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HNE (4-hydroxynonenal), a byproduct of lipid peroxidation, reacts with nucleophilic centers on proteins. A terminal alkynyl analog of HNE (alkynyl HNE, aHNE) serves as a surrogate for HNE itself, both compounds reacting with protein amine and thiol functional groups by similar chemistry. Proteins modified with aHNE undergo reaction with a click reagent that bears azido and biotin groups separated by a photocleavable linker. Peptides and proteins modified in this way are affinity purified on streptavidin beads. Photolysis of the beads with a low intensity UV light releases bound biotinylated proteins or peptides, i.e. proteins or peptides modified by aHNE. Two strategies, (a) protein catch and photorelease and (b) peptide catch and photorelease, are employed to enrich adducted proteins or peptide mixtures highly enriched in adducts. Proteomics analysis of the streptavidin-purified peptides by LC-MS/MS permits identification of the adduction site. Identification of 30 separate peptides from human serum albumin by peptide catch and photorelease reveals 18 different aHNE adduction sites on the protein. Protein catch and photorelease shows that both HSA and ApoA1 in human plasma undergo significant modification by aHNE.Polyunsaturated lipids in biological membranes are particularly reactive targets for oxygen radicals (13). Lipid peroxidation, the chain reaction of peroxyl radicals that is a consequence of oxidative stress, is thought to be involved in human diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, and neurodegenerative disorders (48). A variety of electrophilic compounds are byproducts of lipid peroxidation, 4-hydroxynon-2-enal (HNE)1 being a particularly toxic electrophile (912) that forms mutagenic DNA adducts (1315). HNE and other lipid-derived electrophiles also form protein modifications, and some of these adducts have been characterized on a limited number of proteins and peptides by mass spectrometry (MS) and in tissues by antibody-based methods (16). Until recently, relatively little was known about the target selectivity of oxidant-derived electrophiles in proteins, the relative reactivities of different amino acid targets, and the properties of the adducts. We recently described the application of a post-labeling strategy in which biotin hydrazide was used to biotinylate carbonyl-containing adducts formed by HNE in RKO cells (17). When combined with shotgun proteome analysis of the captured proteins, this approach provided a global perspective on patterns of protein damage by a prototypical lipid electrophile. However, biotin hydrazide labels many carbonyls, thus generating a background inventory derived from endogenous carbonyls, which is difficult to characterize and may mask more subtle patterns of selectivity in protein adduction. Moreover, the biotin hydrazide approach can only capture adducts with a reactive carbonyl group.To deal with these limitations, we have explored labeled electrophile probes and selective adduct capture chemistries (18). We recently reported that 4-hydroxynon-2-en-8-ynal, alkynyl-HNE (aHNE), can be used as an HNE surrogate in whole cells to isolate proteins that are adducted by this electrophile (19). aHNE displays similar toxicity in RKO cells as does HNE, and studies with model peptides and isolated proteins show that HNE and the alkynyl surrogate display similar chemistry in reactions with protein nucleophiles. For example, reaction of aHNE with proteins or peptides followed by sodium borohydride reduction gives Michael and imine adducts as shown in structures 1 and 2. This same chemistry is observed for HNE itself.Reaction of cellular aHNE protein adducts with an azido-biotin reagent followed by capture of the triazole cycloadducts on streptavidin beads permitted a number of adducted proteins to be identified by shotgun proteomics (19). Thus, tryptic digestion of the proteins pulled down by means of the alkyne affinity tag generates mixtures that include adducted peptides such as 3 as well as unmodified peptides. The chemistry associated with the alkynyl electrophile works as planned, but the strategy suffers from two significant drawbacks. First, nonspecific protein binding to the streptavidin beads complicates the identification of adducted proteins and second, biotinylated peptides such as 3 generated in the sequence have MS/MS fragmentation patterns that do not permit the ready identification of the amino acid adduction site on the peptide. The biotin