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The thermodynamic theory of linked functions was used to determine the numbers of modifier ions involved when nucleotides dissociate. Nucleotide dissociation constants, obtained spectrophotometrically using Dowex-1 resin as a model system, were plotted on log/log paper with respect to the modifier concentrations. The slopes of the lines represent the net number of modifier molecules/ions involved in the dissociation. Varying numbers of nucleotides are bound to the resin because the resin capacity is determined by the total number of charges bound. The nucleotides bind to the resin at comparable diffusion-limited rates, irrespective of how tightly they bind. When ATP binds at pH 6.8, 4 chlorides, 4 formates, 2 succinates or 1.4 citrates are displaced, indicating that the fully charged (ATP4-) nucleotide binds. By comparing ATP, ADP and AMP it was possible to evaluate the contributions of the adenosine moiety and each phosphate to the binding. Between pH 2 and 3, where ATP has two negative charges, ATP binds largely as the trianion, displacing 2.7 chlorides and 0.7 protons. In the presence of 4 mM magnesium, 0.58 magnesiums facilitate the dissociation by chelating 58% of the liberated ATP. Calcium behaved similarly to magnesium but aluminum, at pH 6.8, promoted the binding of ATP as an (A1.ATP)3- complex with the concomitant liberation of three chloride ions. These experimental thermodynamic stoichiometries were found to be independent of the concentrations of the other modifiers present. Thermodynamic linkage stoichiometries can be evaluated from log K vs. log (modifier) plots when a direct determination of modifier binding is impossible.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
31P- and 1H-nmr and laser Raman spectra have been obtained for poly[d(G-T)]·[d(C-A)] and poly[d(A-T)] as a function of both temperature and salt. The 31P spectrum of poly[d(G-T)]·[d(C-A)] appears as a quadruplet whose resonances undergo separation upon addition of CsCl to 5.5M. 1H-nmr measurements are assigned and reported as a function of temperature and CsCl concentration. One dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) difference spectra are also reported for poly[d(G-T)]·[d(C-A)] at low salt. NOE enhancements between the H8 protons of the purines and the C5 protons of the pyrimidines, (H and CH3) and between the base and H-2′,2″ protons indicate a right-handed B-DNA conformation for this polymer. The NOE patterns for the TH3 and GH1 protons in H2O indicate a Watson–Crick hydrogen-bonding scheme. At high CsCl concentrations there are upfield shifts for selected sugar protons and the AH2 proton. In addition, laser Raman spectra for poly[d(A-T)] and poly[d(G-T)]·[d(C-A)] indicate B-type conformations in low and high CsCl, with predominantly C2′-endo sugar conformations for both polymers. Also, changes in base-ring vibrations indicate that Cs+ binds to O2 of thymine and possibly N3 of adenine in poly[d(G-T)]·[d(C-A)] but not in poly[d(A-T)]. Further, 1H measurements are reported for poly[d(A-T)] as a function of temperature in high CsCl concentrations. On going to high CsCl there are selective upfield shifts, with the most dramatic being observed for TH1′. At high temperature some of the protons undergo severe changes in linewidths. Those protons that undergo the largest upfield shifts also undergo the most dramatic changes in linewidths. In particular TH1′, TCH3, AH1′, AH2, and TH6 all undergo large changes in linewidths, whereas AH8 and all the H-2′,2″ protons remain essentially constant. The maximum linewidth occurs at the same temperature for all protons (65°C). This transition does not occur for d(G-T)·d(C-A) at 65°C or at any other temperature studied. These changes are cooperative in nature and can be rationalized as a temperature-induced equilibrium between bound and unbound Cs+, with duplex and single-stranded DNA. NOE measurements for poly[d(A-T)] indicate that at high Cs+ the polymer is in a right-handed B-conformation. Assignments and NOE effects for the low-salt 1H spectra of poly[d(A-T)] agree with those of Assa-Munt and Kearns [(1984) Biochemistry 23 , 791–796] and provide a basis for analysis of the high Cs+ spectra. These results indicate that both polymers adopt a B-type conformation in both low and high salt. However, a significant variation is the ability of the phosphate backbone to adopt a repeat dependent upon the base sequence. This feature is common to poly[d(G-T)]·[d(C-A)], poly[d(A-T)], and some other pyr–pur polymers [J. S. Cohen, J. B. Wouten & C. L Chatterjee (1981) Biochemistry 20 , 3049–3055] but not poly[d(G-C)].  相似文献   
Occurrence of two distinct succinate thiokinases in animal tissues   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although succinate thiokinase from mammalian sources has hitherto been described as showing substrate specificity for guanine nucleotide, a range of mammalian tissues has here been found to display succinate thiokinase activity with both guanine and adenine nucleotides as substrates. Evidence is presented for the existence of two distinct succinate thiokinases and this is confirmed by their separation by affinity chromatography. Each enzyme is specific for one nucleotide and is inhibited by the non-substrate nucleotide. The physiological roles of the two enzymes is yet to be established.  相似文献   
Emv-16 and Emv-17, the two closely linked ecotropic proviral loci of RF/J mice, have been mapped to chromosome 1 between leaden, ln, and the mouse engrailed homeo-box locus, En-1, by using recombinant inbred strains and conventional backcross analysis.  相似文献   
The effect of selective vs. nonselective beta-blockade on fast-twitch [extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] and slow-twitch [soleus (SOL)] muscle enzyme activities following endurance training were characterized. Citrate synthase (CS), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and beta-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HAD) activities were compared in SOL and EDL muscles of trained (T), metoprolol-trained (MT), propranolol-trained (PT), and sedentary (C) rats. Following 8 wk of treadmill running (1 h/day, 5 days/wk at approximately 30 m/min), LDH activity was depressed approximately 20% (P less than 0.05) in both SOL and EDL in only the PT rats, indicating inhibition of beta 2-mediated anaerobic glycolysis. EDL CS activity was similarly elevated in all three trained groups compared with sedentary controls. In SOL muscle, however, a drug attenuation effect was observed so that CS activity was increased only in the T (P less than 0.01) and MT (P less than 0.05) groups. HAD enzyme activity was increased somewhat (P less than 0.10) in SOL muscle in only the T group, but more so (P less than 0.05) in EDL in all three trained groups. The above findings suggest a training-induced selectivity effect not only with respect to beta 1-vs. beta 1-beta 2-blockers, but also with respect to muscle fiber type.  相似文献   
