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The media, in which a butterfly cell line (Px 58), derived from pharate adult ovaries of Papilio xuthus cultured for 8 days, were analysed to examine the changes in free amino acids in the medium during cultivation. Beta-alanine, arginine, glycine, histidine, lysine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, and tryptophan did not change markedly. Asparagine, aspartic acid, cystine, glutamine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, threonine, tyrosine, and valine decreased to some extent with culturing. Alpha-alanine increased markedly, and glutamic acid did so to a lesser extent. Requirements of amino acids by the cell line were examined by deleting amino acids one at a time. Deletion of alpha-alanine, beta-alanine, asparagine, glutamic acid, glycine, and phenylalanine did not cause deterioration of the cell. These amino acids were thought to be non-essential or required only a little. Deletion of other amino acids impaired the cell growth severely. These amino acids would appear to be essential for growth of the Px 58 cell line.  相似文献   
The phosphorylation of microtubular proteins isolated by reassembly in vitro from slices of guinea-pig cerebral cortex labelled with [32P]orthophosphate was investigated. Under the conditions tested, both and the alpha and beta forms of tubulin contained metabolically-active P which accounted for about one third of the total 32P incorporated into protein; the remaining protein-bound 32P was associated with 3-4 minor high MW components co-purifying with tubulin during two cycles of assembly-disassembly. Microtubular protein prepared in this way contained approx. 0.8 mol of alkalilabile P/mol of tubulin dimer (M.W. 110,000). In vitro studies showed that reassembled microtubular protein preparations catalysed the incorporation of up to 0.55 mol of P/mol of tubulin dimer during incubation with Mg2+ and [gamma 32P]ATP. The reaction was linear during the first 30 min of incubation at 37 degrees C. Cyclic AMP (10 microM, final concentration) caused a transient increase in the initial rates of tubulin phosphorylation. Little label was incorporated into the minor high M.W. components under these conditions. The in vitro phosphorylation of microtubular protein increased in a non-linear manner with respect to protein concentration: this was in contrast to earlier experiments showing linear kinetics when chromatographically isolated tubulin was tested for intrinsic kinase activity. Isolated microtubular protein preparations bound [3H]GTP, [3H]ATP and to a lesser extent, [3H]cyclic AMP, and exhibited Ca(2+)-ATPase activity (up to 60 pmol Pi released min/mg protein at 37 degrees C).  相似文献   
Hypertonic medium selectively suppressed the synthesis of most host cell polypeptides relative to the synthesis of simian virus 40 capsid polypeptides and a minority of cellular polypeptides, notably histones. Under optimal hypertonic conditions, the synthesis of the major capsid polypeptide (VP1) is enhanced about sevenfold relative to host polypeptide synthesis. Because of the small amounts of the other nonhistone capsid polypeptides (VP2) and VP3) present in cell lysates, it was difficult to quantitate the extent, if any, of their enhancement. The maintenance of the restricted pattern of protein synthesis caused by hypertonic medium was dependent on continual peptide chain initiations. The resistance of viral protein synthesis to hypertonic conditions provides a means of detecting relatively low levels of intracellular viral protein synthesis. Analysis of the specific activity of the acid-soluble [3H]lysine pool indicated that the rate of incorporation of [3H]lysine into protein was an overestimation of the actual rate of overall protein synthesis occurring in cells exposed to hypertonic as compared to isotonic conditions. Since it is likely that both cellular and viral protein synthesis draw lysine from a single pool, this change in pool specific activity does not affect the analysis of relative rates of protein synthesis at a given level of tonicity.  相似文献   
Cryopreservation of infective larvae of Dipetalonema viteae.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