appendage is a major site of positive charge localization in the MS/MS experiment, and the formation of characteristic b and y ions is frequently not sufficient for peptide identification.Open in a separate windowWe report here a strategy that couples the alkynyl electrophile azido-biotin capture for the isolation of adducted protein with a photochemical release of the adduct from streptavidin. This approach reduces the protein nonspecific binding problem because release from the bead requires only a photochemical event, and it permits the identification of specific nucleophilic sites on proteins that are modified by reactive electrophiles. By the application of this strategy to capture both adducted proteins and peptides, we have identified plasma protein targets of the probes and also mapped several nucleophilic sites on the plasma protein ApoA1 that are modified by aHNE.  相似文献   
Imatinib mesylate (STI571), a specific inhibitor of the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase, exhibits potent antileukemic effects in vitro and in vivo. Despite the well established role of STI571 in the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia, the precise mechanisms by which inhibition of BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity results in generation of antileukemic responses remain unknown. In the present study we provide evidence that treatment of CML-derived BCR-ABL-expressing leukemia cells with STI571 results in activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling pathway. Our data indicate that STI571 induces phosphorylation of the p38 and activation of its kinase domain, in KT-1 cells and other BCR-ABL-expressing cell lines. We also identify the kinases MAP kinase-activated protein kinase-2 and Msk1 as two downstream effectors of p38, activated during inhibition of BCR-ABL activity by STI571. Importantly, pharmacological inhibition of p38 reverses the growth inhibitory effects of STI571 on primary leukemic colony-forming unit granulocyte/macrophage progenitors from patients with CML. Altogether, our data establish that activation of the p38 MAP kinase signaling cascade plays an important role in the generation of the effects of STI571 on BCR-ABL-expressing cells. They also suggest that, in addition to activation of mitogenic pathways, BCR-ABL promotes leukemogenesis by suppressing the function of growth inhibitory signaling cascades.  相似文献   
When guard cell protoplasts (GCPs) of tree tobacco [Nicotiana glauca (Graham)] are cultured at 32 degrees C with an auxin (1-napthaleneacetic acid) and a cytokinin (6-benzylaminopurine), they reenter the cell cycle, dedifferentiate, and divide. GCPs cultured similarly but at 38 degrees C and with 0.1 micro M +/- -cis,trans-abscisic acid (ABA) remain differentiated. GCPs cultured at 38 degrees C without ABA dedifferentiate partially but do not divide. Cell survival after 1 week is 70% to 80% under all of these conditions. In this study, we show that GCPs cultured for 12 to 24 h at 38 degrees C accumulate heat shock protein 70 and develop a thermotolerance that, upon transfer of cells to 32 degrees C, enhances cell survival but inhibits cell cycle reentry, dedifferentiation, and division. GCPs dedifferentiating at 32 degrees C require both 1-napthaleneacetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine to survive, but thermotolerant GCPs cultured at 38 degrees C +/- ABA do not require either hormone for survival. Pulse-labeling experiments using 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine indicate that culture at 38 degrees C +/- ABA prevents dedifferentiation of GCPs by blocking cell cycle reentry at G1/S. Cell cycle reentry at 32 degrees C is accompanied by loss of a 41-kD polypeptide that cross-reacts with antibodies to rat (Rattus norvegicus) extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1; thermotolerant GCPs retain this polypeptide. A number of polypeptides unique to thermotolerant cells have been uncovered by Boolean analysis of two-dimensional gels and are targets for further analysis. GCPs of tree tobacco can be isolated in sufficient numbers and with the purity required to study plant cell thermotolerance and its relationship to plant cell survival, growth, dedifferentiation, and division in vitro.  相似文献   
