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Most anti-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies in myasthenia gravis are directed against an immunodominant epitope or epitopes [main immunogenic region (MIR)] on the AChR alpha-subunit. Thirty-two synthetic peptides, corresponding to the complete Torpedo alpha-subunit sequence and to a segment of human muscle alpha-subunit, were used to map the epitopes for 11 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against the Torpedo and/or the human MIR and for a panel of anti-AChR mAbs directed against epitopes on the alpha-subunit other than the MIR. A main constituent loop of the MIR was localized within residues alpha 67-76. Residues 70 and 75, which are different in the Torpedo and human alpha-subunits, seem to be crucial in determining the binding profile for several mAbs whose binding to the peptides correlated very well with their binding pattern to native Torpedo and human AChRs. This strongly supports the identification of the peptide loop alpha 67-76 as the actual location of the MIR on the intact AChR molecule. Residues 75 and 76 were necessary for binding of some mAbs and irrelevant for others, in agreement with earlier suggestions that the MIR comprises overlapping epitopes. Structural predictions for the sequence segment alpha 67-76 indicate that this segment has a relatively high segmental mobility and a very strong turning potential centered around residues 68-71. The most stable structure predicted for this segment, in both the Torpedo and human alpha-subunits, is a hairpin loop, whose apex is a type I beta-turn and whose arms are beta-strands. This loop is highly hydrophilic, and its apex is negatively charged. All these structural properties have been proposed as characteristic of antibody binding sites. We also localized the epitopes for mAbs against non-MIR regions. Among these, the epitope for a monoclonal antibody (mAb 13) that noncompetitively inhibits channel function was localized within residues alpha 331-351.  相似文献   
To establish an animal model of intracranial sparganosis, the fate and behavior of the experimentally inoculated spargana were observed. A total of 102 scolices of spargana were injected into 22 cat brains, and the cats were sacrificed at 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after the inoculation. Neurosparganosis was established in 77% of the cats. Of 43 recovered worms, 19 (44%) were located in the subdural or subarachnoid space, 16 (37%) in the brain parenchyme, and 2 (5%) in the lateral ventricle. One was detected at the diploic space of the skull and 5 were outside the cranial cavity. All but one were alive, and had grown tails. They were distributed in the brain parenchyme randomly. There was no place which they could not invade. No adult was found in the intestine. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was collected before inoculation, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after inoculation. The level of anti-sparganum IgG antibody in CSF measured by ELISA began to increase above the criteria of positivity 1 month after inoculation. Three months after inoculation, the values markedly increased. The present findings reveal that intracranial inoculation of spargana into the brains of cats would be a good animal model of experimental neurosparganosis.  相似文献   
The results of molecular genetic, biochemical and nuclear magnetic resonance studies on glutamine-binding protein of Escherichia coli suggest that the only two tryptophan residues, at positions 32 and 220, in the protein molecule are likely to be involved in (or sensitive to) interactions with the membrane-bound protein components of the glutamine transport system. It has been found that both tryptophan residues have limited motional freedom, are located away from the surface of the protein molecule and are not close to the ligand-binding site. Their presence, however, is required for the optimal transport of L-glutamine across the cytoplasmic membrane, though not essential for the ligand-binding process. The relevance of these results to the structure and function of the glutamine-binding protein in the glutamine transport system is discussed.  相似文献   
Two forms of dermatan sulfate proteoglycans, called DS-PGI and DS-PGII, have been isolated from both bovine fetal skin and calf articular cartilage and characterized. The proteoglycans were isolated using either (a) molecular sieve chromatography under conditions where DS-PGI selectively self-associates or (b) chromatography on octyl-Sepharose, which separates DS-PGI from DS-PGII based on differences in the hydrophobic properties of their core proteins. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of DS-PGI from skin and cartilage is identical. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of DS-PGII from skin and cartilage is identical. However, the amino acid sequence data and tryptic peptide maps demonstrate that the core proteins of DS-PGI and DS-PGII differ in primary structure. In DS-PGI from bovine fetal skin, 81-84% of the glycosaminoglycan was composed of IdoA-GalNAc(SO4) disaccharide repeating units. In DS-PGI from calf articular cartilage, only 25-29% of the glycosaminoglycan was composed of IdoA-GalNAc(SO4). In DS-PGII from bovine fetal skin, 85-93% of the glycosaminoglycan was IdoA-GalNAc(SO4), whereas in DS-PGII from calf articular cartilage, only 40-44% of the glycosaminoglycan was IdoA-GalNAc(SO4). Thus, analogous proteoglycans from two different tissues, such as DS-PGI from skin and cartilage, possess a core protein with the same primary structure, yet contain glycosaminoglycan chains which differ greatly in iduronic acid content. These differences in the composition of the glycosaminoglycan chains must be determined by tissue-specific mechanisms which regulate the degree of epimerization of GlcA-GalNAc(SO4) into IdoA-GalNAc(SO4) and not by the primary structure of the core protein.  相似文献   
