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The effect of long-term application of heavy metal-laden sewage sludge on the total heterotrophic aerobic and the cadmium-resistant soil bacterial communities was studied. Gram-positive bacteria were completely absent from resistant communities. These findings suggest that this group is highly susceptible to Cd. Shannon's diversity indices estimated for total communities did not reveal negative effects on the communities that developed in the presence of sludge. However, Cd-resistant communities isolated from long-term sludge-amended soils were more diverse than the resistant communities from a control sample, suggesting that adaptation to Cd as a stressor had occurred in the presence of sludge constituents. This higher diversity was attributed to Cd resistance in pseudomonads and gram-negative fermenters. Resistance did not develop by dissemination of Cd resistance plasmids, because these were rarely detected in the genomes of resistant strains.  相似文献   
Conceptual models, based on 7 years of data, are constructedto simulate the annual cycle and population dynamics of Microcystisaeruginosa in hypertrophic, warm monomictic Hartbees-poort Dam,South Africa in order to assess the role of hyperscum formation.In Hartbeespoort Dam the large summer planktonic population(mean epilimnion biovolumes of 20–50 mm3 I–1) andthe low wind speed resulted in the formation of hyperscums (thick,crusted accumulations of floating cyanobacteria at wind-protectedsites) containing up to 50% of the total standing crop for 2–3months in 4 out of 5 years. In years in which hyperscums formedthe post-maximal summer population maintained itself throughoutautumn and into late winter before declining to the annual nadir(>1000 cells ml–1). When hyperscums did not form, orwere artificially removed, the population fell to similarlylow levels as early as May (autumn) and remained small untilthe spring growth phase began. Microcystis cells decompose inthe upper layers of a hyperscum, but this is not a major lossto the planktonic population. Hyperscums are refuges which helpmaintain large planktonic standing crops during winter whengrowth is not possible but have no effect on the long-term (perennial)survival of Microcystis.  相似文献   
We produced transgenic mice carrying the native sheep -lactoglobulin (BLG) or fusion genes composed of the BLG promoter and human serum albumin (HSA) minigenes. BLG was expressed exclusively in the mammary glands of the virgin and lactating transgenic mice evaluated. In contrast, transgenic females carrying the BLG/HSA fusion constructs also expressed the HSA RNA ectopically in skeletal muscle, kidney, brain, spleen, salivary gland and skin. Ectopic expression of HSA RNA was detected only in strains that express the transgene in the mammary gland. There was no obvious correlation between the level of the HSA RNA expressed in the mammary gland and that found ectopically. In three transgenic strains analysed, the expression of HSA RNA in kidney and skeletal muscle increased during pregnancy and lactation, whereas in the brain HSA expression decreased during lactation in one of the strains. HSA protein was synthesized in skeletal muscle and skin of strain #23 and its level was higher in lactating mice compared with virgin mice. Expression of HSA was also analysed in males and was found to be more stringently controlled than in females of the same strains.In situ hybridization analyses localized the expressed transgene in the skin, kidney, brain and salivary glands of various transgenic strains. Distinct strain-specific and cell-type specific HSA expression patterns were observed in the skin. This is in contrast to the exclusive expression of the HSA transgene in epithelial cells surrounding the alveoli of the mammary gland. Taken together, these results suggest that the absence of sufficient mammary-specific regulatory elements in the BLG promoter sequences and/or the juxtaposition of the BLG promoter with the HSA coding sequences leads to novel tissue- and cell-specific expression in ectopic tissues of transgenic mice.  相似文献   