infective larvae of Dipetalonema viteae produced infections in Mongolian jirds (Meriones unguiculatus) after storage of infected ticks (Ornithodoros tartakovskyi) in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, 5%) for 7 or 595 days in liquid nitrogen (-196 C). Infectivity of these larvae was only partially impaired. Microfilaremias of test jirds were generally lower than those of control jirds given nonfrozen larvae; however, the majority of test jirds developed microfilarial counts suitable for use in infecting ticks. In contradistinction, larvae frozen free of the tick failed to retain infectivity. Apparently the tick, in conjunction with DMSO, protects the larvae during freezing and thawing.  相似文献   
在云南喀斯特地区,为提升退化灌木群落的生态系统服务功能,营造了不同树种的人工林分。这些人工林分如何影响土壤化学性质还未得到充分认识。以云南泸西县灌木群落及三种常见人工林(云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)、赤杨(Alnus japonica)和侧柏(Platycladus orientalis))土壤为研究对象探讨喀斯特地区在人工林建造后土壤的13种元素全量、可利用性含量和化学计量学特征变异格局,为喀斯特石漠化治理提供理论依据。结果表明,1)基于判别分析,四种群落土壤化学计量特征可以显著区分。土壤Fe、P、K、Mn全量及交换性Ca、交换性Mg和NH_4~+-N对区分四种群落土壤贡献最大。2)四种群落之间相比,侧柏林土壤C、N、S、Na全量和NO_3~--N含量均低于其他三种群落,土壤肥力较低;赤杨林铵态氮含量最高;云南松林有效Fe、有效Cu含量/N、C素具有显著相关性,占所有元素对数的38.5%,说明该地土壤元素积累的相互依赖性。与灌木群落相比,人工林土壤元素全量和可利用性含量相关性比例均更高。这些研究结果对今后基于适地适树人工林营造、生态系统服务功能提升和经营利用,均具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
我国苏云金杆菌研究60年   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
关雄  蔡峻 《微生物学通报》2014,41(3):459-465
综述了我国近60年来的苏云金杆菌研究进展,包括资源收集及分类鉴定、Bt新基因的发掘及组学研究、病理学与作用机制、毒力测定、产品标准化、产业化,并就Bt生物农药存在的问题及改善途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   
【目的】大肠杆菌的dcm基因编码的DNA甲基转移酶可以特异性地将5′CCWGG3′(W=A/T)序列中第二个胞嘧啶变成5-甲基胞嘧啶。Dcm甲基转移酶发现已有37年了,但其确切的功能不明,本篇主要研究其对变铅青链霉菌的影响。【方法】通过构建克隆、接合转移、异源表达及HPLC、酶切、Southern杂交等方法研究dcm基因的表达对变铅青链霉菌的多效性影响。【结果】首次发现变铅青链霉菌基因组中不含5-甲基胞嘧啶修饰,将dcm基因导入变铅青链霉菌后,接合子菌落比正常菌落小很多,并有放线紫红素产生。【结论】基因组的表观遗传修饰能激活沉默放线紫红素基因簇的表达这一现象,为基因组挖掘隐藏的活性天然产物提供了一条新途径。  相似文献   
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is an important human pathogen. In cell culture, CCHFV is sensed by the cytoplasmic RNA sensor retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) molecule and its adaptor molecule mitochondrial antiviral signaling (MAVS) protein. MAVS initiates both type I interferon (IFN-I) and proinflammatory responses. Here, we studied the role MAVS plays in CCHFV infection in mice in both the presence and absence of IFN-I activity. MAVS-deficient mice were not susceptible to CCHFV infection when IFN-I signaling was active and showed no signs of disease. When IFN-I signaling was blocked by antibody, MAVS-deficient mice lost significant weight, but were uniformly protected from lethal disease, whereas all control mice succumbed to infection. Cytokine activity in the infected MAVS-deficient mice was markedly blunted. Subsequent investigation revealed that CCHFV infected mice lacking TNF-α receptor signaling (TNFA-R-deficient), but not IL-6 or IL-1 activity, had more limited liver injury and were largely protected from lethal outcomes. Treatment of mice with an anti-TNF-α neutralizing antibody also conferred partial protection in a post-virus exposure setting. Additionally, we found that a disease causing, but non-lethal strain of CCHFV produced more blunted inflammatory cytokine responses compared to a lethal strain in mice. Our work reveals that MAVS activation and cytokine production both contribute to CCHFV pathogenesis, potentially identifying new therapeutic targets to treat this disease.  相似文献   
Mitogenomes have been widely used for phylogenetic reconstruction of various Dipteran groups, but specifically for chironomid, they have not been carried out to resolve the relationships. Diamesinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) are important bioindicators for freshwater ecosystem monitoring, but its evolutionary history remains uncertain for lack of information. Here, coupled with one previously published and 30 new mitogenomes of Diamesinae, we carried out comparative mitogenomic analysis and phylogenetic analysis. Mitogenomes of Diamesinae were conserved in structure, and all genes arranged in the same order as the ancestral insect mitogenome. All protein‐coding genes in Diamesinae were under stronger purifying selection than those of other nonbiting midge species, which may exhibit signs of adaptation to life at cold living conditions. Phylogenetic analyses strongly supported the monophyly of Diamesinae, with Boreheptagyiini deeply nested within Diamesini. In addition, phylogenetic relationship of selected six genera was resolved, except Sympotthastia remained unstable. Our study revealed that the mitogenomes of Diamesinae are highly conserved, and they are practically useful for phylogenetic inference.  相似文献   
A subsystem impactor test for pedestrian lower limb injury evaluation has been brought in China New Car Assessment Protocol(CNCAP).Concerning large anthropometr...  相似文献   
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