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The response of tropical forests to global warming is one of the largest uncertainties in predicting the future carbon balance of Earth. To determine the likely effects of elevated temperatures on tropical forest understory plants and soils, as well as other ecosystems, an infrared (IR) heater system was developed to provide in situ warming for the Tropical Responses to Altered Climate Experiment (TRACE) in the Luquillo Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico. Three replicate heated 4‐m‐diameter plots were warmed to maintain a 4°C increase in understory vegetation compared to three unheated control plots, as sensed by IR thermometers. The equipment was larger than any used previously and was subjected to challenges different from those of many temperate ecosystem warming systems, including frequent power surges and outages, high humidity, heavy rains, hurricanes, saturated clayey soils, and steep slopes. The system was able to maintain the target 4.0°C increase in hourly average vegetation temperatures to within ± 0.1°C. The vegetation was heterogeneous and on a 21° slope, which decreased uniformity of the warming treatment on the plots; yet, the green leaves were fairly uniformly warmed, and there was little difference among 0–10 cm depth soil temperatures at the plot centers, edges, and midway between. Soil temperatures at the 40–50 cm depth increased about 3°C compared to the controls after a month of warming. As expected, the soil in the heated plots dried faster than that of the control plots, but the average soil moisture remained adequate for the plants. The TRACE heating system produced an adequately uniform warming precisely controlled down to at least 50‐cm soil depth, thereby creating a treatment that allows for assessing mechanistic responses of tropical plants and soil to warming, with applicability to other ecosystems. No physical obstacles to scaling the approach to taller vegetation (i.e., trees) and larger plots were observed.  相似文献   
以柿属植物(Diospyros spp.)中与柿近缘的8种共30个基因型为试材,进行核糖体DNA(nrDNA)内转录间隔区(ITS)和叶绿体DNA ndhA序列变异分析,并通过软件计算两个序列及合并后的进化模型,依据进化模型采用ML法(maximum likelihood method)分析进化关系。为进一步弄清柿属植物种间亲缘关系和供试柿(Diospyros kaki Thunb.)种内分子差异提供了理论依据。结果表明:(1)ndhA序列长度变异范围在1 492~1 511,14个信息位点;ITS序列长度变异范围在660~761,56个信息位点。ITS、ndhA和ndhA+ITS(ndhA和ITS合并)最适碱基进化模型分别为(TrN+I+G)、(F81+I)和(GTR+I+G)。综合ITS和ndhA序列分析表明:柿与油柿和云南野毛柿亲缘关系最近,与美洲柿和乌柿最远。(2)21份柿品种材料的ITS长度均为730,包括4个变异位点,据此4个变异位点对供试柿种内21个品种进行聚类分析。研究认为,ndhA和ITS能较清楚解释了柿与其近缘种间的亲缘关系,并通过柿品种ITS的差异位点分析鉴别出栽培柿种内的差异。  相似文献   
梨不同DNA提取方法的效果研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
以7个梨品种为实验材料,比较分析了SDS法、CTAB法、SDSCTAB法、改良的CTAB法、高盐低pH值法、分步离心法对梨总DNA提取的效果。结果表明:利用以上6种方法提取的梨总DNA在纯度和量上有很大的差别。所得到的平均DNA量从大到小依次为:分步离心法、SDS法、SDSCTAB法、改良的CTAB法、CTAB法、高盐低pH值法。DNA提取纯度依次为分步离心法、SDSCTAB法、改良的CTAB法、高盐低pH值法、CTAB法、SDS法。RAPD和自交不亲和基因(S基因)特异性引物扩增实验结果都比较理想,但分步离心法和SDSCTAB法提取的DNA双酶切效果较好。分步离心法提取的梨总DNA更适用于后续的分子生物学实验操作。  相似文献   
对内蒙古居群抗寒西伯利亚杏的12个种源同一树龄的102株进行雌蕊败育率、花粉量、花粉活力、柱头可授性及自交不亲和性进行研究,以明确西伯利亚杏主产地资源的花期生物学特性和繁殖特性,为杏杂交育种和资源利用提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)有86.27%的西伯利亚杏雌蕊败育率低于90%;73.53%的西伯利亚杏单朵花花粉量在1×104~5×104之间;86.27%的西伯利亚杏花粉活力低于50%,且寿命较短。(2)花苞在将开未开时,柱头已经具备一定的可授性,开花后1~4d内柱头可授性保持较高水平,第5天开始有下降趋势。(3)荧光显微观察结果显示,授粉后16h时,96.08%的杏花花粉管在花柱上部;授粉后24h时,74.51%的杏花花粉管仍在花柱上部;授粉后48h时,35.29%的杏花花粉管到达花柱中部;授粉后80h时,花粉管到达花柱下部的杏花约50%,但受精胚珠数为0。研究认为,西伯利亚杏基本为自交不亲和。  相似文献   
Mutants of Escherichia coli lacking ubiquinone or heme have been tested for motility and found to be essentially immotile. The loss of motility is identified with the loss of flagellum synthesis.  相似文献   
Eight mutants of the DhaA haloalkane dehalogenase carrying mutations at the residues lining two tunnels, previously observed by protein X-ray crystallography, were constructed and biochemically characterized. The mutants showed distinct catalytic efficiencies with the halogenated substrate 1,2,3-trichloropropane. Release pathways for the two dehalogenation products, 2,3-dichloropropane-1-ol and the chloride ion, and exchange pathways for water molecules, were studied using classical and random acceleration molecular dynamics simulations. Five different pathways, denoted p1, p2a, p2b, p2c, and p3, were identified. The individual pathways showed differing selectivity for the products: the chloride ion releases solely through p1, whereas the alcohol releases through all five pathways. Water molecules play a crucial role for release of both products by breakage of their hydrogen-bonding interactions with the active-site residues and shielding the charged chloride ion during its passage through a hydrophobic tunnel. Exchange of the chloride ions, the alcohol product, and the waters between the buried active site and the bulk solvent can be realized by three different mechanisms: (i) passage through a permanent tunnel, (ii) passage through a transient tunnel, and (iii) migration through a protein matrix. We demonstrate that the accessibility of the pathways and the mechanisms of ligand exchange were modified by mutations. Insertion of bulky aromatic residues in the tunnel corresponding to pathway p1 leads to reduced accessibility to the ligands and a change in mechanism of opening from permanent to transient. We propose that engineering the accessibility of tunnels and the mechanisms of ligand exchange is a powerful strategy for modification of the functional properties of enzymes with buried active sites.  相似文献   
