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Lectins are proteins with ability to recognize specific carbohydrates. These are present in virtually all organisms and have increasing applications in biotechnology. Here, our aim was to purify lectins from seeds of Crotalaria spectabilis Roth and determine their agglutinative ability. In this study, 45 g of seeds were milled, their proteins were precipitated by acetone or ammonium sulfate and purified by exclusion and ion-exchange chromatography. An isolated lectin was submitted to tests for hemagglutination and inhibition of hemagglutinating activity by carbohydrates as well as tests for its response to chelating and reducing agents. Our results show that the apparent molecular weight (as determined by SDS-PAGE) of the lectin is 30 kDa, and the tests for inhibition of erythrocytes’ agglutinative activity by sugars were positive for d-galactose and N-acetyl-d-galactosamine. Data obtained with the chelating agent EDTA demonstrated the presence of divalent cations in the protein structure. However, the reducing agent 2-mercaptoethanol was unable to inhibit the protein’s bioactivity. The lectin agglutinated the blood groups A, B, AB and O, as well as bacterial lineages from the species Leptospira interrogans and Leptospira biflexa, indicating a prospective application in the diagnosis and treatment of leptospirosis.  相似文献   
The protracted speciation model presents a realistic and parsimonious explanation for the observed slowdown in lineage accumulation through time, by accounting for the fact that speciation takes time. A method to compute the likelihood for this model given a phylogeny is available and allows estimation of its parameters (rate of initiation of speciation, rate of completion of speciation and extinction rate) and statistical comparison of this model to other proposed models of diversification. However, this likelihood computation method makes an approximation of the protracted speciation model to be mathematically tractable: it sometimes counts fewer species than one would do from a biological perspective. This approximation may have large consequences for likelihood‐based inferences: it may render any conclusions based on this method completely irrelevant. Here, we study to what extent this approximation affects parameter estimations. We simulated phylogenies from which we reconstructed the tree of extant species according to the original, biologically meaningful protracted speciation model and according to the approximation. We then compared the resulting parameter estimates. We found that the differences were larger for high values of extinction rates and small values of speciation‐completion rates. Indeed, a long speciation‐completion time and a high extinction rate promote the appearance of cases to which the approximation applies. However, surprisingly, the deviation introduced is largely negligible over the parameter space explored, suggesting that this approximate likelihood can be applied reliably in practice to estimate biologically relevant parameters under the original protracted speciation model.  相似文献   
Adaptation to novel environments is a crucial theme in evolutionary biology, particularly because ex situ conservation forces populations to adapt to captivity. Here we analyze the evolution of life-history traits in two closely related species, Drosophila subobscura Collin and Drosophila madeirensis Monclus, during adaptation to the laboratory. Drosophila madeirensis, an endemic species from Madeira, is here shown to have less ability to adapt to the laboratory. Early fecundity was the only trait where this species showed a significant improvement with time. By comparison, D. subobscura improved in most traits, and its early fecundity increased faster than that of D. madeirensis. Our findings suggest that different species, even closely related ones, may adapt at different rates to the same environment.  相似文献   
Hybrids from crosses of different species have been reported to display decreased developmental stability when compared to their pure species, which is conventionally attributed to a breakdown of coadapted gene complexes. Drosophila subobscura and its close relative D. madeirensis were hybridized in the laboratory to test the hypothesis that genuine fluctuating asymmetry, measured as the within-individual variance between right and left wings that results from random perturbations in development, would significantly increase after interspecific hybridization. When sires of D. subobscura were mated to heterospecific females following a hybrid half-sib breeding design, F1 hybrid females showed a large bilateral asymmetry with a substantial proportion of individuals having an asymmetric index larger than 5% of total wing size. Such an anomaly, however, cannot be plainly explained by an increase of developmental instability in hybrids but is the result of some aberrant developmental processes. Our findings suggest that interspecific hybrids are as able as their parents to buffer developmental noise, notwithstanding the fact that their proper bilateral development can be harshly compromised. Together with the low correspondence between the co-variation structures of the interindividual genetic components and the within-individual ones from a Procrustes analysis, our data also suggest that the underlying processes that control (genetic) canalization and developmental stability do not share a common mechanism. We argue that the conventional account of decreased developmental stability in interspecific hybrids needs to be reappraised.  相似文献   
