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The deposition of surface (farinose) flavonoids on aerial parts of some Primula species is a well-documented but poorly understood phenomenon. Here, we show that flavonoid deposition on the leaves and winter buds may contribute strongly to preventing freezing damage in these plants. The ice nucleation temperature of fairy primrose (Primula malacoides) leaves covered with natural flavone was approximately 6~C lower compared to those that had their flavone artificially removed. Additionally, farinose flavonoids on the leaves reduced subse- quent electrolyte leakage (EL) from the cells exposed to freezing temperatures. Interestingly, exogenous application of flavone at 4 mg/g fresh weight to P. malacoides leaves, which had the original flavone mechanically removed, restored freezing tolerance, and diminished EL from the cells to pretreatment values. Our results suggest that farinose flavonoids may function as mediators of freezing tolerance in P. malacoides, and exogenous application of flavone could be used to reduce freezing damage during sudden but predictable frost events in other plant species.  相似文献   
The wound-induced expression of tpoxN1, encoding a tobacco peroxidase, is unique because of its vascular system-specific expression and insensitivity to known wound-signal compounds such as jasmonic acid, ethylene, and plant hormones [Sasaki et al. (2002) Plant Cell Physiol 43:108–117]. To study the mechanism of expression, the 2-kbp tpoxN1 promoter region and successive 5′-deletion of the promoter were introduced as GUS fusion genes into tobacco plants. Analysis of GUS activity in transgenic plants indicated that a vascular system-specific and wound-responsive cis-element (VWRE) is present at the −239/−200 region of the promoter. Gel mobility shift assays suggested that a nuclear factor(s) prepared from wounded tobacco stems binds a 14-bp sequence (−229/−215) in the −239/−200 region in a sequence-specific manner. A mutation in this 14-bp region of the −239 promoter fragment resulted in a considerable decrease in wound-responsive GUS activity in transgenic plants. An 11-bp sequence, which completely overlaps with the 14-bp sequence, was found in the 5′ distal region (−420/−410) and is thought to contribute to the wound-induced expression together with the 14-bp. The −114-bp core promoter of the tpoxN1 gene was indispensable for wound-induced expression, indicating that the 14-bp region is a novel wound-responsive cis-element VWRE, which may work cooperatively with other factors in the promoter.  相似文献   
Plants respond differentially to wounding and pathogens usingdistinct signaling pathways, so that wound signals are transmittedto jasmonic acid (JA) which induces basic pathogenesis-related(PR) proteins, whereas pathogenic signals cause, in additionto JA, accumulation of salicylic acid (SA) which stimulatesproduction of acidic PR proteins. Transgenic tobacco plantsexpressing a gene for a small GTP binding protein respond abnormallyto mechanical wounding to produce SA and consequently acidicPR proteins, suggesting that wound signals cross with pathogensignaling pathways [Sano et al. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 91: 10556]. This unusual signal crossing is associated witha highly sensitive wound-response of transgenic plants which,upon wounding, produce JA at least eighteen hours earlier thanwild-type plants. When wildtype plants are wounded in the presenceof the synthetic cytokinin, benzylaminopurine, production ofJA begins six hours earlier than in untreated samples, and alsoSA begins to accumulate. The cytokinin antagonist, 2-chloro-4-cyclohexylamino-6-ethylamino-s-triazine,erases these effects. Because transgenic plants constitutivelyproduce four-to six-fold higher amounts of endogenous cytokininsthan wild-type plants, it is concluded that cytokinins are indispensablefor control of endogenous levels of SA and JA. (Received April 23, 1996; Accepted June 10, 1996)  相似文献   
The mechanism of aging is not yet fully understood. It has been recognized that there are age-dependent changes in the DNA methylation pattern of the whole genome. To date, there are several DNA methylation-based estimators of the chronological age. A majority of the estimators use the DNA methylation data from a single tissue type, such as blood. In 2013, for the first time, Steve Horvath reported the DNA methylation-based age estimator (353 CpGs were used) that could be applied to multiple tissues. A refined, more sensitive version that uses 391 CpGs was subsequently developed and validated in human cells, including fibroblasts. In this review, the age predicted by DNA methylation-based age estimator is referred to as DNAmAge, and the biological process controlling the progression of DNAmAge is referred to as the epigenetic aging in this minireview. The concepts of DNAmAge and epigenetic aging provide us opportunities to discover previously unrecognized biological events controlling aging. In this article, we discuss the frequently asked questions regarding DNAmAge and the epigenetic aging by introducing recent studies of ours and others. We focus on addressing the following questions: (1) Is there any synchronization of DNAmAge between cells in a human body?, (2) Can we use in vitro (cell culture) systems to study the epigenetic aging?, (3) Is there an age limit of DNAmAge?, and (4) Is it possible to change the speed and direction of the epigenetic aging? We describe our current understandings to these questions and outline potential future directions.Impact statementAging is associated with DNA methylation (DNAm) changes. Recent advancement of the whole-genome DNAm analysis technology allowed scientists to develop DNAm-based age estimators. A majority of these estimators use DNAm data from a single tissue type such as blood. In 2013, a multi-tissue age estimator using DNAm pattern of 353 CpGs was developed by Steve Horvath. This estimator was named “epigenetic clock”, and the improved version using DNAm pattern of 391 CpGs was developed in 2018. The estimated age by epigenetic clock is named DNAmAge. DNAmAge can be used as a biomarker of aging predicting the risk of age-associated diseases and mortality. Although the DNAm-based age estimators were developed, the mechanism of epigenetic aging is still enigmatic. The biological significance of epigenetic aging is not well understood, either. This minireview discusses the current understanding of the mechanism of epigenetic aging and the future direction of aging research.  相似文献   
We evaluated antifungal activity as assessed by the contact time in topical use of gentian violet (GV) and povidone-iodine (PI) against Candida strains. A total of 102 yeast isolates were used in this study. A markedly lower minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)90 of GV than of PI was detected for all yeast isolates. No remarkable difference in the MICs was observed among the identical strains isolated from different clinical sites for both GV and PI. Although the minimal fungicidal activities (MFCs) of PI were identical for all tested time points, the fungicidal activity of GV decreased during the time course of incubation. These results indicate that, whereas GV is more effective than PI, the topical disinfectant efficacy of GV should be estimated using the MFC5 min and not the MIC or the MFC24 h for overall prevention of catheter-related bloodstream infections and oral infections.  相似文献   
The plant hormone jasmonic acid (JA) plays a key role in the environmental stress responses and developmental processes of plants. Although ATMYC2/JASMONATE-INSENSITIVE1 (JIN1) is a major positive regulator of JA-inducible gene expression and essential for JA-dependent developmental processes in Arabidopsis thaliana, molecular mechanisms underlying the control of ATMYC2/JIN1 expression remain largely unknown. Here, we identify a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade, MAPK KINASE 3 (MKK3)-MAPK 6 (MPK6), which is activated by JA in Arabidopsis. We also show that JA negatively controls ATMYC2/JIN1 expression, based on quantitative RT-PCR and genetic analyses using gain-of-function and loss-of-function mutants of the MKK3-MPK6 cascade. These results indicate that this kinase unit plays a key role in JA-dependent negative regulation of ATMYC2/JIN1 expression. Both positive and negative regulation by JA may be used to fine-tune ATMYC2/JIN1 expression to control JA signaling. Moreover, JA-regulated root growth inhibition is affected by mutations in the MKK3-MPK6 cascade, which indicates important roles in JA signaling. We provide a model explaining how MPK6 can convert three distinct signals - JA, pathogen, and cold/salt stress - into three different sets of responses in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   
In this study we biochemically characterized stylar ribonucleases (RNases) of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia), which exhibits S-RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility. We separated the RNase fractions NS-1, NS-2, and NS-3 from stylar extracts of the cultivar Nijisseiki (S(2)S(4)). The RNase in each fraction was purified to homogeneity through a series of chromatographic steps. Chemical analysis of the proteins revealed that the basic RNases in the NS-2 and NS-3 fractions were the S(4)- and S(2)-RNases, respectively. Five additional S-RNases were purified from other cultivars. An acidic RNase in the NS-1 fraction was also purified from other cultivars, and identified as a non-S-allele-associated RNase (non-S-RNase). The non-S-RNase is composed of 203 amino acids, is non-glycosylated and is a N-terminal-pyroglutamylated enzyme of the RNase T(2) family. The substrate specificities and optimum pH levels of the non-S-RNase and S-RNases were similar. Interestingly, the specific activity of the non-S-RNase was 7.5-221-fold higher than those of the S-RNases when tolura yeast RNA was used as the substrate. The specific activity of the S(2)-RNase was 8.8-28.6-fold lower than those of the other S-RNases. These differences in specific activities among the stylar RNases are discussed.  相似文献   
The establishment of anteroposterior (AP) polarity in the early mouse epiblast is crucial for the initiation of gastrulation and the subsequent formation of the embryonic (head to tail) axis. The localization of anterior and posterior determining genes to the appropriate region of the embryo is a dynamic process that underlies this early polarity. Several studies indicate that morphological and molecular markers which define the early AP axis are first aligned along the short axis of the elliptical egg cylinder. Subsequently, just prior to the time of primitive streak formation, a conformational change in the embryo realigns these markers with the long axis. We demonstrate that embryos lacking the signaling factor Wnt3 exhibit defects in this axial realignment. In addition, chimeric analyses and conditional removal of Wnt3 activity reveal that Wnt3 expression in the epiblast is required for induction of the primitive streak and mesoderm whereas activity in the posterior visceral endoderm is dispensable.  相似文献   
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