In addition to itsintra-cellular functions, cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) may well have anextra-cellular regulatory role in blood. This suggestion is based on the following experimental findings: (a) Physiological stimulation of blood platelets brings about a specific release of PKA, together with its co-substrates ATP and Mg++; (b) In human serum, an endogenous phosphorylation of one protein (p75, Mr 75 kDa) occurs; this phosphorylation is enhanced by addition of cAMP and blocked by the Walsh-Krebs specific PKA inhibitor; (c) No endogenous phosphorylation of p75 occurs in human plasma devoid of platelets, but the selective labeling of p75 can be reproduced by adding to plasma the pure catalytic subunit of PKA; (d) p75 was shown to be vitronectin (V), a multifunctional protein implicated in processes associated with platelet activation, and thus a protein whose function may require modulation for control; (e) The phosphorylation of vitronectin occurs at one site (Ser378) which, at physiological pH, is buried in its two-chain form (V65+10) but becomes exposed in the presence of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) e.g. heparin or heparan sulfate. Such a transconformation may be used for targeting the PKA phosphorylation to vitronectin molecules bound to GAGs, for example in the extracellular matrix or on cell surfaces; (f) From the biochemical point of view (Km values and physiological concentrations) the phosphorylation of vitronectin can take place at the locus of a hemostatic event; (g) The phosphorylation of Ser378 in vitronectin alters its function, since it significantly reduces its ability to bind the inhibitor-1 of plasminogen activator(s) (PAI-1). Physiologically, this functional modulation may be involved in unleashing PAI-1, allowing its translocation to control the inhibitory function of PAI-1 and, through it, regulating the conversion of plasminogen to active plasmin.Dedicated to Edmond H. Fischer and Edwin G. Krebs, with gratitude for teaching us the right measure of thoroughness and vision in research.  相似文献   
Previous experience with the Langevin/implicit-Euler scheme for dynamics (“LI”) on model systems (butane, water) has shown that LI is numerically stable for timesteps in the 5–20 fs range but quenches high-frequency modes. To explore applications to polypeptides, we apply LI to model systems (several dipeptides, a tetrapeptide, and a 13-residue oligoalanine) and also develop a new dynamics driver approach (“DA”). The DA scheme, based on LI, addresses the important issue of proper sampling, which is unlikely to be solved by small-time step integration methods or implicit methods with intrinsic damping at room temperature, such as LI. Equilibrium averages, time-dependent molecular properties, and sampling trends at room temperature are reported for both LI and DA dynamics simulations, which are then compared to those generated by a standard explicit discretization of the Langevin equation with a 1 fs timestep. We find that LI's quenching effects are severe on both the fast and slow (due to vibrational coupling) frequency modes of all-atom polypeptides and lead to more restricted dynamics at moderate timesteps (40 fs). The DA approach empirically counteracts these damping effects by adding random atomic perturbations to the coordinates at each step (before the minimization of a dynamics function). By restricting the energetic fluctuations and controlling the kinetic energy, we are able with a 60 fs timestep to generate continuous trajectories that sample more of the relevant conformational space and also reproduce reasonably Boltzmann statistics. Although the timescale for transition may be accelerated by the DA approach, the transitional. information obtained for the alanine dipeptide and the tetrapeptide is consistent with that obtained by several other theoretical approaches that focus specifically on the determination of pathways. While the trajectory for oligoalanine by the explicit scheme over the nanosecond timeframe remains in the vicinity of the full αR-helix starting structure, and a high-temperature (6000°K) MD trajectory departs slowly from the a helical structure, the DA-generated trajectory for the same CPU time exhibits unfolding and refolding and reveals a range of conformations with an intermediate helix content. Significantly, this range of states is more consistent with spectroscopic experiments on small peptides, as well as the cooperative two-state model for helix–coil transition. The good, near-Boltzmann statistics reported for the smaller systems above, in combination with the interesting oligoalanine results, suggest that DA is a promising tool for efficiently exploring conformational spaces of biomolecules and exploring folding/unfolding processes of polypeptides. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Philodendron plants propagated in liquid shake or bioreactor cultures proliferated profusely in the presence of paclobutrazol (PAC) and to a lesser extent in the presence of ancymidol (ANC). The growth retardants inhibited leaf development and induced the formation of bud clusters. Short transient treatments with low concentrations (1.7–3.4 M) of the growth retardants limited leaf growth and proliferation to a lesser extent than higher concentrations (6.8–17 M). The growth retardants had a carryover dwarfing effect in the semi-solid hardening medium, which was more pronounced at the higher concentrations or prolonged exposure periods. Regenerated plants resumed normal growth 3–6 weeks after transplanting. Treatment with growth retardants may become a useful method in the prevention of abnormal leaf growth in large-scale liquid cultures, as well as in enhancing bud proliferation.  相似文献   