The high-affinity binding site for [3H] diazepam has been solubilized from rat brain using 0.5% Lubrol-PX. Using a polyethylene glycol (PEG)-γ-globulin assay, it has been possible to demonstrate solubilization of about 60% of the binding sites in a single step. The solubilized binding site possesses a KD of 11 nM for [3H] diazepam compared to approximately 4 nM for the membrane-bound form, and binding is to a single class of sites. The order of potency of benzodiazepines is identical for the solubilized receptor and the membrane-bound form. Binding of [3H] diazepam is temperature dependent and higher at 4° than 37°C. Both urea and guanidine-HC1 were capable of totally inhibiting binding, and this inhibition was partly reversible; neither sulfhydryl groups nor carbohydrate moieties seem to be important for binding. γ-Aminobutyric acid which enhanced [3H] diazepam binding to membrane fractions was without effect on the solubilized binding site.  相似文献   
Hydroxyurea was used to study the proliferation rate of haemopoietic stem cells (CFUJ in normal mice, after irradiation or transplantation into irradiated recipients. It was demonstrated that the proliferation rate of endogenous CFUS (endo-CFU,) and exogenous CFUS (exo-CFUs) are identical. After irradiation (650 R) the surviving endo-CFUs begin to proliferate immediately. By contrast exo-CFU, transplanted into the irradiated recipient mouse (850 R), begin to proliferate only after about 30 hr. However, injection of isoproterenol (which stimulates adenyl cyclase) or dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate shortly after marrow cell graft, triggers the transplanted CFUS into cell cycle as shown by an almost immediately increased sensitivity to hydroxyurea. Isoproterenol is capable of inducing DNA synthesis also in stem cells of normal mice but it takes about 20 hr before CFU, become to be increasingly sensitive to hydroxyurea.  相似文献   
Abstract— An enzymatic-isotopic assay for the measurement of tyramine with a sensitivity of 1.0 ng has been developed. Using this assay, the endogenous content of tyramine in various tissues from adult rats has been determined. The highest tyramine content was found in rat heart atria, followed by salivary gland, kidney, and brain. Within the brain the distribution of tyramine is heterogeneous and the highest tyramine content was localized in the striatum.  相似文献   
Baseline c-AMP levels, and probenecid-induced accumulations of c-AMP and c-GMP in the lumbar CSF of depressed, manic, and schizophrenic patients failed to show differences when compared to controls screened to exclude affective, schizophrenic, and CNS neurological disorders. Cyclic-GMP baseline levels in all three psychiatric groups did approach a level of significance when compared to controls. The administration of psychotropic drugs to these patients failed to show significant differences in paired comparisons. Levels of c-GMP from lumbar CSF were found to be positively correlated to concentrations of c-AMP. Categorization of data according to sex, and then age did not result in a discernible trend. It seems unlikely on the basis of this investigation that measurement of cyclic nucleotides in lumbar CSF will be of significance in differentiating psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   
Inward-rectifying potassium (K+(in)) channels in guard cells have been suggested to provide a pathway for K+ uptake into guard cells during stomatal opening. To test the proposed role of guard cell K+(in) channels in light-induced stomatal opening, transgenic Arabidopsis plants were generated that expressed dominant negative point mutations in the K+(in) channel subunit KAT1. Patch-clamp analyses with transgenic guard cells from independent lines showed that K+(in) current magnitudes were reduced by approximately 75% compared with vector-transformed controls at -180 mV, which resulted in reduction in light-induced stomatal opening by 38% to 45% compared with vector-transformed controls. Analyses of intracellular K+ content using both sodium hexanitrocobaltate (III) and elemental x-ray microanalyses showed that light-induced K+ uptake was also significantly reduced in guard cells of K+(in) channel depressor lines. These findings support the model that K+(in) channels contribute to K+ uptake during light-induced stomatal opening. Furthermore, transpirational water loss from leaves was reduced in the K+(in) channel depressor lines. Comparisons of guard cell K+(in) current magnitudes among four different transgenic lines with different K+(in) current magnitudes show the range of activities of K+(in) channels required for guard cell K+ uptake during light-induced stomatal opening.  相似文献   
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