Pyrus ussriensis Maxim. is native to the northern part of China, but whose habitats are currently being destroyed by environmental changes and human deforestation. An investigation of population structure and genetic diversity of wild Ussurian pear is a priority in order to acquire fundamental knowledge for conservation. A total of 153 individuals of wild Ussurian pear from the main habitats, Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Inner Mongolia in China, possessed low genetic diversity as a result of habitat fragmentation. The genetic diversity of the populations in Inner Mongolia and north east of Heilongjiang was especially low and there was the possibility of inbreeding. Wild Ussurian pears were divided into 5 groups based on the Bayesian clustering method using 20 nuclear SSRs (nSSRs) and 5 groups by haplotype distributions using 16 chloroplast SSRs (cpSSRs), and the populations in Inner Mongolia and north east of Heilongjiang represented unique genotypes. AMOVA indicated there was a 20.05% variation in nSSRs and a 44.40% variation in cpSSRs among populations. These values are relatively high when compared to those of other tree species. Haplotype E, positioned in the center of the cpSSR analysis network and showed the largest number of connections with other haplotypes, represented the most important haplotype. Inner Mongolia and the north east of Heilongjiang are two areas that need urgent conservation because of their genetic vulnerability and peculiarity. We determined 4 conservation units based on the clustering by nSSRs and cpSSRs, and geographic factor. This information is helpful in deciding the conservation strategies for wild Ussurian pear in China.  相似文献   
Haloalkane dehalogenases are known as bacterial enzymes cleaving a carbon–halogen bond in halogenated compounds. Here we report the first biochemically characterized non-microbial haloalkane dehalogenase DspA from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. The enzyme shows a preference for terminally brominated hydrocarbons and enantioselectivity towards β-brominated alkanes. Moreover, we identified other putative haloalkane dehalogenases of eukaryotic origin, representing targets for future experiments to discover dehalogenases with novel catalytic properties.  相似文献   
Climate change is predicted to result in warmer and drier Neotropical forests relative to current conditions. Negative density‐dependent feedbacks, mediated by natural enemies, are key to maintaining the high diversity of tree species found in the tropics, yet we have little understanding of how projected changes in climate are likely to affect these critical controls. Over 3 years, we evaluated the effects of a natural drought and in situ experimental warming on density‐dependent feedbacks on seedling demography in a wet tropical forest in Puerto Rico. In the +4°C warming treatment, we found that seedling survival increased with increasing density of the same species (conspecific). These positive density‐dependent feedbacks were not associated with a decrease in aboveground natural enemy pressure. If positive density‐dependent feedbacks are not transient, the diversity of tropical wet forests, which may rely on negative density dependence to drive diversity, could decline in a future warmer, drier world.  相似文献   
Laboratory rats react to a novel object with a rapid redirection of exploratory behaviour towards the source of the novelty and a subsequent decline of this neotic preference with repeated object exposure. Studies with wild Rattus norvegicus have shown that a novel object in a familiar cage results in avoidance reactions (neophobia) in those animals, but it is also well established that the wild R. norvegicus show strong aversive reactivity to a variety of high intensity stimuli. In this study we aimed to create low-stress conditions enabling the comparison of spontaneous exploratory behaviour directed at a novel object in male (age = 80 days) “wild-type” WWCPS rats (n = 21; fourth generation bred in captivity) and Wistar (n = 24) rats. The study involved repeated placing of individual animals in the experimental chamber for 15 (6 min) trials on consecutive days. On the 11th day the novel object was introduced. Animals were tested in darkness and without human presence. Under these conditions neither WWCPS nor Wistar have shown behavioural signs of high emotional arousal, both lines have shown comparable general levels of experimental cage exploration and the positive new object exploratory reaction was observed only in Wistar rats.  相似文献   
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