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Summary Recombinant human glucagon was succesfully produced with a high level of expression in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with human interferon . The synthetic gene was designed to release glucagon, which does not contain glutamic acid residues, from fusion protein with the Staphylococcus aureus strain V8 protease that specifically cleaves the peptide bond on the carboxyl side of the glutamic acid residue. The resulting glucagon was purified to homogeneity by a combination of C18 reverse-phase HPLC and ion-exchange HPLC. The yield of intact glucagon obtained from 11 of culture was approximately 12 mg. The structure of recombinant human glucagon was confirmed by HPLC and amino acid composition/sequence analyses. Offprint requests to: J. Ishizaki  相似文献   
Electron transfer between horse heart and Candida krusei cytochromes c in the free and phosvitin-bound states was examined by difference spectrum and stopped-flow methods. The difference spectra in the wavelength range of 540–560 nm demonstrated that electrons are exchangeable between the cytochromes c of the two species. The equilibrium constants of the electron transfer reaction for the free and phosvitin-bound forms, estimated from these difference spectra, were close to unity at 20°C in 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.4). The electron transfer rate for free cytochrome c was (2–3) · 104 M?1 · s?1 under the same conditions. The transfer rate for the bound form increased with increase in the binding ratio at ratios below half the maximum, and was almost constant at higher ratios up to the maximum. The maximum electron exchange rate was about 2 · 106 M?1 · s?1, which is 60–70 times that for the free form at a given concentration of cytochrome c. The activation energy of the reaction for the bound cytochrome c was equal to that for the free form, being about 10 kcal/mol. The dependence of the exchange rate on temperature, cytochrome c concentration and solvent viscosity suggests that enhancement of the electron transfer rate between cytochromes c on binding to phosvitin is due to increase in the collision frequency between cytochromes c concentrated on the phosvitin molecule.  相似文献   
Abstract: Conventional histological examination of the pituitary does not distinguish Snell dwarf mutants (dw/dw) from their normal littermates (+/?) in the neonatal stage. However, immunohistochemical examination of pituitaries of litters born to heterozygous Snell parents revealed that in approximately 25% of the glands examined, the number of positive cells was very low in the neonatal stage. We attempted to delineate the events resulting in the poor myelination in the brain of the Snell dwarf mouse, and to devise an immunohistochemical method for identifying the mutant neonate. Differences in the brain weights of the dw/dw and +/? mice first became apparent on the 10th day of age, and from this time on no further increase in the weight of the dwarf mouse brain was recorded. Increase in CNPase activity was found to be suppressed in the cerebrum and brain stem throughout the developmental stage, but not in the other parts of the brain. The yield of isolated myelin decreased by 58% in the mutant mouse, but CNPase activity was equivalent to that of control myelin. Differences in DNA content per cerebrum from the dw/dw and +/? mice first became apparent on the 10th day of age. Henceforth, the dw/dw mice showed no further increase, although the +/? mice continued to increase. [3H]Thymidine incorporation into the DNA fraction in vivo on the 7th day of age, when glial cell proliferation in the cerebrum is most active, was suppressed to about 50% of the control level in all parts of the dwarf brain. These findings indicate that the poor myelination found in the mutant cerebrum is a hypomyelination due to reduced oligodendroglial proliferation caused by lack of circulating growth hormone.  相似文献   
A procedure for the purification of phosphofructokinase from brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces carlsbergensis) is reported. Treatments with organic solvents and heat were avoided and chromatographic and filtration techniques in the presence of phenylmethane sulfonyl fluoride were mainly used. The purified enzyme is homogeneous in disc gel electrophoresis and according to sedimentation velocity and equilibrium measurements in the ultracentrifuge. The isoelectric point determined by focusing was 5.3. Absorption spectra, fluorescence spectra and circular dichroism spectrum are given. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme determined by gel filtration was 720 000, in agreement with that of the enzyme in the raw extract. This confirms the results of sedimentation velocity experiments which gave a value of SO20, W equals 19.4. Alkaline treatment leads to a dissociation of the native enzyme, yielding an inactive species with a molecular weight of 360 000. In 6M guanidine hydrochloride the enzyme dissociates into subunits with a mean molecular weight of 90 000 as obtained by ultracentrifugation analysis. This suggests a structure composed of 8 monomers. The specific activity of the enzyme was 116 U/mg under optimum conditions. The enzyme activity was proportional to the enzyme concentration in the range of 6 times 10- minus 12 M to 3 times 10- minus 7 M. The Michaelis constants and Hill coefficients for fructose 6-phosphate and AMP, the pH optima, and the stability properties of the enzyme are reported. Furthermore, the activation energy is given and it is shown that under saturating conditions, a straight Arrhenius plot obtains, whereas the plot is discontinuous at high ATP concentrations and at pH 7.6.  相似文献   