Four recombinant DNA clones (H1, H7, H12, and H15) carrying low-repetitive human DNA were previously isolated from a human genomic library based on their specificity for chromosome 21 and were studied for their distribution as determined by in situ hybridization. Clone H7 hybridized to the satellite regions of chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22 as well as to the centromere region of chromosome 1. Clone H12 hybridized strongly to chromosomes 11 and 17 and the centromere of the X. Clones H1 and H15 had a very widespread distribution throughout the genome. Clone H15 hybridized significantly more to the short arm of chromosome 18 than to any other chromosomal segment. Clone H1 hybridized strongly to the centromere of chromosome 19 and also showed random distribution on all the other human chromosomes. We conclude that these probes appear to represent four repetitive families that demonstrate in situ hybridization patterns that do not correspond with those of any other repetitive family. Further, the in situ hybridization patterns do not show the strong chromosome 21 specificity originally defined by Southern blot analysis. The nature and chromosomal localization of these repetitive families should be useful in regional mapping and evolutionary studies and give additional insight into chromosomal organization.  相似文献   
The most complement (C)-sensitive type of erythrocytes (E) occurring in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (type III PNH E) have previously been found to exhibit approximately twofold to fourfold greater lysis than normal human E when exposed to isolated human C5b6, C7, C8, and C9 (reactive lysis), in the absence of a known source of C3- or C5-convertases or fluid-phase C3. In further studies on the mechanism of this phenomenon, we now report that C5b6-dependent binding of 125I-C7 to two samples of PNH E (greater than 95% type III) is equal to that found with normal human E at each of several C5b6 inputs tested. Lysis developed by excess C8 and C9, however, was consistently greater for the PNH E. Thus, the exaggerated sensitivity of type III PNH E to reactive lysis cannot be explained by abnormally high uptake of C5b6 or C7 from the fluid phase. Rather, the data indicate that cell-bound C5b67 sites are converted to effective hemolytic sites with greater efficiency on type III PNH E than on normal human E, assuming that the distribution of cell-bound C7 throughout both cell populations is similar. In related studies we have addressed the proposal by other investigators that C3b putatively bound to PNH E in vivo might account for their increased sensitivity to reactive lysis in vitro, by analogy to prior observations on C3b-potentiated reactive lysis of sheep E. The latter hypothesis was made more appealing by the recent discovery that type III PNH E lack an integral membrane protein, decay-accelerating factor (DAF), which in normal E accelerates the decay of membrane-bound C3 convertases. Against this hypothesis, however, is our present finding that preincubation of PNH E with four different goat or rabbit polyclonal antibodies to human C3 failed to inhibit the subsequent reactive lysis of these cells. Under these same conditions, the C3b-dependent increment in reactive lysis of sheep EAC4b3b was abrogated by pretreatment with similar dilutions of these anti-C3 antibodies, generally in association with agglutination. Furthermore, sheep EAC4b3b displayed increased 125I-C7 binding in proportion to augmented lysis, in contrast to the findings with PNH E. Therefore, deficiency of DAF in type III PNH E does not adequately explain their supranormal sensitivity to reactive lysis unless DAF can modulate the terminal lytic steps by a mechanism distinct from its effect on C3 convertase decay. Alternatively, type III PNH E could have a more general abnormality in which DAF deficiency is one manifestation and increased sensitivity to reactive lysis is another.  相似文献   
Gel filtration of female rat plasma with normal growth hormone (GH) concentrations (less than 100 ng/m1) showed that nearly all the immuno-reactivity was centred on a peak with an apparent molecular weight in the region of 82,000. In contrast, pituitary GH was almost entirely monomeric. The majority of plasma prolactin (PRL) in the same samples had a molecular weight of 23,000 (i.e. monomeric), and was similar in profile to pituitary PRL. Samples from male rats showed some GH immunoreactivity at the 82,000 molecular weight position but more than 65% coeluted with monomeric PRL. In female plasma with GH concentration between 300 and 1,000 ng/ml, immuno-reactivity resolved into peaks at the void volume, the monomeric position, and a peak at 82,000 that decreased, as a percentage of the total, with increasing GH concentration. These results indicate the possible presence of a GH binding factor, with greater activity in female than male rat plasma.  相似文献   
The acute effects of cigarette smoke exposure on experimental skin flaps   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Random vascular patterned caudally based McFarlane-type skin flaps were elevated in groups of Fischer 344 rats. Groups of rats were then acutely exposed on an intermittent basis to smoke generated from well-characterized research filter cigarettes. Previously developed smoke inhalation exposure protocols were employed using a Maddox-ORNL inhalation exposure system. Rats that continued smoke exposure following surgery showed a significantly greater mean percent area of flap necrosis compared with sham-exposed groups or control groups not exposed. The possible pathogenesis of this observation as well as considerations and correlations with chronic human smokers are discussed. Increased risks of flap necrosis by smoking in the perioperative period are suggested by this study.  相似文献   
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