A novel 26-amino acid peptide possessing the Arg-Phe-NH(2) motif at its C-terminal extremity has been recently characterized and named 26RFamide (26RFa). The 26RFa precursor encompasses several potential cleavage sites and thus may generate various mature peptides including an N-terminally extended form of 26RFa (termed 43RFa), two fragments of 26RFa (26RFa(1-16) and 26RFa(20-26)), and a 9-amino acid peptide (9RFa) located in tandem in the human 26RFa precursor. In the present study, we have investigated the central effects of 26RFa and related peptides on food intake and locomotor activity in mice. We observed that i.c.v. injection of 26RFa, 43RFa, 26RFa(20-26) and 9RFa stimulated food consumption while 26RFa(1-16) and 26RFa(8-16) had no effect. A dose-dependent stimulation of locomotor activity was observed after i.c.v. administration of 26RFa, 43RFa and 26RFa(1-16), but not 26RFa(20-26), 26RFa(8-16) or 9RFa. These data indicate that the novel neuropeptides 26RFa and 43RFa act centrally to stimulate feeding and locomotor activities but the domains of the peptide involved in each of these responses are different suggesting that the two behavioral effects may be mediated through distinct receptors.  相似文献   
Puma or sussuarana (Puma concolor) is the second largest feline in the American continent and has an ample latitudinal distribution in very diverse habitats. In relation to its conservation status, the puma is considered an extinction-threatened species. The study of the testis morphology and the spermatogenic process in a species is fundamental for establishing the physiologic patterns that will make possible the selection of the protocols for assisted reproduction. A number of peculiarities associated with the reproductive biology of specific species such as the duration of spermatogenic process can be used to determine the frequency of sperm collection. Nine adult male pumas maintained in captivity were used to determine the relative frequency of stages in the seminiferous epithelium cycle. Three of them received intra-testicular injections of 0.1ml tritiated thymidine to determine the duration of the seminiferous epithelium cycle, and were subjected to biopsy 7 days later. The cycle of the seminiferous epithelium in puma was didactically described into eight stages by the tubular morphology method. The total duration of one seminiferous epithelium cycle in puma was calculated to be 9.89 days, and approximately 44.5 days are required for development of spermatozoon from spermatogonia. The duration of spermiogenesis, prophase and other events of meiosis were 14.08, 15.20 and 1.79 days, respectively. The relative frequency of the pre-meiotic, meiotic and post-meiotic phases were 3.98, 1.79 and 4.12 days, respectively.  相似文献   
A lectin, named Dorin M, previously isolated and characterized from the hemolymph plasma of the soft tick, Ornithodoros moubata, was cloned and sequenced. The immunofluorescence using confocal microscopy revealed that Dorin M is produced in the tick hemocytes. A tryptic cleavage of Dorin M was performed and the resulting peptide fragments were sequenced by Edman degradation and/or mass spectrometry. Two of three internal peptide sequences displayed a significant similarity to the family of fibrinogen-related molecules. Degenerate primers were designed and used for PCR with hemocyte cDNA as a template. The sequence of the whole Dorin M cDNA was completed by the method of RACE. The tissue-specific expression investigated by RT-PCR revealed that Dorin M, in addition to hemocytes, is significantly expressed in salivary glands. The derived amino-acid sequence clearly shows that Dorin M has a fibrinogen-like domain, and exhibited the most significant similarity with tachylectins 5A and 5B from a horseshoe crab, Tachypleus tridentatus. In addition, other protein and binding characteristics suggest that Dorin M is closely related to tachylectins-5. Since these lectins have been reported to function as non-self recognizing molecules, we believe that Dorin M may play a similar role in an innate immunity of the tick and, possibly, also in pathogen transmission by this vector.  相似文献   
Galicia (NW Spain) is a region with a high number of freshwater endemics, and probably the best preserved area concerning fish populations in the Iberian Peninsula, where records of non-indigenous freshwater species are recent when compared to the rest of the Peninsula. Detailed analysis of introductions of those species with records after 1900 present in both areas shows that delays were up to 100 years for species introduced on the Iberian Peninsula at the beginning of the twentieth century, but the tendency adjust to a decreasing linear regression, with species introduced after 1995 being almost immediately present in Galicia. We underline the outstanding role of aquarium trade on these results. Analysis of temporal trends highlights several periods with numerous introductions, and shows a different trend in the last decade depending on the group of organisms, with a clear deceleration in introduction rates of vertebrates, but a continuous growing trend for invertebrates. Recent educational programs might be responsible for the reduction in the inflow of vertebrates, but there is still a need for the control of less conspicuous but equally harmful invertebrates and plants, as it will take longer to make both stakeholders and public aware of their detrimental effects on their new habitats.  相似文献   
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