stressed by low-moisture. (5) Annual Fcb of the forest in 2003 was estimated as (787.4±296.8) gCm-2a-1, which was 17% lower than soil respiration measured by statistic chamber method. CO2 flux measured by eddy covariance is often underestimated, and further study therefore calls for emphasis on methods quantifying Fcb components of respiration of soil, as well as respiration and photosynthesis of understory vegetations.  相似文献   
Acupuncture has been an effective treatment for various pain in China for several thousand years. However, the mechanisms underlying this mysterious ancient healing are still largely unknown. Here we applied photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) to investigate brain hemodynamic changes in response to electronic acupuncture (EA) at ST36 (Zusanli). Due to the high optical absorption of blood at 532 nm, PAM could sensitively probe changes in hemoglobin concentration (HbT, i.e., cerebral blood volume [CBV]) of cortical regions in high resolution. Six healthy mice were stimulated at the acupoint and three healthy mice were stimulated at sham points. Remarkable CBV changes in sensorimotor and retrosplenial agranular cortex were observed. Results showed the potential of PAM as a visualization tool to study the acupuncture effect on brain hemodynamics in animal models.

( a ) Schematic showing the stimulation points. ( b ) B‐scan images overlaid with mouse atlas. ( c ) & ( d ) Statistical results of CBV changes from cortical regions.  相似文献   

目的性别在阿尔茨海默病(AD)的发病中是一不容忽视的危险因素。研究揭示G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)激酶5(GRK5)缺陷引起的相关GPCRs脱敏障碍在早期AD病理发生机制中具有重要作用,而且GRK5敲除/缺陷(GRK5KO)小鼠表现出早期AD样病理特征和短时期记忆功能损害。但这种病理变化在不同性别间有无差异,目前不得而知。本研究旨在探讨GRK5KO小鼠出现的AD样病理变化是否存在性别差异。方法用Campbell-Switzer银染来观察老龄GRK5KO小鼠海马内肿胀轴突的病理变化;Western blotting检测海马内突触蛋白水平和数个胆碱能标记物的变化;同时对上述改变在不同性别间进行深入比较。结果雌性GRK5KO小鼠海马内肿胀轴突数目比雄性小鼠高出2.5倍;而且雌性GRK5KO小鼠海马内数个突触蛋白水平比雄性小鼠显著减低。双因素方差分析显示性别和GRK5缺陷双因素之间呈显著协同效应,共同促进了雌性GRK5KO小鼠轴突缺陷和部分突触蛋白水平的降低。另外,胆碱能标记物检测显示,雌性GRK5KO小鼠毒蕈碱受体2、4以及乙酰胆碱酯酶水平较雄性小鼠显著增高。结论在促进早期AD病理发生的过程中,GRK5缺陷和性别双因素表现出协同效应,共同加剧了雌性GRK5KO小鼠脑内的AD样病理改变。  相似文献   
Four known hydroxyanthraquinones ( 1–4 ) together with four new derivatives having a tetralone moiety, namely coniothyrinones A–D ( 5–8 ), were isolated from the culture of Coniothyrium sp., an endophytic fungus isolated from Salsola oppostifolia from Gomera in the Canary Islands. The structures of the new compounds were elucidated by detailed spectroscopic analysis and comparison with reported data. The absolute configurations of coniothyrinones A ( 5 ), B ( 6 ), and D ( 8 ) were determined by TDDFT calculations of CD spectra, allowing the determination of the absolute configuration of coniothyrinone C ( 7 ) as well. Coniothyrinones A ( 5 ), B ( 6 ), and D ( 8 ) could be used as ECD reference compounds in the determination of absolute configuration for related tetralone derivatives. This is the first report of anthraquinones and derivatives from an isolate of the genus Coniothyrium sp. These compounds showed inhibitory effects against the fungus Microbotryum violaceum, the alga Chlorella fusca, and the bacteria Escherichia coli and Bacillus megaterium. Chirality 25:141–148, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
用~3H-亮氨酸和~3H-尿苷标记不同发育时期的稻胚,发现蛋白质合成活力呈四阶段变化;各种RNA的合成与胚胎各发育阶段密切有关。α-鹅膏蕈碱(1.0μg/ml)对稻胚RNA合成的抑制作用在开花后7、15和18天较强,13天时很弱。在水稻胚胎形成期间,胚细胞蛋白质合成活力高峰先后出现于胚分化后期(开花后11天)和成熟中期(18天);mRNA的合成在分化初期(7天)和成熟中期(15~18天)较强;而rRNA和/或tRNA的合成高峰则出现在胚胎器官原基分化已经完成时(13天)。  相似文献   
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