G. Weiss  E. Kruger  U. Danielson  M. Elman 《CMAJ》1975,112(2):159-165
Summary: Three groups of hyperactive children were compared by various measures of outcome 5 years after initial evaluation: 24 who were treated with methylphenidate for 3 to 5 years during the follow-up period, 22 treated with chlorpromazine for 18 months to 5 years, and 20 who had received no medication during the follow-up period. The three groups were matched with respect to age, IQ, socioeconomic class and sex. No statistically significant differences were found between the three groups on the following measures of outcome: emotional adjustment, delinquency, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Bender Gestalt visual-motor test and academic performance (as measured by number of grades failed). Initially there was a significant difference between the three groups on ratings of hyperactivity and family diagnosis. Hyperactivity scores decreased significantly over the 5 years; family diagnosis ratings changed little. Analysis of covariance for these two measures showed no difference in degree of improvement between the three groups. Our impression was that methylphenidate was helpful in making hyperactive children more manageable at home and at school, but did not significantly affect their outcome after 5 years of treatment.  相似文献   
Motivated by experiments connecting linker histone (LH) deficiency to lymphoma progression and retinal disorders, we study by mesoscale chromatin modeling how LH density (ρ) induces gradual, as well sudden, changes in chromatin architecture and how the process depends on DNA linker length, LH binding dynamics and binding mode, salt concentration, tail modifications, and combinations of ρ and linker DNA length. We show that ρ tightly regulates the overall shape and compaction of the fiber, triggering a transition from an irregular disordered state to a compact and ordered structure. Such a structural transition, resembling B to A compartment transition connected with lymphoma of B cells, appears to occur around ρ = 0.5. The associated mechanism is DNA stem formation by LH binding, which is optimal when the lengths of the DNA linker and LH C-terminal domain are similar. Chromatin internal and external parameters are key regulators, promoting or impeding the transition. The LH density thus emerges as a critical tunable variable in controlling cellular functions through structural transitions of the genome.  相似文献   
ObjectivesSETDB1 is a methyltransferase responsible for the methylation of histone H3‐lysine‐9, which is mainly related to heterochromatin formation. SETDB1 is overexpressed in various cancer types and is associated with an aggressive phenotype. In agreement with its activity, it mainly exhibits a nuclear localization; however, in several cell types a cytoplasmic localization was reported. Here we looked for cytoplasmic functions of SETDB1.MethodsSETDB1 association with microtubules was detected by immunofluorescence and co‐sedimentation. Microtubule dynamics were analysed during recovery from nocodazole treatment and by tracking microtubule plus‐ends in live cells. Live cell imaging was used to study mitotic kinetics and protein–protein interaction was identified by co‐immunoprecipitation.ResultsSETDB1 co‐sedimented with microtubules and partially colocalized with microtubules. SETDB1 partial silencing led to faster polymerization and reduced rate of catastrophe events of microtubules in parallel to reduced proliferation rate and slower mitotic kinetics. Interestingly, over‐expression of either wild‐type or catalytic dead SETDB1 altered microtubule polymerization rate to the same extent, suggesting that SETDB1 may affect microtubule dynamics by a methylation‐independent mechanism. Moreover, SETDB1 co‐immunoprecipitated with HDAC6 and tubulin acetylation levels were increased upon silencing of SETDB1.ConclusionsTaken together, our study suggests a model in which SETDB1 affects microtubule dynamics by interacting with both microtubules and HDAC6 to enhance tubulin deacetylation. Overall, our results suggest a novel cytoplasmic role for SETDB1 in the regulation of microtubule dynamics.

SETDB1 association with microtubules inhibits microtubule polymerization and enhances their instability. SETDB1 may affect the microtubules by interacting with HDAC6 to enhance HDAC6 tubulin deacetylation activity.  相似文献   
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