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Stress is often considered a risk factor for upper gastrointestinal tract disease, as any acute threat to homeostasis evokes an adaptive or allostatic response. Various types of stress may play a role in the onset and modulation of acute or chronic peptic ulcer disease. When upper endoscopy is employed, stress-related acute mucosal damage is found to develop shortly after admission to an intensive care unit in 60 to 100 percent of patients. However, the epidemiology of chronic peptic damage has not been accurately described by type of stressor, and any association is controversial. The incidence of chronic peptic ulcer disease is falling; the proportion of chronic peptic ulcers that are Helicobacter pylori negative appears to be between 5% and 20%, and some have suggested that stress or other psychological factors may play a role here. Therefore, our objective is to provide an overview of the epidemiology and clinical presentation of stress-related peptic damage, in order to shed insights into the current understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment.  相似文献   
Plant invasions of coastal wetlands are rapidly changing the structure and function of these systems globally. Alteration of litter dynamics represents one of the fundamental impacts of an invasive plant on salt marsh ecosystems. Tamarisk species (Tamarix spp.), which extensively invade terrestrial and riparian habitats, have been demonstrated to enter food webs in these ecosystems. However, the trophic impacts of the relatively new invasion of tamarisk into marine ecosystem have not been assessed. We evaluated the trophic consequences of invasion by tamarisk for detrital food chains in the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve salt marsh using litter dynamics techniques and stable isotope enrichment experiments. The observations of a short residence time for tamarisk combined with relatively low C:N values indicate that tamarisk is a relatively available and labile food source. With an isotopic (15N) enrichment of tamarisk, we demonstrated that numerous macroinvertebrate taxonomic and trophic groups, both within and on the sediment, utilized 15N derived from labeled tamarisk detritus. Infaunal invertebrate species that took up no or limited 15N from labeled tamarisk (A. californica, enchytraeid oligochaetes, coleoptera larvae) occurred in lower abundance in the tamarisk-invaded environment. In contrast, species that utilized significant 15N from the labeled tamarisk, such as psychodid insects, an exotic amphipod, and an oniscid isopod, either did not change or occurred in higher abundance. Our research supports the hypothesis that invasive species can alter the trophic structure of an environment through addition of detritus and can also potentially impact higher trophic levels by shifting dominance within the invertebrate community to species not widely consumed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Loss of wetland habitat has proceeded at an alarmingrate in southern California, and increasingly marshrestoration and creation are being used to mitigatethese losses. As part of an effort to evaluatefunctional equivalence of created systems, theichthyofaunal assemblages in a created and adjacentnatural marsh in Mission Bay, San Diego, Californiawere compared. Fishes trapped in both marshes includedFundulus parvipinnis, Gillichthysmirabilis, Acanthogobius flavimanus, Ctenogobius sagittula, Atherinops affinis, andMugil cephalus. Fundulus parvipinniswasnumerically dominant in both systems, representing onaverage 69% of all fishes trapped in the createdmarsh and 65% of all fishes trapped in the naturalmarsh. Gillichthys mirabiliswas the second-mostabundant species, representing on average 31% of allfishes trapped in the created marsh and 28% of allfishes trapped in the natural marsh. Species richnessand dominance measures were similar between the twosystems, while abundances were higher in the naturalrelative to the created marsh. The size-structure ofF. parvipinnisand G. mirabilisdifferedbetween the created and natural marsh creeks, with thecreated marsh populations being skewed towards largersize classes. These size differences are believed toarise from differences in creek morphology between thecreated and natural systems, and potentially affectboth predators and prey of these species in the marsh.Mark-release-recapture revealed considerable marshfidelity, with as many as 35% of the F.parvipinnistagged in a marsh being recovered one daylater in the same marsh. Stable isotope analyses ofF. parvipinnisrevealed similar 15Nand 34S values between marshes; howeverthere was a consistent enrichment in 13C (>3per mil) in tissues of F. parvipinnisfrom thecreated marsh, supporting the high marsh fidelitysuggested by tagging results. This first publisheddocumentation of the Mission Bay marsh resident fishessuggests that the created marsh ichthyofaunalassemblage was distinct in density and size structurefrom the adjacent natural marsh, and provides lessonsfor future restoration efforts.  相似文献   
Two research groups showed that several Bdellovibrio strains incorporated into their outer membranes intact OmpF porin proteins derived from their Escherichia coli prey. These results could not be reproduced by another group using Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109J. They showed that a major protein appearing in the Bdellovibrio Triton X-100-insoluble outer membrane was coded for by the bdellovibrios. We reconciled these results by examining the strain used by this group and by reviving a freeze-dried culture of strain 109J which had been stored for almost 9 years. B. bacteriovorus 109J failed to acquire substantial amounts of the OmpF protein from E. coli ML35, and a protein coded for by the bdellovibrios was expressed in its place. However, B. bacteriovorus 109J incorporated the OmpF protein from rough K-12 strains of E. coli, and the revived 9-year-old culture of B. bacteriovorus 109J incorporated more of the OmpF protein from the smooth E. coli ML35 than did its contemporary counterpart. The protein isolated from the outer membrane of the bdellovibrios was identified as the OmpF protein of E. coli by its protease peptide profile on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by Western blot analysis. This confirmed that bdellovibrios relocalize outer membrane proteins from their prey, but relocalization may be an unstable trait which can be influenced by the prey.  相似文献   
Cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) are the enzymes responsible for the biosynthesis of the precursor to the biologically active prostaglandins, prostacyclin, and thromboxane and are the molecular targets for nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Selective COX-2 inhibitors are antiinflammatory and analgesic but lack gastrointestinal toxicity, an undesirable side effect attributed to COX-1 inhibition. Crystallographic analysis of selective COX inhibitors complexed with either isoform provides some information about the molecular determinants of selectivity but does not provide information about the dynamics of inhibitor association/dissociation. We employed rapid-mixing techniques and fluorescence quenching to monitor the association and dissociation of a selective COX-2 inhibitor to COX-1 or COX-2. The association of the fluorescent diaryloxazole, SC299, with both enzymes occurs in a time-dependent fashion. Its binding to COX-2 occurs in three kinetically distinct steps whereas its binding to COX-1 occurs in two steps. In contrast to the relatively rapid association of SC299 with both enzymes, its dissociation from COX-2 is quite slow and occurs over several hours whereas the dissociation from COX-1 is complete in less than 1 min. The selectivity of SC299 as a COX-2 inhibitor correlates to its relative rates of dissociation from the two COX isoforms. A model is proposed for diarylheterocycle binding to COX's that integrates these kinetic data with available structural information.  相似文献   
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