Humans who have inherited the human class I major histocompatibility allele HLA-B27 have a markedly increased risk of developing the multi-organ system diseases termed spondyloarthropathies. To investigate the role of B27 in these disorders, we introduced the B27 and human beta 2-microglobulin genes into rats, a species known to be quite susceptible to experimentally induced inflammatory disease. Rats from one transgenic line spontaneously developed inflammatory disease involving the gastrointestinal tract, peripheral and vertebral joints, male genital tract, skin, nails, and heart. This pattern of organ system involvement showed a striking resemblance to the B27-associated human disorders. These results establish that B27 plays a central role in the pathogenesis of the multi-organ system processes of the spondyloarthropathies. Elucidation of the role of B27 should be facilitated by this transgenic model.  相似文献   
The present study is intended to observe the chronologic changes of experimental sparganosis by histopathological observation and detection of circulating anti-sparganum IgG antibody using ELISA. Each of 25 mice was infected with five spargana, and they were examined after 1, 2, 4, 10 weeks or 6 months from infection. The followings are summarized results. 1. The plerocercoids were detected in the subcutaneous tissue of the trunk, neck or axilla, but a few often extended into the skeletal muscle. The recovery rates were 72% at the first week, 80% at the second week, 95% at the fourth week, 92% at the tenth week and 100% at the sixth month. The larvae grew slowly in both length and weight until 6 months. 2. Histopathologically, most of the larvae were observed alive in the soft tissue or skeletal muscle. Numerous eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells were infiltrated focally around the worms by the second week, but they surrounded the worms to form a layer of inflammatory reaction after 4 weeks of infection. Also histiocytes and fibroblasts began to appear around the inflammatory cells at 4 weeks. After 10 weeks, the worms encircled by a thin fibrous layer were found. After 6 months, the worms were surrounded by either fibrous tissue or active inflammatory cells. The inflammation looked more severe in the tracks left by the worms, rather than around the worms. 3. The level of anti-sparganum IgG antibody in the serum showed an increase by the fourth week, and a rapid and continuous increase was observed thereafter by the tenth week after infection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The effects of gamma irradiation on the survival and development of C. sinensis metacercariae were studied to evaluate the feasibility of irradiation as a control measure for clonorchiasis. Pseudorasbora parva were collected at an endemic river of clonorchiasis and were used for irradiation of the fluke in three schemes. The first (Scheme 1) was irradiation of the isolated metacercariae from the fish followed by infection to experimental rats. The second (Scheme 2) was irradiation of the fish, and then the metacercariae were isolated and infected to rats. The third (Scheme 3) was irradiation on the rat livers after infection with normal metacercariae. Irradiation doses varied from 5 to 100 Gy for Schemes 1 and 2, and 10 to 25 Gy for Scheme 3. The rats were sacrificed 2 to 6 weeks after infection. In Scheme 1, the metacercariae irradiated at 50 Gy failed to survive in the rats after 2 or 6 weeks. However, 1 to 44% of the metacercariae irradiated at 5-30 Gy survived. The estimated LD50 of Scheme 1 was 16.5 Gy. The flukes irradiated in Scheme 2 survived better than those in Scheme 1. The average worm recovery rate in 50 Gy was 28%(7-39% individually). Increasing the dose up to 100 Gy brought a remarkably low survival rate of an average 1%(0-3% individually). The LD50 of Scheme 2 was 47.5 Gy. Worm recovery rates in the 10 Gy group of Scheme 3 were 21-39%, and those in the 25 Gy group were 2% and 34%. Although the metacercariae were irradiated, all of the recovered worms were morphologically normal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Choline concentrations in human erythrocytes increase after freezing and thawing, during incubation in Krebs-phosphate for 30 min or on storage at 0 degrees C for 3-24 hr. The increase is prevented by protein precipitation by 10% perchloric acid, 10% zinc hydroxide, 10% sodium tungstate or boiling in water. It is not prevented by EDTA (10 mM) and is increased by oleate (5 mM). We suggest that the increase is due to the action of phospholipase D on erythrocyte phospholipids.  相似文献   
试论云阳县人口激增与土地锐减的矛盾及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地是人们赖以生存的物质基础,是其它任何东西不可代替的生产资料。离开了土地,人就不能生存下去,这是众所周知的真理。但是,目前人口的激增与土地锐减的矛盾越来越尖锐。据有关统计资料表明,1978—1988年全国耕地面积减少3.66×10~6ha,与此同时全国人口又猛增1.33亿,给农业粮食生产、  相似文献   
中华猕猴桃胚乳植株后代的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对438株定植的中华猕猴桃胚乳培.养的试管苗,经四年的田间观察,并进行连续二年结果分析。与对照的母株相比,胚乳植株在株形、叶片大小、果实形态及果实的主要营养成分含量上都有较大的变化。同时还发现,由同一块愈伤组织诱导的胚乳试管苗后代中也有雌、雄性别的分化。胚乳植株后代的多样性,可为中华猕猴桃的选种及品种繁育提供丰富的材料。  相似文献   
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