An analysis of 6-phosphofructokinase from brewers' yeast in the presence of sodium dodecylsulfate reveals the occurrence of four components with the following molecular weights: alpha = 140000, beta = 130000, and alpha' = 92000, beta' = 87000. It was found that the alpha- and beta-components can be converted to the alpha' and beta' components by treatment of the native preparation with hyaluronidase. A comparison of the molecular weight obtained by ultracentrifugation and gel filtration with the results obtained by dodecylsulfate electrophoresis after treatment with hyaluronidase reveals that the alpha' and beta' components are the smallest molecular structures obtained upon dissociation of the native enzyme. The mechanism of action of hyaluronidase suggests a desensitization of the alpha and beta components of the enzyme towards dodecylsulfate. Thus, in the absence of hyaluronidase treatment; only an apparent molecular weight for the alpha and beta component is obtained. The analysis indicates that the native enzyme might be composed of four different subunits with an alpha, beta, alpha' and beta' configuration. It is not excluded that the native enzyme consists only of alpha- and beta-chains.  相似文献   
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been transmitted across all over the world, in contrast to the limited epidemic of genetically- and virologically-related SARS-CoV. However, the molecular basis explaining the difference in the virological characteristics among SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV has been poorly defined. Here we identified that host sialoglycans play a significant role in the efficient spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection, while this was not the case with SARS-CoV. SARS-CoV-2 infection was significantly inhibited by α2-6-linked sialic acid-containing compounds, but not by α2–3 analog, in VeroE6/TMPRSS2 cells. The α2-6-linked compound bound to SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 subunit to competitively inhibit SARS-CoV-2 attachment to cells. Enzymatic removal of cell surface sialic acids impaired the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 spike and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), and suppressed the efficient spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection over time, in contrast to its least effect on SARS-CoV spread. Our study provides a novel molecular basis of SARS-CoV-2 infection which illustrates the distinctive characteristics from SARS-CoV.  相似文献   
We have isolated cDNA clones encoding dihydropyrimidinase (DHPase) from human liver and its three homologues from human fetal brain. The deduced amino acid (aa) sequence of human DHPase showed 90% identity with that of rat DHPase, and the three homologues showed 57–59% aa identity with human DHPase, and 74–77% aa identity with each other. We tentatively termed these homologues human DHPase related protein (DRP)-1, DRP-2 and DRP-3. Human DRP-2 showed 98% aa identity with chicken CRMP-62 (collapsin response mediator protein of relative molecular mass of 62 kDa) which is involved in neuronal growth cone collapse. Human DRP-3 showed 94–100% aa identity with two partial peptide sequences of rat TOAD-64 (turned on after division, 64 kDa) which is specifically expressed in postmitotic neurons. Human DHPase and DRPs showed a lower degree of aa sequence identity with Bacillus stearothermophilus hydantoinase (39–42%) and Caenorhabditis elegans unc-33 (32–34%). Thus we describe a novel gene family which displays differential tissue distribution: i.e., human DHPase, in liver and kidney; human DRP-1, in brain; human DRP-2, ubiquitously expressed except for liver; human DRP-3, mainly in heart and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
We attempted to delineate the events leading to hypomyelination in the brain of thelittle mouse, a promising murine model of isolated growth hormone deficiency. At 20 days of age, the mutant mouse brain weighed less than its normal counterpart, and this difference in brain weight persisted. Increase in CNPase activity was found to be suppressed in the cerebrum throughout the developmental stage, but not in the other parts of the brain. Differences in cerebral DNA content between thelittle and normal mice first became apparent on the 10th day of age. Thereafter, the rate of increase in thelittle brain consistently lagged behind the normal. [3H]Thymidine incorporation into the DNA fraction in vivo on the 7th day of age, when glial cell proliferation in the normal cerebrum is most active, was approximately half that of the controls in all parts of thelittle brain. These findings indicate that the hypomyelination of the mutant cerebrum might result from reduced oligodendroglial proliferation due to growth hormone deficiency.  相似文献   
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